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Tinidril ,

Republicans are working on it in the US.

Tinidril ,

There would have to be some kind of currently unforseen breakthroughs before something like that would be even remotely possible. In all likelihood, quantum computing would stay in specialized data centers. For the problems quantum would solve, there is really no advantage to having it local anyways.

Tinidril ,

You are mistaken. This is a "Russia is pathetically weak" post.

Tinidril ,

From a US perspective, I see these tactics being used far more extensively by wealthy individuals and corporate interests than I do Chinese interests. Unfortunately, our government and especially our politicians are often directly involved in spreading misinformation and suppressing the truth. We need strategies that function outside of government to close the gaps between reality and public perception.

Tinidril ,

Their interests aren't generally all that aligned, so that helps. It's pretty obvious that the garbage coming out of the cable news networks is at a minimum deeply sympathetic to American corporate interests, if not straight up misinformation.

Was this community banned on lemmy.world? I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.

As stated in the title, I went to some posts and comments that I had bookmarked for some media that I was trying to download. This was on my lemmy.world account. Turns out they're gone. Doing some digging and found out this community was still up but wasn't visible on lemmy.world. what happend?

Tinidril ,

I got banned for spreading "disinformation" about how badly the war with Ukraine is going for Russia.

Tinidril ,

AIPAC is dumping a boatload of foreign money on American elections aimed almost exclusively at eliminating progressives from both state and federal offices. Where is Hillary's gang and their hand wringing about foreign interference?

Tinidril ,

The most valuable asset that China has to gain from Taiwan is it's advanced microchip fabrication industry. Knowing that it would be destroyed greatly alters the value equation.

Defense planning of any kind is never about making it impossible for an adversary to succeed. In most cases that's not even possible. The goal is to make the adversary believe (based preferably on reality) that it will cost them more than they can hope to gain.

Tinidril ,

I believe the US has said that it will engage with Russian forces in Ukraine if Russia uses any nukes.

Tinidril ,

Justified genocide as collective punishment achievement unlocked!

Tinidril ,

Using nukes is probably the fastest way for Russia to end sanctions. There would be no need for sanctions once NATO ends Putin's government.

Tinidril , (edited )

It's funny how one side of the conflict actively avoids critical civilian infrastructure, while the other focuses on it almost exclusively. It's almost like there really are good guys and bad guys in this conflict.

Imagine the damage Ukraine could do to the Russian electric grid, given how ineffective Russian anti-air capability has proven to be. Talk about a target rich environment.

Tinidril ,

It's shameful that Canadian universities can't disentangle anti-Semitism from anti-Zionism.

Not "can't", but "won't". They know the difference, but they are incentivozed not to see it.

Tinidril ,

Austerity programs in the US have nothing to do with saving the government money. It's literally the goal to make life worse for working Americans, this making them more subservient to employers.

Tinidril ,

My experience as a suburban white kid growing up in the Reagan era was that racism was just something to learn about in history class. Part of me really misses being that naive.

Tinidril ,

I have a hunch that "working" would not exactly be a top priority.

Tinidril ,

That's how foreign policy works. When Biden has that "maybe" in hand it gives him more leverage over Netanyaho. As long as he avoids the most populated areas, it might not change to "definitely". If it goes that way, US law says that weapon shipments end.

This is something that should have been done ages ago, but it is the right move. Cut off all support and Israel buddies up with China, India, or possibly even Russia. (The latter is becoming unlikely as Russia begins to unravel). Cut off some token support and use the rest for leverage and it works a lot better.

Biden did try this earlier with delays in small arms shipments, but that was way too subtle.

Tinidril ,

When did I say the US gives a rats ass about the Palestinians? Check your assumptions maybe? Palestinians have no strategic relevance to the US one way or the other. It is, however, inconvenient to be connected to a genocide. The conflict is also fucking up US plans to leave the Middle East to Israel and Saudi Arabia so it can focus on Africa. It really doesn't want Israel's actions bringing the rest of the region into the conflict.

BTW: Not that I would expect you to check, but I literally said exactly the same phrase about the US not giving a rats ass about Palestine.

There are three regional powers in the Middle East. The US has Israel and Saudi Arabia. Russia has Iran. You don't think Russia would want to become dominant? You don't think China has interests in the Middle East?

If you can't see that Russia is no longer a top tier power, that explains a great deal.

Tinidril ,

Well yeah, it ain't happening since the US ain't cutting off all support for Israel. That is known and countries have shaped their strategies around it. The US abandoning Israel would be a table flipping event.

Russia would be importing weapons tech from Israel. Israel can't come close to matching Russia on production volume, and Israel's needs are a sliver of what Russia uses in Ukraine.

Tinidril ,

It's a lot of things. Graft is rampant, especially in the upper levels of Russian government. Almost half of government spending goes to graft. That means that a lot of things don't get done, or are done to lower standards. There has been massive flooding from failed infrastructure with tens of thousands of homes destroyed, and the government response has been almost non-existent.

Russia can't control their airspace so pretty much every day Ukrainian drones destroy another oil refinery. These make great targets because they supply a lot of the boom themselves and because Russia needs western tech to rebuild them. So far it's down 14% of capacity, and Russia doesn't seem to have a solution.

Morale among Russian troops is non-existent with many incidents of soldiers "fragging" superiors, and "barrier" troops ordered to fire on retreating storm troops. Men are being sent in with ridiculously bad equipment just to soak up bullets. US estimates are that Russia's losses are around 90% of the original invading force. Much of Russia's military is back filled with inexperienced conscripts. There are reports of pilots sabotaging their own planes to keep from flying suicide missions, and of course the whole Wagner fiasco.

There is a lot more that could be said, but I don't want to write a book here.

Tinidril ,

What does "left" have to do with it? Is it only leftists who object to genocide?

The number of voters dumb enough to switch from Biden to Trump is insignificant. What's going to happen is a whole lot of voters are just going to give up and stay home, and it won't have anything to do with how far left they are.

Just like every damn election, the left is telling the establishment how to attract voters, the establishment is ignoring the left, then the establishment will blame the left. The vast majority of those engaged enough to call themselves leftists are going to vote for Biden. It's the barely engaged working Americans who are going to check out.

Tinidril ,

They don't get called antisemitic, they get called "self hating Jews".

Tinidril ,

It's really not. US long term strategy is to disengage from the Middle East to focus on bringing freedom(tm) to Africa. The plan is to leave Israel and Saudi Arabia to babysit, which is what the ill-fated Abraham Accords were for from a US perspective. The US doesn't give a rats ass about the Palestinians, but being implicated in a genocide is inconvenient.

Tinidril ,

Gawd, it's exhausting how many people just lock into the bullshit frame of mainstream news.

Try to understand this please. Most Americans don't give a shit about left vs right politics. They give a shit about their kids, or the mortgage, or figuring out that issue that has there boss turning weird shades of purple.

The tiny sliver of Americans that are politically astuit enough to even realize that they are leftists are not what swings elections. This is exactly as dumb as the Republican delusion that it's poor brown people fucking them over.

It's the same tired bullshit every single damn election. Leftists tell the establishment how to rouse working Americans. The establishment ignores the left and loses. The establishment blames the left. Rince and repeat.

Tinidril ,

At least I get to live in the US where the right to protest is protected. /s

Tinidril ,

I'm not a tankie, and it's not a good thing, but this isn't exactly a great time for the US to puff it's chest out about our right to protest and protections for whistle blowers.

Tinidril ,

Has anyone heard about FISA being expanded?

Tinidril ,

I see you've been relying on the mainstream news narrative. There was nothing illegal about the protests until after the police started cracking down.

Then there was UCLA where pro-Israel counter protesters were dragging protesters out and beating them with sticks while an army of cops half a block away stood around with their thumbs up their asses.

It's the neoliberal way to keep protesting legal while making it all but impossible to actually do so without breaking some minor law. Then the police come in huge numbers with riot gear, rubber bullets, and chemical agents that aren't even legal in a warzone. Suddenly it's a "violent" protest.

Neoliberals are always on the side of the protesters starting about 10 years after the protests are over. Until then they always wring their hands and whine about how the protest was done. This is all the exact shit they said about every protest of the civil rights movement.

Tinidril ,

By referring to "tankies" it was already an implied comparison between Cuba and more western democracies, and this is the Midwest instance. Accusations of "Whataboutism" are way overdone.

Tinidril ,

First of all, I never said it was. Second, the results are not that far off, it just looks different. Don't forget that there are states where it's now explicitly legal to drive over protesters, and I already mentioned protesters getting beaten with sticks while the police stood by and watched. The US has just privatized much of the oppression.

Tinidril ,

Also, if you have any evidence of an actual crime happening before police crackdowns start, I'd live to see it. (Not something lame like loitering). If you think I'm biased, then show me I'm wrong.

Tinidril ,

The big oil corporations have been busy buying up all the competing charging networks, so that much tracks.

Tinidril ,

Some version of Jesus absolutely existed, since is was a pretty common name. Street preachers were not uncommon either, so it's very possible that there was one named Jesus.

The real debate about whether Jesus existed is whether any of the biblical stories are at all accurate. There is No reason to think they are.

Tinidril ,

Except they were two different claims. "Some guy named Jesus existed", and "Some guy named Jesus was a street preacher".

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