@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party cover
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar


@[email protected]

An itinerant squirrel poet, aka @MAJ1

New to the whole word smithing thing so don’t be too harsh.

Write as the muse hits me in the face, so output will probably be irregular, but I want to explore a world of art n poetry that has previously eluded me so will be boosting along those lines.

Boosting is the algorithm here, so if you like my stuff please get it out there 🙏


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Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 231 , Saturday 15/06/2024

So Geoff (you remember Geoff, the Gouty Great Left Toe ) was an asshole last night, ended up with him going commando stuck out the end of the bed!
Thankfully being evicted from the bed was enough to calm him & sleep ensued.

Up around 7am, breakfast, chores & knocking around the Fediverse for most of the day.

Out of the blue my Dad rang - he very rarely calls, but like me he is polite to fault & was calling to say thank you for his Father’s Day card.

I’ll catch up with him tomorrow when we go over to Liverpool for my Bro’s birthday.
Geoff is almost certainly gonna disapprove come Monday morning!

Watching Roadhouse (the new version) this evening, a surprisingly good , turn yer brain off movie, lovin the soundtrack too, I hope it’s on one of the streaming services !

Ohhhh on Apple Music! Cool !

Final Thoughts.

I’m a bit worried that I’m missing something - not felt the urge to hit the PlayStation in like 3 days …
Hey ho.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @Susan60 @actuallyautistic “Save me Susan!” cried Geoff ! 😜😂

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 230 , Friday 14/06/2024

I am going to shamelessly nick an idea of a dear friend & my left big toe will henceforth be known as ‘Geoff the Gouty Great Toe! (Big toes used to be called Great toes back in the olden days seemingly)

An awful night last night I ate something that Geoff really disapproved of & he was not shy in putting forth his view ! I took his disapproval for an hour then medicated his ass with some codeine & paracetamol.

Up early this morning despite the disturbed night & Mrs S. being on holiday. Pavlov’s Squirrel !

Had a fairly easy morning & rested my poor,sore tootsies.

It struck me this morning in the light of the last couple of days entries that there is one major problem with yon Social Prescriber getting me to go to this Social Cafe …. They are not providing me with the tools to cope with this first!

One of my NT guides pointed out ,& I’m paraphrasing here, that just because I can do the whole socialising thing doesn’t mean I should. There is such a concept as ‘too much of a good thing’.

I remember the last time I was in a prescribed ‘social’ situation - attending the Cardio rehab course after my MI. Long story short , it was a disaster , I ended up storming out on the penultimate session because the social pressures were too much!

Today ,online, one of my prominent traits showed up - I can be very blunt at times, I fail to ease my point into a conversation - my NT brain proffering to ‘hammer home’ the point rather than be more subtle & gentle.
My ASD diagnosis report picks up on this & makes the point that it can ,& indeed has, trip me up in social situations!

If I decide that I really do want to move out of my current comfort zone into a more physically social one then I need to work with the various health professionals to get the sequence right & get the tool kit first!

Tonight I felt that I struck a decent compromise for tea. I did have pizza , but Ham n mushroom not a meat feast - I felt the latter might be taunting the gout gods just a little too much.

At this point Geoff is quite happy so long as I don’t try anything too athletic. Hopefully that will continue thru tonight!

Final Thoughts.

Geoff has made his views very clear on the whole diet thing, namely that he is in charge!

Is it a good thing or a bad thing I have anthropomorphised my big toe ? Is this an indicator that I should resist mixing directly with the rest of the human race?

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Hey Kevin 👋😊

That is a really good idea, Mrs S. asked me what I wanted to eat this week, given the givens & I haven’t got a clue! A food diary might well help.

Problem at the moment is that I am not sure if Geoffs’ reactions are in near real time & if they are in fact associated with my short term diet.

If any medical professional types reading this - or gout sufferers, who could shed some light on this I would be eternally grateful to!

I need to get some exercise in too. I’m sure that will help.

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Hey CDP 🧚‍♀️🥰💜

Yeah I meant ND - my brain is being particularly obtuse at the moment!
Thanks for the heads up , edits have been made.

Pretty much all my social contact is online now, which suits me fine TBH , I know that I should want to get out & attend parties & chat with folk at cafes etc but one has to put so much effort into masking to do that. Especially as I cannot hide behind a Squirrel suit in the analog world. I think I’m a little quantum like that - your can either know my real identity or know my real self , but not both. Schrödinger would have a field day !

I have some truly fantastic online friends here including a Cheeky Dutch Pixy , and for that I am truly grateful! 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic P.S. Oooh I LOVE the pic , Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@moz @actuallyautistic Hey Moz 👋😊

I like that !

Geoff the gouty foot thumb 😆

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Hugs back & Thank you for all your help lovely 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 229 , Thursday 13/06/2024

A better nights sleep last nigh, although I did wake up early, had a nice chat with CDP 🧚‍♀️.

Mrs S. was in the office today & I really wasn’t feeling it this morning ,so after breakfast I went back to bed for a couple of hours.

My brain drove me out of bed just after 9am, unless I’m really quite poorly I cannot stay in bed for too long.

So I was reflecting on the meeting with the Social Prescriber yesterday & subsequent conversations with friends on here.
I wonder if I NEED to be more social than I am now. I wonder if the benefits outweigh the stress / anxiety etc. of being in a group of people.

Also the fact that any decent support is a decent distance away. (thanks UK Gov - so much for the promised improvement in MH services NOT !)

I am social to an extent, I regularly chat , laugh ,cry etc with so many lovely folk on here. Yes it is a relationship in a digital environment, but does that make it any less valid an experience?
The Fediverse is unlike any other Social Platform, it is possible to develop real friendships here & the lack of an algorithm makes for a more interactive experience!

Honestly I don’t know, when actually confronted with the help available, if it is worth pursuing.

On a more positive note I had a great banter session with several of the Peeps on here this afternoon / evening , thanks to all who participated, I enjoyed it enormously! 😊

Final Thoughts.

I never expect that I was fighting for so little, it is quite the anti-climax.
I am glad I got my diagnosis, that has helped me understand myself in ways I did not expect, & almost every day I learn something new.
Apart from anything else I found a whole group of Peeps who relate to & share experiences & challenges unique to ND folk!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Hey Kevin 👋😊

I really must try to get to Tim’s stuff a bit sooner in the day!

This is my thought too - just because I can does not necessarily mean I should.
I guess there is a balance to be found.

I’ve had some thoughts on this which I’ve started to write up for tonight , no spoilers 😆

Even though I present myself in a different guise here I actually mask a lot less than in the analog world. That is unlikely to change.

I kinda felt that this place counted, I’m glad others agree! 😊

You take care today, look after that back mate! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic Hey DT 🤗🥰

Thank you 😊

I don’t want to be negative here , but there is a difference between us, one of the principle reasons for me being socially challenged is being NT, that isn’t changing.

That does not in anyway mean that there is not a sweet spot that I can achieve with the right tool set. But to mix in the analog world, will I suspect, require me to use a set of mental exercises to manage triggers & curtail my less adorable traits.

I try to be sociable & to help folk where I can.

I love that we get to share this space & have such a good time here 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you CDP 🧚‍♀️🥰💜 🙏

There is some really good stuff here , I shall try my best sweetie ! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@alexisbushnell @actuallyautistic Hey Alexis 👋😊

I struggle a lot with people to people synchronous communication , I can generally do it with small numbers under duress , but large groups are … problematical.

Not good at organising events.

Like you online, specifically Mastodon , is the place where I thrive socially.

Have a good evening Alexis ,😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic DM’d ya sweetie , I’m sorry came over stronger than I meant to 🤦‍♂️ 🫂 🫶

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@ScottSoCal @alexisbushnell @actuallyautistic Hey 👋😊

Exactly ! !

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar
Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@cvwillegen @ScottSoCal @alexisbushnell @actuallyautistic Aye , you can’t swear at someone then delete it !

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 228 , Wednesday 12/06/2024

Had a somewhat disturbed night, I experimented with having a full glass of water with my bedtime tablets to help hydrate me , what actually happened was rather than sleeping thru I was woken by the old call of nature around 3am & utterly failed to fall back into a deep sleep, tossing & turning for the rest of the night.
We won’t be making that mistake again unless there is conclusive proof it’s required (i.e. another gout flare up that can’t be traced to anything else!)

Finally got up around 6am , breakfast t etc ensued.

My feet are both sore , not cripplingly so, just enough to make walking unpleasant.

Spent a chunk of time on here today, honest I’m not addicted to Social Media 😆

Went to see a Social Prescriber this afternoon.
There are no services in local area that will be able to help me 🙄🤦‍♂️
The best she could off was a social cafe , with crafts & board games & coffee !
Is it me or does this smack of old peoples home ?
I have not said no , but we are going to review the situation in a month.

By chance Mrs S. in her official role received news of an Autism Hub that has opened this year about a hours drive away. So this maybe an avenue of opportunity.

Back on here again this afternoon / evening , currently expecting a spirited discussion on the state of UK politics on my other a/c.

Final Thoughts.

2 steps staggered forward , 1 step slipped back. Hey ho, it’s still progress!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Evening Kevin 👋😊

How’s the spine my friend ?

I got the feeling that they had a broader client base, not just autistic folk but others in need of such services too.

I am not sure that it will be for me, but there is very little else in the immediate area.
I had hoped for something ‘more’ but cannot articulate what that might be.
The hub as you say does sound a lot more promising , I need a referral so I’ll take the details with me the next time I see either the GP , the MH Prac or the SP.

It’s a bit of a hike, but I guess it was always too much to hope that local MH services would be up to scratch.

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@ldmay65 @actuallyautistic Thank you Donna 🙏 🤗🥰
I did , hope that you & yours are well 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Morning Keving 👋😊
Good to hear your back is recovering, these things take time, longer as we get older - thanks evolution!

This one is in the nearest city so you’re not wrong.

Have a good day my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖

pathfinder , to ActuallyAutistic group
@pathfinder@beige.party avatar


I often describe myself as a minimal speaker. It's because whilst I can speak, unless seriously overwhelmed, I vastly prefer not to. In large part, this is because the effort of speaking, and it is, more often than not, a real effort for me, rarely seems worth it. Since realising I am autistic, I have come to realise why this could be and also why communicating on here is so much easier and not just because it's text, because I struggle with that elsewhere too.

Language, whether text or verbal, is communication. Whether that be communicating thoughts, or feelings. Expressing emotions, or ideas. It is the medium and not the source. The source is where these things are coming from and it is what shapes our use of the medium and therefore in large part the assumptions we make about how others are using it and therefore the likely success of any communication.

Enter the double-empathy theory and the general acknowledgement that autism is a fundamental difference in the ways in which our brains work, often exampled by describing it as a different operating system. It means that whilst I am using the same language to talk with allistics, how we're both using it, the ends and purpose, even the nature of the information being transmitted, can often be fundamentally different.

An example I have used, is to compare it to a foreign language speaker with a reasonable understanding of the local language, but having to work incredibly hard to keep up with a conversation and having to constantly check their translations and whether or not they were making the right replies and not offending anyone. But to be truly accurate, you would also have to add in a cultural divide, a root level difference in the expectation and assumptions they are making about life and how this was also shaping their communication.

This, I think, is why speaking has always been so hard for me. Why it's always been so much of an effort and often without point. It's not that I am speaking a foreign language, or that my words themselves can't be understood. But that the information I am attempting to convey and the intended purpose of that information, is so far out of phase with the expectations of those around me, that miscommunication, confusion and the all too familiar fallout becomes almost inevitable. It's also why speaking here is so much easier.

Effective communication is more than just using the right words, it's about realising the intent and purpose behind those words. About understanding where someone is coming from as much as what they are trying to say. And that, as the saying goes, takes two to tango.

Tim_McTuffty ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Hey Kevin 👋😊

For the longest time I thought I was an effective communicator, just weird because I struggle intensely with initiating ‘live’ conversations with people.
Once I get going however it is difficult to shut me up!

Asynchronous ,written comms are far & away my preferred medium, I get time to review my initial ND thoughts & amend them for a wider audience.
(He said merrily editing this response).

I knew I struggled sometimes to get my point across & I knew that sometimes I didn’t fully understand the subtleties of conversing with another. Again I just thought I was weird.

In recent years (since the Pandemic lockdowns especially) agoraphobia has been a thing for me & it struck me that it is like there is an invisible barrier that I have to break thru. The back doors to the garden are difficult, the front doors to the ‘outside’ world need some serious effort.
‘Live’ comms is much the same as trying to get out into the wider world!

When I got the ASD diagnosis report back from the consultant psychiatrist I was really surprised at the level of ‘normal’ communication I was failing to either exhibit or understand. I mean talk about wandering around with a virtual bag over my head!

Mrs S. is a MH social worker & during our discussions since starting on this journey we have spoken many times about how ND folk are ‘helped’ to comply with ‘normal’ standards. It has always struck me as grossly unfair.

Reading your thoughts today I agree, there is this element of ND folk not being able to convey successfully our thoughts / intended meaning to NT folk , but as with so many things it is the minority that have to make the changes to address this.
I feel that the world would be a happier place (for all) if the majority of NT folk realised that it does indeed take two to tango!

Tim_McTuffty ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@MxVerda @pathfinder @actuallyautistic There are some very stupid people out there , I totally understand where you are coming from!
Long Covid is a barsteward , I share TLs with a couple of folk who suffer , not nice!

You do right Mon ami! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 227 , Tuesday 11/06/2024

Up around 5:30, breakfast & chores ensued.

Had to play taxi for Mrs S. so that I could have the car to go to the GPs appointment, I would normally walk, but given the gout flare up last week I chickened out!

This morning I went to see the Doctor who sorted my ASD assessment out for me, that man is a Saint!
So different to his colleague who was - ‘Nope cannot do anything for anyone at any time , certainly not if it costs money! ‘

Today was the first time in a very long time that I have come out of Drs appointment smiling!
We are on with sorting out the ADHD assessment, there are a couple of forms I have to fill out & a couple of forms he has to fill out then it’s a case of sending them off & waiting.

I am seeing a Social Prescriber tomorrow afternoon (I’m telling you Dr S (I know !! But hey that’s his initial 😆 ) is a freakin magician when he puts his mind to it! ) to set up a care plan .. dunno owt about that but I’m sure that I will know a lot more tomorrow !

Dr S. is also referring me to the Primary MH Practitioner - Beth - who I saw before the whole ASD journey started & indeed was the one that set my feet upon this path. I misjudged her last time when I thought she had just bundled me off to 3rd parties. I will approach our next appointment with more knowledge & I hope that she doesn’t hold a grudge.

Dr S. has also forwarded my diagnosis letter to the Community MH team , he’s not sure if this will help but at this point he is reaching out for me to all those who might be able to help!

And out of the blue my journey moves into top gear again!

14:00 - forms for ADHD referral are done, just need to drop them off.

Played NMS this afternoon, ticked off a few achievements then had to go & pick up Mrs S.

I dropped off the forms for the ADHD referral en-route - I’d like to say I jogged from the car to the receptionists desk & back, but the truth was much, much more ungainly!

Made a ham salad for tea with some new potatoes , it was a bit of a challenge because herself does not believe in buying anything more than she absolutely has to to feed herself. Hey ho, for all that it wasn’t too bad.

Finished the evening off with a bit of TV & catching up on here.

Final Thoughts.

A dear friend lost a close family member today, I won’t tag them , but they & those that share TLs with us both know who I mean. Lots of love my friend , know you are in my thoughts. 🫂 🫶

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


EDIT: fixed a typo.

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@HeatherMJ @actuallyautistic Hey Heather 🤗🥰

It was a very positive morning, cheered me up a lot!

Hope you had a good day yourself sweetie 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@MxVerda @pathfinder @actuallyautistic @jared Hey I get enuf harassment from the Peeps that share my TL (stop trying to look innocent you lot !) , I don’t need any more 😜😂

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@pathfinder @actuallyautistic Thanks Kevin.

Tis only the first step, but at least the whole thing is moving again!

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@Cbfoley @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@HeatherMJ @actuallyautistic Hey Heather 🤗🥰

Glad that peace has returned !
I don’t blame you for not wanting to be in the car with arguing siblings.

My Brother & Sister had a major falling out a few years ago, the heat has gone out of it, but it still lurks in the background 🙄🤦‍♂️

Hope you have a really good day today 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic I cheated a little with Dr S. the ‘S’ is his first initial not his surname, but he likes to be called by his first name (obs with the honorific) & his surname is a bugger to pronounce so from here on out he will be Dr S. 😊

I remember our chats, & I am pursuing this road because I do hope that in understanding myself better I can be more at peace with myself & others.

I look forward to the next expedition, hopefully by then you will have moved & have some time to join me, I would enjoy that a lot CDP 🧚‍♀️🥰💜

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@si_irini @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@ldmay65 @actuallyautistic Hey Donna 🤗🥰

Thank you 🙏 I did 😊

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@skyfire747 @actuallyautistic Hey Puzzler 😊

Thankee kindly my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic I won’t 😆

I understand that it won’t be easy & it is not a cure all, but something better is worth striving for.

Of course I will, no aliens get to shoot my friends up ! 😊

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar
Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 226 , Monday 10/06/2024

Up at 5:30 because my brain hates me !
Read for a while then did the whole breakfast / chores thing with a bit of SM thrown in for good measure.

I need to get focused on building motivation again, I’m slowly stagnating here & I’m not happy with myself for being this way.

A little help from certain other quarters woudn’t go amiss but that is unlikely !

Hey ho , started th energy ‘Adrift’ NMS expedition this afternoon, it was nice to have a change of pace & scenery - post apocalypse Boston is all very well but it lacks things like greenery (unless you count the Super Mutants & the glowing wildlife ! )

I’m still in the Euclid Galaxy so I have a funny feel that my first hyperspace jump may not go smoothly …

Final Thoughts.

Not a bad day, just want to build some motivation & get doing stuff.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar
Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@si_irini @actuallyautistic It seems to be a common problem at the moment. But hey this too will pass NGP🧚🥰

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 225 , Sunday 09/06/2024

Had a nice long lay in today, up at around 8am.

My stomach survived trial by pizza so a normal breakfast was enjoyed.

Quiet day , mostly catching up on here.

Binge watched ‘Red Eye’ (the recent ITV series) exciting stuff !

So this is why I rarely step in to discussions on SM.
My NT nature makes me blunt, it also sometimes makes the reality of a situation very clear to me.
This is the case with climate change.
Don’t get me wrong , I am fully aware of the problem, its causes, in my own way I do my little bit to fight the good fight.
I made a comment today, to the effect that I did not believe that efforts to tame the oil industry would succeed, I was politely, but firmly told to shut up & bugger off.
Fine, I will know better next time, that this is a polarised area of discussion & those that point out realities are not tolerated by either side. I shall hold my peace & watch what happens.
I could turn this diary into a socio/political platform to air my views but I’m not going to, it is not for that. However when folks are intolerant I feel that that deserves a mention.

Final Thoughts.

Humaning is hard, that’s why am Squirrel!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@ldmay65 @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 & Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

I try my best. Sometimes I am just too blunt. Being autistic leaves me lacking in people skills , especially communication skills. This complicates things.
Also I don’t know when to shut up …

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@si_irini @actuallyautistic Thank you my dear Irini 🙏 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@ScottSoCal @ldmay65 @actuallyautistic Yeah, I can relate to that, Data is a favourite of mine, I suspect for much the same reason. The scene where he pushes Beverly Crusher into the sea on the holodeck would totally be me !

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic Hey DT 🤗🥰

I feel the same, don’t just shut me down with essentially ‘if you’re not with us you’re against us’ argue the merits (or lack of) the positions posited !
Prove me wrong & I will accept that as new knowledge & move on a better informed individual!

No problems with the late night ramble sweetie 🤗🥰

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@PixysJourney @actuallyautistic Thank you CDP 🧚‍♀️🥰💜

Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@skyfire747 @DoubleTreble @actuallyautistic Evening Puzzler 👋😊

Truth be know I think that what ever ‘progress’ we make with the oil industry is very carefully managed by them. But that is just my view.

The UK too is getting more extreme weather events. Month after month is hotter than last year , we get more rain & more storms.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening my friend 😊🫶🐿️🖖

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 223 , Friday 07/06/2024

Up around 6am again , my foot was much better but without the codeine to balance the side effects of the Colchicine my digestive system went on the rampage!

Lots of exercise up & down the stairs today - it wasn’t pretty.

Come tea time & I was able to keep a glass of water inside me, so soup & a bread roll has been consumed - results being awaited as we speak (7:35pm)

Hopefully all will be well & I can have a naughty pizza for tea tomorrow !

Final Thoughts.

I am so glad my foot is so much better, that was a very unpleasant experience !

Special thanks to all who have supported me with love & laughs ! 🤗🥰

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


Tim_McTuffty OP ,
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

@si_irini @actuallyautistic Thank you 🙏 🤗🥰

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