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OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)

From the other place:

Extremely high res moon photo, with enhanced colours. The surface is pockmarked and traces of different elements are apparent across the surface.
Thorry84 ,

Multiple reasons:

Higher speed impacts penetrate deep, but also cause the rock to melt. This fills in deeper craters, limiting the max depth a crater can be. There are still very deep huge craters, but these look more like big depressions than craters, because of how big they are. They are also themselves covered with craters usually, making their size and shape harder to see.

Because the diameter of the moon is 3474km, a difference of several kilometers would only amount to a fraction of a percent. So even though one crater is for example 10km deeper than another, relative to the size of the moon this is practically nothing. When viewing pics like these where the whole moon is visible, this matters.

The moon is a very uniform gray color and lacks the indicators our brain use to gauge depth. This makes it very hard to guess how deep the different craters are. You can see some craters have more shadows where others don't, but they are also different shapes and sizes and the lighting is different so it's hard to see.

There is also probably some part of the speeds of incoming stuff being within a certain range and the moonrocks being relatively uniform in materials, so the range of craters than can exists is probably limited. But I'm not certain how big of an factor this is and what the range is.

Thorry84 ,

There are plenty of missions right now. China has landed a rover on the moon this month. And multiple countries have satellites in orbit around the moon. Nasa has their Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter which takes very high resolution images of the moon all the time and these are publiced on their website.

Thorry84 ,

Where I live all barricades get regular inspection, cleanup and repair/maintenance where needed.

Thorry84 ,

Why would you need psexec to run services.msc? You can just open the services by running it directly or even from the start menu.

Thorry84 ,

I prefer to think of it like there is some fake Europe wannabe out there and the poster wanted to make sure people knew he was talking about the real Europe.

Thorry84 ,

I feel this applies to more than just adhd, for example things like burn-out and depression.

Thorry84 ,

These kinds of products are always scams.

All dehumidifiers and airconditioners can pull water out of the air when the air is very humid. This water isn't very clean whilst in the air, as there is a lot of airborne pollution and bacteria in there. But with some simple treatment and filtering you could drink it. However the tray where the water collects is super dirty, it's always moist and collects all the nasties in the air and the water. Those places are breeding grounds for all kinds of bacteria and if it doesn't drain properly it's a real health risk. Legionnaires disease was named after some old folk got sick due to a faulty aircon system. So getting water from the air is one thing, cleaning that water is a whole other ballgame.

Keeping devices like this clean is a hassle and usually requires a lot more water than it ever produces, not to mention the cleaner (usually some chlorine based thing) that goes down the drain and pollutes the planet. And if you don't keep it clean, you have a major health risk. Often there are parts that are hard to get to, but get dirty anyways and are a pain to get to and clean properly. Especially since they need max surface area for the thing to work, but that means a lot of surface area to clean. And when that surface area is crammed into a small device, that means poor access.

Then there's the simple fact it costs a LOT of energy to pull the water from the air and then more energy to clean that. It's much easier to simply collect dirty water (for example ground water, surface water or even collected rainwater) and clean that water. This is just as easy to do as with the water pulled from the air, but without expending a lot of energy to collect the water. With a proper setup you can even put in salty sea water and get out clean drinking water. This works so well, most smaller islands get their drinking water from these kinds of setups that simply filter seawater (usually some kind of reverse osmosis setup is used).

The next issue is that these tiny devices are usually very inefficient due to their small surface area, where a large aircon system can pull out a lot of water with relative ease, these smaller devices can't. And if you already have the aircon running, these devices can't really compete and simply produce nothing at all. But let's say you have a pretty humid home and don't run an aircon or dehumidifier. Then the thing uses up a lot of energy, but pulls that water out of the air. But then what? Now the air is dry, so it'll pull less and less water out of the air.

Then there's the cost. As said these things use a lot of energy and you still need to clean the water after. This means the price per liter can be much higher than even bottled water. If the water you get from the centralized system in your area isn't clean enough, consider a setup to clean that, it will still be cheaper than the water this thing gets. Even in places where there isn't any water nearby and a central system isn't available, it's cheaper to ship the water by truck (either in large containers like a 1000L IBC, or with a tanker truck). This costs a lot of money, but is still cheaper than getting it from the air.

These kinds of devices have been around for decades and never work. It's a dumb concept to begin with and often the marketing is even dumber.

Bonus dumb points for marketing these things for arid poor areas for people who don't have any water. Those people don't have the money to buy them, don't have the money to run or maintain them. And they don't even work in arid areas anyways, since there is no moisture in the air to pull out. And just a friendly reminder, the only reason those people don't have water is because they are poor. Because they are poor, they can't buy water, and since this world runs on capitalism: If there is no buyer there is no product.

Thorry84 , (edited )

Good advice, just to add to this:

  • Comments should be part of code review, having at least two pairs of eyes on comments is crucial. Something that's obvious to one person maybe isn't so obvious to another. Writing good comments is as hard or harder than writing good code, so having it checked for mistakes and quality is a must
  • Comments aren't the actual documentation and aren't a reason not to write documentation to go along with your code. Often I see larger projects where each class and function is documented in comments, but the big picture and the how and why of the overall structure is completely missing. Remember that in the real world you often have a lot of folk that need to understand how the code works, who aren't programmers themselves. They can't read the code or don't have access to the code. Writing documentation is still important.
  • Please for the love of god when you change code, check if the comments need to be updated as well. Not just around the immediate area, but also the entire file/class and related files. I've worked on large codebases before with a high wtf factor and having the code do something different to or even opposite the comments is a nightmare. I'd rather have no comments than wrong comments.
Thorry84 ,

Agreed, removed

Thorry84 ,

Don't do that, there's wires and pipes in there. If anything needs maintenance or replacing it's a nightmare with expanding foam gluing everything together.

Just put in some steel mesh on the bottom, fill with isolation materials, lock it in with more steel mesh and put a nice cover plate over it.

Thorry84 ,

All this mother fucker does is sleep all day and get fat, too lazy to get up for just about anything.
Then in the middle night he goes: "Yes I am a hunter of the savanna, just like a cheetah I also can run at 90 miles per hour!" and runs his ass all around the house. But because he's fat and uncoordinated he bumps into everything and because he's also an asshole he throws everything he can on the ground.

Then when he's tired and wants a place to sleep, he decides your fucking face is probably the best to get comfy.

Ugh the life of a cat owner.

Thorry84 ,

The problem is you can never make such a rule without the people playing the system abusing them.

Thorry84 ,

No the "AI" isn't a threat in itself. And treating generative algorithms like LLM like it's general intelligence is dumb beyond words. However:

It massively increases the reach and capacity of foreign (and sadly domestic) agents to influence people. All of those Russian trolls that brought about fascism, Brexit and the rise of the far right used to be humans. Now a single human can do more than a whole army of people could in the past using AI. Spreading misinformation has never been easier.

Then there's the whole replacing peoples jobs with AI. No the AI can't actually do those jobs, not very well at least. But if management and the share holders think they can increase profits using AI, they will certainly fire a lot of folk. And even if that ends up ruining the company down the line, that costs even more jobs and usually impacts the people lower in the organization the most.

Also there's a risk of people literally becoming less capable and knowledgeable because of AI. If you can have a digital assistant you carry around on your pocket at all times answer every question ever, why bother learning anything yourself? Why take the hard road, when the easy road is available? People are at risk of losing information, knowledge and the ability to think for themselves because of this. And it can become so bad, when the AI just makes shit up, people think it's the truth. And in a darker tone, if the people behind the big AIs want something to not be known or misrepresented, they can make it happen. And people would be so reliant on it, they wouldn't even know this happens. This is already an issue with social media, AI is much much worse.

Then there is the resource usage for AI. This makes the impact of crypto currency seem like a rounding error. The energy and water usage is huge and becoming bigger every day. This has the potential to undo almost all of the climate wins we've had for the past two decades and push the Earth beyond the tipping point. What people seem to forget about climate change is once things start becoming bad, it's way too late and the situation will deteriorate at an exponential rate.

That's just a couple of big things I can think of on the top of my head. I'm sure there are many more issues (such as the death of the internet). But I think this is enough to call the current level of "AI" a threat to humanity.

Thorry84 ,

What are you?

An idiot sandwich


An idiot sandwich chef Ramsay

Thorry84 ,

Nah man we had some Sahara sand blow through, covered everything in a big layer of yellow dust. The next day it rained and the dust combined with the rain made some sort of cement which is stuck to my car. On places where the water pooled, like at the edges of the mirrors and the door seals it's caked on good.

Haven't bothered to clean it tho, just get annoyed every time I see it. Maybe I will clean it this weekend (I won't)

Thorry84 ,

I love how the author went out of his way not to mention dogging

Thorry84 , (edited )

And just about anything you try to do to actually read the description would start the movie, including doing nothing for 10 secs (because you are fucking reading the description). Till you hit the back button which just boots you back to the home screen, so you can start the selection process all over again.

Helpfully they do include IMDB scores when browsing for stuff, sadly all their stuff is total shite so all the scores are low. But hey, at least they include them.

The only way to watch anything on Prime is to make your selection in advance somewhere else and then search for it. If you type in the literal title of the movie, it will mostly be in the top 10 of the search results. This includes resuming watching something you were watching, like their hit series Fallout. You would expect the resume watching thing to be proudly the first item on the home page. OMG you actually watched something of ours, we are so happy. Nope it's buried away on the 5th or 6th line and you need to scroll to get to it. It also happily resumes the previous episode at the credits, without the helpful next episode button. If you do manage to get to the next episode, you will need to watch the first 5 secs of same ad you've seen a million times (because they only seem to have the one ad on their platform) before you can skip to the content.

I don't know what those guys are smoking, but their app is total garbage.

Usually big corps collect all your personal information and tell you it's a good thing because they use it to make useful recommendations. That way you at least get something out of it. At Amazon they just take all your personal data and when it comes to recommendations it gives you a big middle finger. I don't know here's a romcom from 12 years ago, you like that stuff right? Whatever fuck off.

Thorry84 ,

I've found the most important part of finding a mate on Lemmy is to run Arch Linux. If you do not run Arch Linux, are you even trying?

I use Arch BTW

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

Thorry84 ,

You are not wrong. I am vegetarian for about 15 years and I've literally have had a father of a friend yell at me. He was telling vegetarians aren't real and if anybody would actually not eat meat for a couple of months they would die because they would be missing vital nutrients only found in meat. He was yelling at me to stop telling lies and be truthful.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the author]

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  • Thorry84 ,

    It is not, this is a totally normal thing almost everybody does. Listening to songs create mental pathways and those can be triggered by hearing the words in another context. Especially for lyrics/songs that are designed to be easy to remember/catchy.

    It only becomes a sign of mental disorder when you cannot prevent yourself from singing the song upon hearing the lyrics. Just hearing the lyrics and even singing the song is absolutely normal. Even when it is related to a mental disorder, this kind of thing isn't indicative of a specific disorder. It can be an indicator of a form of autism, ADHD, a compulsive disorder or PTSD. Even someone who is normally healthy but is under a lot of stress could display this symptom.

    This is why self diagnosis is so dangerous, just because you display some symptom that could normally be associated with some disorder absolutely does not mean you actually have that disorder. If it even is a symptom to start with.

    Thorry84 ,

    Duke Nukem Forever was the victim of this (among other issues). Expectations were so high, by the time it finally released it couldn't do anything but be an absolute failure. It still sold well, because of the hype, but the game was total trash and ruined any chances of a new Duke Nukem for a long time.
    Part of it is also internal, the game gets delayed, people get hyped up and voice their expectations. The devs hear those expectations and see their game doesn't live up to it and delay the game to make it better. It's an endless race you can't ever win.

    Thorry84 ,

    Half Life was always about pushing the boundaries of gaming. The first Half Life with their combination of story telling in a 3D shooter environment was absolutely at the sharp end of the field at that time. If you've seen the Black Mesa documentary you'll know why HL2 was such a hit and how it was revolutionary at that time. After that they did some DLC, but Valve wasn't happy with what they were doing. It wasn't groundbreaking, it was just creating content for the sake of content. As they didn't need any more money from creating games, they opted to not create HL3.
    It wasn't till VR became more mainstream they again tried to do something at the sharp end of the field, by creating HL Alyx.

    I don't know what would prompt them to ever make a HL3 if such a thing even exists.

    Thorry84 ,

    Agreed, but that's not how a studio looks at IP. Any IP is only as good as it's most recent content.

    Thorry84 ,

    Agreed, large spools are too much if you want to play around with all the colors. I have a box of old filament, each spool in plastic with a dry packet and the whole box with a couple of bags of drying stuff and a good seal on the top. But after getting a spool out to use recently (spool about 2 year old) and it printed like shit. I tried putting it in a dryer, but it didn't help. So I tried more of these spools and they almost all seem to have gone bad.

    Such a shame, I should have bought smaller spools, but they are harder to get and often more expensive.

    Thorry84 ,

    I think what the user is trying to say: I'm moving a large number of files to different locations. So selecting a large number of files and copy pasting isn't really helpful. I can imagine navigating to a folder, selecting the right file, copy, navigate to the other folder, paste etc. to be very inefficient. I can imagine in such a case a copy to / move to feature is useful and I have seen that feature in a lot of other places.

    Of course the user would be helped somewhat if he understood what cut meant and the other commenter isn't really helpful in this aspect. Just saying: "There is cut" doesn't help if the user doesn't understand what cut means.

    Also calling a user out like this is really uncool, the user obviously doesn't have English as a first language and/or has trouble expressing their selves. This doesn't invalidate them or their request.

    Thorry84 ,

    I don't know this exact meter, but I had a little optical sensor on my meter for years. There was a dial that rotated once per a given volume, it had a black part and a white part. This way a single led and light detector could measure exact revolutions and be able to read out the value. This way it didn't have to read the numbers, which is much harder and can't measure small increments very well.

    My meter got replaced with a smart kind years ago, so now I simply have a port that can be read out directly with way more information. But my janky led and light detector thing worked very well for years. Since this was years ago it ran a very simple PIC micro, nothing like a full fledged ESP platform.

    Thorry84 ,

    Ha ha ja just the other day Hanz made a funny joke he was going to arrive at 13:00 for his 13:00 meeting. We all laughed so hard. Naturlich he was perfectly on time arriving at 12:45, but we still laugh about it. When the meeting started he mentioned it and everyone was laughing and laughing for a good 30 sekunden or even a minute.

    That Hanz, such a jokester. And people say the German have no humor, ha that is a joke!

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