
@[email protected]

I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

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Thorny_Insight OP ,

There's no more bearings, everything has already been disassembled. This has loose cup and cone bearings. It's only half of the freehub that's left stuck to the wheel hub. You're supposed to remove it by unscrewing a bolt that's holding it thru the wheel hub from the brake disc side with a long hex key but I stripped the hex slot in it.

Thorny_Insight ,

Thepickardmaneuver or whatever and Luxefre or something are the only two I can think of. Another one posts a lot and the other made a good argument at some point.

There's a ton more that I recognize when I see their name but can't think of of the top of my head.

There are also few I've blocked that I don't give the pleasure of mentioning their names.

Edit: oh and kolanki(?)

Thorny_Insight ,

Plumber & Home improvement contractor

I recently started my own business and now I do variety of jobs related to home maintenance except electrical. If this'll pay enough to keep me and my SO fed then based on my experience so far it was the best decision of my life. It doesn't really even feel like work and 98% of customer encounters have been positive. I've gotten 5x more thank yous in 2 months than I got in 10 years at my previous job. We've all had bad experiences with shitty contractors. I truly try to not be one of them.

Thorny_Insight ,

I agree but there's also an add-on for that

Thorny_Insight ,

I must be watching different videos than the people complaining about YouTube comments. The ones I see are virtually all positive.

Thorny_Insight OP , (edited )

Overall the trip was a success. I don't let a minor setback bring me down!

Thorny_Insight OP ,

This hub was warning me about the impeding failure for a good year and a half and I kept ignoring it knowing full well that this day was coming. I knew I'd be able to ride back home anyway so I don't worry about it.

I'm the most atypical mountain biker you'll encounter and preventative maintenance isn't really my cup of tea. I ride it till it fails and then I replace it. I'm actually surprised my rear tire held up for longer than the hub. That thing is held together with duct tape and holy spirit.

Thorny_Insight ,

I mean you signed up on lemmy.marxism-leninism. Yeah they tend to lean left, lol.

But yeah your observation indeed is is correct. Not only does lemmy lean left it often leans pretty far left too. It might feel like a breathe of fresh air but it's still a bubble and echo chamber. It's the same as truth social but the exact opposite. Nothing wrong with that per-se but it's a good thing to keep in mind. Factual information is regularly downvoted here not because it's false but because it doesn't fit the narrative.

Thorny_Insight ,

There's no scarcity of hate on Lemmy either. It simply flies under the radar for most part because it's directed at things we hate too. Exactly as is the case on far-right forums as well. Just read the comments of any thread about Elon, Police, Ai, Facebook, Twitter, Capitalism, Israel and so on. You even admit participating in it yourself.

The far-right thinks of themselves as well meaning just as well. Nobody thinks of themselves as the bad guys. Claiming they intend to be hateful and evil is disingenuine. That's only how you view them. Their view of us is hardly any different. Both views are wrong.

Thorny_Insight ,

That's what SponsorBlock already does. It however doesn't detect the sponsor but instead it jumps over a part of the video marked with timestamp but with different people seeing different lenght ads, these timestamps no-longer match.

Thorny_Insight ,

And you're probably going to give us zero examples of how he's full MAGA

Thorny_Insight ,

I handed out 4 just yesterday. I guess it depends on the kind of work you're doing. I'm a home improvement contractor and people often ask if they can give my number to their friend/neighbour etc. so I just hand them few business cards to spread around.

Thorny_Insight ,

I don't have rich parents nor am I rich myself but I get by and are more or less content with my finances. My secret was getting a training for a job where I work with my hands and now people that don't want to get their hands dirty pay me a good amount of money to do it for them. I also don't need to worry about AI/automation taking my job.

Thorny_Insight ,

Fanta Exotic.

They just stopped selling it where I live and made a sugar free alternative that's ok but nowhere near as good

Thorny_Insight ,

I too hate multiple choices with the correct answer missing entirely

Is there any significance to people using emojis that match their skin tone?

I'm asking because as a light-skinned male, I always use the standard Simpsons yellow. I don't really see other light-skinned people using an emoji that matches their skin tone, but often do see people of color use them. Maybe white people don't naturally realize a need to be explicit with emoji skin-tone or perhaps it's seen as...

Thorny_Insight ,

The yellow should be the only one. I find it absolutely idiotic that they needed to include all different skin colors. I think that's similar to my native language (Finnish) not having gender specific pronouns (hän = he/she) and then someone wanting to come up with ones. That's "fixing" a problem that didn't even exist in the first place.

Thorny_Insight ,

There are no yellow skinned people where I live

Thorny_Insight ,

You sound like the kind of people that would have proclaimed it’s idiotic to give women rights, or let them vote, or give LGBTQ+ people rights of marriage or whatever.

You're insane.

Thorny_Insight ,

I quess we need a billion more variations of those emojis then. Lets keep paying more attention to the skin color of people. That seems like a great idea.

Thorny_Insight ,

Ad hominem is not an argument to the contrary

Don't you all get tired of the constant negativity?

Despite not subscribing to political communities and having a large number of content filters based on keywords, my feed here is still for a large part all negative articles and ragebait. Elon Musk this and Israel that. Microsoft ruining windows, AI ruining internet, right wingers and capitalism ruining the world, police being...

Thorny_Insight OP ,

Nobody is making the world a better place by paying daily attention to every possible thing that's wrong with it.

Thorny_Insight ,

Classic tactics straight out of the playbook of other terrorist organizations. Will probably not stop the missile strikers but a non-zero number of useful idiots will raise a fuss about Ukraine targeting innocent civilians.

Thorny_Insight ,

They build much higher quality and much more expensive decoys nowdays just for this reason. Inflatable ones are too easy to detect as fakes. If I remember correctly there was a study done by the chinese military that showed having equal number of decoys to actual vehicles reduces losses by 40%

When responding to a comment with multiple points, should one create a new thread (new comment) for each point, or should one make a single large comment containing individual responses to all points?

I encounter situations like this rather often where I am responding to a comment that contains many individual points/statements. I typically will respond with a single comment that contains a quote of each point that is being responded to with my response under neath the respective quote — and, sometimes, for added clarity, a...

Thorny_Insight ,

I generally try and pick few of the strongest points and reply to those. It's impossible to debate someone who replies back as you demonstrated above. The discussion gets out of hand in no time.

Thorny_Insight ,

I don't watch reels, shorts, tiktoks or any other short for videos and Loops is not an exception. I moved from Instagram to Pixelfed for the sole purpose of getting atleast some audience for my photography since Instagram wants you to post videos instead.

Thorny_Insight ,

I'm not a tank expert but aren't those "parade tracks" and not ones intented to be used offroad?

Thorny_Insight , (edited )

I'd develop a pickup truck that would have only the bare essential features and would be built from the ground up with the intention to make it extremely durable and easy to fix. Instead of a body-on-frame I'd probably go with a stainless steel exoskeleton instead and plastic/fibre glass panels you could just swap out to a new ones if you damage them. Kind of like on side-by-sides. The newer models then would just be ones with certain parts that have been upgraded to a better ones and would be 100% compatible with older models. You wouldn't ever need to buy a new truck again. Ideally there would be both diesel and electric versions - ideally so that you could convert one into another if you so desire.

Thorny_Insight , (edited )

As someone with a tiny workshop as well I take pride in how compact and efficient I can make it. Sure, a larger one would be nice but I'm so damn grateful for what I've got. Used to live in an apartment building before where I could only dream of a space where I didn't always need to pack up my tools and shove them into a closet when I was done with the job.


Thorny_Insight ,

For quite some time now I've had the issue that the video simply refuses to stop playing requiring me to refresh the page. Might be an issue with one of the add-ons too though.

Thorny_Insight ,

It's the internet. We're all anonymous. You can just ask

Thorny_Insight ,

I'm generally the one defending Tesla in these threads but on Waymo's defence; the remote operators aren't actually controlling the car. Instead when faced with a challenging situation the car "calls home" for assistance basically asking a human to take a look at the situation and help it to decide what to do. This might be a car partially blocking the lane of traffic cones placed in a weird manner so the car justs asks for assurance that it's okay to proceed. In the most difficult situations the remote operator can suggest a route for the vehicle to take but the decision on what to do is ultimately on the vehicle itself.

Thorny_Insight ,

This is literally the only way we'll ever get self-driving cars. You have to test them in real life. Simulations and tests tracks can only take you so far. Yeah it'll probably cost the lifes of some number of people but this will be greatly outnumbered by the amount of lives saved when the technology actually starts working as intented. It's not like human driven vehicles are exactly safe for pedestrians either.

Also, when a self-driving vehicle fails it almost always means it ends up getting stuck somewhere or blocking the road. It's extremely rare for it to cause an accident, though that does happen aswell.

Thorny_Insight ,

Humans can drive just fine without lidar aswell. Road infrastructure is designed for vision. The car not being able to see is not the issue. It's teaching the car to understand what it sees and how to deal with it. Lidar doesn't help you solve this issue.

Thorny_Insight ,

There are currently 80+ people dying every single day just in the US alone because we don't have self-driving cars. Not developing that technology is just as much of a choise to let people die than going forward with it. I'd argue it's the moral thing to do. People are awful at driving. As a fan of cars I like to go sit by the freeway watching them passing by several times a week and the number of people driving 120kph while staring at their phones is mind boggling.

Not only that but virtually all of those vehicles are going to be electric as well so that also means less people dying because of air pollution. Then there's also the fact that it'll bring down the cost of taxies immensely as well as allowing private individuals to let their vehicle go do ride sharing for the day instead of sitting on the parking lot of their work place unused. There's just too many upsides to it. Also it's not like passengers getting killed by rogue self-driving vehicles is a particularly common occurance despite the technology still being at it's infancy. This is the worst they're ever going to be.

Thorny_Insight ,

I'll try to remember that!

Thorny_Insight , (edited )

Mercedes Drive Pilot only works on a handful of hand-picked highways is California and Nevada. It must have a car in front of it to follow. It can't go over 40mph. It can't navigate thru interchanges. It can't be used in inclement weather. It doesn't work around flashing lights. It doesn't work on construction sites. It doesn't work in night time. It cannot change lanes and it doesn't work on roads without lane markings.

It's effectively a train except train can take you to more places. Also, it must have a driver who can take over when needed. That's level 3 self driving. Waymo is level 4.

Here's what happens when you put Mercedes Driver Assist (Not Drive Pilot) against Tesla's FSD. Tl;dw: It's completely useless.

Thorny_Insight ,

Like I said; there's only so much you can test on a closed track. At some point you must start doing that in the real world. Pedestrians getting killed by experimental self-driving vehicles is not an actual issue we're dealing with right now but more like a theoretical possibility of what could happen in the future. There are only a couple of such incidents recorded ever. That's not a good enough reason to not continue with it.

What I mean by them now being the worst they'll ever be is the self-driving technology itself. It's constantly improving and the trend is towards better. The technology we have right now is the worst it's ever going to be.

Thorny_Insight ,

How could anyone know that? It just as well might.

It's a fallacy to think we can build a perfect world where all bad things can be avoided. With all new technology comes downsides. We're already losing 80+ a day in the US alone because we don't have self driving cars. It's far more likely for someone close to me to get killed by a human driver.

Thorny_Insight ,

I agree. In fact I'm surprised the vehicle even lets you enable FSD in that kind of poor visibility and based on the video it seemed to be going quite fast aswell.

Thorny_Insight ,

Full Self Driving (Beta), nowdays Full Self Driving (Supervised)

Which of those names invokes trust to put your life in it's hands?

It's not in fine print. It's told to you when you purchase FSD and the vehicle reminds you of it every single time you enable the system. If you're looking at your phone it starts nagging at you eventually locking you out of the feature. Why would they put driver monitoring system in place if you're supposed to put blind faith into it?

That is such an old, beat up strawman argument. Yes, Elon has said it would be fully autonomous in a year or so which turned out to be a lie but nobody today is claiming it can be blindly trusted. That simply just is not true.

Thorny_Insight ,

ESP is not idiot proof either just to name one such feature that's been available for decades. It assists the driver but doesn't replace them.

Hell, cars themselves are not idiot proof.

Thorny_Insight ,

Yeah there's a wide range of ways to map the surroundings. Road infrastructure, however is designed for vision so I don't see why just cameras wouldn't be sufficient. The issue here is not that it's didn't see the train - it's on video, after all - but that it didn't know how to react to it.

Thorny_Insight ,

It's misleading advertising for sure. At no point have I claimed otherwise.

The meaning of what qualifies as "full self driving" is still up for debate however. There are worse human drivers on the roads than what the current version of FSD is capable of. It's by no means flawless but it's much better than most people even realize. It's a vehicle capable of self driving even if not fully.

Thorny_Insight ,

Sure. Make then change the name to something different. I'm fine with that.

Though I still don't know what most people actually mean by full self driving and how it's different from what FSD can do right now.

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