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TheFonz , (edited )

You're clearly out of your depth. Stop now before you say anything dumber

Edit: for those unaware the United States has one of the hardest paths to immigration/citizenship in the world.

TheFonz ,

Hollywood has been sucking ass lately, but lots of small indie films have been kicking ass. Everything from A24 has been fantastic recently. Lots of good foreign films too

TheFonz ,

Yes, making movies is not an easy feat. But there's plenty of good stuff coming out. Don't know what to tell you.

TheFonz ,

Both are to blame as neither Hamas nor Israel benefits from peace. Before you start shouting "bothsidesing!!!" understand that I am not endorsing Israel. And don't say "Hamas had no choice! They are oppressed and have to fight back". That argument doesn't hold water either as Hamas's express objective is the elimination of the state of Israel. And before you say "Where does it say that???" I'll ask that you familiarize yourself with the charter. And before you say "Well they don't mean elimination of all Jews, just the state" I'll point you to any Arab nation where Jews live freely and comfortably. And on and on we go.

TheFonz ,

Would be nice if they made 'dumb' EVs. Like the kind where even the windows are manual old school roll up. I don't need to walk into a spaceship to drive to get groceries. But all they're selling are luxury spaceships. For all the good Tesla did to rebrand the market, I feel it also did a lot of harm by creating an incentive for luxury vehicles.

TheFonz ,

This is correct and I wish was more widely known.

Israel says Hamas weaponised rape. Does the evidence add up? ( )

The Israeli government insists that Hamas formally sanctioned sexual assault on October 7, 2023. But investigators say the evidence does not stand up to scrutiny. Catherine Philp and Gabrielle Weiniger report on eight months of claim and counter-claim...

TheFonz ,

Dude, when an article or comment disagrees with @Linkerbaan they are suddenly Nancy Drew tearing apart every word in the most detailed class in forensic analysis; however, if something agrees with their narrative opinion blog posts are just fine.

I've stopped engaging with their arguments because it's clear this is only a team sports type of online game. The truth is not particularly relevant to this person.

TheFonz ,

I had this moment of realization when they came out the gate and accused me of Zionism or defending Israel-none of which I care for. In fact I find the actions of Israel despicable in this conflict. It was then that it became clear @Linkerbaan is more here for the team sports aspect of it rather than having a factual discussion to determine the truth of the matter. Right now the conversation is so diluted not much on the conflict can be discussed here because the team sports value has taken precedence over anything else, and personally I'm tired of playing team sports.

Best of luck.

Israel’s obstruction of investigation into 7 October rape allegations risks truth never being found, advocates warn ( )

Israel’s leadership is pushing the allegations that Hamas fighters raped Israeli women during the October 7 attacks for its own political objectives while the government’s ongoing refusal to allow the United Nations to conduct a full investigation into the matter threatens to hinder any evidence, advocates have warned.

TheFonz ,

Hey, @Linkerbaan do you provide this much scrutiny when you post articles from your blog websites? Or do you reserve that charitability only for one side?

TheFonz ,

I understand the challenges with the NYT expose about the sexual violence that might or might not have happened on 10/7, but why are we posting opinion pieces to world news? This is a blog post with no sources. Shouldn't we do better?

TheFonz ,

Sure sure. But my question was-just in case you missed it: do you submit the blog posts you spam here to the same level of scrutiny or is your charitability only extended to only one side? That's all we need to see that this is all a big larp for you

TheFonz ,

What people like @Linkerbaan (and most of these Lemmy LARPers) don't understand is that I am the most on the side of Palestinians. However, I'm a solutions oriented person. I want the suffering of Palestinians to stop. Now. I don't care to larp on social media for Karma points so I don't spam news threads non-stop with junk blog opinion pieces. Their only goal is to dilute the conversation.

We all are aware the genocide is happening.

I want a ceasefire and I want to bring both sides to the table to negotiations because the Palestinian people are the ones caught in this awful situation between a proxy war for Iran and the zealotry of right wing Israeli politicians.

TheFonz ,

What a weird hill to die don't have to defend Hamas in order to be critical of Israel. It's not one or the other Linkerbaan. Or does that break the Larp. I can't understand people like you.

Kony 2012 I guess...?

TheFonz ,

Buddy, I just conceded it's an apartheid state two comments away in the same thread. Now what will you say about me in order to obfuscate and muddy the conversation?

TheFonz ,

Because people like @Linkerbaan don't really care about any of this. It's all a larp.

I see it as the same effect as Kony 2012 was when everyone was updating their FB profile (or like when people put the rainbow flag during pride month). It's an aesthetic, nothing more. If they really cared about resolutions they would be promoting anything towards that, not constant opinion blog posts. Not constant bickering. Not this vitriolic reactionary stuff every time someone pushes back or asks questions.

It's just theatre. And it feels good.

TheFonz ,

You're just larping at this point. You don't care about the Palestinians either -this much is certain.

Kony 2012, amirite?

TheFonz ,

Yeah, Glenn is a joke at this point. Absolutely dedicated to living in narratives rather than facts.

TheFonz ,

There's nothing wrong with going against the status quo. It's when you let the anti-establishment narrative supersede facts that we have a problem. This guy defended the Jan 6 riots on extremely flimsy ground (his thesis falls in line with the rest of conservatives: that it was a peaceful demonstration that got out of hand). Not only that, but he goes to bat for Trump pretty often, of all people. It's par the course for the rest of the anti-establishment enlightened centrists (see Pin Tool and the likes). Not impressed.

TheFonz ,

Anytime someone equivocates between Jan 6 and BLM -or any other riots for that matter- it makes me lose all respect for them. There was damage from BLM protests, sure. But Jan 6 was a violent insurrection into what is the most important day in our electoral process: the day when the peaceful transfer of power is meant to occur and anyone trying to draw parallels between that and BLM rioters is actively engaged in subverting our democracy. You can whine about media obfuscation all day long, but we all saw the video footage and we all knew what day of the year it was.

Yeah, the anti-establishment schtick is getting old. Glenn is part of the fraternity of ultimate skeptics -when it's convenient, of course. And frankly, the theatrics are getting old. Not interested.

TheFonz , (edited )

No, they were not a "small percentage" of individuals that got violent. Nice try.

They were expressly there to stop the count of the electoral votes cast while Trump and his cronies orchestrated false slate of electors at the ready to replace the votes in several states. Also, let me repeat, because I don't think it's sinking in: These were not some disenfranchised activists on a random protest. They were there on the most important day of the year during the most critical part of the electoral process: the peaceful transfer of power. During this whole time, Trump resisted calling in the national guard so that his false slate of electors could pass through and overturn the vote.

That's who Glenn is defending.

TheFonz ,

It seems to me you are unable to engage with anything I'm saying so you keep repeating about media obfuscation.

Lucky for us, we have evidence of all this: Voice calls, memos, and transcripts. Seems to me you are quite clueless about what you are talking about and are happy repeating what you hear.

Zelensky: 'Our partners fear that Russia will lose this war' ( )

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that Ukraine's partners "are afraid of Russia losing the war" and would like Kyiv "to win in such a way that Russia does not lose," Zelensky said in a meeting with journalists attended by the Kyiv Independent....

TheFonz ,

Uh huh. Sure. He sure swapped those "plunderers" for his buddies so they could all buy billion dollar yachts.

TheFonz ,

Yeah. You're unable to discuss this topic without passing it through the "west is bad" filter. As someone who grew up in the eastern European block, you have no idea what you're talking about. When people parrot the "shock doctrine", they are not interested in analyzing history. They are interested in sounding rhetorically virtuous because right now "punching the west" is so hot even though it doesn't really contribute anything to the conversation.

TheFonz ,

Am I missing something or is this the most vaguely written description? I don't get it. Something biometric is all I got out of it

TheFonz ,

This what I don't understand. How can a chat app be this slow? Some serious brain rot in this apps development

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • TheFonz ,

    The link in the story goes to a completely different article not connected to Hillary at all. Where is the leak so we can hear it?

    TheFonz ,

    That is the most muffled recording ever. What is the source on this?

    TheFonz ,

    I mean, I don't want to say nothing ever happens, but what are the odds. This statement seems so simplistic and tailored for sound bytes. I could be wrong --and I'll eat my hat if I'm proved wrong -- but do you reckon politicians talk like this (even in private)?? It's like the most perfect sound bytes. Although, after Trump, nothing shocks me any more. Maybe our species is meant to be doomed. I don't know.

    TheFonz ,
    • Where things fell apart
    • Conan O'Brien needs a friend
    TheFonz ,

    It is not. Israel is a multi-party coalition based system.

    TheFonz , (edited )

    Wasn't this guy caught grifting his fans for donos? Oh and he likes reviewing supercars with his buddy on their other channel. And none of his vids are substantiated with anything

    TheFonz ,

    Wait so the body hasn't been released? How do we know he was tortured? I'm not saying he wasn't, but what are the sources on this?

    TheFonz ,

    I'm not saying that it's not true. It's very likely. But if evidence comes out that none of this is true it ends up giving points to the IDF and we don't want to give more ammunition to Israel. We should be cautious about how we share information. That's all.

    TheFonz OP ,


    Sorry!!! Couldn't help it. But I agree. There is s something to be said about not reducing to the median

    TheFonz OP ,

    I think the advantage of larger user bases (not always) is that the more nuanced discussions often bubble to the top. That is impossible here because the user base is so small. That's why it's a flatline of ACAB, extreme leftie eat the rich, etc. There is a big void in the middle left by that in-depth conversation: Nothing seems to get past that surface layer analysis. If we want to talk about Oct 7 well be prepared to hear about the Peele commission and apartheid state. On and on. Unless of course maybe I'm getting old and all social media is converging into vacuous and hollow content. Were da 30+ at??

    TheFonz OP ,

    Welcome friend! Your AARP subscription is being processed and bingo is at 7:30. 🥲

    I hear you though.

    TheFonz ,

    Why did the Palestinians reject the Peel commission partition (and every subsequent two state proposals)? We can't go back in time. Its unfortunate, but Israel is there now. The question is what should we do now? Genuinely curious. I'm not saying this in defense of Israel. It's where we are now.

    Edit: also, Israel has done its fair share of atrocities, but there is plenty of blame to go around. It's not like Hamas and the PLO are free of any criticism. Whenever I see posts unilaterally condemning one side my spider senses start tingling.

    The fediverse Goodreads alternative: Bookwyrm ( )

    If you are interested in sharing book recommendations with other, or just manage your books, then bookwyrm is great for that! The .world team also has a bookwyrm instance up and running at with a community here on lemmy as well at !bookwyrm. Read Ruuds original post about it here:

    TheFonz ,

    Yes please. This sounds great. What's the difference between a bookworm instance and a Lemmy instance?

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