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TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Dalai Lama also wanted to tongue kiss a little boy on camera. What else can we learn from him? Getting on CIA payroll and selling away morals?

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod , (edited )

Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi).

I find it interesting how people like OP are racist pieces of shit, even though Facebook or Zuckerberg or USA has NOTHING to do with China. This is just as sensible as saying my neighbour in Florida has 3 dangerous bulldogs, and this is Xi Jinping's or Putin's fault.

I do not care about this little privacy invasion fling, because playing stupid games wins you stupid prizes, like this post. Having a personal Facebook/Instagram in 2024 is batshit insane. What is more important is the "no thanks Xi" nonsense that westerners are refusing to give up. It almost feels like xenophobia and bigotry is a part of their culture.

In case the message is still unclear... westerners need to stop blaming the "foreign enemy" (China/Russia) for all their self goals and wrongdoings. They are responsible for their own nonsense. Tide pod challenges exist in USA and not China for a reason, the population of one of those countries is dumber than a donkey.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

No, Facebook and Instagram do this video selfie or government ID thing. Tiktok has never asked for these things to date, on top of letting you use it without account. OP is bigoted.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

The whole west is one nation in how they are ok with Palestinian genocide. These same people were the ones lying about Uyghur Muslims few years ago. It is no surprise west is bigoted as a whole, considering the colonialist history of USA and Europe that is quite exclusive to them. ASPI is from your country, right? Or Murdoch network? Guess what, Australia is part of west. Australia is not just part, but USA's Deputy Sheriff in Asia region, and even have their military bases where you people are disallowed from going. Australia also loves to harass or kill Indian immigrants, so it is part of the problem.

As for the donkey part, I know of only one country at large in the world, where people have the audacity to do moral grandstanding while supporting overseas genocide and wars silently, and not even knowing where countries are on map. You are the laughable simp for west.

It is perfectly okay to call out on and shit on this western exclusive attitude I commonly see on YouTube, Reddit, twitter, 4chan, western forums and now even fucking Lemmy. Everything is about China, Russia, DPRK, Iran and whoever else is the "enemy". There is plenty of shade throwing happening to keep the hatred alive.

Westerners are very much one group, considering what all is happening today. The "nuance" and civility is murdered by westerners, by controlling global media, spreading hatred for non Anglos, aiding or committing genocides and doing this kind of stuff like OP in daily lives. The voting pattern kind of tells the story, though, as OP gets upvoted with a complete acceptance of "no thanks xi" racism where there is no role of China. It is okay for you people, and in the future there will never be a discussion on this sort of behaviour. Go to 4chan if you want to be okay with it. They do it in every paragraph.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

I would be glad if Israel wins Eurovision. It will destroy its credibility forever, as well as that of most if not all European sports/theatre/culture events, including FIFA and UEFA.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod , (edited )

GrapheneOS officially supports and encourages the use of Google Play Services and a Google account for "security" purposes. Their "unofficial" members also spread propaganda advocating for the same.

They are also an embargo partner with Google for security patches, and add features that may threaten the lives of privacy users, or end up in jail or death in certain circumstances.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

GrapheneOS officially supports and encourages the use of Google Play Services and a Google account for "security" purposes. Their "unofficial" members also spread propaganda advocating for the same.

They are also an embargo partner with Google for security patches, and add features that may threaten the lives of privacy users, or end up in jail or death in certain circumstances.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

There is defiance against Google services for sure. DivestOS is quite a lot better in that the motivations are fairly honest, and Tad is not catering to Pixels only. However, he has a different type of problem, in that he has done a bit of soul selling to the disgusting Daniel Micay. The situation is complicated, so let me simplify it. Micay's code is not truly open source, but rather only usable if one worships Micay, and if someone were to even lift a finger to criticise, he will label them with epithets, harass them and unleash his rabid GrapheneOS social media army upon them. Sounds wild? It happened to FlorisBoard and Bromite projects, both of which are no longer developed.

Micay in realtime, in DivestOS' XMPP chatroom, was accusing me of the typical "harassment ringleader campaign" BS, and ordered DivestOS/Mull developer (these are his aliases) SubZer0Carnage/Tad/SkewedZeppelin that if I was not banned immediately, DivestOS and him would face social media targeted campaign and DivestOS will have to forcibly pull off any borrowed GrapheneOS code. DivestOS developer dusted his hands off me.

For obvious reasons, I stopped using Mull and switched to Firefox mainline browser with uBlock Origin. I will never touch stuff that Micay or Tad has created or forked, unless other good developers have a strong oversight on them.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

Hey Mr not so much Freudian slip, please keep this stuff over at Reddit, the containment zone for hatred and vile. Thanks for the service and have a good day. If this is repeated, a hammer will come your way.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Huberman. The single best podcast the world could have currently.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Pick this guide from a 20 year Windows user. Ubuntu GNOME. Interact as less as you need with Linux "community", it gives tension, headache and stress. You will not regret it.

Unfortunately Corel, Affinity etc will be a problem, keep Windows aside for that on a secondary SSD. Use Windows with Ameliorated Project, it will make Windows saner to use.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

I did not start with KDE or Cinnamon. Start menu paradigm is unneeded when people will discover GNOME is giving the peak experience upon hitting Super/Windows key, when they can just search anything on the system or multitask that way.

I do not miss the Start menu much, even though I use both Debian and Windows 10. Most of the time, I am using Everything/FSearch to find files.

Also, the priority is stability and not needing to continously look up Terminal commands or ask the toxic community for help or minimise internet searches for help. GNOME is the absolute uncontested king DE to get the job done with least amount of it getting in the way.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod , (edited )

Proton is not for activism. Treat it as bad as Gmail or outlook for that. Moon Of Alabama blog has lots of criticisms. If you want to be anal about using email for activism and whistleblowing, use a serious provider like Riseup or Disroot. All these Protons and Tutanotas are useless. They are only better than Gmail and Outlook.

There are some idiots that spread nonsense about me that I am paranoid or whatever. Yes I am proud of it, because they are the incompetent ones. Big Tech "security" shills and a lot of kiddies without experience do this.

Edit: I will take the liberty of recommending digdeeper's blog for email providers.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

They both have a clean track record and are funded purely by activists and dissidents.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod , (edited )

Lavabit shut down. Riseup and Disroot still need to be battle tested even more.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

How to tell you know nothing about privacy, security and anonymity without telling me that directly. Proton is a fucking snitch for activists.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

Are you trying to discredit Riseup and Disroot without evidence? Are you a fed by any chance, or a nasty troll? You can go read digdeeper's blog on email providers. If you disagree, you may continue to deny, troll and get banned for speaking nonsense.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

If you have not dived deep into the rabbit hole, that is a you problem. What level of threat model and knowledge do you even have to be able to contest such claims, that you do not trust Riseup and Disroot? Denying facts and doubling down by not listening is a problem.

I gave you a place to look for facts. If you do not want to and just want to speak gibberish without listening or backing up your claims, you can go to Reddit or PrivacyGuides/Techlore/some shit youtuber and worship Protonmail or Apple Private Relay.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

Yes. I am surprised people are downvoting me and upvoting him. He is the one who did no research, and I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. I write guides lol. This is privacy community. Anyone remotely serious about privacy must have heard of Riseup, Disroot, Posteo and others.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

It is very strange to me that Lemmy users are behaving in a reverse manner to how they should. Are they too young? Or are they too bad at privacy game, believing all this Proton/Graphene/Brave and whatever else is trendy?


What if I were to stop being so aggressive and start accepting as a mod all this nonsense claimed by chest thumping randos? I think I now see why privacy communities are usually so shit. It is these moments where the seeds of falsehoods are implanted, and they become rumours and then gospel truths. Only when moderators have serious knowledge (qualified) and are defiant in the face of nonsense, can a community remain unspoilt. But qualification is also a problem, because "authorities" will try to hijack such an endeavour and ruin it.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

Well, that is partially true. But email with PGP used by both users is not bad. Funnily, Nuegia owner tried to scold me over holding this view that you hold, few years ago.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

Serious topics like privacy and self improvement have become very similar in people's perception. They are also just another thing to consume, as unhinged as it sounds. Everything must be consumed, everything must be rented. Everyone must live in a distorted perception of "safety", whose harbingers are fucking western corporations. It is insanity and it must be prevented from taking over Lemmy's communities atleast on main .ml instance, and I will do what is needed to prevent that, in places I moderate.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

What is wrong with claiming sun rises from west, or sky is not blue, or a pedophile will not do bad things to kids? I am sure you can find the logic, and consider researching a little bit and making yourself knowledgeable before raising such absurd questions. Or maybe stop consuming privacy content from slimy YouTubers?

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod , (edited )

Yes you can trust Techlore, Privacy Guides, Proton, Brave, Graphene, Google, Apple, Microsoft and all the big companies. Also make sure you are a well behaved citizen and always obey politicians and whatever is shown on TV too. Never step out of line. You are a good boy. Never use crypto, only legal official public banks.

I can never take someone like you seriously, that has the audacity to lift fingers yet defend the "well established" scum blindly.

I referred you to digdeeper's blog for information on email providers, yet you refused. He has an indepth analysis, something you are incapable of performing for all notable email providers. So I do not think I have much reason to reason with you, since you were unwilling to listen from the beginning, and are continously defending the "well established".

If I see nonsense from anyone, I will not hesitate to use the hammer. Enough of this nonsense in privacy communities on Internet.

Oh and since you want to know who this random person is, I created r/privatelife and have a few good guides to my name, and have been using darknets for over a decade at this point. Significantly responsible for building up Lemmy to what it is today. So much for credentialism. What are yours?

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod , (edited )

I do not think you understand how email even works, do you? It is funny you trust Proton, even though they disallow logging in without their app or JavaScript stuffed web UI. Also, how are you verifying Proton's encryption keys on their end? It tells a lot about your level of knowledge, honestly. You do not even understand how email or encryption works, yet you have the balls to claim Disroot is worse than Proton. Go play Roblox, kid. Reddit seems to be at your level. If you PGP your messages/emails on your own, or use OMEMO or similarly good algorithm with full key ownership, only then is encryption verifiable and valid. People like you just like to validate shit like Proton snitching.

Also what about authority? My authority is formed from sheer hard work done without taking a single donation. I write guides for privacy and anonymity and built a community through this expertise. And unlike a lot of agenda based nonsense and worthless SEO filler disguised as guides, I offer honest and good solutions. And I did skim your profile, and found nothing notable other than usage of XMR. Do you know what is the worst criticism about me behind my back? I am paranoid. Go figure.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

it’s that we can’t trust that proton doesn’t store the encryption keys. Although it is still safer to go with them because if they did, they would either have given the mails to the govs, exposing them

You have trouble reading the room and what you are even saying. Do you not realise there are now multiple instances where Proton has snitched on activists? Riseup, Disroot and others have not. They do not store logs, wipe everything every day or week and are not marketing nonsense to people.

I have a problem with delusional people who cannot understand things, but are ready to argue about anything to win the internet debate at all costs. Yes I am aggressive about it, because the privacy community is a bunch of close minded self-proclaimed experts with nothing to show for it. I have seen this ad nauseam for years upon years now.

The fact that you really believe in the nonsense that Proton is better than something activists use with a lot of proven trust is sheer fucking insanity. On top of it, you trust the "well established" liars more than whatever you assume the other people or endeavours are. There is very less room to talk through with folks like you, who already are deep into the trench and refuse the handed down rope. I trust Proton barely more than Gmail or Outlook in that it does not scan my emails for ad/revenue purposes. If you think they have encryption, you are a joke.

I have chronic sleeping problems therefore I love(d) taking naps but waking up afterwards is absolute hell. What should I do? **Edit: I have found a short-term solution**

I am currently struggling heavily with depression. Which impacts my quality of sleep. Sleep now has never been a talent of mine. So I generally make up for it by napping. I used to absolutely love it. Both the initial and the waking up (feeling well rested). But lately the waking up part is getting more and more difficult. It...

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Go through the 6 part series with Matthew Walker on Dr Huberman's podcast, which just completed today, 5 hours ago. It will give you a bunch of stuff to work with, around 15 hours of discussion. Then look at what is roughly going on, and if you can solve the issue with just that. Otherwise you can consult a professional.

You can also consider mental health toolkit on Huberman's podcast, alongside the dopamine, sleep and goal toolkits. He also has ones covering depression and happiness. Also if your daily routine is fucked, consider Huberman's optimal morning routine video on Afterskool channel.

All in all, this might take a couple weeks to go through, if that sounds like a thorough solution to you.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

XDM? There is also FileCxx.

There is nothing that will work as simple as IDM, especially with that little floating button on top of videos it detects, with all available frame resolutions. But these two come the closest.

For video sites, I use yt-dlp. For galleries, gallery-dl.

For anime sites, I just log into Windows and use IDM.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

You... care about the UI of XDM? IDM looks like Windows 98 era. If shit works, why care? I would argue XDM download window looks better than that of IDM. And I have used these tools for over a decade, since FlashGet and Download Accelerator Plus were a thing.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

XDM has a good video grabber, unlike FDM. Its detection is very similar to IDM, so you are missing out just because of the smartphone UI.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

GNOME works ideally for people who do not care about ricing, and is extremely stable and bloat free. To the user who wants to use computer as a tool to get the job done, extreme customisation acts like a bloat and/or hindrance. I do not want "edit this button/menu" on every single part of UI, the way it exists on KDE or LXQt or XFCE. All I need is a new document option in file manager, which takes 1 minute to add on GNOME via templates folder.

I never said GNOME must be the only option. That is dictatorship and that exists on Windows and MacOS. In Linux land, you are free to sudo rm rf /* your system in an instant, or rice it the way you want. But this post is about a Linux tuber openly saying he has grown up and matured and realised all that ricing does not matter anymore. That teenager hobby is past now. And it shows how polished GNOME is compared to others, and singlehandedly shows how stable, smooth and professional Linux can be for daily use. Other DEs have no interest in being professional, so they will get the slack for that, regardless of if Lemmy likes it or not.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

GNOME does not break in general, and the few extensions I use work on GNOME 45 too, I think. They are mainstream and popular. The fact that Debian stable branch keeps GNOME as its default shows how stable it is.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

But that is like saying Firefox is garbage, even though it's addon ecosystem is its big USP. Same way, GNOME has extension ecosystem as its USP.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Someone gets me 😢😭

TheAnonymouseJoker , (edited )

No, KDE Plasma 5.6 or 5.3 (5.27, my bad, edit) I think (whatever was before 6 launched) , tested last year on a fresh Debian 12 Stable install. It had GARBAGE performance. Turning off compositor and all animations made a massive difference, but it made KDE look and feel almost worse than LXQt.

XFCE looked a lot better while having screaming fast performance, compared to a neutered KDE.

Mind you, this is not a toaster machine. This is i5-7200U ThinkPad with 12 GB RAM. GNOME, XFCE and LXQt run extremely fast on it. And fresh installation with nothing else added.

KDE is not simple. Powerful? Absolutely. It has extreme customisation but for people who want to use computer as a tool to get the job done, it acts as a minus point. GNOME has less customisability and is restricted, but gains advantage with stability and feature minimalism. GNOME is a bit like stock Android with extensions acting like OEM features, whereas KDE is like a full blown custom ROM where you need to setup everything, and is just a hassle.

TheAnonymouseJoker , (edited )

KDE Plasma 5.6 is not ancient by any standards. Plasma 6 is the current iteration, and 5.6 existed when Debian 12 launched last July. If it did not work on 7200U, it will not work well. Other DEs worked perfectly, so KDE is at fault.

Edit: well it seems I was misremembering. Debian 12 provides KDE 5.27 version. I used that. I do not know their version number system.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Yes. But there is a funny circlejerk here.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

I'm very sorry it felt sluggish for you but that's likely down to your specific hardware configuration, drivers, GPU vendor + display server combo, etc.

I did not know that the most popular laptop CPU for many years, i5-7200U, with no GPU, is a rare combination of hardware, specific drivers, GPU (lol) vendor, display server (ThinkPad standard 766p LCD) is such a problematic configuration for KDE. You are just a KDE fanboy.

Also I installed Debian 12 Bookworm last July. It installs KDE Plasma 5.27 from the installer. KDE 6 never released until last winters, thereby making KDE itself ancient. Also, it was KDE 5.27, not 5.6. So my mistake there. KDE was far newer than I thought, still it could not support a mere common CPU laptop. I have no clue about their release nomenclature, because GNOME is easy, 40, 41, 42...

KDE 6 release is very recent.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,


TheAnonymouseJoker ,

My ThinkPad is working extremely well for almost 7 years now, and currently mass downloading files using JDownloader Flatpak on Debian 12 GNOME.

It works with every DE, but KDE eats my CPU alive at 70%, and without compositor and eyecandy, 15% idle. XFCE and LXQt had 0.5% CPU idle, and GNOME stays around 0.5-1% idle. Heck, even my 13 year old dinosaur desktop with 2nd gen i3 works perfectly with Debian 12 GNOME, exact same setup.

Maybe, maybe KDE is at fault?

Look, I wrote a Linux/Windows computing guide. I consider myself stupid, but I am not THAT stupid.

I called you a fanboy because you cannot fathom how poor KDE performance can be. 7200U is a modern laptop CPU, and one of the most famous CPUs ever to be used by masses, so the optimisation argument for it and its iGPU Intel HD 620 goes out of the window.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

Uh huh. No fanboying on your part at all. Projection?

No, just facts over feelings. GNOME is widely regarded as far more professional than KDE, and the polished end result shows everytime. GNOME2 was peak Linux back in the day, and now GNOME 40+ is peak Linux if you actually want to get work done and have a simple interface with the best workflow.

Because I feel like with childish statements like the one above, you're not exactly being 100% truthful. But I can back up my argument with evidence.

This comment section, as well as on Reddit and other "community" places like 4chan are filled with toxic KDE fanboys shitting on GNOME, while GNOME users never say anything. KDE deserves to be shat on for being an unprofessional hacky mess, because GNOME has proven its might time and time again in that regard.

Also I tested multiple DEs last year, so I know I am not lying. Maybe you missed that guide there. KDE runs like crap on most machines. GNOME is just too well optimised with all the eyecandy.

I do not need you to benchmark those for me, because I did it for myself thoroughly, and have enough experience to teach both Linux and Windows users how to do computing. Maybe do not try to teach a teacher?

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

That's not a problem, the problem is counter culture normies are almost as bad as normies. This is not what I wanted Lemmy to be, when I helped build it.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

ProtonVPN client on Linux has killswitch. I had to reinstall Ubuntu due to that, since it stopped network connectivity outside of VPN even when I wanted to.

TheAnonymouseJoker Mod ,

I'll quote you in the future like Bill Gates when he said 640K memory is enough.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

The real Hitler is Zelensky, though. And considering he is a Zionist like Biden and Netanyahu, it starts to make a lot of sense why Zionists are Nazis of 21st century.

TheAnonymouseJoker ,

madaidan and a lot of security clowns in FOSS/privacy community unironically claim that is how security works. However, it is true Rust is far better than C/C++ for security, if thousands of people are coding. Not everyone is going to be the best security programmer in the world.

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