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TechNerdWizard42 ,

Road trip? Usually week or night of.

Airline travel within 4 hours, domestic or international is usually 2 days before hand.

Airline travel across the world is usually planned as a time block a month or two ahead of time. The actual destination and activities being planned as the dates get closer.

Exceptions are scheduled events. If I have an event to attend in a location, I'll make a hotel reservation and book tickets for the thing. Then checkup options for travel there. Sometimes it's part of a multileg journey.

Often I don't know where in the world I will even be the week leading up to the thing. So I tend to either not purchase travel tickets, or buy a few different ones from hubs globally that are cheap and easy to get to.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Ipv4 is one of those things that works awesome, is simple, and is a victim of its own success. Ipv6 is just complicated bloat of a standard. Cool features, but nobody implements them, so useless.

In 30 years, probably useful. Until then, I'm not giving up Ipv4.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Natural gas heating is very efficient and huge BTUs for low cost. When you live where it actually gets cold, it's important. As is heating water. Cooking at restaurants also important.

Not everything is binary. We don't need 100% renewables and 0% gas and 0% plastic and 0% ICE vehicles. Renewable energy is 68% in Canada or 20% in the USA in terms of energy production. Getting those USA numbers to 50% or both to 80% is more important.

FYI, in the USA natural gas is about 32% of the USA's energy use. 15% of natural gas is used by residences. That's 4.8% of the power. Which means this entire debate goes out the window if you just installed 5% more solar or wind energy.

Making people fight and become tribal over trivial things that mean nothing is an easy way to prevent anything from happening. Idiots are fighting over trying to reduce 4.8% of energy that is perfectly fine at what it's doing. Meanwhile the natural gas companies are happy to keep supplying the remaining 27% of the USAs entire power via gas, and not a damn thing is being done. Use your energy to get that 27% down to 22% and you've done better than you ever will with demanding residences be built with shitty alternatives.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

You can't have 0 emmisions. Even a barren asteroid emits.

You can have net 0. And net 0 can include petrochemicals.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Which is not physically possible as most modern life relies on things that are not renewable.

The little that is done to reduce on a personal scale is meaningless compared to what is needed to be done globally and by industry.

Doesn't mean you shouldn't do your part. But it's stupid to believe any of it will help at all. At best it causes discourse for no reason. At worst, you're being played as a fool by large corporations to put off actual change longer and longer.

And just because it seems Lemmy can't seem to understand not everything is binary, I have had 10KW of solar for 15 years. I have had hybrid cars for 20 years. I've had pure electric cars for 13 years. I am one of the few that have installed heat pumps. I also have electric (solar) powered radiant water heating because water is a good energy store. I do way more than your average person. But I'm not stupid enough to think "0 emmisions" is possible. And nobody after a 5 minute google shouldn't understand commercial and industrial energy usage versus residential usage.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

People on Lemmy seem more tribal than even reddit. You must be "for" or "against" something, black and white.

For example if tomorrow every house in Canada and the USA stopped using natural gas, like the supply just stops and electric equivalents are installed, emmisions would go UP.

A 100k BTU furnace is about 29kwh. My old high efficiency furnace was 96%. The crappy ones are usually 80% efficient. Assuming 80% efficiency, the worst sold is installed everywhere then you need 23kwh per hour.

If the energy source is coal, your electric furnace produces 50.6 CO2e. 22.3 CO2e if the source is natural gas itself (natural gas plant making electricity for you to make heat). If it's an average USA KWh of 0.86 CO2e/kWh, then that's 19.5. And it's 11.7 CO2e if you just burn it for heat in your house.

For some areas in Canada, like BC, the electricity is cheap, renewable, and awesome. In that case it's almost 2x better to run electric heat than the 80% natural gas furnace. But not everywhere is BC.

And that's part of the point. You have to look at the whole picture. There's really no reason to not run a natural gas line to a new residential property. It's a high pressure pipe connecting everyone's house. Maybe in the future that's where the organic smell-o-vision inlet comes in for our holodecks. All the power and heat being electric, but saving individual deliveries of thousands of compounds to every house versus one. Repurposing utility scale infrastructure is common. You don't have to know what the need is today. But knowing how ridiculously expensive it is to install later should be all the warning people need.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

You obviously can't comprehend basic things, so goodbye.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

You will pry ftp from my cold dead hands.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Who can afford the performance hit?

My production server running Win XP Home has to have the firewall off just to make all the super secret company internal networks work. SFTP would cripple us!

/s, except about the performance hit being stupidly unacceptable in 2024.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Both of those look disgusting. And I like Mac n Cheese.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Mac and cheese is all macaroni cheese pasta.

I don't think I've ever eaten microwaved Mac and cheese, don't wish to try. If that's what those photos are, then obviously disgusting.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

I like the idea of Reddit and it works much better than Lemmy. But the moderation and AI scraping make it a no-go site for me anymore which is a shame.

I love internet forums and have been a mod at some and very high poster at other. But the snowball effect gets them. If there's no traffic, there's no posts, so there's no traffic. You need to have a good community to make it work. One area reddit really shines, small communities exist on a huge platform. Great idea before the enshittification.

I hate discord and the fact that anyone replaces customer support or fan support pages with it, is just fundamentally broken. The idea of a forum is that the question is asked and archived. 20 years later someone else googles the question and sees the answer and all the replies that lead up to it. That's what forums are for. In discord you ask a question and 30 seconds later it's gone forever eaten by useless drivel. Never to be searched or found again. Idiotic.

Chinese military harassed Dutch warship enforcing UN sanctions on North Korea, Netherlands says ( )

A Dutch warship was harassed by Chinese military aircraft in the East China Sea on Friday, the Netherlands said, becoming the latest country to accuse Beijing’s forces of initiating potentially unsafe encounters in international waters....

TechNerdWizard42 ,

There is no such thing as international waters. China's exclusive economic zone is one of 17 in the world that cannot be sailed through or flown through without prior authorization and only for peaceful transfer. No "war games" and no deployment of weapons. Just passage with prior authorization.

The Dutch and Australians have violated this and are now complaining.

Also this week in the news, Russia is sending ships off the coast of Cuba for similar war games. The coverage in the US is about escalation and being provocative.

Which is it? Stop being such stupid hypocrites.

Also for any of you stupid Americans still wondering there is a reason the US and NATO does this just like a reason Russia does it. You try and provoke a response so that the potential combatant airplane and naval vessels make an appearance. Then you capture and study every reflection and image you can to see if they have adapted or changed. Also why the US and China and Russia all fit extra useless bits onto their ships and planes as both decoys and radar signature invalidators. You want your stuff to look as shit as possible visibly and via radar because you're being spied on.

Make no doubt this is why this is happening.

Edit: Americans are yet again proven to be fucking stupid.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Very good for you to learn.

When you're ready for the next step, you may want to process why the leaders of these institutions (the West) are so hell bent on preventing China from both gifting and loaning across the world for their projects.... This is how to start to see past the propagandist lies and see the truth. It's all about profits.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

But to the IDF the 200 people killed weren't people. So the math maths.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

At this rate my owned outright copy of Adobe that requires no internet access, with hacks, will become a generational heirloom I can pass down to descendants with immersurable value.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

There is even a case where the US used a drone to murder a US citizen abroad, extrajudicially. Apparently those "guaranteed rights" mean nothing when they don't want them to.

But good luck convincing almost any Americans of this as the propaganda is strong and the populace idiotic.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

This is a global issue. Not a China issue. If anything, China has every page cached and stored if they ever wanted to restore access. The US does too, but only secretly.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Need banana for scale.

What's their intended holding purpose?

TechNerdWizard42 ,

It used to be that all versions of windows were fine. Then Home was a mess and you needed Pro or above to stop being nannied. Now you'll need Enterprise to not be nannied and spied on. The cost is completely worth it.

I do NOT blindly hate windows. It runs software today that existed 30 years ago. I haven't had a real blue screen since my Win98 machine that was upgraded to XP. It just works, it works well, and gives my company life. Linux is a mess comparatively unless you want to tinker. And yes I also daily drive nix machines, and only fan bois don't see how hassle free windows can be comparatively.

The big words are can be. Because out of the box, they're making it worse and worse. I don't have a Microsoft account, local only. And boy do they not like that. Enterprise doesn't force updates at all, I can keep my machine up and running indefinitely like the old days. The only issue I have today with Win11 is the forced task tray "overflow" menu that nobody asked for and nobody wants. Currently no way to disable without hacks, and if it isn't fixed soon then I'll do that.

But this screen shotting malware cannot happen. I know there are many places where it legally cannot happen. Therefore there will have to be a way to disable it or install a version without it. And that's what I'll be getting.

If Microsoft sold a Windows 11 Platinum Edition 3000 for $2000 that just gave you all the knobs like XP and let you shoot yourself, I'd buy it. Totally worth it.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

I have never encountered a user oriented Linux experience that is more hands-off that Windows this decade.

My embedded Linux systems, sure. The Linux backends in a closed system, sure. But something that is interacted with, not a chance. People love to hate Microsoft but there is a reason why they have the install base they do.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

That's your corporate overlords screwing up your system. Not Daddy Gates. Yet.

Enterprise is something almost no standard corporate drone uses. The benefits are really for nerds and IT people. But it is a requirement for Xeon processors, and most of my machines are Xeon including my laptop.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

I have no problem paying for software at this point in my life. But I won't pay for a subscription. And if I pay oodles of money, I'd hope Microsoft would opt me out of all the crap they hope to make money on with an install base like ads and inevitably copilot data sales.

TechNerdWizard42 , (edited )

Why? Just a few hours ago 3 people were shot at a supermarket in the USA. There is much more gun violence (Edited from "fun violence! Lol), and RANDOM gun violence in the US than in Afghanistan today.

If you think 3 gun deaths is too many and should ban tourism, I agree! Prevent people from vacationing in the US until it's at least as safe as Afghanistan

TechNerdWizard42 ,

The majority of Jews and Israeli people are of European Caucuses descent today. Very few are descendents of the Semites. Ironically, the majority of Palestinians are closer descendents of the Semites than the current global Jewish population... Hmm...

TechNerdWizard42 ,

They should be locked up, maximum sentence. American idiotic laws don't apply, they are just like everyone else. Criminals that broke the law and smuggled ammo in. Ignorance is not an excuse of the law, American justice system loves that phrase.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

I have the spheres. I of course, for science...., tested one over a small garbage can fire I set purposefully. It worked way better than I thought it would. I have one in my server racks, multiple ones over my mining equipment, and did have one over my older 3d printer. The miners are the only thing I think would ever actually catch fire.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

It does exist. But it's 99% ACAB.

One of the countries I spend a lot of time, the police are amazing. There is no crime, so the police truly are just to assist. They don't carry weapons. They don't give out traffic tickets, it's all automated. They do give out directions, photo ops, perform ritual ceremonies, distribute free meals to anyone who wants one, give free workout sessions on the beach, give free sports training, lead free expeditions into nature, etc. It's a sense of community spirit that is their mission.

I'm sure there is a bad apple somewhere but every single one I've seen or interacted with has been pleasant to wonderful. I'm not even terrified to approach them as I am in the USA where I've almost been murdered twice by pigs.

How do you build complex shapes? ( )

I've made a large number of custom prints, and all of them were created using TinkerCad. It's an amazing toolkit, stupid easy to use but versatile. That is ... until something needs a tiny adjustment somewhere. That's when I feel it would've been neat to use parametric CAD instead....

TechNerdWizard42 ,

You use a real CAD program. The free tools can get you pretty far and are great for basic stuff. But as you're learning, once it's not basic, it's not a problem for a free shitty tool to solve.

It becomes a problem for a very expensive shitty tool to solve, like Solidworks.

Designing those things that slide into each other and everything on non perpendicular planes is child's play in SolidWorks. The slide in feature assuming they are mates is basically 3 button clicks and 10 seconds. Bam, done. Weird angles and planes, super easy.

You pay dearly for such ease. But that's how it's done. If you can't afford a trial or a student copy or a used copy, then there are ways. But a SolidWorks DVD from 15 years ago will do everything you want it to. CAD doesn't change much. And if you don't need super fancy 3D photo realistic renderings and the ability to import PCBs and thermodynamic simulations, than a 15 year old almost free copy of a powerful tool will beat any modern free tool.

Doesn't the need for a permit fundamentally contradict the US's ideals of free speech?

I went to some palestine protests a while back, and was talking to my brother about the organizing, when revealed something I found pretty shocking, we (the protesters) had acquired a permit to hold the protest. Apparently this is standard policy across the US....

TechNerdWizard42 ,

EVERYTHING you do in the USA is illegal. This is not hyperbole.

Any right you think you have is stripped by another law also on the books. You are always and forever in breach of the law. This allows you those with no education and power like police and DAs to pick and choose who and what to prosecute. If everyone is in breach, it doesn't make it legal. It just makes it a game of "don't piss off your oppressor". This is the same game used in North Korea. Same in the USSR. Same in many fascist nations with an illusion of democracy.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Time to make a specialized 10 story extendable bus for tourists that drives slowly by above the new fence line.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Oh but you are. It's at 0.8v to 1.2v range so it's high current.

This is what all the VRM design is for. The motherboards are generally 20-30 layers nowadays with 2oz copper in the power layers. The traces are short and you do get hundreds of amps.

And yes, I've designed them on the silicon side.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

Ah yes the X86 instruction set for mapping.

Everything is a conditional branch loop. Always has been.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

You know what sucks? Getting your VPS shut off or account suspended. All your data gone in an instant, not recoverable. You don't have access to the metal, and the metal no longer has access to you.

Hetzner is known for randomly boinking accounts. You update billing info? Whoops maybe shutoff. You login via a VPN, account disabled. Just randomly for no reason, account locked and VPS down.

You have basically zero recourse. Their support staff suck and the immediate reaction is suspend and delete. NEVER use them for anything you don't consider temporary.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

I also used them for years, then everything blocked and deleted instantly. I have other homelab type friends, same thing happened. Again more anecdote vs anecdote. But if you google about hetzner and this type of activity there are bagillions of reddit threads.

After paying them about a grand a month forever, losing all my "safe data" and having to wait a week for even a response that just says "account has suspicious activity. Disabled". Not a single response after that. And they had the nerve to charge my credit card again at the next payment period. Overall, truly scummy. And I will prevent everyone I can from ever engaging with them.

When hiccups happen, you would hope to be able to at least talk to someone and figure out what's going on. If they don't want to keep your business, fine let me get it out privately. But they don't play that way.

TechNerdWizard42 ,

RCS a decade ago, cool. RCS today? Dead.

WhatsApp is the defacto messaging over data globally. If you live anywhere outside the Murican bubble, SMSs are not used for anything and iMessage isn't even a thing people with iCrap devices care about. Everyone, on every platform, uses WhatsApp. Governmental services, private companies, and all the people use WhatsApp.

The only text messages SMS I get nowadays are from Americans that don't understand anything else and American businesses that use them for 2FA which is super insecure and equally stupid.

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