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TankovayaDiviziya ,

A free trip for defection for North Koreans!

TankovayaDiviziya ,

You may be right. We just saw how Russia performed in the war in Ukraine despite the prior years of flexing lol. It's not impossible to believe that the North Korean military is the same.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Arguably, the 90s had been the most peaceful (with the exception of few conflicts) and most prosperous decade. The world was just coming out from the spectre of the cold war as a result of collapse of communism, and globalisation is ramping up with many countries signing free trade agreements. But if you ask me, the 00s is arguably more peaceful and more prosperous decade than the 90s, because there were fewer conflicts and we're enjoying the full peak economic prosperity of globalisation and free trade. However, globalisation is mismanaged and we were living in borrowed time during the era as deregulation of free trade led us to the Great Recession. And now we're in downward spiral since with economic austerity having been applied; more conflicts spewing again; and nativist counterculture is trying to reverse globalisation.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Yup, in a year or two this will piss off many Russians.

TankovayaDiviziya , (edited )

Not just that, Kremlin recruits people from poorer regions who desperately needs money so there is still plenty support.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I don't get what vatniks and Russian trolls are trying to do. Yes, Ukraine is at war and conscription is enforced. So what? What do they expect from a country invaded unprovoked and in a total war as a result?

I think what trolls are trying to do is not trying to demoralise the opponents, but reinforce the propaganda back home in Russia. Russian propaganda is already telling the Russians that they are winning and Ukraine is losing, even though Russia have lost way more soldiers than Ukrainians did in terms of ratio. Yes, Ukraine has fewer people so they are running out of soldiers and recruiting older folks; but Russia has lost plenty more but don't want to tap the huge but politically-sensitive Russian urban population who will not appreciate being drafted.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

So, US had been reluctant to allow Ukraine to strike Russian military assets deep within Russia with American weapons; but at the same time, US handwaves away Israelis killing Palestinian civilians using massive American military package.

Biden-- you could not be any more of an ass without a spine.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Then on the other end, you have bosses who willingly took pay cut to save employees from lay offs such as Nintendo bosses Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto. They're far and wide among the bloody sea of cut throat and greedy executives.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

"Useless red circle" is there to accommodate both the lower attention span and attention to detail of younger generations who have been conditioned with ever increasing faster pace of life.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I'm not just justifying the use of red circle BTW, I'm just explaining as to why it's common these days in the age of Internet.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Do I think boomers are materialistic? Yes. Do I think every boomers are handed with everything on silver platters? Ask those who grew up in the 60s and 70s Asia, Africa and Latin America undergoing wars and social turmoil of what they think. Just because your country is part of the WEIRD acronym it doesn't mean the "entitled" boomer stereotype applies to everyone else in the world. My parents certainly had to struggle and grew up in a dictatorship.

Attention span is decreasing in younger folks-- that's the broad consensus. Thanks to the Internet and granting instant gratification. That's just a fact, so deal with it.

I agree that generalising generations can be stupid, but it is though environment don't shape people and culture, huh?

TankovayaDiviziya ,

It "can" be stupid, means it is not always stupid but at times it is.

Learn to read, mate.

And what do you mean bash an entire generation? It is a proven fact. How does one explain the rise of Tiktok and short form videos? We have shorter attention span thanks to the internet.

I can say boomers are materialistic overall because those from the West were handed everything on silver platter and do not want to part those material gains; meanwhile those from poorer countries who gained wealth over the years have scarcity/hoarding mentality after experiencing poverty, like my parents have. How does one explain the difficulty of younger generation to afford their own home for the same salary that their parents were earning in the latter's 20s?

Environment has as much influence on population mindset. If you are old enough to know that, I don't need to explain it to you.

I swear, the Internet can be stupid-- and this is one of those times.

TankovayaDiviziya , (edited )

There is a nugget of truth at times to generalisation. And it's not a bad thing to acknowledge flaws.

You must be a butthurt Gen Z or millenial-- and you seem to be embodying the stereotype of snowflake generation even though I dislike it (I always say who raised us if we're snowflakes?). Because there is modicum of truth; and it's not a bad thing to acknowledge it. I cast my vote that you give the younger generation a bad name for doing stupid thing-- at times.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I guess Lemmy millenials and Gen Z can't accept the fact of having lower attention span 😂

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Haha. I would have expected better from Lemmy to know that it's well studied and news long ago that younger people have lower attention span because of smartphones and internet. But I guess this is still the Internet after all with all its ignorance, despite having access to information at the touch of the finger tips.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Unpopular opinion incoming:

You know when you were playing hide and seek, found the perfect hiding place, and you reject anyone else who tries to hide in that place?


Seriously, corpos will crack down hard. I mean, real hard on adblockers. This is an arms race that corporations have not yet realised because not enough people are using ad blockers. However, if more and more people are using it, then corporations will also be trying to catch up and that is something they will win because of greater resources.

This will be like with VPN; as many VPN IP addresses have been flagged and blocked as the service became more popular. And some of these VPNs have not updated the IP addresses making access to many websites nigh impossible or awkward-- unless you want to trawl through countless addresses. I'm afraid the same thing will happen with adblockers. This is something that open source adblockers could not easily win-- if they could win.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I wonder if it's a spectrum. I am probably the same as you, but I am surprised when others mentioned about their inner monologue being constant-- many of which are negative-- and how to "turn it off" when it becomes too toxic. I have never really gotten negative inner monologues.

Nonetheless, the post made me think that this may explain why I am pretty forgetful. I don't speak to myself to remember something in inner monologue/first person.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

You know, this makes me think why arranged/forced marriages were the norm in the past. Dating is hard by its nature even with today's "convenience" of digital technology.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

You put words into my mouth. I don't mind some of the "alterations" but as with any creative works and drama-- if it works, it works. People complained of the Brotherhood's cultish acts which deviated from the videogame, but it is in line with real life drama where any organisations do not stay the same overtime. For example, the Catholic Church of today is not the same as the Catholic Church 500 years ago.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Oh no, I am talking about the Fallout TV series in general that I don't mind the new lore additions and changes!

TankovayaDiviziya ,

BoS has always been cultish but they're not so much unlike what was portrayed in the show.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

It's about relishing on power as much as it about money. .

TankovayaDiviziya ,

Not against you personally, but your premise sounds like a weak bothside-ism that justifies the cycle of violence. "He did first" kind of argument. "An eye for an eye makes us all blind." as Ghandi put it.

The most rational and objective bothside advocacy is the two-state solution. It seems like the mainstream neglect this and does not think outside the box. I understand that there is so much bad blood between Palestinians and Israelis, but if both sides realise they are blinded by rage, they could emulate the Northern Ireland peace agreement that ended the 20 year cycle of violence between the Irish nationalists and British unionists. Many scholars and activists from both Israeli and Palestinian side advocate for two state solution and a Northern Ireland-style peace agreement. It is just a matter of ordinary people to look past the rage. Israel is there to stay and advocating to rid Israel is like trying abort a baby. And Israel stepping on Palestinians is repeating what the Nazis did to them and thus Israel could not claim the higher moral ground.

There has to be a united civilian will to accept that both sides are here to stay, like the Irish nationalists and British unionists have done. But both Israeli and Palestinian sides have internal divisions and many support their own radical groups representing their own beliefs.

Are kintsugi kits all the same, or are some brands better than others?

I saw plenty of kintsugi kits available in my area (to those who do not know what kintsugi is, it is the art of fixing broken ceramic/pottery items using lacquer). However, I do not know if the quality is good for the price presented by these shops. Could anyone knowledgeable or experienced in kintsugi give some tips? I'd...

TankovayaDiviziya ,

US military equipment were actually on standby in Poland for delivery, just before the anticipated final vote and approval in Congress. In spite of this, the real challenge is actually once delivered to their intended destination-- setting up and deploying the equipment to combat still takes time.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

And the dude who maintains VLC do not even make money from it, at all!

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I've only met one or two communists who are genuinely decent and principled. The rest are nutters.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

There are governments that support Palestine, including Spain and Ireland. I guess the latter two are anti-Semite then.

TankovayaDiviziya ,

I'm no longer religious, but I probably would not be the person I am were it not for Catholic teachings. It was probably in Catholic school which taught me that you don't have to prove anything to anyone. This advice complements my maverick and individualistic personality but it isn't to say that I haven't had insecurities and not minded what others think. I was also taught to be compassionate and humble. However, the last two could only go so far as I learned growing up that it led me to being a figurative door mat for others.

Nevertheless, all of those doesn't excuse the Catholic church's corruption and sexual abuse scandals. The Catholic church also, up until recently, force left handed folks to be right handed. That is one of the weirdest superstitions and beliefs that the Catholic church has. Oh and the Catholic church is still impractically anti-divorce.

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. ( lemmy.world )

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