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Taleya ,

Productivity remains unchanged, i'm all for it.

Taleya ,

Ruby's whole schtick sounds exactly like something a god of stories would make up

Taleya ,

73 yards is the distance of a TARDIS' perception filter so there may be more later on

Taleya ,

Look, he was stuck on the TARDIS with nothing to do and no way to masturbate, he got weirdly invested in her story

Landlords in Alberta are using government-funded climate retrofits as an excuse to hike rents ( )

On May 29, the National Housing Council’s review panel on the financialization of purpose-built rental presented a report that highlights the urgent need not only to build more non-market housing specifically, but also to protect Canada’s existing affordable rental housing from financialized landlords through an acquisition...

Taleya ,

They're landlords, they'd use a passing sparrow as an excuse to raise rents

Taleya ,

I wasn't even a metallica fan but i started downloading tracks in the days of yore just to delete them out of spite

Taleya ,

Convinced that napster was stealing all his moneys and pretty much cemented the idea that people pirating things means you've lost BILLIONS OF REVENUE as opposed to an indicator that you've got a supply chain or pricing problem.

Taleya ,

I saw a comment about how it was a character piece, not a plot piece and i think that nailed why i find it so dissatisfying- Ruby really doesn't inveigle me as a character.

Well that and Turn Left did it so much better

Taleya ,

When a man gets a taste of the violence and terror he's inflicted on over 30 victims...yeah.

How old is the oldest building in the town you live in?

To those from the Western hemisphere, it's always fascinating to hear that some homes and businesses from the times of the Greek philosophers still have inhabitants, and then you remember that the Western hemisphere is itself not without its own examples, for example some Mexican villages still have temples from the times of the...

Taleya ,

If you're talking white people, technically cooks cottage (built 30 years before the first fleet) but it was brought over and reassembled in the 1930's lol

Indigenous, probably the eel traps / farming system. That's 9,000 years old iirc

Taleya ,

Budj Bim eel farm and accompanying stone huts. Massive aquaculture farm / village the Gunditjmara people built that not only secured their own food supply, but is so large and effective for trade the term 'industrial level' has been used

ajsadauskas , to Fuck Cars avatar

So despite climate change, Australia's federal government has just committed an extra $3.25 billion into building a toll road and a 20-lane freeway widening.

For those who wonder why Aussies think toll roads are a scam ([email protected]/112405373613706682), here's a great example of why.

"Pouring an extra $3.25 billion worth of federal funds into Melbourne’s North East Link is a good use of taxpayer money, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has insisted, despite the project’s cost doubling just a few months ago.


"The North East Link – which includes 6½ kilometres of tunnels – will stretch from Bulleen to Greensborough. It will widen the Eastern Freeway by up to 20 lanes.

"Allan revealed in December that the 10-kilometre toll road had more than doubled in cost since it was first announced.

"The toll road was initially budgeted at $10 billion and reassessed in 2019 at $15 billion. But the government revealed last year that the updated cost estimate was $26 billion."


Taleya ,

We're literally building a MASSIVE expansion to our rail system right now

Taleya ,

I cop that as a cisfem (not to downplay the damage), idiots gotta idiot.

Taleya ,

In my case they went on a huuge rant next call (to me) about the previous tech 'a man called andy who didn't have me try any of this!!'

Yes i did. You just didn't fucking listen. Would you like the recording?

Taleya ,

As a tech, i'm fucking howling because 99% of answers to any given question is already bullshit that ranges from useless to dangerous.

"The machine" can't tell the difference and it's going to be considered authoratitive in its blithe stupidity. hoover up SA all you want, you're just gonna agregate it with bullishit and poison your own well anyway

Taleya ,

Masses of tests culminating in 9 months of chemo on magrath, multiple meds and hospital stays from complications including two stints in ICU, CAT scans, blood tests, etc etc. $0 AUD at one of the best cancer care hospitals in the world.

Oh and i also received federal disability payments because i couldn't work.

Taleya ,

Jesus my toilet is bigger than that 'kitchen'

Taleya ,

Syntactically they should have used 'displays' not 'is' a green or red flag, but everyone divined the meaning of the damned sentence and the internet is garbage so who gives a rats

Taleya ,

Won't help, those fuckers go 30 mph. Usain bolt only managed 23 dot something for comparison

Taleya ,

And also possibly eat you.

Look canonically the worst a bear will ever do is two out of three, only men have hit the hat trick

Taleya ,

And that's why we pick the bear.

You know what a bear's gonna do. You never know if a man is gonna turn into an abusive cunt.

Taleya ,

Don't make eye contact, don't attract attention, get the almighty fuck out.

Taleya ,

stop, I can only get so bearect

Taleya ,

You may carry one now, but can you calculate percentages on it without your maths lessons? Can you convert fractions? I blame the technology, if it's going to math it needs to math all maths

Taleya ,

My ol' sony discman actually has a flat printed pcb connector for earphones.

Issue is that redesigns get proprietary real fast

Taleya ,

Just had one with atlantis. Straight up asked for the pricing of 17sqm delivered to metro melbourne.

'Oooh it depends on faaaactors. Tell ya what, how 'bout i get one of our sales guys to call you and work out the best product solution"

"Nope, 17sqm product xx, plus delivery to metro melbourne. That's it'

'Yes but factors'

Fucking bye Felicia

Taleya ,

As opposed to FUCKING BEARS. No one ever brings up the fact that america gets BEARS. IN THEIR GARBAGE BINS. As opposed to 90% of our shit we don't encounter unless we go out of our way

Taleya ,

Back then cars also made bad drivers go squish.

Unfortunately so did everyone else involved

Taleya ,

I did something similar with a retropi for a mate.

Taleya ,

Nah mate, for his is the power the kingdom and glory. Forever and ever.

Taleya ,

I've seen this so many times and still lose it

Taleya ,

We recently ran a full on marathon. The rot set in a good while before the last season, but the last one definitely went completely off the rails

Taleya ,
  • refused to be paid shit pay for his work.
Taleya ,

Battlestar Galactica

Taleya ,

trek is not here to teach morals though. It's here to entertain

Taleya ,


Taleya ,

Looking at OP's history and conments...yeah those downvotes happened in context.

Taleya ,

They're not interested in progression, or resolution, just ranting at perceived wrongs. It's the standard outrage trope parading as morality.

Every single relationship they see is 'toxic'. Every action is labelled as 'toxic'. They literally rant on the immorality of actions that within the ahow itself are painted as being not only bad, but right over the moral event horizon and accelerating as if it's some astounding revelation only they can see and must bring to the attention of the blind stupid masses. Their entire argument hinges on treating fictional characters as moral guidelines to real life as opposed to complex beings that serve a story.

We all know the fandom kind. It's a blinkered childish media consumption that only see the most basic of surface levels and brands anything they personally dislike or can't understand as bad.

I pointed out the fault is in their misconception that trek 'teaches morals', it is simply a television franchise. Their measured response was to accuse me of enabling oppression. Ain't nobody got time for this sort of ridiculousness in fandom spaces.

Taleya ,

One of these cultures has normalised vegan and vegetarianism for centuries, the other is trying to wean a meat-obsessed population.

They are not the same thing, nor do they have the same requirements to reach their end goals

Taleya ,

Its incorrect wording but i shorthanded it to 'embrace the sociopathy'. Very nice little koan to drop on the programmed reaction i've had to natural ASD reactions

'You can't do that it's sociopathic!' No ma it's ASD and i'm tired of pretending i'm not to save your face.

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