@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar


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Why Danielle Smith Is Wrong on Research Funding in Alberta ( thetyee.ca )

Last month Alberta Premier Danielle Smith tabled Bill 18, the Provincial Priorities Act, in the provincial legislature. If passed into law, the bill will give the Alberta government power to vet any agreements between the federal government and post-secondary institutions, and other “provincial entities.”...

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

I thought random people stealing was why? Try to stay on a single reason here, grocery stores.

TSG_Asmodeus OP ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." -Upton Sinclair

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

It's nice to see the faculty at least standing for the students.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

“A more thorough investigation may have been able to answer some or most of these questions.”

That could apply to pretty much any case that involves Indigenous people, it seems like.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

At least one political party is bothering to defend these people.

TSG_Asmodeus OP ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

If it had been reported that it was 12 Caucasian women … it would have made headline news and reported round the clock for a week.

It would likely have caused entire policy changes. In this case it's 'he turned himself in, nothing more to see here.' We also will get to experience weeks/months of people trying to downplay the fact these were hate crimes. They'll focus on everything else.

Black man who borrowed father's BMW questioned, forcibly arrested outside home ( www.cbc.ca )

tl;dr - Black man driving his dad's BMW is detained for being suspicious because he doesn't look like the sort of person who drives that car. He is subject to a rough arrest as his mother watches. Gatineau police insist there was no racial profiling.

TSG_Asmodeus , (edited )
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Citing privacy concerns, police declined to provide any further information about the incident, including the specific kinds of force they used and how Fagan-Pierre is alleged to have resisted.

Hahaha, Jesus, 'Citing how bad it would look, we don't include information on the illegal force usage.'

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

So it turns out theft isn't hurting their sales either, eh?

Sounds like an invitation to me.

TSG_Asmodeus , (edited )
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Social media user: “why are we even paying taxes? Canada cares about anyone but the taxpayers”

Hahahaha, I can actually see people on their phones/computers saying this aloud.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

“Rex Murphy was a Rhodes scholar who could match wits with any intellectual, but he always seemed more comfortable and far happier being around regular Canadians.”

Are we thinking of the same Rex Murphy? Wasn't he happiest speaking to rich people at posh events he was paid to speak at?

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

A common complaint made by people who’d never listened to him

Yeah like I said, he never spoke to me because he was at events with the wealthy.

TSG_Asmodeus , (edited )
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

But the Cons also received money. How are they acting as the party of the working class? The NDP got us pharmacare added to healthcare while in 3rd place.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Ok, got it.

I agree, but honestly, their supporters don't have to believe. They vote for the C even when they don't bother to put up platform, and I mean that literally. Their supporters support the C, they don't care what the people actually do.

TSG_Asmodeus , (edited )
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

I get journalists hate Xbox, but Xbox needs to exist as a consumer option.

I don't understand, is this a thing? "All journalists hate Xbox" I mean. I've never heard this before. Like there's a mandate that journalists have to hate the Xbox?

EDIT: I'll eat the downvotes, I just want to understand what the fuck they're talking about

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah the comment felt like bizarre astroturfing -- Why would 'gaming journalists' specifically not want Xbox to succeed, but want Playstation to? Like somehow a Sony monopoly is great for... journalists? A very strange take.

XBOX has been underwhelming for a while and journalists will report on that, and they will focus on those bad parts and certainly also sometimes make it sound worse than it really is, because it brings in clicks.

I worked at Microsoft and I can assure you, they deserve every bit of hate they get. And it really is that bad. There was a point with the Xbox One where Sony was beating 'us' in every single market we were actively tracking except specific parts of the US. Yet we had directive after directive for clearly nonsensical ideas like targeting Japan for console sales.

I also worked (third party) with Sony and they aren't much better, but they at least understand how to get their consoles bought. Microsoft hasn't known how to do that since the 360.

Perfect Dark Reboot Is Allegedly In Bad Shape ( www.gamespot.com )

I don't think big companies know how to make a good FPS campaign anymore, let alone hone in on classic deathmatch multiplayer. The last FPS I bought was Half-Life: Alyx four years ago, and the first one to come along and interest me since then was Phantom Fury, but I'm letting that one iron out bugs for a few weeks before I...

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

As someone with an avatar of the Q from Quake 1, I can avidly say that writing was not better in the past.

Just off the top of my head from the last decade:

-Baldurs gate 3
-Return of the Obra Dinn
-Disco Elysium
-Shadowrun Dragonfall
-Red Dead Redemption 2
-Witcher 3
-Hellblade Senuas Sacrifice
-Life is Strange
-Prey (2017)
-The Red Strings Club

Seriously, go check the story to Perfect Dark. Hilarious? Yes. A "good story"? No.

There are myriad issues in gaming now that weren't there in the past, but good writing is (thankfully) still around.

Just how far is Pierre Poilievre willing to take the notwithstanding clause? ( www.cbc.ca )

In January, the Federal Court found that the Trudeau government's use of the Emergencies Act to respond to the protests of the self-styled freedom convoy in 2022 was not properly justified — a decision the federal government is now appealing....

TSG_Asmodeus OP ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

I think it's pretty clear he's going to use it the moment he can. Talk may be cheap, but he straight up said:

"...we will make them constitutional, using whatever tools the Constitution allows me to use to make them constitutional,” he said. “I think you know exactly what I mean.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Remember that the people actually doing the work don't decide who to make deals with.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Laid off workers don't have the ability to choose these options though. You're talking about management/marketing decisions.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

I'm curious, how exactly is the Right spinning this in Germany? Is it similar to the Americans' 'witch hunt' messaging?

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

(I think people are misunderstanding your comment as being literal, not quoting what they're saying. Thank you, for the answer.)

TSG_Asmodeus OP ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Back before the UCP officially were voted in, I had some very angry redditors steadfastly denying that the province would ever vote Smith in.

Sure enough, they did it, and polling-wise they probably would again. Sure, she's done nothing but cause them issues, but they don't care.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

downtown Toronto is becoming a tenant’s paradise - and an investor’s potential nightmare


TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Not to mention, the 'privilege' is given by whether or not you have a monopoly in the area. That's not decided by the person, but by whether or not our societal systems have bothered to prevent said monopoly.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

No one is expecting people with no ability to shop elsewhere to do so, nor to starve. It’s a strawman argument.

100% agree, if anything it proves the point -- they have a monopoly in many areas, and that should be illegal.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

“Their frustration is understandable, but this kind of expectation betrays a misunderstanding of what's actually driving food prices higher in this country.”

Food prices first soared above headline inflation starting in December 2021, rising as much as 11.4 per cent annually, according to Statistics Canada. February marked the first time since then that the price of food purchased from grocery stores (2.4 per cent increase year-over-year) fell below headline inflation (2.8 per cent.)

Revenue was $13,581 million, an increase of $586 million, or 4.5%.
Retail segment sales were $13,290 million, an increase of $555 million, or 4.4%.

Absolutely fuck this waste of air.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

I almost worry that there won’t be any money left for the dental plan program by the time I’m even able to apply for it.

AFAIK we do have (more than) enough to cover those of us who aren't seniors.

That said, we're about to get a Con government that will dismantle this, so you are correct you won't be able to use it; not because we don't have the money, but because the Cons don't want you to have it.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Another major issue I had was the community itself. When troubleshooting the issues I’ve had over the years, one big problem that kept popping back up was how toxic and condescending the Linux community can be. On more than a few occasions my requests for help on forums were met with passive aggressiveness and hostility because I “should have known better” or something along those lines. The most recent example I can think of was someone asking me to post a debug log to troubleshoot an issue I had and I had to ask him where to find the log. He told me the folder it would be in but not the folder path to get there. When I asked again where to find the log, he just told me that “maybe Linux isn’t for you”.

I had almost exactly this same issue years ago when I tried Mint. I was trying to get something to work (I think install games on Steam? Something like that) and it would just do nothing, no message, etc. When I asked for help, I was told "This is super obvious" and after trying their suggestions and having them all fail, was told "just go back to windows."

Ok, done?

(It also doesn't help that there is a huge difference between 'you can use the terminal' and 'you have to use the terminal.' I'm an 80's kid, I grew up with DOS, so I understand how to navigate terminals, I just don't want to constantly.)

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

I’d love to be eating my words here, but I think Microsoft would rather pull all the marketing tricks out the book to force everyone into Win11.

What confuses me is their weird TPM and whatever else requirements. I have a decent system, but it doesn't support Windows 11 (thank the gods), so what is their plan for people like me exactly? Like I'm going to replace my motherboard and CPU just to use windows 11? This feels like multiple parts of Microsoft fighting each other.

TSG_Asmodeus ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

Unfortunately, they would rather that the image of Win11 is this really secure OS

(This is in no way an indictment of what you've said here, it is entirely directed at MS.) If that's their objective, they've done an absolutely horrific job of making that clear. I guess part of that is they claim everything they do is for security, so no-one believes them.

Not to mention, I'm pretty sure the vast, vast, vast majority of Windows users aren't concerned that if their PC gets stolen people can get into it. They're much more concerned with the lost PC itself.

Either way, they look, frankly, incompetent. The OS is maligned by users, and they've stuffed so many embarrassing things like ads in the search bar or whatever, that any illusion of its benefits are lost behind a wall of garbage.

Poilievre subdued in question period the day after getting kicked out for 'wacko' comment ( www.cbc.ca )

Wednesday's question period was notably more subdued a day after the House of Commons erupted in a nasty war of words between Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and the prime minister that ultimately resulted in Poilievre's removal....

TSG_Asmodeus OP ,
@TSG_Asmodeus@lemmy.world avatar

"We want to charge him, but he's so violent when we do we feel it's best to let him be violent without being charged."

Wow thanks, what a fantastic system.

What We Risk by Normalizing Poilievre’s Politics ( thetyee.ca )

Just days before the 2006 election Stephen Harper made an extraordinary statement. Seeking to assure Canadians a potential Conservative majority government would be restrained from accruing “absolute power,” Harper submitted that his party would face “limits” because of “checks,” naming specifically courts, civil...

No Punishment for RCMP Officer Who Pleaded Guilty to Assault ( thetyee.ca )

An RCMP officer who, until recently, faced two criminal charges for alleged violence while on the job in Prince George will return to work after receiving an absolute discharge, meaning there will be no sentence or any criminal record, in a Vancouver courtroom yesterday morning....

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