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SupraMario , to Technology in Dell responds to return-to-office resistance with VPN, badge tracking, and color-coding of employees

I will not work for a company that thinks it needs to babysit it's employees. The idea that you have to constantly micromanage someone is ridiculous, if they're that shit at their job, you let them go and get someone else for the role.

SupraMario , to World News in ‘We will fight with our fingernails’ says Netanyahu after US threat to curb arms

Ok. Have fun.

SupraMario , to Asklemmy in who is on Lemmy (the sociology of Lemmy)

Some boomers definitely helped in it, but do remember even the youngest boomers are 60+ now. While they did help, it wasn't anywhere near what gen x and then millennials did. Not discounting them at all. Also while yes the younger era of the net with darpa is from boomers and the silent gen, I'm more talking about what the web and tech is today. They %100 laid the foundation, we just built the rest.

SupraMario , to Android in what lemmy app do you recommend and why?

Give boost a shot, nothing will replace RIF but boost is pretty damn close.

SupraMario , (edited ) to Asklemmy in who is on Lemmy (the sociology of Lemmy)

You shouldn't feel to bad gen x and millennials created the web and how most tech is today. The generation after these are damn near tech illiterate. If it's not an app or buttons to click they're lost.

SupraMario , to Android in what lemmy app do you recommend and why?

Boost here as well, was a RIF user and I've been able to make boost look and feel sorta like RIF which is great.

SupraMario , to Games in Microsoft’s Xbox Is Planning More Cuts After Studio Closings - Bloomberg

Because CEOs are fucking idiots. So many companies do this shit, it's not just the gaming side. A company starts to grow and instead of keeping with an organic growth they buy companies over and over.

SupraMario , to World News in The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war

You don't seem to even try to respond to anything I'm saying at all so I don't see the point of this. You're straight up lying. You said "Palestine is not a race, and Islam is %100 transphobic and the main religion practiced there (98% of the population)." to me saying it's racist to claim Palestinians are all transphobic. If you get to the point of having to lie to prove your point I se no point in continuing to this. Again never claimed that homophobia isn't a problem but keep posting that straw man please. Dumb fuck.

Uhh this entire thread of comments have been about people saying that Palestine is completely fine for the LGBT community...learn to read and then learn to understand what you're reading.

Also you don't seem to know what the word whataboutism means or you're just incapable of understanding my point. I'm not saying we shouldn't care about homophobia in middle eastern countries because it happens in republican states. I'm applying your logic to show how it doesn't make sense. That is totally lost on you however.

Naa it's not lost on me champ, that's a perfect example of definition perfect. I've pointed out multiple times in this chain of comments to multiple people that Palestine is not a LGBT friendly place and that Islam is not a friend to the LGBT community, and ehat I've been getting back is "well the christians in the USA are homophobic too"... that's whataboutism.

It's a common tactic by racists to claim they are not racists by saying everyone from that country is a criminal etc. and when you point out the flaw in the logic they go, but Nigeria is not a race, Islam is not a race, etc etc. It's dumb, It's boring and has been done to death.

Lol sure thing champ. You keep trying to understand what they adults are talking about, so far it's been ignorance and dribble.

SupraMario , to World News in The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war

You mean how I've continued to post links from legitimate sources providing proof of what I have been saying and you all have been replying with "not like that"...

SupraMario , to World News in The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war

You support Israel because you're parroting a Zionist talking about about Palestinians being transphobic and homophbic ignoring how they, like everywhere else, have an lgtbq population that is also being murdered by Israel.

Please point out where I've stated I support Israel? Pretty sure I've state the opposite multiple times in this thread.
And once again, you bring up an ignorant talking point, so let's run with your logic, because there are lgbt people in Palestine it makes Israel murders to them, not murders to anyone else apparently. So by your logic, the USA for 20 years were just murdering lgbt people in Iraq and Afghanistan...

All you have to say is that it's no racist to paint an entire group of people as being a certain way because Palestine is not a race. Sure that makes sense.

They're not a race, are you trolling me at this point? Cause your logic is getting dumber and dumber.

It's not comparing apples to oranges, it's the same logic.

It really is but ok....

You paint an entire group of people as anti-lgbtq, even though the laws you claim don't exist in Palestine, and extrapolate that to the entire population.

I've been saying Islam and lgbtq rights are not friends, no where have I said Palestinians are all anti-lgbtq, you have continued to suggest I have, just as you continue to say I've been using Zionist talking points. You also seem to lack the ability to produce any actual facts of your own, while I've continued to have to provide you with articles and the laws in middle I'll do it again.

It's not hard to understand that lgbt persons cannot openly express themselves there.

Or it's even more insane because you take examples from other countries and apply it to Palestine without actually providing any evidence for what you say is true for Palestine.

LGBTI people’s rights
Authorities failed to prevent and investigate homophobic and transphobic threats and attacks.
On 9 July, security forces stood by and watched as a mob beat youths and children participating in a parade organized by Ashtar Theatre in Ramallah that included rainbow flags. The attack came amid a wave of incitement to violence and hate speech against LGBTI people and feminists that the authorities failed to investigate.

In October, Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, a 25-year-old gay man, was found decapitated in Hebron. He had sought asylum in Israel two years prior to his murder.

Those laws don't exist there so what is you're logic that Palestine is homophobic? Because all of Islam is, sure that makes sense. No need to provide any evidence for it, and if you claim that they have a high transphobic population

I've provided the laws, I've provided the articles, I've provided everything that backs my claims, you and othets on the other hand have done nothing but toss out whataboutisms and anecdotal evidence of your claims. You clearly have zero clue what it is like in the middle east and in Islamic sharia law states.

so does red-states in the US thus the comparison is valid.

As I said more whataboutism...and our red states have plenty of homophobic and transphobic groups and they absolutely are disgusting pieces of shit for existing, but because they exist doesn't give a pass to the middle east.

I have never argued homophobia or transphobia is not a problem in Muslim countries. What you're saying becomes a problem when you essentialize an entire group of people as being hateful. This is what racists does so it makes sense to point it out.

Yea you have, you literally in this very post said Palestine doesn't have any anti LGBT have continued to point out how Israel is only somehow killing LGBT people and you have continued to point out whatsboutism's comparing our red states with the middle east.

I've provided plenty of evidence for my points, and you and others have done nothing but move goal posts, use anecdotal evidence, and whatsboutisms, all while calling me a racist and other personal attacks, because you're unable to provide any sort of evidence that contradict my points.

SupraMario , to World News in The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war

O I'm sorry that it's a story from 2001 does that magically make it false now? Goal posts really keep getting pushed further and further....

SupraMario , to World News in The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war

Go read through this thread and then come back and tell me I'm the one pulling that crap. All I see in thus thread is a bunch of white privilege kids who think the world is black and white.

SupraMario , to No Stupid Questions in How come liberals dont hate conservatives the way conservatives hate liberals

Annoyed with the double speak. Like if we're supposed to be the side that's steeped in truth, why the biasness?

SupraMario , to World News in The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war

I'm a minority from the south, who does range days on my own private range for operation blazing sword, and I have family who are LGBTQ+...but sure won't contact you again.

SupraMario , to World News in The Palestinian activists fighting for LGBTQ+ rights against a neverending backdrop of war

Copying this from a previous comment as it's basically the same ignorance so I don't care enough about changing the context.

Just ignore the fact Christians are doing the same thing. It's not an Islamic issue. It's a conservative issue.

Not arguing that, there isn't anywhere in this entire thread that I have done so. I've just been pointing out that the middle east and islam is hostile towards LGBT persons. And everyone here seems to think that's not the case.

Muslims in America are predominantly left leaning and their views reflect it.

Muslims are not significantly more likely than all Americans to identify as liberal (30% vs. 28%); however, a greater share of Muslims describe themselves as politically moderate (39% vs. 32% of all U.S. adults).

Muslims vote Democrat mainly because dems aren't trying to constantly glass the middle east... wondering how that'll look now that biden continues to feed the Israelis bombs, so they can continue the genocide.

I'm more worried about Christians in America trying to kill me than Muslims.

In the USA? Sure, more people here are christians, but don't think that if Islam was given the chance at running the usa that you'd be better off somehow.

They are more accepting of me here than Christians. My local mosque has a big trans rights flag in protest of our local politicians, and guess who were the ones to get upset about that. I'll give you a hint. It wasn't the people who were worshiping under the trans rights flag.

Not saying there aren't tolerant Muslims, never have.

As a subject of hate born from essentialization, it's bad. Don't do it. Regardless of who you're essentializing.

Intolerance of the intolerant I believe is what is preached around here.

Systemic oppression can only happen with underlying dehumanization that comes from this thinking.

%100 agree

Before you say "what about Nazis?", still no. It removes responsibility from them. That was the immediate and obvious excuse the people under Nazi Germany used to absolve themselves when the war ended. It was what was used to excuse the people brought to Western nations under programs like paper clip. They are people. They are just like you. You are capable of becoming just like them. Unless you're willing to accept that, you're much more susceptible to becoming like them.

I'm not someone who believes that you should be tolerant of those who actively are trying to remove the rights and lives of others based off of their skin color, gender or sexual orientation.

What Israel is doing is fucked, we should have stopped funding their damn military decades ago.

What hamas and other jihadist are doing to people (women and LGBT persons mainly) in the middle east is also fucked.

Both things can be true. Not everything is black and white. It's like we have lost all nuance in discussions these days.

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