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SulaymanF ,

This is idiotic. Gandhi hated that Pakistan split off and said that he recognized their existence but would never recognize their “right” to exist.

That’s not even an international policy. Does Castile have a right to exist? Does Kashmir? Does Kurdistan? Why doesn’t Germany demand the same for others?

SulaymanF ,

No. Germany can recognize Jewish lives and the worldwide Jewish community without needing to play into the hands of a rightwing apartheid state and getting involved smack in the middle of their political dispute. This isn’t hard; it’s like being able to say Black Lives Matter without having to support and endorse the controversial policies of Louis Farrakhan.

Israel rescues 4 hostages taken in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, and 210 Palestinians are reported killed ( )

DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel on Saturday carried out its largest hostage rescue operation since the latest war with Hamas began, taking four to safety out of central Gaza amid the military’s heavy air and ground assault. At least 210 dead Palestinians, including children, were brought to local hospitals, a health...

SulaymanF ,

Hamas doesn't exactly pick the most civilian-free areas to set up their base of operations either.

IDF headquarters is in the center of a civilian area in Tel Aviv. By Israeli logic, is firing missiles at Tel Aviv a legitimate military objective? Netanyahu’s bunker is in a crowded civilian area too, why is he using human shields?

SulaymanF ,

The issue here is that the IDF believes Israeli lives are FAR more important than Palestinian lives. How much? They actually have calculated how many Palestinian civilian deaths are acceptable to protect one Israeli soldier.

SulaymanF ,

Netanyahu said since November that even if all hostages were released he was going to invade anyway and not stop the war.

SulaymanF ,

Israel dismisses any and all criticism, and always complains about medieval history as an ad hominem attack. Turkey complains about Israel
killing Turkish civilians? Israel replies something about Turkey mistreating Armenians. German government complains about mistreatment of Palestinians? Call them modern Nazis. Now Spain gets derided as something from nearly 600 years ago.

SulaymanF ,

But Israelis DONT see it as controversial. Surveys of Israelis show 68% oppose humanitarian aid to Gaza. Intentional collective punishment and starvation are war crimes but they enjoy wide support in Israel; Netanyahu’s use of them is not considered objectionable by the mainstream and that’s not why the Israeli public is angry at him.

SulaymanF ,

After 24 hours of absolutely awful videos on TV and social media, Netanyahu finally reverses his previous press statement about “precision bombs” and “precision intelligence” targeting a refugee camp in a IDF-designated safe zone and decides to pretend the whole thing was a misunderstanding.

Rashida Tlaib is right, why won’t Biden say anything about his precious red line being violated?

SulaymanF ,

Even Israel isn’t claiming that on this one. Try again.

SulaymanF ,

7 months and you’re still getting this wrong.

Genocide does not have to exterminate everyone to be considered genocide. Erasing the nation is also a definition of genocide; and Netanyahu has publicly admitted to this. His party charter says to eliminate Palestine. He said he will never allow a Palestinian state, and that Palestinians don’t exist and are just Jordanians. His cabinet has toyed with the idea of forcibly deporting all Palestinians. The ICC and ICJ have spelled out how Netanyahu’s policies meet the definition of genocide.

Can we let this falsehood die already?

SulaymanF ,

Yes, even at the time of your posting Israel claimed they were hitting an underground bunker that just magically happened to be there after IDF cleared the entire territory and declared it a “safe zone” and moved civilians into it. None of your original claim is true nor the fault of anyone but Israel, even if we were to buy Israel’s claim which is dubious to begin with.

SulaymanF , (edited )

The IDF cleared the area and then chose to designate it as a safe zone. That’s 100% their responsibility if they herded and encouraged civilians there. Israeli intelligence has a pretty detailed map of the tunnels and have been citing them widely. I do not believe they suddenly discovered a tunnel (since they’re not even claiming a tunnel existed, merely that the Hamas people were underground). AND spokesman Daniel Hagari said that Israel only used two 17kg bombs, which isn’t enough to reach or destroy a tunnel.

Seems obvious I'm talking to someone who only regards Israeli people as evil, attributes everything to malice.

Nope, but keep looking for reasons to dismiss everyone you disagree with so nobody can affect your beliefs with new facts or evidence or logical arguments.

SulaymanF , (edited )

Do you honestly believe Netanyahu loves Palestinians and that the quotes in court were merely cherry-picked? His whole career is against the state of Palestine; it’s even on his damn campaign website and in the party charter. If you can’t be convinced of the blindingly obvious truth I can’t help you.

You can try to attack Sourh Africa as much as you want but Israel’s military ally Egypt also signed onto the charges. So did a lot of NGOs and EU countries. If you want to live in denial then that’s on you, but don’t try lying to the rest of us.

SulaymanF ,

He keeps appealing. It’s like he’s doubling down.

SulaymanF ,

Israel isn’t even claiming the rockets were launched from there, so your speculation is unfounded.

SulaymanF ,

Israel has pointedly said that the civilian death toll is irrelevant no matter how big it gets. Killing 3 civilians for every terrorist is considered acceptable numbers by the IDF. For some reason if Hamas uses the same logic to kill 300 soldiers and 900 civilians (many killed by Israeli friendly fire) they’re wrong?

I’m against violence by both sides but this attempt at justifying one and condemning the other is stupid.

SulaymanF ,

7 months and you’re still getting this wrong.

Genocide does not have to exterminate everyone to be considered genocide. Erasing the nation is also a definition of genocide; and Netanyahu has publicly admitted to this. His party charter says to eliminate Palestine. He said he will never allow a Palestinian state, and that Palestinians don’t exist and are just Jordanians. His cabinet has toyed with the idea of forcibly deporting all Palestinians. The ICC and ICJ have spelled out how Netanyahu’s policies meet the definition of genocide.

Can we let this falsehood die already?

SulaymanF ,

That’s still misleading; the treaty gives Israel the right to veto anything through the crossing even if Egypt owns the crossing.

SulaymanF ,

That’s a lame attempt to misdirect; Israel is blocking aid through the crossing. I don’t care what Canada or other countries do when the outcome is the same. And not just aid; Americans were blocked from fleeing Gaza including doctors and medical volunteers and it required the US State Department to pressure Israel into letting them out.

SulaymanF ,

According to JNS, which explicitly says in their donation request at the bottom of the article that they’re trying to defend Israel. No bias there right?

Israel seized the crossing in violation of the treaty. Israel blocked aid until the ICJ chastised them, then they said they’d allow aid through despite blocking it, now the US pressured Egypt to accept their loss and treaty violations and ship things anyway.

SulaymanF ,

Again, like I said above. Israel broke the treaty and seized the crossing. They initially restricted everything and then announced they were opening some of it after international pressure. Egypt then later decided it wasn’t going to play Israel’s game with its seized crossing and didn’t allow stuff to be sent, now they’re relenting on behalf of Palestinians despite the loss of Egyptian property in Israeli theft.

In what way does this make Israel look good in any of this?

SulaymanF ,

One more time. Israel broke the treaty and seized the crossing. Claiming they share control is not true anymore. Egypt is not going to accept this change or play along and validate Israel annexing more land for themselves and you should stop trying to pretend Egypt shares blame in their victimization.

SulaymanF ,

Still wrong. For someone who claims not to defend Israel, that’s all you seem to do on this sub.

The AMA was a deal between Israel and PA but it does not supersede the 1979 Egypt-Israel treaty. Israel doesn’t care if it violates the AMA because it always broke deals with the PA, but the Egypt treaty is different. Israel seized one side of the crossing but they seized the Egyptian side and even got into a firefight with Egyptian soldiers, in open violation of the original treaty and the Philadelphi Accords.

I’m clearly not going to convince you because your post history is only pedantic defense of Israel. So I’m going to leave it here; Israel broke treaties and international laws and tries to keep the thinnest veneer of deniability when it commits its war crimes, but people are seeing through it more and more despite their sophistry. Peace.

SulaymanF ,

It’s not hallucination, the proper word is Confabulation. Can we as a collective fix this now before we get stuck with the wrong word for the next 30 years?

SulaymanF , (edited )

It’s actually confabulation. Making up false memories as a result of brain damage.

SulaymanF ,

This happens in other Caribbean countries too. If you were to fly to Bermuda or Grenada you’d get in trouble for carrying this stuff.

SulaymanF ,

We also have to stop calling it hallucinations. The proper term in psychology for making stuff up like this is “Confabulations.”

SulaymanF ,

In his diary entries from 1895, Herzl unambiguously advocated for the forced emigration of Palestinians, writing “to spirit the penniless [Palestinian] population across the border by denying it any employment in our own country… Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” He envisioned a program of strict ethnic segregation, denying Palestinians employment and economic opportunities, to compel their exodus.

Herzl believed this combination of ethnic separation and forced transfer, or ethnic cleansing, could be made to appear voluntary, masking the violent reality. This cynical blueprint of demographic engineering through discrimination and dispossession was perhaps his most insidious contribution to the ideology of settler colonialism.

Secret Hamas Files Show How It Spied on Everyday Palestinians ( )

The Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has for years overseen a secret police force in Gaza that conducted surveillance on everyday Palestinians and built files on young people, journalists and those who questioned the government, according to intelligence officials and a trove of internal documents reviewed by The New York Times....

SulaymanF ,

No. Hamas was not popular until Israel stepped up its attacks on Palestinians and the corrupt Abbas and Fatah party did nothing in response.

If you want Hamas to go away, you need to actually empower moderates. Abbas lost all political credibility when he promised Palestinian statehood in exchange for nonviolence and couldn’t deliver. Israeli military opened fire on nonviolent protestors and got no consequences for it. Frustrated, the people turned to rightwing parties. Same as what happened in Israel.

If you want Hamas to stop being popular then you need to stop proving them right. Give people freedoms and security. Because the Israeli government has proved that diplomacy doesn’t work, nonviolence doesn’t work, and protest doesn’t work; the IDF still throws people out of houses and steals land. Abbas offered some deep concessions for peace that made him unpopular with his people (giving up Jerusalem, permanently giving up right of return) and Netanyahu refused without even a counteroffer. He wanted Hamas and rightwing parties to rise so he could justify his violent policies. He intentionally undermined Palestinian moderates and put himself into this mess.

SulaymanF ,

The Israeli Shin Bet does pretty much the same domestic espionage and there’s rightwing patrols in ultra orthodox neighborhoods as well monitoring for illicit relationships etc.

SulaymanF ,

Neutral would be calling Likud a terrorist organization as well.

SulaymanF ,

Yes both sides commit terrorism. And one side gets billions of dollars in government aid and weapons despite murderifn journalists and openly causing famine.

I’m so tired of this political game. Abbas condemned terrorism and Israel refused to work with him for decades because the existence of terrorism gave them license to steal more land. He went to the UN to ask for statehood and Israeli leaders threatened to press charges of war crimes against him. His response was “we’ll share a cell at The Hague.”

SulaymanF ,

You should donate some of your organs to them.

SulaymanF ,

“Other people are worse” isn’t a good excuse for his own responsibility.

SulaymanF ,

That’s why we’re not voting Trump either. Your analogy doesn’t work.

SulaymanF ,

You keep writing comments like the only choices are voting for Trump or voting for Biden. Voting third party or not voting at all are also options, and neither one as as much blood on my hands as voting for both pro-genocide candidates.

SulaymanF ,

If Biden wants my vote he actually has to TRY and work for it, not just sit back and do things that harm my community but say Trump is worse.

SulaymanF ,

Someone will be blamed, if you carry it out then you share the blame.

SulaymanF ,

He announced it as part of a tax break scam, then let the project die.

SulaymanF ,

Frankly maybe the US should stop protecting Israel and let them do whatever they want. Clearly they don’t appreciate Biden trying to save them from themselves, and opening a second front of the war is what they want even though it will badly harm Israel. Attacking more Arab countries will drag the rest of the region into the fight and Israel will have nobody to blame but themselves.

SulaymanF ,

Numerous actual popular accounts and news sources have been suspended. It was major news in the Arabic-speaking world in October. Meta even apologized for auto-translating Palestinian as “terrorist.”

SulaymanF ,
SulaymanF ,

This makes me realize that Reddit development got stale, this should have been an updated feature years ago.

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