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SuiXi3D , avatar

Love is action.

You don’t feel love, you show it and recognize when it’s been shown to you. Saying you love someone is just words, but showing you love someone by listening when they need someone to listen or helping them in some other way is proof of love.

SuiXi3D , avatar

And of course there was a short period of time where a sound card wasn’t required, but would actually improve performance by offloading audio processing to your sound card if you had one. And onboard audio at that time wasn’t great anyways.

SuiXi3D , avatar

I bought an X-Fi card just for that game.

Men are from Mars...

Disclaimer: This meme may include negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures. These stereotypes were wrong then, and are wrong now. Rather than remove this content, I want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it, and spark a conversation to create a more inclusive future together.

SuiXi3D , avatar

We’re conditioned to do so. We’re taught that unless we’re actively contributing to the bottom line of some company that only sees you as a number we have no worth.

SuiXi3D , avatar

My biggest issue is that I don’t know enough about the things I want to know more about, meaning I can’t find work in fields I’m interested in and don’t have time or money to get a higher education.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Melt it down and turn it into something that can be used for good, not to harm.

SuiXi3D , avatar

The heat index today in Austin was 111.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Not particularly. I’m simply more aware of how it’s affected certain situations after the fact.

SuiXi3D , avatar

I literally had to tell my boss during my annual review that I deal with executive disorder for him to understand. Thankfully, after he looked it up, it seems he’s understood pretty well, but just telling people you have ADHD doesn’t seem to do much anymore.

SuiXi3D , avatar

So, like, I literally don’t care if someone identifies as whatever gender. You do you.

Just don’t tell me how to do me.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Hey, some of us have enjoyed the whole thing. Some less than others, but it’s been fun.

SuiXi3D , avatar

And the state of Texas would make the survivors pay for it instead of the power companies that refused to use previous funding to implement preventive measures.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Tell that to literally every company that produces anything.

SuiXi3D , avatar

What in the hell is the point of buying up a bunch of studios just to close them all. Microsoft turning into EA over here…

SuiXi3D , avatar

F**k Face and Face Jam were my jam, but I have no clue how long they’ll be around what with Rooster Teeth being shut down. Otherwise, I try to keep up with Factually! as often as I can.

SuiXi3D , (edited ) avatar

I’d argue that 45fps should be the norm. Anything much higher than 60 and the average person doesn’t gain anything from it. Anything lower is tough for some people to deal with. 45 is a good middle ground, I think.

Unless you make your living playing competitive games, you don’t need 573830575fps.

EDIT: Refined my statement to make more sense. 5am brain didn’t realize it needed to go back to bed before making comments.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Yeah, sorry. Early morning brain needed more sleep before making comments. I refined my original comment to make more sense.

SuiXi3D , avatar

They’re losing money on ARC so I suppose they felt they had enough headroom on their CPU division to make up for it. Might’ve got cocky and not properly tested the new CPUs before pushing them out.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Serious discussion: Rise Against.

Taking the title literally: Alestorm.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Seriously. Says a lot about the modern internet, though. Both good and bad.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Must be nice. The only one that works for me is Vyvanse which is literally just cocaine, and the max dose of 70mg causes my heart rate to hit 120 while sitting down and doing nothing but watching YouTube for two hours.

SuiXi3D , avatar

Because I’ve been told by my pharmacy tech wife and my doctor that it is. Or close enough, anyway.

EDIT: It turns out my ignorance of chemistry is enough to get me downvoted. In any case, thank you to the kind souls that have educated me on the matter.

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