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Successful_Try543 ,

Yes, this works. However, you can not (or should not if you possibly could?) modify data on partitions mounted by the hibernating OS. If E.g.Windows and Linux are installed and Windows is hibernating, the NTFS partitions can only be mounted read-only under Linux.

How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?

Just a shower thought. Seeing how these structures took decades to build in their times, and that too entirely with manual labour, I was wondering how long these architectural marvels would take to be built in this post modern era with the help of our technological advancements....

Successful_Try543 ,

25 years ago (I hope this is sufficiently close to today) in Quarks & Co, a German TV science format, they analysed what it would take to build the Cheops pyramid in Cologne. It would take 10 month for the concrete foundation and 5 years for the lower two third of the pyramid. Use of modern technology makes it possible to place one stone every 20 seconds, which is triple the rate ancient egypt workers supposedly aceived. So I guess it would take 6-7 years in total.

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

Yes, I just checked again (~ 21:25), they claim to place one stone every 20 s which is supposedly three times faster than the ancient egyptians did. However, they did not place one stone at a time, but several at different positions.

Estimated for 20 year construction time: 2.6 million stones/(20 y × 365 d/y × 12 h/d) = 30 stones/h

Some claim it possibly took only 10 to 15 years.

what's your current linux distro?

wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with...

Successful_Try543 ,

Modern EVs such as Teslas have a high power consumption, much higher than some PV panels on the roof could deliver. Thus, it would only increase the weight of the car while not significantly increasing their range.

Successful_Try543 ,

I would also point out that my spell checker seems to think that the plural of roof is spelt "roofs" but I'm sure it ought to be "rooves" in the same way the plural of hoof as in part of a horse is hooves.

According to Wiktionary, both seem to be correct, but 'roofs' is the common variant.

Please Recommend An Alternative To Solid Explorer

I use Solid Explorer a lot. I use it mostly to transfer files from my phone to my Samba network storage. However, in the past couple days, this has randomly stopped working for Solid Explorer and I can no longer connect to my NAS as a guest. I've confirmed that it's a Solid Explorer problem by connecting with Material Files and...

Successful_Try543 ,

Or alternatively, if you prefer FOSS, Ghost Commander.

Successful_Try543 ,

The Windows version of TC is also quite old fashioned, but it works.

Successful_Try543 ,

From the Wikipedia article:

Midgley's legacy is the negative environmental impact of leaded gasoline and freon. Environmental historian J. R. McNeill opined that Midgley "had more adverse impact on the atmosphere than any other single organism in Earth's history", and Bill Bryson remarked that Midgley possessed "an instinct for the regrettable that was almost uncanny". Fred Pearce, writing for New Scientist, described Midgley as a "one-man environmental disaster"

Time magazine included both leaded gasoline and CFCs on its list of "The 50 Worst Inventions".

Successful_Try543 ,

Looking at the Asrock product page, there is only an additional 8-pin-connector at the top left, no 4 6-pin.

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

Gnuplot would usually be the first that comes into my mind. However, it's command line only.

Labplot does not only have a GUI, it also integrates well into the KDE desktop environment.

kde , to KDE avatar

If you don't use Bing with Edge, Microsoft will tell you your computer needs repairing.

They are not wrong.

To mend your machine:

  1. Ditch Windows
  2. Install Plasma
  3. Your computer is ready.


A laptop running the laters version of Plasma, Plasma 6.

Successful_Try543 ,

Is the browser selection on Windows no longer required in EU?

Successful_Try543 ,

I just found out that the agreement between Microsoft and the EU commission was only valid between 2009 and 2014. So MS is no longer obliged to make the change of the default browser easy.

Successful_Try543 ,

Why on earth white plastic windows and baby blue paint?

Successful_Try543 ,

Maybe, in case the next renovation is due, you know for sure which parts are to be preserved and which can be removed. However, some craftsman or architect doing that should be able to tell the difference between modern boards and windows and ancient ones without relying on the help of white plastics or baby blue paint.

Successful_Try543 ,

I know.

However, if you own a cultural heritage building, the c.h. office has a lot of saying about each and every modification done, especially on the outside, so I doubt it's due to financial issues.

Could I get an autopsy done on myself while I'm alive?

Completely random stoned hypothetical. Lets day im old as fuck and I decide I'm ready and done. Could I have the same postmortem autopsy done on me while I'm still alive? Like give me a ton of drugs and let me watch myself get dissected as my final moments. I understand there is a legal and possibly moral concern, but is it...

Successful_Try543 ,

I think it's about the privacy being harmed when needing to login, e.g. for bug reporting and working with the source code by means oft GitHub, not for the passive part of just downloading the source for local use.

Successful_Try543 ,

What you are intending to do is cross-compiling. Maybe this resource is useful for you.

Successful_Try543 ,

Yes, they are #3, see the "Ukraine Support Tracker" from IFW. However, data is from 2024-02-29 so not really current.

Successful_Try543 ,

The yellow areas are the 'shades' of the nuclei, but do not reflect their actual size. The lattice constant of the crystal according to the figure is 59 pm = 59 e-12 m, which is the horizontal or vertical distance you see between two of the Pr couples. The actual size of a nucleus would be of order ~ 10 fm = ~ 10 e-15 m.

Successful_Try543 ,

It depends on the distro which release is installed and available. So certainly the problem is, the required and installed glibc library do not match.

Successful_Try543 ,

It may be remarked that ReactOS is not unix-like, but a Windows NT clone.

Successful_Try543 ,

When I had the issue with mariadb demon been killed, I think either in dmesg or syslog there was an entry reading "Out of memory: Kill process... " or similar.

Successful_Try543 ,

SD Maid SE has the option to list apps in the order of their last update.

Successful_Try543 ,

The old fashioned way of modern all-in-white style.

Successful_Try543 ,

Do they build 100 new tanks a month or do the refurbish ones that have been damaged or come from long time storage?

Successful_Try543 ,

I was just curious. It seems like the number contains both, new and modernized tanks.

Successful_Try543 ,

I don't know about Fedora, but Debian keeps at least the previous version. However, that's about it. There remain only 4 (2 normal + 2 recovery) GRUB entries and the additional ones vanish automatically during the uninstallation procedure.

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

The most obvious difference for the end-user compared to Windows is that you can choose different desktop environments, such as KDE, GNOME, XFCE, LXQt, Mate or Cinnamon to name the most prominent among others.
As you are used to the look-and-feel of Windows, I'd suggest giving KDE a try.

For a beginner, I'd recommend using a 'beginner friendly' distribution such as Kubuntu (Ubuntu with KDE) or Linux Mint (based on Ubuntu using Mate/Cinnamon DE). Fedora, Linux Mint Debian Edition or plain Debian are also suitable, but for a more experienced user.

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

Here you go ;-)

What you guys are referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.


I second your advice against Arch, EndeavourOS, or Manjaro as I would not call them 'beginner-friendly'.

Successful_Try543 ,

I know, Android is probably the most prominent one, but also e.g. Alpine.

Successful_Try543 ,

I wouldn't recommend it for a noob, but the setup process isn't too complicated either. Its benefit is definitely its stability and long update period, the downside is that some software might be a bit outdated, but today, however, one can get fresh versions, of e.g. Inkscape or GIMP, as flatpak.

Successful_Try543 ,

Then, maybe, Baikal a Cal-/ Card-DAV server is what you are searching for.

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

In principle any DAV client should work. On Android, I use DAVx5 and to access my Nextcloud. On Thunderbird + Lightning, you can e.g. use SOGo connector or TbSync to use the address books, calendars and tasks.

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

OK: Russki


Na chui!

What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison?

For some reason began going down a rabbit hole thinking about this. Let's say you are blind, and reliant on a guide dog, but end up in prison for a non-violent crime like possession of illegal drugs. Are you allowed to keep the dog? No, right? But if you are entirely reliant on the guide dog to perform daily tasks, how do you...

Successful_Try543 ,

What is the difference between a jail and a prison? As a non-native speaker I've learned that they are synonyms.

Successful_Try543 ,

So jail is for custody.
Thank you.

Successful_Try543 ,

The first question which arises before proceeding with network manager: is the USB Ethernet dongle recognised?

You can check the output of sudo dmesg shortly after you plug in the dongle into the USB port.

Successful_Try543 ,

Does it display further information, e.g. if the device is put into service correctly?

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

Obviously the dongle is recognised properly and the network interface eth0 enx.... should in principle be configurable with network manager.

Are the services networking and network-manager running?

Edit: As I understand now, you are using Ubuntu server. Then your network is configured by systemd's networkd and netplan, not by network-manager.

Successful_Try543 ,

If you are looking for a FOSS app, phiola should do the trick.

Does color change how hot a laser can get something?

For convenience sake let's say you have 2 identical lasers, one is blue and one is red. And you shine it on lead (so none of the light leaks through) until the lead doesn't heat up anymore. Would the temperature change at all between the different color lasers. It doesn't have to be red or blue, it could be microwave or x ray,...

Successful_Try543 ,

You're welcome.

Successful_Try543 ,

The EM waves of near spectra, UV and IR, are commonly often referred to as 'light' as well. Wikipedia even states:

In physics, the term "light" may refer more broadly to electromagnetic radiation of any wavelength, whether visible or not. In this sense, gamma rays, X-rays, microwaves and radio waves are also light.

Which fits to my perception of physicists, where in astronomy every element starting at Lithium is referred to as 'metal'.

Easily find program name from context menu/without terminal?

I occasionally need to know the names of programs. I asked here about "Run as Administrator" being added to the context menu (like in Windows), and the response was basically "can't be easily done". an example is if I wish to edit a config file it cannot be done without accessing the terminal. Knowing the name "gedit" is the...

Successful_Try543 , (edited )

If you are interested in editing text files as root directly from nautilus, the package nautilus-admin may be helpful. Link

As I am using KDE, I know that Kate, the KDE text editor, prompts for the sudo password when saving an edited text files that is owned by root. I don't know if Gedit does the same.

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