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Stovetop ,

FWIW, no need for it to be an attack vector if you just use one of those throwaway email services to sign up for a PSN account you'll never use anywhere else.

Stovetop ,

Could just make a throwaway account with Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, what have you, then. No real/personally identifiable information attached.

Not saying I agree at all with what Sony is doing, but anyone who is concerned about their email/personal information getting leaked by something they didn't want to sign up for, there are options to protect yourself.

Stovetop ,

They have a claim. Whether the country, organization, or individual in possession of said artifact(s) chooses to recognize that claim is another matter, however.

Stovetop ,

My company is planning to upgrade to Win11 soon, and we are one of the larger employers in the region. I imagine there may be many other companies following suit as Windows 10 ages more.

Stovetop ,

The PC version of XVI is being actively worked on, Rebirth not long to follow I'd imagine, given that they released less than a year apart.

Stovetop ,

Speaking with some family I still have over there, to hear them tell it at least, it's lingering generational trauma originating from the Great Leap Forward.

Doing the "right thing" at that point in China's history got you killed. Millions died in the name of collectivization. To survive, people did what they had to: they lied, smuggled, stole, and scammed.

The honest died, the dishonest lived, and so dishonesty became enshrined as a national virtue.

Not too different from capitalism in the west I suppose, since no one good and honest becomes rich. But at least the poor aren't dying in the millions yet, so people still accept the lie that hard work and integrity will result in success.

Stovetop ,

Makes me wonder if a stronger system of government subsidies could replace the need for VC for some startups. The government agrees to back your expenses for X number of years until you have the means to pay back the investment, and if the startup flops in the end, the government takes the IP. If the startup is still deemed to have potential, the government continues operating the company as a state-sponsored org or folds it into a state agency to ensure the livelihoods of the startup's employees.

End result is that startups aren't forced into situations by VCs where they have to go public, and if they end up going under anyways by failing to pay back the government's investment (tax payer money, basically) it is seen as a purchase of potentially valuable IP which can be made available to the public for the betterment of society and industry.

Stovetop ,

I would love it if the government banned Reddit.

Lemmy I could live without. If any users are making their livelihoods on Lemmy or Reddit, they should find something more productive to do.

Stovetop ,

What sort of living do you think users are eking out on Reddit or Lemmy?

Social media commerce is all scams and influencers. There are much more productive things people could do to contribute to the betterment of society without trying to capitalize the brain space of gullible and vulnerable people.

Stovetop ,

Rule number 1 in a work dispute is to always place yourself as the better person. Even if there are a million things you'd like to say to that person, say whatever is needed to make sure that an outsider looking in would see you as the more sympathetic.

The proposed message seems a bit too direct and harsh, and if scrutinized might be seen as confrontational. I would probably word it more like:

"Hey, thank you for all the advice. I've had a lot of time to try what you've suggested, but in the end I've decided that the way I've been doing things just makes more sense for me after all. I appreciate your perspective though, and I'm glad you have a workflow that works better for you."

Based on the "charge nurse" mention, I am assuming you work in a hospital setting, so you could also throw in a "My main priority is patient care, and I would hate to cause any potential harm if I end up messing something up because it's not the way I'm used to doing it."

That being said, again assuming this is a hospital environment, I'd also like to encourage the following:

  • Be mindful of potential regulatory slip-ups that you can get dinged for. The technology and documentation that you work with isn't the authority on following best practices, you are. The EMR won't always stop you from doing something wrong, even if it seems "easier".

  • Confirm with the charge/manager that there isn't some other necessary element that your coworker's workflow satisfies but yours might miss. They are just as stressed as everyone else and can't watch every instance of care during every hour of the day. That's what periodic audits are for, and sometimes things may not accurately paint a picture of your performance if they measure one metric but you are using another.

  • If your IT people tell you that X is the new way of doing things and Y will be going away, do your best to get used to X as quickly as possible. Sometimes the change is overblown, Y still works even after X is added, but you don't want to have 8 patients on your list for the day and suddenly have to make significant workflow changes if that turns out to not be the case. And similar to what was mentioned before, sometimes changes are regulatory in nature.

Stovetop ,

I have not used either, but I can say that Krita's UI is closer to Photoshop than GIMP's appears to be. That might be why people are opting for that application, for the sense of familiarity if they were trained on Photoshop.

I will say that any application which is used for digital painting should also be good at image manipulation, so if Krita does both well, I can see why it would be preferred over GIMP if the painting tools are lacking.

Looking over the screenshots, for GIMP, I am hoping that is not the default layout of tools. Having a jumbled block of icons is a lot harder to visually parse than a stack of pairs. I also find myself wondering why they use up so much space on the left to include a weird cutout of their mascot above the tools.

On the right, I am also not sure why the layer thumbnails are pushed so far to the right when they could be immediately adjacent to the visibility toggle.

It doesn't look terrible to me, but I am not surprised that people using an app for visual design might be more critical of design flaws in the app itself.

Stovetop ,

Is there a dead dead game news channels channel?

Stovetop ,

I am not here to give Israel a W, but Hamas still has a number of civilian captives from the original October 7 attack. Just not as many surviving as was assumed.

According to Israel's own figures, there are 90 or so living hostages and 30 or so bodies still held by Hamas IIRC. Apparently most of the 90 survivors are non-civilians, based on what Hamas is saying, but some of them still are.

Stovetop ,

This is an untested legal question. The way federation works is that the content is hosted on servers by virtue of being federated. The only way to not have the content hosted locally is to block those communities. didn't develop the federation standard and didn't put the content up in the first place, but takedown requests and lawsuits traditionally targets content hosts, not necessarily the specific offending party who used the host. Sites avoid legal liability by policing their content, which did in this case.

I personally still think it's shitty because fuck the man and all, but I get it. It's not my ass on the line, it's theirs.

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