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Son_of_dad ,

This woman is a dog serial killer, check her backyard

Son_of_dad ,

To say "CONTINUE to act with integrity" means they still don't think they've done anything wrong, even with the bread price fixing

Son_of_dad ,

You're not cheddar, you're just some common bitch!

Son_of_dad ,

No, you go to Narnia, or whatever other fantasy place you want

Son_of_dad ,

"Well they're all made up so..."
-rickety cricket

Son_of_dad ,

His family is worth 8.7 billion dollars, but yeah, he's not gouging us? sure buddy.

Son_of_dad ,

I'm convinced the cons don't actually want to win. Pierre Poilievre is gotta be the snobbiest, most arrogant, most unlikable, wet sandwich of a man I've ever seen. Every election they find one worse than the last to run against JT. I can't even remember that last couple, since they toss em off a cliff once they lose

Son_of_dad ,

Where the hell is the ndp anyways? I feel like they're hiding in a corner somewhere

Son_of_dad ,

Lol any reports of rent prices going down in this city are a lie. Any stories of a landlord adjusting their rent to charge a tenant less is fantasy. The housing market goes up, we pay higher rent, the market goes down we pay higher rent. Economy good? Higher rent. Economy bad? Higher rent.

Nobody passes on the savings, nobody is getting cheaper rent

Son_of_dad ,

Yet you can travel from Russia to Alaska in like 5 hours, so how does Flat earther explain that?

Son_of_dad ,

Cause the Canadian government cares more about foreigners than they do about Canadians

Son_of_dad ,

I just saw a dentist for the first time in 10 years, after finally getting a union job with benefits. The dentist asked why I hadn't seen anyone in a decade, like dude who can afford it? I'm so happy I have these benefits

Son_of_dad ,

Can someone chime in? Why aren't there chains of grocery stores run by the government to ensure prices are minimal and people can get food at fair prices? Does any country do that?

Son_of_dad ,

I dunno, I live in a place run by a co-op and it's really just a group of tyrannical old people with nothing to do, who want to control everyone's life and are every bit as greedy as corporations.

Son_of_dad ,

What country has tried it?

Son_of_dad ,

They can be usurped. Just nobody wants to run it, young residents don't want to be involved or don't have time, so you end up with the old busy bodies with nothing to do running it. They run unopposed a lot

Son_of_dad ,

Correct. At the yearly meetings that include elections, there's like a 25% turnout

Son_of_dad ,

A female soldier?! What a groundbreaking and controversial concept!

I wonder if these people ever played Metroid

Son_of_dad ,

No. I saw American CIA death squads killing my people, funding one side of a civil war while Russia funded the other. America and Russia used us as pawns, America wanted to keep Russia out of this hemisphere, and destroying my country and people was an acceptable loss. After our country was gutted, we fled to safety and any way to find work to survive, so we went to the place that kept saying it was the best in the world, and we were called wet backs, and told we were job thieves.
After all this, my country was rebuilt by American corporations, who now own everything. Now, half the American politicians who fought so hard to keep Russia out, are sucking Putin dick and continue to blame my race for all the ills of their own fucked up society. And the other half is self righteous, telling everyone else around the world how to behave and calling everyone else out, while forgetting all the shit their country did and never made amends for.

Son_of_dad ,

The word "Zionist" has become such a dog whistle that I cringe when people use it

Son_of_dad ,

You say words have meaning but you're throwing around words you're not using correctly.

Son_of_dad ,

My brain can't even wrap around this comment... Nazi, Israel... What??

Son_of_dad ,

I guess you can fit anyone into the Nazi mold if you twist shit around and try really hard

Son_of_dad ,

No, I don't buy that anymore. No matter how left your are, If you even so much as disagrees with one little thing, you get called a Trump supporter or a fascist, etc. Everyone's an extremist now and you can't have a dissenting opinion or wrong think or you get called a heathen essentially.
The right has been behaving like this for decades, but seeing the left doing too now means we're fucked. Nobody is good enough, nobody is a "true Scotsman", so it's just a bunch of college age liberals in a circle calling each other Maga cause they can't agree

Son_of_dad ,

There you go, proved my point. Wrong think.

Son_of_dad ,

Imagine your white ass lecturing a native person who your people raped and murdered, about genocide lol. Get the fuck out of my continent and then you can tell Israelis to "go back to Europe". You first colonizers.

Son_of_dad ,

Interesting, I always figured it would be guys, since we're stubborn and don't go to the doctor till shit hits the fan

Son_of_dad ,

We're gonna be living in that show Upload eventually

Son_of_dad ,

Didn't molest any kids, making him the best clergy member in the church.

Son_of_dad ,

So that's how pedos are catching kids these days

Son_of_dad ,

Aren't all the chains and other corporations doing the same price fixing? Or did Loblaws do something extra shady?

Son_of_dad ,

Most people don't have a choice. Where I live there's a food basics next door, and the next closest is a metro that's like a 20 minute bus ride away+waiting for the bus.

Son_of_dad ,

I got 4 people at home, including one teenager. If I bought food only every other week, I would need like 3 carts and 3 arms to pull them and load em on the bus with lol

Son_of_dad ,

I go to food basics and it's worse. I constantly find expired food in the fridges and shelves, items 2-3 weeks past. I went to buy fresh English muffins and found them frozen, when I asked they told me they freeze them and then thaw them out and shelf then when they're low, so they're charging me fresh food prices for frozen bread. They also never clean their produce shelves. There are stains on the shelves I've been looking at for 2 years.

Son_of_dad ,

I bet your shitty grocer would do that regardless. Sounds like he's ripping people off

Son_of_dad ,

Every worker in Canada should have a union and it's a disgrace to this country that they don't.

I'm a union worker so I refuse to use the self checkouts. When an employee points me to one I shake my head and refuse. I want to be checked out by a human who is treated well and is paid a fair wage, not by a machine that's just there so a corporation can cut out a worker.

Son_of_dad ,

The fact that he caved and jeopardized data cause of public opinion makes me hate him even more

Son_of_dad ,

I haven't been to a movie theater in like 5 years

Son_of_dad ,

Pigeon manager is what they call him. Flies in randomly, gets everyone worked up, shits on everything, and flies away, back to his mansion.

Son_of_dad ,

Every election the cons go out of their way to find the most unlikeable, snobby, wet sandwich of a person to run as their leader.

Son_of_dad ,

They're gonna put a camera in your room and post all your old people antics on future tik tok

Son_of_dad ,

What do you call the strategy where you pretend to be neutral while making money off war, and stealing the gold and money from the victims of genocides?

Mexico is heading towards its most violent election ever, with 30 candidates murdered, 77 threatened and 11 kidnapped ( )

More than 170 attacks have been committed against politicians in the lead-up to the June elections. This violence has put campaigns under tension and is sowing doubts about governability in several regions. Specialists warn that the line between the Mexican state and organized crime is increasingly blurred...

Son_of_dad ,

If Mexico and America used the same firepower on the cartels, that they do on the middle east, cartels would be a thing of the past.

Son_of_dad ,

I'm fine with new ones, less skilled, popping up till we kill the lot of them. It's better than doing nothing and appeasing them.

Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established ( )

A top Hamas political official told The Associated Press the Islamic militant group is willing to agree to a truce of five years or more with Israel and that it would lay down its weapons and convert into a political party if an independent Palestinian state is established along pre-1967 borders.

Son_of_dad ,

Certainly not the views of some western kid who only cares after 7 decades because the internet told him to be outraged

Son_of_dad ,

I married a Jewish woman who told me she doesn't know what that means. Cause she's Canadian and has no interest in the politics of a country across the planet. So why people like you take it out on her, simply because of her heritage, I have no idea... Oh no wait I do, as a native I am well aware of your tactics.

That quote reminds me of another one I heard "from sea to shining sea" where you guys colonized, raped and killed us and took all our land from sea to shining sea

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