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Soggy ,

Tempered glass is still sharp but it breaks into tiny pieces so it can't cut deeply.

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

Soggy ,

That assumes that interstellar travel is possible. Physically, economically, socially, there's a lot of boxes to check for near-light extrasolar expansion (let alone FTL, which probably is impossible)

I think the easy solution to the Fermi Paradox is that we're stuck in our fish bowl and so is everyone else.

Soggy ,

Hey Withers, here's 100 gold to turn a better character into whatever role I need.

Soggy ,

I don't think chickens are usually referred to as "dog-sized" even if it's occasionally true.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Soggy ,

PNW weirdo here. I like things to be green and alive, I like my skin unburned, and I like being able to poke around tide pools on a lonely beach. Clouds and rain help all of that.

It's currently sunny and about 77°F, which is about as warm as I want it unless I'm going swimming. Late summer when it approaches 100° is miserable, but for now the bright weather is fine and good for the plants.

How do you get people to wash their vegetables when you're at their house and you don't wanna seem rude?

So awkward, but come on it says right there on the package to wash those mushrooms or whatever it is… You’re not their mom but you don’t wanna eat feces or whatever ended up on the produce. A quick rinse is never going to be perfect but it’s better than nothing....

Soggy ,

Raw mushrooms are borderline wasteful to eat. We can't digest the chitin and cell walls so most of the nutritional value passes straight through.

Soggy ,

It's not already?

Soggy ,

An accurate statement to append to literally all human effort.

Soggy ,

Hey, guys? Bookmarks. Every browser has nesting, organizable, searchable bookmark folders. Get your laundry off the chair, fold it, and put it in drawers.

Soggy ,

Sub-optimal ADHD coping strategy (kind of a joke). Some people just... don't have object permanence? Like if they don't have visual reminders it falls completely out of their brain. I don't get it because I have a terrible memory but I deal with that by organizing and developing habits like always putting things down in the same spot. I hate sifting through clutter.

Soggy ,

Imagine giving websites unfiltered permission to run code and display ads.

Soggy ,

The goal is not to be lazy, it's to build a file system that efficiently combines related tasks and interests. Lazy is just leaving your clean laundry in a pile.

Soggy ,

They lock it up because it's frequently stolen. (Because of its use in graffiti, but still.)

Soggy ,

Inconveniencing everyone else is the point. That, and the belief that being in the biggest car makes you safer in a collision (by doing more damage to the other vehicle[s])

Soggy ,

The unintended consequence is genocide. When people need permission to reproduce that introduces a convenient method to keep certain people from having kids.

Soggy ,

Yeah, everyone who signs up for experimental medical trials is a stooge.

Soggy ,

Imagine consuming media with speakers rather than high-end OEMs to shut out all outside sound. Might as well just read books in a crowded café.

Soggy ,

Find an instance that more closely aligns with your ideals then. Lemmy is not one place.

Soggy ,

MasterHero SoccerGuy is too pure for downvotes.

Soggy ,

Sorry I'll be explicit: I'm making fun of how pretentious you sound and can't take anything you say here seriously. I actually agree that a monster sound system can greatly enhance a movie or game experience, but the difference depends on the specific media. I saw Fury Road three times in the theater because I knew my home system would never match the experience. Something like Star Trek TNG or My Cousin Vinny or, as the topic of this post, Kirby's Air Ride hinges far less on the audio quality to deliver the intended content. Gatekeeping enjoyment behind speakers makes you a colossal ass.

Soggy ,

Luxury sedans have done a damn good job at shutting out road noise for a long time now, but there are obvious (and less obvious) costs associated with that.

Soggy ,

I don't think it should be tied to "manliness" but people should have some basic understanding of the tools they use and how they work.

Soggy ,

"Roguelike" has also become very watered down. I see "roguelite" used less often, though it's more accurate, but there isn't a good alternative term right now. Turn-based-dungeon-crawler-with-permadeath is historically accurate but there's a tendency to lump action games like Rogue Legacy and Enter the Gungeon in that needs to be accounted for.

(And no I haven't played Rogue but I did play a bunch of NetHack)

Soggy ,

No they're just feeling morally superior for no good reason.

Soggy ,

A strike means things stop. A protest vote means things go backwards, as if there was an entire workforce of scabs waiting to swoop in when the strike starts. There's no leverage.

Soggy ,

You're presupposing that surgical implants can't be more responsive, intuitive, speedy, or sophisticated than an external device. The eye trackers are very useful but objectively pretty limited. Non-invasive EEG is weak and distorted because there is skull and more brain in the way, so "resolution" is limited.

If better outcomes are possible by putting electrodes as close to the signal source as can be, why not explore that option?

Soggy ,

Move mouse and click faster is a big deal when it's the only way you can interact with the world. And it's just a mouse right now, but what about robotic hands? A thought-controlled wheelchair? A tiny bit of agency? Technology is iterative and built on failure, and you want to tell the people trapped in non-functional bodies that it will never get any better?

Soggy ,

It's a mutually beneficial relationship now, assuming responsible ownership. And excluding brachycephalic breeds, other predictable and preventable genetic illnesses or predispositions to injury, and other stuff that could reasonably be lumped into "responsible ownership" but deserve special recognition.

But yeah, dogs are happy as shit when they get to do the thing's we've bred them to do.

Soggy ,

My city is just too hilly. Cycling around is one thing, and they just put in new bike lanes (they're not good ones, but still), but doing that with a grocery run or 60lbs of cat food and litter? No thank you.

Soggy ,

That only applies to the movie, and anyway it's easily explained by the The Ring not wanting to switch to Sam in that moment. In the book Sam totally puts on the ring to trick some orcs and it tries to tempt him with the power of gardening really well.

The Ring would reach out and influence people around the bag. The Ring would tempt whichever eagle carried Frodo. It had to be a being that had enough control to keep hold of The Ring but not enough ambition to be controlled by it. And even then IIRC it wasn't actually possible to destroy it willingly, Eru Ilúvatar stepped in and gave Gollum a tiny nudge off the cliff.

Soggy ,

Or by dorks who are thoroughly exhausted of the Console Wars and know it's a joke but don't think it's funny. (It's a dead horse with $5 armor)

Soggy ,

At least they're hydrating potato chips. Kidney failure is a big problem for cats, sticking to an all-wet diet is already better than average.

Soggy ,

We're in the middle of a long theocratic coup, cut us some slack.

Soggy ,

Women also look at porn you dork.

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