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SmilingSolaris ,

Human population is the highest it's ever been in history. America is the 3rd largest country. Who gives a shit if some people don't adhear to your perceived gender norms? Why? Cause they won't have kids? You sling your same shit mouth hate at infertile people too? People who do adhear but choose not to have kids? Nah, you don't. Because it's a front for your irrational hatred. Give yourself any excuse you want. Pretend your being a logical Nazi when your just an insecure lil bitch boy who can't handle his snowflake normality being challenged.

SmilingSolaris ,

Boo hoo, did the homegrown terrorist org funded by state interest as a propaganda machine get outta hand?

SmilingSolaris ,

Hittem with that "sovereignty to do what?"

SmilingSolaris ,

Man you are talking about whitewashing as you actively try to shift blame from the inceptor and then try and say your talking about facts.

Fact of the matter is that palastinian terrorism is caused by Israel. Both their genocidal and apartheid ends and directly through funding of groups like Hamas early in their years to promote harsh measures to continue their genocide and apartheid ends.

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel's regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday's Likud faction meeting said," the Post reported.

But nah. You wanna deflect facts and focus on Qatar like everyone doesn't already know that. This information is ment to be taken in conjunction but your so far up your own ass you see it as an argument and whitewashing.

You want facts? Facts say Israel funded Hamas. Nurtured it and kept it on the edge of scary to propagandize it's civilian population. Then it bit them in the ass on Oct 7th.

If your first thought about hamas isn't how Israel as a state purposely created and maintained it then it's you who isn't operating on facts.

SmilingSolaris ,

Oh nooo, did someone open their fucking mouth about shit they don't know about and are about to get dunked on?

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended Israel's regular allowing of Qatari funds to be transferred into Gaza, saying it is part of a broader strategy to keep Hamas and the Palestinian Authority separate, a source in Monday's Likud faction meeting said," the Post reported.

Netanyahu's current finance minister, West Bank settler Belazel Smotrich, explained the approach to Israel's Knesset channel in 2015: "Hamas is an asset, and (Palestinian Authority leader) Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas) is a burden."

"Both Egypt and Qatar are angry with Hamas and planned to cut ties with them. Suddenly Netanyahu appears as the defender of Hamas," the right-wing leader complained.

A year later, Netanyahu was further embarrassed when photos of suitcases full of cash going to Hamas became public. Liberman finally resigned in protest over Netanyahu's Hamas policy which, he said, marked "the first time Israel is funding terrorism against itself."

SmilingSolaris ,

Pedantic af. Where's it say on your license that you gotta be such a baby?

SmilingSolaris ,

Who gives a shit what you support? Your being a dummy for attention at this point.

SmilingSolaris ,

Your a joke so now we joking.

SmilingSolaris ,

Your still a joke and we still joking. See if your going to be a pedant, you have to be correct about shit. If your a stubborn incorrect pedant than correcting some Grammer is just silly. But you is a silly person. Couldn't care less about the conversation anymore, you just wanna save face.

On the Internet you wanna save face after getting d u n k e d.

SmilingSolaris ,

Man walks in here waving his post around like I GOT HIM, I GOT HIM SO GOOD as he points out the content of the article like i don't know what it says. Nah dude. I know what it says, I call that funding. You would too if your head was so far up your own ass.

SmilingSolaris ,

Nintendo is a Japanese company.

SmilingSolaris ,

Actually because Nintendo is a Japanese company it means Japanese law applies to their work in America and America will facilitate the laws execution as if it was it's own because we are in this treaty.

It's why Nintendo gets away with all of its bullshit already. Because they are following Japanese copyright law which is significantly more heavy than American.

SmilingSolaris ,,over%20%242.4%20million%20to%20Nintendo.

It doesn't really matter is the problem man. It's an argument and the answer is very expensive. If Nintendo comes a knocking, neither the people who made it nor Microsoft will pay to figure out that answer.

That's how legality works in practice. It's fucking stupid and terrible. Better to know that and spread that information so people can grab it before it's gone. And thankfully there will be forever extra-legal ways to get it now that it's our precisely because people know what I'm saying.

What is the point in trying to argue that nothing will happen? For fun?

SmilingSolaris ,

Are you really all lives mattering this post rn? God damn dude. I hope every person in your life belittles every problem you personally have by telling you that tons of people have that problem.

SmilingSolaris ,

Congrats you have missed the point. Here's the point. If a bear fucks you up then people are gonna blame the bear, no question. But if a man fucks you up, now you gotta deal with scrutiny. Did you deserve it? Are you just lying?

SmilingSolaris ,

I think a lot of men underestimate how many women have been sexually assaulted.

See the thing your dumbass ain't understanding is a lot of the people picking the bear either have been or definitely know someone who has.

How many people you know been attacked by bears? Even in bear country it's rare.

SmilingSolaris ,

There are places that have a lot of bears dumbass, most bears are black bears and black bears leave you the fuck alone. And if it decides to fuck you up for whatever reason you don't have to worry bout it raping you too.

SmilingSolaris ,

Dumbass, how many people you think been killed by a bear?

In the United States it's 180 people since 1785

Meanwhile 1 of every 6 women has been victims of attempted or completed rape.


SmilingSolaris ,

1 in 6 women have been victims of rape or attempted rape.

180 people have died to bear attacks in the US since 1784.

You wanna test your odds?

SmilingSolaris ,

1 and 6 women in the United States are victim to rape or attempted rape.

And you want to argue like a 4 year old

SmilingSolaris ,

1 and 6 women are victims of rape or attempted rape.

Rather than understand the fear that a human woman is trying to express through this thought experiment, the real fear they have to live with literally any time a random dude tries to interact with them, you'd rather bitch that women are initially defensive around you.

Your complaint is small, petty, misses the point, selfish and otherwise makes you the man in the meme.

SmilingSolaris ,

All men are not rapists you fucking idiot. But 1 in 6 women have been raped. Figure out that math and calculate your odds if you was rocking a pussy. Really consider that. Roll a 1d6 dice on weather or not man will rape you sometime in your life. You wanna make your odds better? You act defensively. You treat every unknown man as a possible threat until proven otherwise. And hey, with 1 and 6 odds, precautions are worth it.

If I told your dumbass you had a 1 and 6 chance in your life for a random dude to shove it up in you, you'd take precautions and don't act like you fucking wouldn't.

SmilingSolaris ,

180 people in the United States have been killed by a bear since 1780s.

Meanwhile 1 in 6 women in the United States have been victim to rape or attempted rape.

And that's just rape.

The wild animal is statistically the better option if you wanna be a pedant about it.

If you wanna be human about it then you missed the entire point. Restart and try again.

SmilingSolaris ,

Here's my bit. Women are afraid of being fucking raped. Men are afraid of being vaguely referred to as a possible rapist.

One of them has a significantly more important fear to worry about. I don't blame them for taking precautions. Men need to understand that simple fact and then get over themselves.

We can bitch and moan about how women are afraid of us but at the end of the day if your understanding of that isn't anger at the men who causes it but rather the women who are defending themselves from a 1 in 6 statistic, I got no empathy for you.

SmilingSolaris ,

Amber heard is a pretty good recent example.

SmilingSolaris ,

Bears have killed 180 people since the 1780s in the United States.

Your the one who's laughable

SmilingSolaris ,

People go hiking dumbass. On top of that 180 people have been killed by bears since the 1780s. If your afraid of bears more than men your operating on loony toons logic.

SmilingSolaris ,

People live in bear country. There are tons of people who see bears daily. They ain't out here with a 1 in 6 bear attacks statistic.

Your fear of being labeled as a potential threat has fucked you up so good that your willing to call reasonable precautions against reality of the situation sexist. All because you are too much the man in the meme to have a conversation with a woman to begin with.

Your complaint is petty, selfish, stupid and even in your best case scenario your still fucking wrong.

SmilingSolaris ,

The ridiculousness of it you take as women being sexist. If you had half a fucking brain you would realize that the point of the purposefully ridiculous thought experiment is to show that women fear men in a way that you and I, as men, do not see in our own lives. Me and you living life in a prairie with no predators in sight.

Women live in bear country.

SmilingSolaris ,

Holy shit, man just said she deserves it. What the fuck?

SmilingSolaris ,

All 180 of them since 1780 have ended up eaten. Fucking loony toons ass dummy right here. Your being presented metaphor in the form of a meme and trying to argue logic. It's a metaphorical fucking meme you absolute clown. And even in your 100% logical ass take there's still significantly more men attacks than bear attacks you fucking clown.

On top of you inability to think about the subtext, you can't even get text right.

SmilingSolaris ,

My moral conviction is I would like my queer friends not to be genocided next year. Go fuck yourself.

SmilingSolaris ,

I want you to genuinely think. Will more queer folk be harmed under Biden or Trump? It's a cynical question. But you can't lie to yourself and say the answer is the same. That's my simple math.

Saying I'm going to "stand by and shrug my shoulders". You don't know me. Your arguing a faceless amalgamation of every liberal who vaguely says something liberal. Understand I am not a liberal. Understand that I have stake in this. Understand that we both can shit on Biden all god damn day but at the end of it, we both know queer folk will suffer less under Biden. That doesn't mean he's going to fix it. Doesn't mean he's going to be a big ol trans flag waving person. He simply will not accelerate it.

I'll take the extra time. Because unless your planning on grabbing and gun and popping shots in the next few months, that's the fucking choice right now. And I'll take the extra time rather than the guy who's gonna turn your states anti trans legislation into federal legislation.

It's cynical. But thems the breaks.

Respect comrade. We are in this boat together.

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