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Shyfer , (edited )

It's why I stopped using Reddit on mobile lol. No, I don't want to download your official app, and no you making it so I need it to access NSFW stuff will convince me to.

Same with X/Twitter. I hate when people put information in those now because you can't read more than one at a time in some reply to self thread on there without downloading the app. Especially when it's important news or on the ground reporting. Screw that. All those reporters need to use mastadon.

Shyfer ,

It had some of the same problems but not all of them. It had universal healthcare, better rights for women, faster increase of education and literacy, less homelessness, less problems with religion interfering with politics, or companies buying politicians, etc.

It also had some new problems we didn't have like lack of focus on small commodities or suppression of religion, but that's not fixable or required for communism, it's just a focus they had specifically. It also had of the same problems we have just from being human, like anti-LGBTQ attitudes, racism against certain groups, bureaucrats, and wars. But communism's implementation changes between countries, none of those problems are necessary, it's just stuff that has to be learned from. For example, Cuba is communist but has made great strides towards fixing LGBTQ and racist attitudes, and has eased up on religion. China is communist but has a bigger focus on small manufacturing and as a result has lots of small commodities.

Imagine if we abandoned democracy the first time it "failed" in Greece thousands of years ago or the republic in Rome. I don't doubt that you have some relatives that suffered, but by comparison, the US and it's capitalist allies destabilized basically all of South America and Africa. While most people who were alive in the former Soviet block would prefer to go back to when it existed because it caused a huge economic disaster when they sold the countries off for parts and privatized everything for the oligarchs.

The important part is that it's a system not focused on things like GDP, growth, or money made by corporations to determine success, but the happiness and well-being of all the humans as a collective. Just focusing on that would go a long way, no matter which implementation we used (but imo it probably has to be an implementation of socialism or communism, because capitalism can't imagine a society without those money and growth metrics).

Shyfer ,

Because once you reach a certain level, growth isn't required, you just divide the resources you have to give everyone a happy life. People don't need infinite money to be happy, but they do a need a minimum amount, studies have shown that. Capitalism denies that minimum amount to a lot of people because of its focus on accumulating and concentrating that wealth.

Shyfer ,

Sure you can bribe people, but it's a harder when the wealth isn't concentrated in a few people, and the companies are owned by the people instead of private interests. USSR politicians weren't known for being rich, but compare that to modern Russian oligarchs, or even US Congressmen. A majority of the US Congressman are millionaires, not at all true for the common populace.

I'm going off statistics and surveys, not anecdotal evidence.

Don't I have the power over my happiness in capitalism because I can work towards higher wealth extraction to achieve my own goals?.

If you're lucky, but you can't work your way to being billionaire without exploiting people on the way. So, chances are, no. Statistically you're probably one of the people having wealth extracted than the other way around unless you have a supportive network, friendly investors or parents loaning you money. If not, chances are you're making it harder for other people, either who work for you, work with you, act as a reserve army of labor, or are victims of your country's imperialism. It requires some people to suffer as part of the system, but that's not sustainable. There's a reason the US has a shrinking middle class, and a growing fascism problem, and economic crises every 10 years. The UK and Canada aren't far behind, with some groups trying to privatize their health services and such. Europe will be next, with the democratic socialist Scandinavian countries probably last. So it may seem fine where you live now, but give it some years and you'll be right where we are, with someone trying to sell off your health services or other state assets. I'd be willing to bet.

Shyfer ,

The people probably.

Shyfer ,

You do, but you don't see it as that because the millions dying are in the Middle-East where you're getting your oil, Africa where you get your diamonds and coffee, South America where you get your minerals and oil, and Asia where they're assembling your manufacturing. And it took wars and imperialism and installed authoritarian puppet regimes to extract the wealth from all those places. Not to mention what do you think the monarchies of World War I and fascist regimes of World War 2 did? Give out puppies?

You guys are better than the US, but only because you're balanced by actual socialist and communist political parties and labor unions that are able to extract concessions like that universal healthcare. Looks like a few of those countries are turning fascist again, so just give it some time, and those human rights will be gone, too.

Shyfer ,

Hwa trying to start World War 3 to stay in power. And the US looks like they're going to let him...

Shyfer ,

I still buy physical whenever I can. I'd hate to have my entire collection beholden to one account, although I know people do that with the PS Store, or Game Pass, or Steam. I don't trust corporations, I guess. I really hope they don't make disc-less consoles the standard.

Shyfer ,

Same. I forgot to mention that I like to buy cheaper games through second hand rather than paying full price on electronic stores. Often even their big sales aren't as cheap as secondhand.

Shyfer ,

Wow, was it that good? I thought the reviews were that it was alright, but not as good as the first one. Or was I mistaken? Or was I right, but they just found a good spot where no other real good movies were out?

Shyfer ,

Hell, I remember that happened to me in the first movie 😭

Shyfer ,

True. Especially if it's like the only kids movie out right now.

Shyfer ,

There are lots of journalists in Gaza from all over. Where did you get the idea they only allow aljazeera in there? Israel is the one killing reporters btw, not Hamas.

Here's an article with reporters from 3 different networks none of which are aljazeera, and one of which freelancers for NBC and Reuters.

The problem is that Israel can bomb them at any time, and there is no infrastructure to survive as a human, not Hamas. This article also has some other reporters from various publications and networks just trying to survive.

The rest of your comment is pretty abhorrent. They are killing the young before they pick up a weapon. I like how you put "young" in quotes as if this 10 year old is a hardened terrorist soldier that deserves to die.
(Warning, starving child picture, NSFL). Read the ICC case
It's very obvious it's a genocide once you combine their actions with the words. This interview with an Israeli holocaust scholar also gives a good summary of why it's textbook case of genocide.

Shyfer ,

Is torrent galaxy still down? That was my go to and sounds like I have to find another. I am a little worried if they keep bringing down the big ones like that, that we'll be left with less choices and it'll be more difficult.

Shyfer ,

Oh Yay! Admittedly, I didn't try it recently but I remember seeing an article that was down. If it's back up, I'm glad to hear it.

Shyfer ,

I didn't even know Reddit had an offline reader app.

Shyfer ,

Why not just make an account on a different instance?

Shyfer ,

Seems easier than going back to Reddit. Especially since the apps make it so easy to switch between accounts.

Shyfer ,

Ya that's why I don't like all the instances that like defederation 😩

Shyfer , (edited )

I'm guessing by this logic you're not voting for Biden, or don't support voting for him if you don't live in the US?

Shyfer ,

Straight from a spy movie lol. It's like the Cold War still up in here apparently.

Shyfer ,

So they've played this game before, of calling humanitarian and rights groups terrorists.

Shyfer ,

What a great idea for a page. People are becoming blase about privacy even though it's still important.

Going Dark: The war on encryption is on the rise. Through a shady collaboration between the US and the EU. ( )

Under the slogan ‘Think of the children’, the European Commission tried to introduce total surveillance of all EU citizens. When the scandal was revealed, it turned out that American tech companies and security services had been involved in the bill, generally known as ‘Chat Control’ – and that the whole thing had been...

Shyfer ,

I thought the EU has been pretty good on privacy so far. Of course the US is trying to duck it up.

Shyfer ,

Ah. Well that sucks =(

Shyfer ,

It's getting really cyberpunk all in here lol

Shyfer ,

Not to mention removing features, like Netflix removing the ability to download media.

Shyfer ,

First link didn't work for me but second link did. Spelling mistake or something?

Shyfer ,

Oh duh lol 😂

Did the premise of an entity approaching you only when it's not being viewed originate with Doctor Who's Weeping Angels?

The Weeping Angels apparently originated with Steven Moffat seeing a statue of a weeping angel in a structure in a cemetery and returning later to find out it was gone. At least according to this RadioTimes article. They first appeared in 2007 in the episode Blink....

Shyfer ,

Perfect! We need a community like this.

Shyfer , (edited )

Hamas is a response to Israeli violence and colonialism for the last 70 years. You can depose them but another group will rise up with arms to resist colonialism as long as Israel keeps doing the same thing. And they did before Hamas, so of course they will after. Plus, it will be even harder as these events drive recruitment for Hamas. America didn't get rid of the Taliban by bombing Afghanistan for 20 years, either. It doesn't work.

Israel has been occupying Gaza the whole time despite their rhetoric. They control all their infrastructure and built a big wall to keep them in, and control all travel in and out, plus they constantly spied on them with everything from drones to listening devices to taking random hostages and trying to get info out of them. Gaza doesn't have control of their own food, power, trash, travel, water, sea territory, money, etc. That's basically an occupation, no matter what they say. The only reason to need to take it a step farther and put troops on the inside instead of all along the wall outside is so they can kill more Palestinians.

The scare tactics of claiming they'll never be safe is how you get a genocide, both now and in the past. It's that thought in WW2 that leads to rhetoric like, "We tried to let them live in peace with these stars and putting them in their own spaces in towns, but they keep causing trouble. They even want to do a Warsaw Ghetto Uprising over and over again. We're going to need to kill all the Jews, it's just the only solution."

Shyfer ,

That's fair. The last paragraph I should have attributed to the Zionist thought instead of that commenter in particular. I mostly just wanted to demonstrate how the "They want to do an October 7th over and over again!" scare tactic leads to the genocidal thoughts and actions we see happening now. I was commenting while emotional, I'll edit it so it's not so harsh and personally aggressive.

Shyfer ,

Lol this scene looks so old, and yet it still holds true

Stack Overflow and OpenAI Partner ( )

From the official stackoverflow account: We’re thrilled to announce we’re partnering with @OpenAI to bring best in class technical knowledge and the world’s most popular LLM models for AI development together! This groundbreaking partnership with OpenAI will drive our mission to empower the world to develop technology through collective knowledge.
Shyfer , (edited )

Ooh will the link be broken half the time for extra Stack Overflow experience?

Shyfer ,

You haven't even offered any counter information. You're just accusing people of lying or not researching when they're the ones pulling out actual graphs, figures, and historical facts.

Shyfer ,

I've seen a couple and they were mostly Zionists defending the genocide. So far, they haven't reflected well on their state, but if there's anyone who actually doesn't like the atrocities committed by Israel in Israel, I'd be curious to see if they exist here. The only one I've seen in articles is that one who sent to jail instead of participate in the IDF.

Shyfer ,
Shyfer ,

No, but I could see the misunderstanding. When I said "here", I meant on Lemmy. I was just commenting on the people from Israel I've met so far on Lemmy. And how I also would love to see some more varied opinions from Israelis here on Lemmy, because the few I've run into were pretty pro-genocide.

Shyfer ,

I try sometimes but as you can tell by my history, I often fail. I need people to populate the other communities more, though, so I can avoid politics lol. Find other communities and comment or post, try different sorts, like scaled or new, instead of just Top or Active.

Shyfer ,

This guy's videos are usually pretty good. They got a quick pace, good editing, and explain things really well. They are a socialist so they have a bias in that way, but they'd be the first to admit it and to say that every creator has a bias of some sort or another.

Shyfer ,

No, this definitely seems different and new from all the recent articles about it I've seen. This vote passed Wednesday, not in December. It's a response to the protests at universities. And it's a bill, so it can be passed into law. I think you're confusing two different things.

This expands the definition of antisemitism to bring critical of Israel at all or comparing Zionism to Nazism, and would codify it into law if it, passes the Senate and is signed by the President. So there is still time to stop this, and it's a big deal, so people should be angry about it.

Shyfer ,

Hope you're right!

Shyfer ,

This is incredible. Like, it was always obvious from a gut feeling or seeing comments reposted in the exact same thread, but this makes it even more obvious.

Besides lemmy, what's another good reddit alternative?

Hi! Recently exiled reddit user, here. I'm curious what other alternatives to reddit there are, besides Lemmy, and Raddle, of course. Also, imho, Phuks is a good alternative, there's no hate-speech (that I'm aware of) and people are pretty respectful. Anyways, let's hear your suggestions! Thank you!

Shyfer ,

For 1) That's funny because other people have said that about and sh.itjustwor.ks were defederated from Beehaw during the Reddit exodus for that very reason.

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