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Showroom7561 ,

I guess just bury me in a ditch, or just leave me there if burying is too expensive. 😮‍💨

Showroom7561 OP ,

Wow, that's great to hear! I'm way north of the border (like, Canada), and even though I haven't noticed anyone wearing these, I tend to be an early adopter of just about anything. LOL You should see the looks I had when I used "bar mits" on my bike over the winter. 😂

Showroom7561 OP , (edited )

I did recently get a set of long sleeved shirts for riding with UPF 50 (spf ratings is for sunscreen 😉).

Even though they are a technical fabric, I do feel like I'll need to acclimate to the heat, since even with short sleeves it can get really hot on long rides.

I haven't looked into the hemp stuff, but I also don't like the idea of synthetic clothing, so I may have a look at more options!

But for my face and neck, Da Brim seems to be a great option.

Edit: grammar

Showroom7561 OP ,

As with anything, I would consider it an investment to last many years. Hell, when someone finds out how much I've spent on panniers, a helmet visor for <$100 sounds like a steal! LOL

Showroom7561 OP ,

The problem with "other solutions" is that they aren't designed for use on a moving bike, so they don't have the structure to actually work well. Apparently, Da Brim works in 30mph winds.

I'm fine with paying money for something that works well, especially when comfort and safety are a priority. But I appreciate you looking at alternatives... I was looking too, and found nothing that was the same (for cycling).

Showroom7561 OP ,

@classic and @realbadat

FYI, I'm in Canada and have been using La Roche ANTHELIOS XL, which contains Mexoryl XL and is SPF 60.

Been using it for years after my dermatologist recommended it.

Showroom7561 ,

I didn't click on the link, but there was a mini-documentary about a guy who, I believe, went across the US on an e-scooter.

It's not as cut and dry as someone doing that on a bicycle. They need a team of people trailing them in a van, usually with many e-scooters that are kept charged. Definitely not self-supported, which isn't as impressive as you want it to be. :(

Showroom7561 ,

And charging is still a huge PITA. Even with multiple e-scooters, I recall that charging was still taking all night, and they couldn't just go to a café and charge up because they were getting kicked out.

I can see this being easier on an e-bike, where you can still pedal. But an e-scooter? Only for masochists! LOL

I may check out the guy in the link, though. This stuff always interests me.

Showroom7561 ,

This is it! Six Ninebot Max e-scooters!

Showroom7561 ,

"Why do people stay in abusive marriages?"

Cost is likely 90% of the reason. Make divorce free with nobody having to give up anything they own, and without any other support payment, and I guarantee the rates would skyrocket to at least 75% of all married couples. LOL

Showroom7561 ,

About 60

That's how many of these were recalled, according to the official recall site. No injuries were reported, thankfully.

Showroom7561 ,

I use Rustdesk for 99% of my remote desktop needs (RealVNC only for my Raspberry Pi).

I will add that self-hosting Rustdesk makes it reliable and fast. When I use the public servers, it was not a good experience.

I'm running it off my Synology NAS through docker.

Showroom7561 ,

If the federal government wants to fund childcare just increase the CCB from ages 0 - 4 and let parents decide what childcare works best for them.

Wouldn't that just be giving out money, even if there was no intention of using childcare?

The lack of available childcare is the issue. Even if you wanted to pay a premium, there's simply nothing available.

Showroom7561 ,

E-scooters and ebikes are potentially an environmentally friendly way to travel, but they have been used in thousands of crimes.

Wait until you hear about shoes! They've been used in millions of crimes! /s

Showroom7561 ,

The company builds its e-bikes using proprietary systems like the powertrain...

That would be a deal breaker for me.

Having common parts makes a bike easily serviceable and offers longevity.

Showroom7561 ,

China's sweeping new e-bike battery rules could have a major positive impact in US


Showroom7561 , (edited )

It should be highly noted that despite the substantial danger he poses to everyone, especially children, the courts decided it was OK to release this animal into the general population.

Until we start holding judges responsible for the actions of those set free, this "justice" system doesn't benefit anyone except those committing crimes.

EDIT: Has Keith's friends found this post? What's up with the downvotes? Stop defending this violent pedophile.

1000+ Firefox for Android extensions now available – Mozilla Add-ons Community Blog ( )

The new open ecosystem of extensions on Firefox for Android launched in December with just over 400 extensions. Less than five months later we’ve surpassed 1,000 Firefox for Android extensions. That’s an impressive achievement by this developer community! It’s exciting to see so many developers embrace the opportunity to...

Showroom7561 ,

Was using Mull and now with Iceraven. Add-on support for both has been awesome.

A bike light that promises to get you seen "5.5 times sooner", plus a hologram-powered smart bike, propeller-powered Seabike + loads more tech news from 3T, Oakley, Continental + more ( )

We've also got an updated aero bike from 3T, another 3D-printed saddle that weighs just 100g and new lids from Rudy Project to tell you about this week

Showroom7561 ,

The light is a gimmick, because red light being cast onto a person isn't very visible. I DO, however, love the Nitecore BR25 front light, which makes your body and bike visible from the front and side as it casts down.

If you actually want to be seen from behind, you should have reflectors around your ankles so the movement and brightness will catch the attention of those behind you.

It's crazy that modern pedals do away with those reflectors, which would arguably be safer to have on your bike than a flashing light.

Showroom7561 ,

Yup, discontinued in the last year. I'm still trying to find another one!

Could nurse practitioners fill the primary care gap? ( )

Nurse practitioners could help fill the void, advocates for the profession say, if more provinces would adopt policies to integrate them into primary care and pay them fairly for their work. Some physicians’ organizations have pushed back against that approach, arguing that NPs don’t have as much training or education as...

Showroom7561 ,

Could nurse practitioners fill the primary care gap?

Not if we can't provide childcare for those nurses to be able to work.

Showroom7561 ,

We're splitting hairs: "Nurse practitioners (NPs) are registered nurses who have additional education and nursing experience..." (SOURCE)

The same need for childcare still applies, no matter where on the spectrum of nursing someone decides to be on.

Showroom7561 ,

Fair points re:the distinction for those who don't know the difference.

Showroom7561 ,

For RC car batteries, you need something called a "bat-safe", which will also filter the smoke to a certain extent.

In the case of an E-bike or e-scooter, those batteries are far too big, and often integrated into the frame, which makes them nearly impossible to fully protect without total isolation.

Showroom7561 ,

overall Canada’s still obviously a great place to live.

Especially when you ignore clickbait, sensationalist, controversial, “this really doesn't affect me” articles like this one.

Unless your country is in the middle of a genocide, war, militant religious control, or experiencing constant natural disasters, most will be similar.

And if you came from a country like that, what could honestly be worse about Canada?

Not everyone can live in the Netherlands, and if it's only about the cost of living, not everyone wants to live in Peru.

Showroom7561 ,

This is why if ANY government is serious about reaching climate targets, achieving "vision zero" goals, or improving the quality of life of their people, they should be highly subsidizing the industry and also offering rebates to anyone (including businesses) who wants an e-bike.

Even just nixing one road expansion project could likely pay for tens of thousands of e-bikes in a region.

Showroom7561 ,

While I am a Cyclist™ and truly enjoy leg power to get me all over the place, if I were to get an e-bike, it would for sure help with those errands that are 30km+ away. Even shorter errands where I'd prefer to get to my destination in regular clothes would be easy with an e-bike.

Showroom7561 ,

Not just that, but it also puts significantly less wear and tear on the road vs cars. So you can save money there by getting more people to bike.

Yeah, there was a video or podcast, I forgot from whom, where they talked about costs. They showed that cycling infrastructure actually MAKES cities money, and car infrastructure always loses money.

When you factor in lowered healthcare costs, less infrastructure costs, increased local business and community involvement, more equitable transportation options, and climate - giving everyone an ebike could be one of the best things that any place could possibly do.

I love that modern cities like Paris and Amsterdam and unfucking their transportation system by making fewer car roads available (or making them narrow, rather than expanding them) and putting an emphasis on cycling and other forms of micro and public transportation.

Every city in the world should be following their lead.

Showroom7561 OP ,

Yes, that's the first one I tried.

Maybe I'll keep trying, but I don't want to commit to tube archivist until it plays nice with jellyfin. 🤞

Showroom7561 OP ,

do you re-watch enough YT videos that you need to archive your subscriptions?

Well, if I can get it working, I would much rather be watching via Jellyfin on my TV and not whatever crappy, privacy-invading, ad-shoving Youtube app I'm forced to use.

But realistically, I want to keep some how-to / maintenance videos archived, because I've lost track of how many times they went “private” and can't be accessed anymore. Some really niche product use/maintenance videos tend to disappear.

I have no real interest in data hoarding vlogs or other crap. Just informational stuff.

Showroom7561 OP , (edited )

I’m using pinchflat

Well. I just installed it and the folder/file structure is definitely better! Now I have to figure out how to get Jellyfin to "see" the download directory. LOL

Thanks for pointing me to another solution.

EDIT: Got that sorted out. Goddamn, it just works! Thank you!

Showroom7561 OP ,

My wife is using Smarttube on a TV that has one of there Chromecast dongles, but our main LG TV doesn't have that option.

I've been using FreeTube through Windows on a MiniPC, but it's not an elegant solution. LOL It does work, though.

Showroom7561 ,

It’s why, she said, they’re able to offer items like organic strawberries for $0.97 a pound.

I haven't found prices to be lower in any small shop or co-op that I've used, but I would donate a kidney to get organic strawberries that cheap!

Showroom7561 ,

Our mission is to make the skies available for everyone with our safe personal electric aerial vehicle.


I don't trust people in vehicles that are grounded to the road and don't have propellers 360 around them. There's no way in hell I want to see these anywhere near public spaces.

But they are cool. No doubt about that. Keep these in Dakar or the Mojave Desert.

Showroom7561 ,

For real. If a 1lb drone needs extensive licencing, God knows what kind of insurance and training would be required for these.

Showroom7561 , (edited )

some of these families have said the money they’ve saved on child care has helped them buy a second property.

If this is true, everyone should be furious. We've been trying to find childcare for our two grandkids for YEARS. Their mother is in healthcare, and if we weren't able to care for them (at our loss), she wouldn't be able to work or survive.

Why are daycare services even offered to families who aren't in desperate need? Those families can afford a babysitter.

Single parent homes, low-income homes, parents who work in an industry in crisis (education, healthcare, etc.) should be at the top of the list for $10 a day childcare.

This Street-Legal Two-Seater Trike Is No Spyder, but It May Just Be the Deal of the Year ( )

Massimo Electric is the crew responsible for selling this $7,000 electric trike that can fit up to two people and reach a top speed of 50 mph

Showroom7561 ,

they can hit a top speed of up to 50 mph (80 kph).

Why do we need to create another industry that's designed to kill people? Don't we have it bad enough with cars and trucks? Now we need these tiny thing on the road going 80km/h with two people in it?

Showroom7561 ,

Maybe you missed the article (and the accompanying video), but this trike is about waist high. It doesn't even clear the front height of a sedan, let alone be visible to someone in an SUV or pickup truck going at near highway speeds.

I wouldn't consider this safe, unless it had a huge flag on it, similar to what you see on recumbent bicycles. Motorcycles with a rider on them are at least significantly taller and more visible compared to this thing.

Showroom7561 ,

I've been avoiding their stores for years.

Not only was I spending 100% of my grocery budget at a Loblaws owned store, but I can probably count on one hand how many times I've visited one in the last 6 years.

Switching to alternative stores saved me thousands over the years.

American Motorcyclist Association Urges DOT to Act on Automated Driver System Regulations Following Tragic Collision ( )

PICKERINGTON, Ohio (April 26, 2024) — In the wake of the most recent tragedy involving a fatal collision between a Tesla vehicle in autopilot mode and a motorcyclist in Washington state, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) once again urges the Department of Transportation (DOT) to strengthen Automated Driving System...

Showroom7561 OP ,

I don’t give a fuck if crash avoidance systems plow through test dummies sometimes. The times it doesn’t matter.

Would you be OK with human drivers plowing into pedestrians without any reason whatsoever, just because other people don't the other 99% of the time?

These advanced systems should never fail, especially not in test scenarios that couldn't be easier for them to pass. Some of these vehicles literally fail to even slow down while hitting the test dummies!

Add them into a random adventure that is the real world, and I wouldn't trust them unless they don't kill people like it was a lottery draw.

Showroom7561 OP ,

Here's a video report from last week, showing how crash avoidance works, and that auto break simply fails to work in some vehicles. And yes, the feature does work in other vehicles, as they should in such easy scenarios.

The problem is, you have cars marketed and sold as having these features that simply do not work. And it's clear that drivers who own vehicles with all these magical features get lulled into believing they don't have to pay attention 100% of the time and at a moment's notice.

Nobody on public roads should be OK with this.

Showroom7561 ,

A new report lends insight into Canadians who leave the country, estimated to number around four million in 2016, or about 11 per cent of the population according to Statistics Canada.

More than one in ten people in a single year?

I don't think I know a single person in all my life who moved out of Canada.

Are they all movie stars or millionaires?

Loblaw reports $13.58B in Q1 revenue, as Reddit group's boycott kicks off ( )

Loblaw Companies reported $13.58 billion in first-quarter revenue — a 4.5 per cent increase from a year earlier — on Wednesday morning, the same day that a group of frustrated shoppers said they would begin a month-long boycott of the grocery retailer....

Showroom7561 ,

The company's quarterly profit was $459 million, marking a 9.8 per cent increase.

This is far, far more important than their revenue.

The company is run by thieves.

Showroom7561 ,

The major downside is it just doesn’t “feel” as responsive as a chain. I don’t quite know how to describe it, it’s not like there is a bunch of stretch in the belt or anything, but it just feels different in a way I don’t entirely love.

From what I heard, a belt drive has an efficiency loss that's greater than a chain drive, so that's what you could be feeling. The energy you put in isn't being translated into the same energy output you'd get from a chain.

Showroom7561 ,


I've been using it, but it's so unfriendly compared to Merlin, which allows you to play back recordings, see more info about the bird detected, etc.

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