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Shareni ,

Gitlab: For profit (wouldn’t say it’s much better than github)

It's got that added excitement that comes with a risk of someone doing a rm -rf on the production DB

Shareni ,

Oh, yes we have. Gitlab, Codeberg, Notabug, etc. You can even host your own Gitea or Forgejo instance if you want.

Self-hosting is right out for most people. It's pretty expensive to even get started without compromising your home network (router with VLAN, switch, multiple servers (at least thinclients)), and then on top of that you need to maintain it, and can't really ever max out your download/upload speeds because people are depending on your internet to interact with the repo.

Gitlab is also for-profit, but also has blackouts and devs going rm -rf on the production DB. It's often in the news for bad things, so I've generally avoided it.

Codeberg is great for personal repos, but most smaller git hosting services have horrible SEO. Like I've had issues finding repos when searching for their exact name, if I had to use general search terms I'd only see github repos.

Shareni ,

Sure, but if you do that, and then follow it up with often outage and security issues, I'm going to seriously rethink using your services.

Shareni ,

It's not pretty, but it's uniform, obvious, and easy to understand.

go is good grug friend who chase away complexity demon by limit damage of big brain developer

Shareni ,

I would rather Linux just be able to detect what's missing and install it for me. In the case of a lot of missing components, what it says is missing will be named completely different from the package you need to install which makes it really hard.

That does happen, but Linux doesn't have anything to do with installing packages, your package manager does. If this package was installed through apt for example, it would also download all of the dependencies. But this package is using a makefile to build and install, therefore it has nothing to do with your package manager.

Tldr: use the package manager, and don't use DIY packages if you don't want to DIY

Additional package managers like flatpak and nix solve different issues:

  • dependency mismatch: let's say libreoffice and this package require a different version of glibc -> flatpak downloads both versions and symlinks them in a different location in order for each package to have the correct version while not impacting your system and the glibc your DE is using

  • newer packages: Debian freezes packages for 2+ years, flatpak gives you a fresh version

  • easier packaging for developers: you can package for flatpak instead of having to maintain packages for every popular package manager and distro

Shareni ,

Nix + home-manager are a much better starting point than NixOS

  • your system still respects FHS and can still use like npm
  • you can still leverage decades of Linux knowledge
  • it's much easier to slowly build up knowledge than to have to immediately learn everything
Shareni , (edited )

It's not clear what device you want to install Linux on.

If it's an apple arm you're pretty much limited to what Asahi is doing (Fedora now afaik).

If it's a regular amd64, I'd suggest something more stable like MX, Mint, Suse leap, etc. You can use an alternative package manager to keep what you need fresh, but your base system won't change for years.

I'd maybe suggest starting first with nix and home-manager while you're still on macos. Do note that I haven't used it on mac, but the idea is for it to be cross platform. You can start adding your packages to the list, and have everything you need immediately when you start using Linux. That's going to be your best option for programming, but it's more difficult. This should help you out to get started

As for gaming, I wouldn't have high hopes on arm. You can use lutris to run windows games for example, but if your device also needs to emulate a different CPU architecture, it wont be happy. Docker had serious performance issues before they introduced arm base images.

Shareni ,

Tbh home-manager is going to be overkill in most scenarios. A dotfile directory + git is going to be more than enough, and you can use stow to symlink everything.

Shareni ,

I'm running MX + nix unstable, and it's pretty great. Although it's got some annoying parts like nixGL, it's nothing compared to simply updating your systyem and it failing to boot.

Shareni ,

No ads, at least for the most part.

Don't forget terminal ads for Ubuntu pro

Shareni ,

Dude is just starting out, no matter what arch derivative you're suggesting, it's a bad idea. Flatpak is perfectly fine for installing fresher versions of those packages AFAIK.

Shareni ,

Dude writes code, that makes me a lot more comfortable recommending an arch install of some kind.

You drive trucks for a living, so you should commute in a rocket car that breaks down randomly. Or are you going to be a chicken and choose something slower, but far more dependable?

Agreed on flatpak, it's fine.

It's pretty counterproductive to suggest something that requires significantly more maintenance if the features are not required. So if flatpak is fine, there's no need for arch, unless the OP is FOMOing for plasma 6 or something.

Shareni ,

Ubuntu lots of the promised customizability and deep control wasn't there (if you are a first time user who don't know about the 4-5 places config files can be located,

How's arch any different?

often differing between distros so google doesnt always hekp

It's either following FHS or not. I've never seen them dropped in random places and also differing between distros.

Not knowing about FHS is not distro specific.

you have no idea what sysctl is, how compiling works, how to manage dependencies)

And why would a brand new beginner touch any of those? If you need to enable something specific, the guide will most likely include systemd instructions. If you need something that's not in the repo, use flatpak for example. If you're not pointlessly compiling, you don't need to manage dependencies, your PMs are doing it for you.

When I got manjaro for the first time, I was blown away about how much you could do with Linux even when not a programmer, because smart people on the AUR have paved the way.

You can do the same things, and AUR doesn't change that, it only gives you an additional source of packages that can't be blindly trusted.

Also you had things like btrfs which are just plain better then win NTFS or linux ext.

They can be set up on other distros, if you don't like timeshift or other solutions. Btrfs is also not really necessary on a stable distro. A security patch is far less likely to break your system when compared to random bleeding edge releases.

But you are right, it broke way to often, that's why I settled for debian after all, as it has the right amount of stability and options imho

Check out MX, it's Debian with some desktop improvements, and a far more sensible default DE for the distro. I'm using it and it's pretty great, nix makes it a lot better, but flatpak does the job as well.

Also, it's really funny that a Debian user goes all fangirl over plasma 6

Plasma 6 - soon on a desktop near you (in 1-3+ years when it stops being a broken mess early enough to be tested and included in the new release)

Shareni ,

Yeah, a company that's been partnered with Microsoft for a decade, and has had horrible corpo ideas like selling user searches to Amazon and running ads in the terminal, has totally nothing to do with windows. Nope, definitely not spelunking in MS's ass to get defaulted in WSL and Azure, it just happened because it's the most beloved and bestest distro ever...

Shareni ,

I mean, they've been partnered for a decade... EEE anyone?

Shareni ,

You seem to be a lot more vehement about this than I am.

No, I'm simply standing behind my initial statement, and pointing out why your counter argument is bad.

Not to mention confidently uninformed on arch.

Wat is arch? I only used it and its derivatives on multiple devices for multiple years in my 15+ years of Linux

I don't think this is worth getting into further. You've already decided I'm some kind of elitist, deserving of insulting analogies thrown at them.

How I'm imagining this response in real life

If you think a hyperbolised analogy is an insult, take care of your delicate constitution and don't risk maladies by entering discussions on the internet.

Shareni ,

part 1/2

If I want to have glassy themed desktop for example on Ubuntu I need to understand kvantum, which folder need which permissions, download themes from a website, kvantum from the terminal and install them, while on arch I type yay glassy-themeXY


But yeah, the large repo + AUR do make some things easier. Although the additional package managers are quite close, while allowing for a more dependable base system.

When installing teamspeak for Ubuntu I need to understand how to make my own desktop entries, mark files as executable, how to install .deb packages etc, while on arch I type yay teamspeak, done.

flatpak search teamspeak -> flatpak install com.teamspeak.TeamSpeak -> done (I'll get to flatpak later)

Sure aur is not the most secure source, but better (and easier) then blindly copy pasting commands from some forum or manually downloading dubious python scripts from github.

Sure, and that's why you can use something like flatpak in any scenario. I prefer nix, but that's still not user friendly.

For the customization at the time Ubuntu only had gnome,

They have flavours for each DE, same as Fedora has spins. It's an easy way to ensure default apps go with the correct DE.

I don’t know what you are talking about with everything in the same place regardless of distro

Most packages follow FHS and XDG, but there are still plenty of them that just drop it in ~ and call it a day.

The FHS ones (/etc, /usr/share, /usr/local/etc) are where you're supposed to find default configs. But, /usr should be read-only and only ever copied from, while /etc is for system wide configs.

The XDG configs are tied to your user, and only located at your ~. Usually in ~/.config but there are some cases where you might want to use ~/.local/

On Linux, the steam installation via snap has another file structure than via apt, and another for flatpack and another for appimage and another for the aur version which is different from the selfcompiled version.

Yes, but that's got nothing to do with the distro.

Apt and pacman follow the FHS, AUR just provides instructions to pacman.

Appimages contain everything they need to run in a single file that you execute.

Flatpak, snap, nix, guix, distrobox, etc. don't save in the exact same directories because it's much safer that way, but they still roughly follow FHS. For example nix symlinks everything into ~/.nix-profile and provides you with the same structure as apt (/etc, etc.)

When you don’t know about this stuff and don’t have the time to watch tutorials or read man pages when wanting to do anything, the difference between this and “yay teamspeak” was like day and night, a matter of usable vs. Unusable.

GUI stores like discovery allow you to install and update packages from different stores at the same time. You can search for teamspeak and chose to install the deb or flatpak. Can't get more user friendly than that.

In win you have all your settings in the settings app (and the values stored in registry) EVERY file of the program you would need to accsess is in the program folder (or roaming).

No, you have the available windows settings in the settings apps. KDE approaches it the same way, and is far superior IMO. The difference is that if you want to change something that's not covered by the settings apps, windows forces you to blindly copy-paste regedit commands, while linux has a text file.

For packages there is no FHS, they might or might not include default configs if they support text configs in the first place (a BIG part of the UNIX philosophy), or they might generate them when needed. It might be in one of the program files, in multiple locations in my documents and app data, or you might need to once again blindly copy-paste regedit commands. Hell, a windows program might use different 5 location for different configs.

The “why would a beginner need those” question always strikes me as odd, because it always sounds love me people wanna deny use cases. I tried changing my local one time, ...

It's more because Linux has come a long way. For example I can just use MX Date & Time and use a gui to adjust my local and hardware time without ever touching the terminal.

Shareni ,

part 2/2

“You can do the same things with the aur as without” is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard (sry) Its like saying you can do the same thing with a guitar as with a CD.

Nah, that's coming right up:

For flatpack: I avoid it, as people who are far more deep into the topic than me said its basically snap with extra steps, bloated, insecure, against the Linux philosophy of interlocking FOSS software blah blah. Didn’t understand most of it but followed the advice.

  1. Argument from authority is a logical fallacy, and I don't think basing your entire argument on willful ignorance requires further comment

  2. People have issues with snap due to following reasons, and none of them apply to flatpak:

  • snap is forced on ubuntu users and apt randomly installs snaps instead of deb
  • snap slows down boot times because it mounts virtual FS'
  • snap store and packages are closed source, and while snap is open source, the snap store is hardcoded
  1. Additional package managers are bloated in the same way cars are bloated for having seatbelts and airbags. The only way to reliably prevent dependency mismatches is to have a separate set of dependencies.

For example: you want to install the newest obs, but it requires a higher version glibc than your KDE. Installing the newer glibc in the exact same location as your system could possibly break your system. Pacman simply errors out, on the other hand flatpak provides the correct version to each of the packages it installs. And that's possible because:

  1. Everything is isolated, and generally not only more secure, if the package is published by the developer, but could be even further improved:
  • each package gets its own private sandbox with a filesystem, libraries, dependencies, runtimes, etc.

  • there are built in systems to further isolate packages from each other and your system

  • you can use tools like flatseal to control permissions on top of whatever the base system uses (AppArmor/SELinux).

  • no sudo privileges required

Pacman can only use AppArmor/SELinux, and AUR is the riskier version of community flatpaks.

  1. The thing is, you can't get better security and reliability without breaking FHS a bit. You also need to consider that they still try to follow it within the additional restrictions imposed on them. You get the same structure, but in respectively consistent places. It's a pretty good trade-off in my regard.

For btrfs: OK, give me the Debian bookworm installer where you can select ANY enrcrypted format that is not luks–>lvm–>ext.

The default one, and therefore essentially everything downstream: guided partition -> change from ext4 to btrfs and set to mount to / -> run the encryption wizard. Do read the maintenance section though, there are reasons why stable distros don't default to it. Besides that, rsync does the job more than well enough. You can use the timeshift gui to have it periodically take snapshots, or easily automate it in different ways.

Honestly, monthly snapshots are going to be just fine. That's the whole benefit of this kind of a setup. Your base system almost never changes, while everything you need to be up to date is completely separate. Half of my packages are nix unstable and just as bleeding edge as on arch, but my system is not at real risk of failing to boot due to an update because it's still Debian, and quite close to vanilla at that. You don't need btrfs and snapshots on every update because both flatpak and nix support rollbacks, and that's the only scenario where updates could be risky.

There are downsides, and possible complications during setup though, but I'd say the trade is more than worth it, especially if you depend on your device and can't have it break down because you ran a system update or installed a package without updating the whole system. Working abroad with bad internet really drew it home for me, and caused me to finally drop arch.

Shareni ,

Pretty much. Plasma depends on regular updates, and is not nearly as good on stable distros that freeze it for years at a time. The version in Debian is almost 2 years old by now, and a new one isn't coming out for at least a year.

Shareni , (edited )

You most certainly can customise it, the previous version of Nobara had GNOME looking like windows. Not only can, but need to. Try starting out from default GNOME, and then compare it to what comes with distros. It's essentially unusable if you don't spend a lot of time and effort to customize it in order to have the basic functionality you'd expect coming from Windows.

This is what Linux needs. One single user experience for all. It needs a champion to sell it to normal less tech savvy people. As much I love KDE and QT, Gnome is the way to go.

GNOME is bad, and even if it wasn't, you most certainly don't need a one true DE. If you want that, you can go right back to win or mac.

Shareni ,

Pro tips: research the distro you're trying to install. And try not to follow any random instructions blindly, that's the quickest way to mess something up.

Ubuntu server is made for actual servers, and they don't need features like a GUI or WiFi.

Just use Mint instead if that's what you're comfortable with. It'll use up some extra storage, but you might want to use a GUI at some point instead of SSH.

If you're planning on self-hosting and opening it up to the internet, invest in VLAN first. It's pretty dangerous to have the server running on the home network. More expensive routers have it built in, but you can DIY a solution using software like openwrt or pfsense, and a thin client. There are useful instructionals on YouTube.

Shareni ,

So why should we use this instead of just saying lixmaballs and using nix/aux/nux/whatever other fork?

Shareni ,

If anyone is willing to learn a little bit of Guile Scheme - look, the language is great, the project isn't contaminated with multiple scripts, project skeleton is much better, the modules are well written, so why not move over there?

The language is great, but the ecosystem is on life support, and I don't see it getting anywhere close to nix soon. I believe it's especially crippled by being Linux only and forcing free software to the point you're not allowed to even mention the non-free repo in the guix irc.

Random Devs and companies aren't going to use it for their projects, and so there far less maintainers to solve issues like having a node version that's not in maintenance for half a year and 4 major versions behind, or having automated npm package conversions.

Realistically it's currently only useful for a few languages with abysmal PMs, most of which are lisps, and like Haskell.

Shareni ,

Now that I think of it, a guix fork would be far more useful than a nix one. You could forgo some of the FOSS extremism, and allow your users to install it without an ethernet cable, and maybe even on the infidel Operating Systems (even though guix is in the official repo for Debian + wsl).

And I bet guile could really use the attention. AFAIK it's mainly developed by one dude, and he made some impressive improvements. Just check out the release speeches on youtube, massive jumps between versions.

Best of all, the GNU people could focus on building a better core, and choose to adopt only some changes, while preserving the purity of their system.

Shareni ,

I don't have an AMD card, so it's better to wait for more informed advice, but in the meantime try the following

  1. ls /usr/lib/clc | grep gfx to verify it's actually installed
  2. If not installed sudo apt-get install --reinstall mesa-opencl-icd
  3. If not fixed, create a snapshot and try to install the Ubuntu rocm
Shareni ,

for using debian testing, been daily driving it for years on my gaming desktop. stable for server’s and hardware that isn’t booted up daily.

Why even use debian at that point?

Half of all of my packages are from nix unstable, but the system itself is still debian stable. That means I've got the bleeding edge user packages, but my system always boots. Casuals can use flatpak instead.

The only downside is for bleeding edge hardware, but again, why use debian at that point.

Shareni ,

Can you explain more about your workflow?

Here's an example. The main difference to my current setup is that I'm installing nixGL through nix-channels because then I don't have to use --impure that way, although I still haven't gotten around to automating its usage so that might still change.

Basically I just have list of packages that I want installed (home.nix), and I run updates a couple of times a week. If something breaks (it hasn't yet), I could just roll back to a previous generation.

Do the Nix packages have their own isolated dependency resolution?

Each package has specified dependencies, nix downloads them separately and then symlinks them in order for the package to access it. If two packages require the same version of the dependency, based on the hash of the output, they'll each get a symlink of the same dependency. If they require different versions, it will download the correct ones for each of the packages.

That way you're theoretically never get mismatched dependencies, but it uses a bit more space.

Shareni ,
  1. in the currently evaluated year 2023 the battery accounts for 44.1 percent of breakdowns

  2. 3-10 year old combustion cars vs electric cars only having enough registered models to start observing their reliability in 2021

Shareni ,

A total of 156 vehicle series from around 20 car brands were evaluated in the current breakdown statistics. All breakdowns during 2023 that affected vehicles between three and ten years old (first registered from 2014 to 2021) were taken into account. In order to be used statistically, the series must have at least 7,000 registrations in two years . If this requirement is met, all vehicle model years with at least 5,000 registrations will be displayed.

Shareni ,

Aren't all ESPs used in lillygo devices universally bad as portables. I've read that her watches last only a couple of hours with minimal use.

Shareni ,

You when you mess something up and only figure it out later?

Shareni ,

Because I saw it in a thread when archiving was announced, and didn't fact check like a dumbass.

Shareni ,

And be careful with copy/pasting from web pages you don’t know or trust


Shareni ,

Check out tldr as well. I generally use it far more often than man

Shareni ,

These 0.00X - 0.0X second improvements always remind me of this meme:

Will probably still use it instead though.

Shareni ,

You forgot selling user searches to amazon

Shareni ,

Dude heard about vendor lock-in, but has no clue what it is.

Shareni ,
Shareni ,

No clue, but they did their "whoopsie, didn't know you wouldn't like it, now it's opt in" pretty quickly.

A while back I've read about some allegations that they're illegally collecting data from Azure Ubuntu instances and sending Ubuntu pro marketing material.

Shareni ,

Would you shake someone's hand if it was nearly shit-free?

Shareni ,

Systemd monolith - worst thing to have ever happened to Linux

Wayland monolith - best thing to have ever happened to Linux

Shareni ,

Dude still hasn't decided where to host the repo. It's not an alternative, guix is...

Shareni ,

What a horrible name. I literally had to search for "aux nix" to find a Reddit post mentioning the URL. Every other search term combination was giving me results for ps aux.

Shareni ,

I vote for nunix, it's the only one I'd remember easily.

Fornix sounds surprisingly sexual.

Shareni ,

Prints a 10m scroll daily containing automated probes and attacks

Shareni ,

AFAIK it doesn't, but at least you have a secure job for the rest of your working days.

Shareni ,

Niiice, I'm glad you made it and that I was able to help! It's really funny that your comment came in right after some other dude wrote to me that nix is dying because of drama articles.

I haven't heard of devbox before. Why choose it over nix develop?

Shareni ,

Damn, that's a wild ride.

I'm honestly not sure how useful that flakehub is, and I feel the same dislike as I do for like AUR. First time I'm seeing it though.

In your experience, do you think using nix develop would slim things down without sacrificing too much comfort?

Honestly, I've only ever used it a few times when I see that a repo has it. I checked out some of them, and with barely no nix language knowledge I was able to roughly understand what's going on, but I doubt I'd be able to make it without a template or LLM.

I'll keep devbox in mind if I ever need that functionality.

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