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How does generative AI create convincing lighting in images?

I believe lighting plays a very important part in making a scene realistic when it comes to creating one artificially, like in 3D modelling. That is why I also think the lighting of these AI generated images is the prime source of what impresses people about these images since no matter how unrealistic or distorted the subject...

Sethayy ,

To get a bit more technical, they build images in passes; each becoming more coherent than the last. This gives thsm a boost to understanding understand how 'things' relate to one another, knowing them by nothing but that relation. Light + light source being an example, and the angle of lighting being another deeper layer of that a - completed on a less noisy pass.

This is how its able to build images from its training parts, it sorta understands how each of them relate to some things, so its able to sorta organizes an image of random noise each pass, eventually creating a 'unique' image inspired by its training data.

It also gives it that perfect image you mention, cause its specifically trained to look like what looks good to us - its essentially a function optimised on nothing but.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Sethayy ,

Is it not common just to make something when you want it?

Maybe I'm too Canadian to understand but do you usually go out for meals?

Sethayy ,

I mean its not the exact same crisp but a small layer of oil in a standard pan'll still beat waiting months I'd argue

Sethayy ,

They mention using it in HR to enhance employee retention, which is... pretty damn dystopian

Sethayy ,

Sounds like the monopolized industry isn't right for the users

Sethayy ,

Video content? YouTube's made it all but impossible to compete with their free offerings, for the cost of server upkeep alone

Sethayy ,

The cost of server upkeep alone

Sethayy ,

Same as Walmart killing off every ma and pa shop is their fault, they lowbid the competition solely because they're able to with their monopolization, solution being actual competition in the industry.

Can't help but feel your goal posts are sentient with how much they're moving.

Sethayy ,

I guess thats a good example, when have I claimed to have a solution?

Im just saying they have a monopoly, but if I could scale up to YouTube size economically, I'd probably be doing it instead of arguing about it online

Sethayy ,

Probably never?

Next you're gonna be judging cars on their ability to float.

Open source follows an entirely different risk model (and arguably much more effective than throwing money at greedy companies)

Sethayy ,

Me with SELinux hardened podman in a VM, running an offline Minecraft server😳

Sethayy ,

Oh no you know what it feels like yo be a woman for 5 minutes, the horror

Sethayy ,

Pretty sure I remember that too, but believe there was some caveat like it only uploads when watching, making made it 'more give less take' on average

Obscure screw added so appliance cannot be disassembled ( )

Basic blender went bad (motor ran but spindle wasn't rotating). I wanted to disassemble to see if it could be repaired. Three of the four screws were Phillips head. I had to cut the casing open in order to discover why I couldn't unscrew the fourth. It was a slotted spanner.

Sethayy ,

Though it should be noted this does raise the bar above most people, especially on a budget, single use tools are hardly ever worth it.

Arguably more dangerous things have easier screws too, like electricity outlets

Sethayy ,

I can't say personally any of my appliances have had this screw, so again relative to someone not doing this for a living it very well could be

Sethayy ,

Kinda like when an AI is overtrained on one thing that wasn't really correlated to its original goal, we've attempted to create a system that organizes collaboration between people; were now so overtrained on acquiring wealth that some would rather the planet burn than risk acquiring slightly less.

Its similar enough to a trail of ants in a death spiral; the same essential survival instincts that their society depends on, now nefariously dooming all involved to a slow starvation.

That being said similarly to the ants most of the populace will do the average (as it's what's kept us alive this long so how could it harm us?) And continue the spiral, but if one individual is able to reconnect the spiral to the main pheramone train the entire death spiral may be avoided

Sethayy ,

God? Jesus is that you? Or at least someone omnipotent

You know with absolute certainty the only way people can trade is capitalism?

Sethayy ,

On one end carrying sheep would be annoying, but so is a credit score; arguably both are sources of noise distracting humanity from actually improving at all

Sethayy ,

Making the assumption ownership is a valued currency of course.

Which is arguably a bootstrap-paradox; we need capital to participate in capitalism, for which we need - cause without capitalism what would we do with our capital.

Sethayy ,

I mean like owning things is a human concept not a physical law, so yeah I can imagine a society exists where nothing is owned

Can't say if it'd be better or worse than our current cause were not trying it, but tbh I'd be happy if instead of solely me being able to use 'my' drill for example, the whole community can whenever they require.

Sounds a hell of a lot more efficient to me if we work together not apart

Sethayy ,

Lotta Canadian politicians invest in housing so affordability isn't really an option over here, unrelated to drake which is the joke

Sethayy ,

Of which the "class" of women after menopause would not be women then.

We haven't yet got a definition of a man though, so presumably most older 'women' are non-binary in their world

Sethayy ,

So then drop your phone and pick up your friends.

What number do you have now?

Or if you really want an IP to follow you plug in your router at your friends house.

Sethayy ,

For the laptop thing you realistically could by a WAN IP per device, itd just be expensivr and also a massive security issue DMZ'ing all your devices

Does color change how hot a laser can get something?

For convenience sake let's say you have 2 identical lasers, one is blue and one is red. And you shine it on lead (so none of the light leaks through) until the lead doesn't heat up anymore. Would the temperature change at all between the different color lasers. It doesn't have to be red or blue, it could be microwave or x ray,...

Sethayy ,

If you're measuring energy input by rating on the box yes, but instead of assuming that is your measurement data, they assumed perfect conversion.

It has the same end result descriptively but I'd argue that perfect conversion paints an easier to understand theoretical image, vs a more rigid practical image

Sethayy ,

You're telling me only visible light counts as light to lasers?

Sethayy ,

I mean its at least tiptoeing the line between ignorance and malice, with decades of ignorance is starting to be indistinguishable from malice

Sethayy ,

Still statistically significant, even with a high margin of error our only evidence points towards it being a trend

Sethayy ,

But given the choice between coins you'd still most likely pick the one that was successful, even if its 99% chance its nonsense - the other coins would have 99.9% (made up numbers).

So out of our analogy, we can't be sure beyond resonable doubt to arrest Boeing, but a message has clearly been sent to any future whistleblowers

Sethayy ,

The edit fumbled it so hard it feels pro-violence

Sethayy ,

Just for an anecdote on functional vlans, I once knew someone that had their WAN sent into a managed switch, set it on a vlan with their router elsewhere in the network

Sethayy ,

Love how everyone's argument for capitalism is just 'well communism sucks too'.

Good job regurgitating half a century's worth of propaganda, no one mentioned communism and there's more than just 2 ways to run q society

Sethayy ,

Kinda hijacking but I can't believe how easy endeavor is, like t2linux for mac's is a mess but half the drivers aur just HAD naturally, and the installation was fully automatic

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