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S_204 ,

Expel the students who are breaking the law on campus. It's really that easy.

The U of T campus takeover was by mostly non students based on the reporting from the campus, that's a different situation but kicking out the students breaking the law should help clear the riff Raff out.

S_204 ,

She'll be voted out next election. Spineless coward.

S_204 ,

Doesn't really matter what you think. She'll be voted out next time. Like she deserves for being a coward.

S_204 ,

A female police officer patting down a female who was arrested.

This is not a problem. This is what is supposed to happen.

This isn't news.

S_204 ,

Well that's just not correct. This person is being taken into detention. Protocol is to ensure they do not have weapons prior to being detained.

You think this person is supposed to get a changing room to get patted down before they go into a cop car? That's not only not realistic. It's just stupid. Female officer patted down a female suspect there's nothing wrong with what's being shown here.

S_204 ,

Flight attendants in Canada are unionized and the handful that I know seem to quite enjoy their jobs and lifestyle.

Maybe the American ones should consider unionizing as well. Just a silly thought.

Police crackdown on Gaza protest encampments [at the University of Alberta] campus sparks outcry ( )

Students and academics at the University of Alberta reacted with outrage on Saturday after Edmonton police dismantled a pro-Palestinian encampment on campus, describing the operation as violent and contesting assertions that demonstrators were breaking the law....

S_204 ,

Encampments aren't protests and as we've seen they're clearly not peaceful.

S_204 ,

Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Terrorist supporters can do it from the ground in Gaza. Start with the purple hair ones.

S_204 ,

You have the right to peacefully protest. That's not what's going to get you shipped away.

What we have here though is far from peaceful and it's far from a protest. These are terrorist camps harrassing people for their ethnicity and beliefs and based on the arrest records that we're seeing, they're being heavily influenced by non-students and bad actors.

The opinions of useful idiots should not be considered.

S_204 ,

They're welcoming and inclusive but they're not letting the pro Hamasites in, that's just a bit too accepting.

S_204 ,

They're A rapidly growing subset of the useful version. And we are seeing repeatedly across college campuses where these idiots don't know what they're even protesting for or against. The number I've seen interviewed who can't identify which river or sea they are chanting about would be funny if they weren't promoting a genocide.

It is a fine line between useful and useless though, if you're not sure where you fall the default is useless.

S_204 ,

You should book a ticket and go. Plenty of flights to Tel Aviv, quick ride to the border. It's not a terrible trip. I'm sure you'll be welcome with open arms and I doubt the IDF would mind the extra ammunition being spent 👍

S_204 ,

C'mon don't be foolish. We've all seen the green headbands. We've all seen the signs. We've all seen the intifada chants.

I'm not saying they all are but enough of them are that staying among them pretty clearly demonstrates that you don't have a problem with what they're saying.

S_204 ,

Sure, let's get those hostages released and Hamas out of power so the Palestinians can actually have a chance at a peaceful life.

S_204 ,

Banning fact-based opinions that are contrary the group think. That's my fascist. Nope. Not at all.

S_204 ,

If you haven't seen it then you would Have to be intentionally avoiding. But you're even offended by that. Just proves that you don't care about reality. You just care about pushing the propaganda.

Protesters can't control who walks around them? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's really really really easy to walk away from the guy wearing the swastika or the green headband. That you're denying this basic reality again, just shows that you just want to push the propaganda.

The vast majority of protesters are clearly ill-informed if they think there's a genocide going on. I'm pretty safe in believing that you've intentionally avoided the follow-up from the icj president who went out of her way to clarify that they did not find it plausible Israel as committing a genocide. Stop pushing lies.

S_204 ,

Lots of incels are hunters in the first place. You're making a great point. We should really save the Bears from the incels and from women.

Why won't someone think of Da Bears!

S_204 ,

And it worked LoL. The simpletons are frothing over the bait. There's video of one of the protesters at UCLA literally pulling a gun on a guy they thought was pro Israel....but wasn't LoL he was there to join. He's been doing pretty funny interviews about it, doesn't seem like the brightest light.

S_204 ,

I work in the construction industry. Convenience is king and people will give up quality for it when they're handing it out 10 times out of 10 sadly.

I bring in high quality donuts from a place near me. Trudeau put it in the spotlight a few years ago for grabbing from there lol. Every single time I do it, people comment and thank me for getting them something good.... but they'll never do it when they're grabbing them. They're like double the price but i expense it so why wouldn't I at least get something good?

S_204 ,

My firm threw a staff BBQ at one of the satellite sites yesterday. My director was texting me about going....45 mins away....for a hot dog.... standing in a field on a rainy day.....

Sorry boss, deadlines to meet gotta prioritize my work here.

Yet, there's managers who very likely pay attention to who shows up and who doesn't and judge their work based on it.

S_204 ,

Whoever snuck that in, should be looking for work today. Regardless of your views on politics, injecting them into your work product is problematic at best.

S_204 ,

And before before the Arab conquest Jerusalem was in the hands of the Jews. It also shouldn't be lost that Jews have lived there even under the brutal Arab regimes for over 3,000 years....

The entire point of decolonization is giving the land back to the people who are indigenous to it. Arabs are not indigenous to Judea. They come from the Arabian Peninsula.

S_204 ,

I feel like there's enough iPhones in Jerusalem that this would have been flagged much earlier. Had it not been a recent introduction..

S_204 ,

The Iranian bots have been working overtime lately. That would be logical however. Disappointing it is to see technology manipulated in this way.

S_204 ,

What a stupid take. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, it's intractable from the Jewish people. Don't be so ignorant. Next week Jews will celebrate the return to their homeland from exile in Egypt, they've been doing so for thousands of years.

Your understanding of indigeneity doesn't come close to the established academic or real world understanding of it. If the Greeks had remained in Crimea, maintained the language and culture like the Jews have done then yes they'd absolutely be considered indigenous. There are a dozen examples of these sorts of people's across the MENA region, they're all indigenous, not the Arab invaders who forcibly colonised the land.

S_204 ,

There's been like 9 variations of gender in the Hebrew biblical books for thousands of years.....

This isn't new, but the bigotry towards it is. Kinda like how being Homo was fine in Roman times but not in Confederate times. Hate is a social construct.

S_204 ,

The hilarity of thinking people here are tech savvy because they have an app is pretty cute to me. This place is slightly less accessible than Reddit but it's hardly difficult to navigate around.

S_204 ,

Ya, Lemmy is speed running the worst things about Reddit but struggling to build the niche communities that would make people want to hang around.

S_204 ,

As a builder, I have had this scenario play out dozens of times. Clients paying millions for design and being shocked at what they get. My favorite was the charity that the architect spec'd custom handmade tile from Italy for.... in a service bathroom lol. 40k to tile one wall of a bathroom for a charity that struggles to keep its doors open.

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