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I keep having to login to Lemmy on any iPhone browser every time I navigate to a new page. Is there a way to keep me logged in?

The title really. I tried Firefox, Safari and Chrome, they all behave the same way: I have to re-enter my credentials almost every time I refresh the page or navigate to a new link within Lemmy. Especially on iPhone this is very annoying (since accessing your saved passwords requires entering a code). Is there a way to extend...

RidcullyTheBrown OP ,

I haven't noticed it being small. Any app recommendations?

RidcullyTheBrown OP ,

No. I also checked to see if I refused any cookies too and I didn't

RidcullyTheBrown ,

so what? It will either be terrible or interesting. Either way, we, personally, have nothing to lose from this being made and a lot to win if it's not terrible.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

There isn't a fixed budget somewhere that all these projects are competing for. Whomever is financing this movie is not going to finance whatever projects you're talking about. However, it might just be that if this is a success and brings a profit and visibility, those other smaller projects will get more funds thrown their way.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

The type of investors who invest speculatively in the money grab that this move is aren't the types that invest into heartfelt projects which may or may not bring any money. There's a reason why the fellowship had a budget of $94 million and an unexpected journey had between $200 and $315 million depending on source.

CEO of Google Says It Has No Solution for Its AI Providing Wildly Incorrect Information ( futurism.com )

You know how Google's new feature called AI Overviews is prone to spitting out wildly incorrect answers to search queries? In one instance, AI Overviews told a user to use glue on pizza to make sure the cheese won't slide off (pssst...please don't do this.)...

RidcullyTheBrown ,

What does this have to do with AI and with what OP said? Their point was obviously about limitations of the software, not some lament about critical thinking

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Yes, thank you! I think this should be written in capitals somewhere so that people could understand it quicker. The answers are not wrong or right on purpose. LLMs don't have any way of distinguishing between the two.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Google AI suggested you put glue on your pizza because a troll said it on Reddit once…

Genuine question: do you know that's what happened? This type of implementation can suggest things like this without it having to be in the training data in that format.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

This doesn't mean that there are reddit comments suggesting putting glue on pizza or even eating glue. It just means that the implementation of Google's LLM is half baked and built it's model in a weird way.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Oh, hah sorry! thanks, I didn't realise that the reddit link pointed to the glue thing

Decentralized Systems Will Be Necessary To Stop Google From Putting The Web Into Managed Decline ( www.techdirt.com )

Is Google signaling the end of the open web? That’s some of the concern raised by its new embrace of AI. While most of the fears about AI may be overblown, this one could be legit. But it doesn’t mean that we need to accept it....

RidcullyTheBrown ,

the modern internet has existed without google much less than it has with google

RidcullyTheBrown ,

i don't think the nukes are where the drills take place, that would be quite stupid

RidcullyTheBrown ,

immediately move on to even more anti consumer ways

but they'll keep collecting that data even after the slap on the wrist which will be more like a gentle tap

RidcullyTheBrown , (edited )

I think that what you're saying is that actions of hypocrites cannot be considered hypocritical since it's their nature to be hypocrites. It's all a bit circular, isn't it?

I think that in the case of Mr. Musk, the issue is that he has been seen as an innovator not just as a capitalist for much of his time in the spotlight. For 2018 Musk, this declaration would have been hypocritical. For 2024 Musk, whatever, why are we still listening to this clown?

RidcullyTheBrown ,

I’m saying musk has never believed in the free market in his life and has never argued in good faith.

isn't this the definition of hypocrisy?

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Everything you post has potential to remain forever even if it's not monetized directly. Cautioning people about it makes sense now and has always made sense.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

54% of Wikipedia pages contain at least one link in their “References” section that points to a page that no longer exists.

It would be interesting to know how many of these references don't exist anymore and how many have just moved. Web has come a very long way since 2013 and I bet that websites hosting the references have undergone several iterations altering the URLs in some way.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Selling you shit has always been the point for echo/alexa. The device is sold at cost and the assistant is "free" because they're trying to make money from the other side of the business.

It hasn't worked at all, by the way. This more aggressive version is a last ditch effort to make it profitable. The only ones who managed to make smart speakers profitable are Apple, but that's because they charge much more for the device

RidcullyTheBrown ,

haven't all UI changes in most product made things worse lately? The "2010s generation" of software solutions has been growing up on investment rather than profit for a long time and we've experienced a weird decade in which getting users was more important than getting money from them. Now we're seeing the other side in which squeezing profit form each user is more important than retention. All solutions are getting crappier because they not meant evolved for their intended purpose anymore.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

I disagree, this has nothing to do with software development models, It's all about purpose. If your website must start making money quickly, then you can be sure it will have a payment model regardless of how things are developed. Social media business (and others) translated user growth into investment models: you give us this much money at this "completely made up valuation" and we'll use it to grow our user-base by this much.

This was possible because interest rates have been very low for the most of the 2010s. This meant that investors would be losing money if they held on to it so they just threw it at "the new tech" hoping something would stick. In the past few years, inflation has driven the interest rates very high and it means that money is not cheap anymore so all these businesses now have to transition to a money making model. That's all.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

The project management approach does not dictate the feature priority. The business dictates the priority. Project management is just a tool

RidcullyTheBrown ,

what relevance would that have over the time span discussed here?

And no, whatever you read about agile, the development speed comes down to people not to procedure. That's true even if we disregard the fact that very few companies claiming to use agile actually understand what agile is

RidcullyTheBrown ,

you're attributing a state of fact to a cause that has nothing to do with it. I'm not nitpicking, i'm pointing out a fallacy: the effect doesn't prove the cause, it only works the other way around

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Yeah, a contributing factor for sure. Just like whatever company produced the pencils used by Einstein was a contributing factor to the theory of relativity. Not a sole factor. No, not a sole factor but a factor. Yes

RidcullyTheBrown ,

As of the second quarter of fiscal year 2024, the Americas held around 41 percent of the revenue, whereas Europe came in second with roughly over 26.5 percent.


As the second largest revenue generator, Europe has a powerful voice.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

let me put it this way: if you have money, time can be whatever you want it to be

RidcullyTheBrown ,

the bible also contains accounts of god helping his people conquer land and uproot the residing population from it. I wouldn't use it as a moral reference.

In fact, let's be honest: there is no point in quoting any religious text, regardless of religion, when discussing morality. These texts are horribly dated and should be considered as historically interesting, but nothing more.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

oh, they're there and they're just as useless. I'm the kind of person who refuses to remember things so I have been using google search to take me to the particular website which contains that one liner which I know fixes my issue. For the past 4 years or so, I started actually remembering a lot of things because it's impossible to get to those pages through all the spam.

A search for a specific question used to take me to a stack overflow page with that specific wording to which the answer was the specific command and a description of what it does. Now not only does google ignore half the search terms, but the first 5 results are crap websites with a long description which seems to be close to what i'm looking for only to prove to be useless 3 minutes in.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

it's funny how the conventional wisdom at the end of the last decade was that slack was preferred over other simpler/free alternatives because of its UX. People were hailing it for how simple and intuitive it was to use, etc.

5, 6 years later, it has become a bloated piece of crap riddled with bugs. And the UI changes which come unannounced... it should be a criminal offense to change UI through automated updates.

Anyway, here we are, companies have handed their data to this monster and we'll see how they react when the data gets misused. Hopefully that would be the beginning of the end for it

RidcullyTheBrown ,

i never had the "pleasure" to use teams. Is it also replacing outlook? And is it worse somehow than fucking outlook?!

RidcullyTheBrown , (edited )

No, it is just incompetence. There's a serious disconnect between the people making the return to office call and the people dealing with it. The thinking is that, over years, the talent lost will be replaced and the backlash will subside and whatever reason they have for the RTO is more important than these.

The trouble with the software industry upper management is that they have never had to deal with an industry in trouble. They've been working in a rapidly growing industry for their whole career. Bad decisions matter very little in such environments so they think they don't make any.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

I'm in no way a climate change denier and I too believe that the current path leads us there. However, isn't it normal for 80% of climate scientist actively researching this to think this way? Would they not spend their efforts somewhere else if they would think this isn't happening?

A survey among mathematicians showed that 80% consider that mathematics has the answer they're looking for.

We need to discuss hard data and proper research, not surveys.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

why does anyone care what experts think?!

That's not what I said at all, is it? I'm simply pointing out that we're reacting to a poorly written article which plays on our emotional side instead of discussing the actual facts. Yes, scientists doing research in an area believe that their research is going to confirm their hypothesis. That's how research works. In this case, I'm surprised it's not 100% to be honest.

The whole premise of the article is stupid. Not global warming, not the fact that we're heading towards more than 2.5C global warming by 2100, not the people answering the questions. What's stupid is the idea of "conducting an opinion poll" in that specific group.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

No. I'm saying that "77% of Top ...etc" is a stupid way of conveying the importance of the information.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

What data though? This article doesn't contain data - that's my issue. You're right, it's not asking fishermen if they think we should eat fish. It's asking nutritionists if they like fish.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

i'm out of the loop on this one, is this a reference to something? Or just an "original" take on what it means to be a woman?

RidcullyTheBrown ,

But as long as our major politicians are Republicans and neoliberals, nothing is going to change.

Those poorer countries have governments too. They should be the first line of defense for their citizens. Fuck Nestle and all their products, but the reality is that there's absolutely nothing a foreign power can do to protect the people living in those countries

RidcullyTheBrown ,

America and the EU are imposing the economic and political order that gives those companies leverage over small countries and blocks them from consumer protection or worker protection legislation.

What on earth are you on about? The EU lobbies world wide for consumer and worker protection. Where are you getting your info from?

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Nestle most probably just buys local factories which already produce this crap and rebrands it. Even if Nestle would be forbidden from doing business in those countries, the locals would not be any better off. They really need their authorities to step in. There's no other way.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

have you actually read those links? First is a political statement from 2014 which starts with :

Germany and Europe contribute large sums of tax money toward various development programmes in Africa, Nooke explained, but the economic agreement with African states cancels out these efforts.

and it should be easy to see now that the guy was just playing his voters.

the second one is about britain post brexit

the 3rd is about the influence of other markets on the quality of products in the EU.

Which one of those actually proves your point?

RidcullyTheBrown ,
  1. adding sugar to baby food is not necessarily illegal

  2. there is already legislation which prevents companies from engaging in illegal activities overseas but it's really not efficient since it is so easy to offload any illegal activity to a locally owned company. This is more about human rights abuse and illegal lobbying than product quality control though.

  3. there is nothing forcing multinational corporations to act as a unique global entity when it comes to quality control and any attempt to enforce such legislation would just be quickly sidestepped with local subsidiaries.

Really, the only defense for the locals is the local government. As it should be.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

this article is not about acts of human rights abuse, is it?

RidcullyTheBrown ,

that's a ridiculously superficial take on free trade agreements. And since 10 years have passed since then, you should be able to show some evidence of that happening, but you can't.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

The rest of us have work to do to end the violence.

I cannot imagine a world without oppression, this is true. However, I grew up long ago in a world where oppression came from those who said they'd overthrow it last time. They were using the same ideas you flaunt around and much like you (or whomever the person I was talking to before was), they had superficial understanding of what they were advocating for.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

am attempt at what? not everyone has a hidden agenda, who are you talking to?

RidcullyTheBrown ,

Anyway, Andrewism’s latest video directly addresses your originally expressed concern

Oh yes, somebody without any formal education on the subject and no credentials whatsoever except the fact that they have a face to put on a vide is the perfect person to quote here. Well done.

RidcullyTheBrown ,

You can imagine whatever you wish, but quoting random people is just stupid when you have access to actual research (incidentally the same material used by those nobodies in a twisted way to manipulate you). Get out of the youtube rabbit hole, there are no rabbits at the end of it.

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