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We have GOT to do something about these bots....

Ok, so I've been here almost two months now. And I'm a frequent commenter. What I have noticed is that almost every single comment I make gets exactly 1 downvote. Regardless of where, regardless of content. Doesn't matter what I say. I could say "Puppies are snuggly!" and it would get one downvote....

Pronell ,

Go the fuck away, fascist.

Pronell ,

I do block them, but I will still call it out when I see it.

Pronell ,

Knights of the Old Republic.

I'd heard for many years how amazing they were, so I finally tried them.

Each game has a major plot twist. Both are obvious enough but if you google anything the spoiler in the first game is ruined.

The one in the second I was assured was a better game but apparently only if you download the unofficial patch that finishes the game, and it still can't save the game from the obvious fucking fact you've been carrying around the BBEG since the goddamned beginning while everyone tried to pretend otherwise.

People want remakes of these games primarily for nostalgia, and they do not hold up.

Pronell ,

Yes, but the warning was included in the subject. Also there's no more obvious twist than that.

Pronell ,

She. The Republican bully was the woman.

Pronell ,

And what's the word in German that means everything you just wrote?

Pronell ,

I suppose it depends on why they don't have security clearance. If it's someone who could never qualify for it, that would need to be announced and explained.

If it's simply a candidate who doesn't yet have it, that's something that should be known for the same reasons. They don't have all the information other candidates do, but are operating with the information they do have.

Pronell ,

Thank you, I'm an outsider and didn't know the who or why of the question.

I asked Justin Trudeau’s Liberals why they broke a promise to ban three controversial police practices. Their answer says a lot ( )

As a general rule, I hate opinion pieces as I feel that they are a major contributor to our slide towards 'facts don't matter' US style political rhetoric. That said, I thought this was an interesting and fact driven piece that if anything was too easy on the RCMP. Sharing a journalist's request for information with the union,...

Pronell ,

Absolutely too easy on the RCMP as it mainly came down to "We don't want to."

One could also parse the longer answer as "We don't do that at all. Well, not very much. And it's better when we do. But we can't prove that."

Pronell ,

You are absolutely correct, and my snarky reply leads toward this tendency to call an organization as a monolithic entity that has agendas when the actual issue could be any number of other things, probably all of them, in a quagmire together:

Resistance to change and outside pressure, factionialization within the group that leads to the request being impeded, corruption, organized crime, institutional failure, racism, nationalism, cronyism, outdated training, lack of training in general...

There could be a good number of people trying to comply with the policy and simply failing. We just don't know the full truth.

But it's probably all of the above.

Pronell ,

You are older than me, I suppose. I was playing it at 11 years old or so. My first CRPG, although my dad had run a D&D game for the family a few years prior so I had a reference point.

I remember my cousin telling us about the Creeping Coins and my imagination went wild, assuming you could loot them and they'd attack you later from your inventory.

Nope. Just normal randomly spawning encounter.

Pronell ,

It meant my Dad never played Scrabble with my mom ever again, that's what it meant.

Across two Triple Word tiles, no less.

Pronell ,

It's worth pointing out that the act of remembering a moment overwrites the memory with your current memory of that memory.

In essence, by cringing at your own behavior, you place a negative and self-abusive frame upon it.

Try to start practicing self-forgiveness. Laugh at yourself. Smile at your own naive behavior.

It does work, but it takes time, and it's never too late to start forgiving yourself.

Pronell ,

No, I get what you mean. You should at least forgive yourself because you are a better person now.

That others think you still deserve to be punished is enough. You don't need to add your pain to the mix, but it is easy to do that.

Pronell ,

Someone else on here - might've been you - turned me on to them and now I've been alternating between Pinon and Chocolate Pinon. So tasty!

Pronell ,

I appreciate you trying to attribute the artist. That's a good instinct to have, glad to see it in practice!

Pronell ,

Maybe you're thinking of something along the lines of Bishop Berkeley's Theory of Immaterialism.

Essentially, things only exist and continue to exist because we agree that they do and expect them to remain that way.

Also featured in the children's book Mr. Radagast Makes an Unexpected Journey, which I adored when I was younger.

Pronell ,

Every time I see his name I can't help but think that in college his assigned email address would probably have been [email protected].

Pronell ,

That's totally bizarre. Every phrase in that headline is a plot twist.

Pronell ,

All you can reasonably do is help him get in touch with resources to help him recover.

And then, if he gets sober and starts to get his affairs in order, you can be supportive.

But his multiple severe challenges coupled with the fact that he has a family who could be supportive of him if he had been supportive of them lead me to warn you to limit your exposure here.

It's too much and you'll get overwhelmed, even if he's able to cope.

But being a supportive friend, knowing he has someone in his life who hasn't fully written him off can still be valuable.

Pronell ,

Are you telling me there's a way for me to become more of a coffee snob?!

Edit: Google says it's not this way and makes for weak coffee.

Pronell ,

Some few years ago I had my cat Miles Morales outside and he got spooked by one of our dogs who he knows and trusts.

He fled up a tree in the yard and immediately started panicking and howling.

I positioned myself under him and called out and he slowly began climbing down until I could grab him.

Guess he hasn't been bit by a spider yet.

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

Pronell ,

Nature gets brutal sometimes. One of my dogs once killed another dog, but she's always been a total sweetheart to me.

Raccoons are cute, curious, critters with thumbs. They like to wash their food. They're adorable!

But they are also wild creatures that will bite when scared and can carry dangerous diseases.

Nature gets brutal.

Pronell ,

Eat their young when they are in a confined space that appears to not support the population.

In a sense, we make them eat their young by putting them in cages and breeding them.

But it is behavior learned in the wild - keep alive only the babies you can actually support, or else everyone dies.

Pronell ,

I think it's better to not look at it as good and evil but as joy and pain.

There will always be both joy and pain in the world. And there isn't even a 'balance' between the two. Some experience more pain than joy. Some, more joy than pain.

Part of the trick is to learn to focus on the joy. The pain will be there and requires acknowledgment, not attention.

Pronell ,

She was named Beta, a yellow lab who was housed with a yorkshire terrier, constantly yapping and nipping at her.

Eventually she snapped.

At the time the owner was pregnant so there was no way they could take the risk.

My wife and I adopted her because we already had another dog from the litter, her sister Violet. We renamed her to Veda.

Never had a problem. She growls softly when her lines are crossed but is otherwise a perfectly snuggly girl. Getting on in years but still with us.

Pronell ,

Here's the post with the comment you mean, I believe.

Pronell ,

Might not have been the same one, just another article with a comment that pushes back at the headline.

Pronell ,

Kevin Spacey, Woody Harrelson, Rob Schneider, Jeremy Piven, Russell Brand, Bobby Lee, and Tony Robbins are all pitching in for RFK.

It's a veritable 'Who's Who?' of 'Him? Really?'

Pronell ,

I wonder if this tricking back to Biden's desk is what finally made him pause an ammo shipment.

5e has an advantage of not requiring doctorate in quantum physics to run ( )

I would usually be sad to see another original RPG go 5e compatible but Neuroshima was infamously poorly designed ruleset, possibly worse than Shadowrun. I probably won't be running it, but may steal statblocks for my 5e game if I need weird stuff again.

Pronell ,

Add to that injury rules.

Oh, you've been shot? It's going to be nearly impossible to cast a spell or fight back. Maybe realistic but the number of characters I spent multiple hours making only to be wounded within moments of play was... greater than two.

It has been a few decades.

Pronell ,

My RPG heyday was in and after high school, so 90-94. 1st or 2nd edition.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

Pronell ,

That isn't the type of behavior that I think most find annoying but I'm sorry that you get that reaction at all.

I think many people are so annoyed with feeling they are attacked for eating meat (and I do eat meat) that when that button gets pressed the anger just rises up.

For me I get a little true guilt. I know I'm not helping in the best possible ways that I can, all the time. I'm not perfect and won't ever pretend that I am, and I also haven't given up on getting better. When I go a day without eating meat, I congratulate myself. With a burger. (No, not really.)

Pronell ,

Petite mort, translated from French, means “little death”, and is generally used as a euphemism for orgasm.

Some of us have died... a lot.

Pronell ,

You had what we call a shower epiphany.

Pronell ,

Also Disney+ existing. Why go see something in a theater when it's coming to a streaming service I already have in a few months?

Pronell ,

Maybe you need a set of rolling goals to achieve, and when you're halfway done you add more.

That'll keep some variety in your habits while still keeping you motivated and on task.

Pronell ,

I think half the reason Black Mirror caught on so well was that coincidence.

We wanted to see the predictions.

Pronell ,

This is a very good way to say it.

I love my country for its heart, its people, its ideals.

I mourn my country for its ignorance, its failures, and its systemic ills.

I hate my country for what it has done to most of the rest of the world in trying to 'supposedly' promote freedom and democracy.

It's a very complicated thing, patriotism. And it means nothing if you have it while your eyes are closed to reality.

Pronell ,


Pronell ,

Happiness is one I've been wanting to revisit for some reason. Perhaps to show to my wife, who has never seen any Todd Solondz.

Pronell ,

We are not ready for AI shenanigans. This wasn't even that, much easier to throw together for rage points.

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