@PixysJourney@beige.party cover
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar


@[email protected]

Howdy, I'm Cynni Pixy (nicknames obviously). I've got several other accounts but they have different specific goals. Here I want to share my journey through life.

My avatar is a cartoon image of my dog, surrounded by rainbow colored hearts. She's a brown Labrador with greying snout (age 10).
My header is a picture of my Labrador resting her head on a couch side.

Soon: #PixysHouse for all the crazy house updates.

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Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 239 , Sunday 23/06/2024

Got a decent nights sleep last night Geoff behaved himself which was nice.
Up initially around 4am , had a chat with a dear friend & then managed another hour or so snoozing , finally getting up around 8.

On the whole not a bad day.

So I get loads of notifications on Mastodon because I like to interact with as many folk as I can, it can take hours to catch up sometimes. I have the time most days so this is not a problem. Sometimes though it is hard for me to do more than just answer with a hug or a smile because it is hard for me to formulate answers that will not offend or seem glib or cutting.
My autistic mind makes me blunt, it makes me say things that lack social subtleties , it makes me see over familiar or too distant. So when I cannot come up with response that I feel will be acceptable I fall back onto smiles & hugs to show I care hopefully.
Also there are only so many hours in a day , when one has 200 toots to respond to then sometimes brevity is required.
I was criticised for being too brief today, all I can say is I’m sorry ,I’m only a small squirrel of Pooh bear like intelligence & I try my best.

Final Thoughts.

I was playing around with Mona (the Mastodon app I use ) today & have managed to lose all my user notes that I used to keep track of time offsets & nicknames , birthdays etc. Very frustrating because they were crucial;l aids for one such as I with the memory of a concussed goldfish!
Hey ho.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

🫂 💜 🫂
I'm sorry if you meant me with the criticism! 😢 I was just eager for your thoughts on some things... As I respect your view on things, and when it was "just" a hug, I was a bit disappointed, because I would have loved your view on what I'd shared!! So it was bad communication from my part I see now!! Sorry, my AuDHD also struggles with being clear in my feelings and wording them.... I never meant to hurt or offend you... It was my disappointment that made me explain it wrong. As said, I value your opinion loads so was eager to read your thoughts!! Sorry of I didn't explain this well enough, making you feel like this.... Now I feel ashamed because I never meant to make you feel so bad about it 😭 so sorry! 🤗 It was my disappointment not making me explain it right....
Hope this explains my reasoning behind my (probably) blunt message and you now know why I was like that. So sorry.... 😔

Glad that you had a good day, besides the bluntness of a certain stupid Pixy 😔
Yay for a chat and some extra sleep!
Booh for losing the notes 😔
I had thought you'd mention the garden work as you said you were proud of the hard work. 😊 So I'll just say a well done on the "not mentioned here" garden work!

Hope you're having a good night sweets 😘 and again, sooooo sorry for not explaining my disappointment well enough and making you feel this way... 😔


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Fankoos 🫶🏻 for the long reply!
Guess it was indeed too spicy folks struggling with their emotions and social skills and we went bump! I'm glad that we can talk about it, and that we both realize that we didn't mean any harm... It was just us being clumsy and awkward, well, me at least.... 😔

Sorry!! I wish I could go back and use my words better...

Hihi you're very welcome on the gardening bit. 😊 Yeah I was surprised you didn't mention it, as you seemed very pleased with your work. 😊

I'll try to word my reactions better, and not react directly when I feel silly emotions bumping around. 🤗

Have a good day dear! 🌸 😘 🫶🏻

PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

🤗 Fankoos 😘 I'll do my best.

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 238 , Saturday 22/06/2024

I was up at just gone 6:30am far too early for a Saturday but it’s less hassle to make breakfast for both of us than it is to do it any other way.

My feet seem to be improving , walking around barefoot (well in socks but same difference) with not too much pain.

Today has been quiet, mostly floating around the Fediverse , a little reading. Some chores so the house is vaguely habitable.

Tried some alcohol free cider tonight , let’s see if Geoff complains later!

Final Thoughts.

Just enjoying the moment.

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Well, this silly Pixy thinks it's definitely not too early to get up 😉 haha... But I'm weird 😇
Yay for having some good times on Masto, it's always nice to catch up with lovely people... 😊
Yay for Geoff behaving, maybe he'll get to stay then 😉
Hopefully the alcohol free cider will do the trick for ya!
Have a good night sweets! Sweet dreams 🤗


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

You're very welcome 🌸
Glad you like it, I need some new ones soon to use for my toots. 😊
Fankoos 🫶🏻 I had a good night, just got woken by an ambulance in our street. But it was 18 minutes till the alarm, so not too bad. 😊

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 237 , Friday 21/06/2024

Geoff was a good lad last night , the fact that he was medicated into oblivion might explain why 😆

Up at around 6am to find Friday was a glorious day !

Loads of sunshine today had the patio doors open right up to the moment when Mrs S. decided she was going to bed at 8pm (her usual time) & closed them. Seems my enjoyment of the sounds of nature and the lovely evening air are not a factor. 🙄🤦‍♂️

Finished the migration of MAJ1 to Beige.Party by shipping across the followers list , this all worked fine & there are just some pending follows outstanding.

I did a few little tasks today nothing too extravagant. Made best use of the bright sunshine by running the clothes washer thru a maintenance wash amongst other things.

Final Thoughts.

I would really like to go to the coast, but herself is too busy (reading) & Geoff would object at the moment, maybe later in the summer!

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

🤗 Sounds like a decent day! I wish we had such lovely weather. We started with some sun but it quickly got very cloudy and in the afternoon and evening, there was some rains....
Yay for medicating Geoff into oblivion... I told you about cutting him off, but you didn't seem too happy about that.... You'd probably miss the sod 😂 Hihi.... (j/k).
Yay for the chores and Booh for Mrs S who just lives in her own world, as it seems...
Have a good night sweets 😘 sweet dreams and hopefully I can catch you again tomorrow! 🤗


Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 236 , Thursday 20/06/2024

Geoff was subdued with a new course of colchicine yesterday then pain killers to make sur eye behaved overnight.

Was up late last night moving MAJ1 to Beige.Party, so many folks have sound him in his new home & shared timelines with him again , very chuffed !

The CDP 🧚‍♀️ kept me company, for which I am grateful 😊

My foot is a lot better today, I’m still favouring it & elevating it but it is getting there!

Spent most of the day flolloping around the Fediverse (keen Hitch-hikers will argue that only live mattresses on Squornshellous Zeta can flollop but I would argue Squirrels can too!)

Had posh fish n chips for tea, smoked salmon & salad with chippy chips ! Yummy & mostly healthy .

Final Thoughts.

My brain is trying to second guess my moving MAJ1 , wondering if it was the right thing to do, wondering if it would change the experience of the Fediverse .
I stamped hard on these thoughts & looked at the positive side, that folk have reshared my MAJ1 timeline , that peeps are engaging & that I have a second account where I can wax lyrical. 😊

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Ello there sweets!
Yay for the move to beige with MaJ, it's a great instance, as you know 😉 hopefully you'll find all the sweet friends back to share the TLs with!
Booooh for Geoff... Still, just cut him off and be done with it 😂
Yay for good and healthy food!
And hopefully you're getting a good sleep now! 🤗
Maybe I'll catch you when you're up again 😘.


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

You're very welcome 🌸
Aaaand you're welcome again! 🤗

MAJ1 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@MAJ1@beige.party avatar

Good evening Squirrel Fans.

Oooooh all these LOVELY characters!

I can do some stonkers of quotes now😊

Tonight’s quote describes my original copies of ‘The Colour of Magic’ & Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy.

“It looked like the sort of book described in library catalogues as "slightly foxed", although it would be more honest to admit that it looked as though it had been badgered, wolved and possibly beared as well.”
--(Terry Pratchett, The Light Fantastic)

Thank you to everyone who has tracked me down to the Beige & shared TLs again, you are all truly lovely Peeps.
Hopefully other friends will follow suite over the next few days.

Where ever you are in your day I hope you’re enjoying it! 😊🫶🐿️🖖

@weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

Todays diary entry is here: https://beige.party/@Tim_McTuffty/112650355705269274

PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Have a good night sweets!!!
Hope all your friends will find you again. 😊 And maybe you'll make some new ones along the way as well, with all folks sharing your newly made toots! 😁
Sweet dreams 😴

@weirdfolks @actuallyautistic

Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 235 , Wednesday 19/06/2024

TL;DR Geoff hates me, misgendereation ,Mastodon moves are afoot, cats & the art of bird catching !

Geoff was a gut wrenching SoB last night, apparently standing for any length of time is a no,no. However I have his measure now & medicated his ass! (Do toes have asses ? ) so somewhere around midnight after some nice chats with a couple of lovely friends (who I how will still be friends by the end of this post🫣🤞🥰) I managed to get to sleep.

Up at just before 6am.

Started to make breakfast when yon OH opened the kitchen door to the garage & discovered Alice had brought a live present. So rather than shooing her out Mrs S. closed the door & looked expectantly at me, the vanished into the lounge closing all the doors behind her.

Turns out Alice had delivered a fledgling, which promptly vanished down the side of the washing machine! 🙄🤦‍♂️

As I was clearing a path to rescue the little perisher it did a 180 & vanished behind the washing machine , eschewing the more easily accessible (for me) space under the shelves next to the washer!
I pulled the washing machine out but the little sod (you’ll notice I’m becoming less enamoured with our uninvited guest) vanished behind the 6ft tall freezer next to the washing machine!

Pulling the washer out was hard enuf with 2 manky feet , especially with Geoff being all swollen , the is no chance that the freezer is coming out!

So the state of play is that I have pushed the washer back , leaving a suitable gap between it & the freezer for yon tweety pie to escape if it so desires.

Obviously I still had to make breakfast & then sort out the dishes & empty the dishwasher after all this , as Mrs S. had to get ready for work (a process that takes an hour & involves a ½ hour rest on the bed! ) so I’ve come back to bed because I’m clean out of spoons.

So here’s the thing: My voice has never broken, it got a little deeper but it has to be said my voices matches my persona as a squirrel perfectly! I wonder if it is an autistic comorbidity ?

This has meant thru out my life being misgendered on the phone ! Even when I’ve confirmed my given name, which is very obviously male, callers that don’t know me often still call me Mrs …. It’s VERY frustrating !

I know my nature is to be kind & show emotions easily & to expess love for anything that doesn’t get away fast enuf but that’s because I am kind by nature, I was brought up to be thoughtful of others , I am woke as it is possible to be , & also it is a defence against the horror that is me in full autistic frustration mode , my temper is like a bomb going off on the few occasions I lose it 🙄🤦‍♂️

I also suffer from Trichotillomania which makes hair & body hair management a trial.

All these things seem to give the impression I’m not a red blooded male. Which I am. I simply lack some of the less agreeable traits of some ‘alpha’ males ! (I still wanna fly fast jets though ! 🤣)

Really anyone bringing their dongle near me with the intention of amorous adventures or trying to stick me in a dress is not going to get far.

The really frustrating thing for me is that my natural instinct to identify as a CIS male means I cop for all the hate that is aimed at that group, despite the fact that when some folks interact with me without seeing my physical form they assume I’m something I’m really not!

I was talking to a good friend last night , no not you CDP 🧚‍♀️, & we were chatting about the whole hair thing … this isn’t about you ! (There’s a song in there somewhere ) Our discussion merely led me to think on this subject is all.

I wonder if I’ll be accused of being an misogynist off the back of this post 🤔

15:00 News update: the bird has left the building! The fledgling was a sparrow who about an hour ago got up the courage to fly out thru the open garage door - much to my relief!

In other news I have had a cardiology phone consult this afternoon with regards to the dizzy spells I keep getting when stressed. He is putting me on a halter monitor for 48 hours to see what is going on. He is not particularly optimistic that a resolution will be found , but he says my heart is strong so there is nothing to worry about unless the monitor shows something.

I’m quite proud of myself tonight, I actually got some stuff done this afternoon that has been waiting for a while.

Updated the router firmware & reconfigured the VPN, set up a Proton mail a/c.

I also created a new main Mastodon a/c on Beige.Party, more news of that tomorrow when I have moved stuff over from Mastodonapp.UK

Final Thoughts.

One cannot predict what will happen to make or break ones day. For most folk it’s a case of deal with it & move on, for many ND folk it buggers up the whole day !

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

@Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic wow that's a very loooong diary Tim! But I made it through and I still asked to follow your new beige Skwerly account 😉 Hihi! (with all three accounts, mind you!)

Yay for the bird being free!! Booh for Mrs Skwerl just leaving all the work for you! Yay again for the router bits. 😊 And yay for the new beige account! Will have to be careful to tag the right one now! 😉

Hopefully you're having a good night sweets 😘 big huggies and hopefully I'll catch you in the morning 🤗 (it is Germany grocery day, so I'll have a little less time for banter in the morning).

💜 Luv and boops from Arwen and me 🐾

PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Aaaah is that how it works?? I thought you were testing out of you coupe really use all the chars on beige 😉 😂

Fankoooos 🫶🏻 🐾 💜

Susan60 , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Susan60@aus.social avatar

I had an ADHD event this morning. I used to explain these away or blame them on external causes or other people.

If I’d taken my meds when I woke, I would’ve been fine, but I didn’t. I tried to do too much before leaving for my appointment, jumped on the wrong tram, had to call an Uber, then got confused about the meeting point. Rang my skin guy & was able to rejigger appointment, which gave me time for a decaf & a decompress.

My oldest has always been more philosophical than me on these things, better at accepting that it is what it is and then adjusting. I used to be good at doing that when others stuffed up (but maybe less patient with my oldest) but would get very upset about my own occasional dramas, maybe because underneath my externalisation of responsibility, I knew it was me.

But this morning I just accepted I’d stuffed up, did what I had to do & accepted that I might have to rebook the appointment. Fortunately they were able to juggle. The worst part is causing other people inconvenience. I’m acutely aware of that, maybe because of RSD? (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria)

Uber driver was a lovely Manchurian who has his skin check booked. 😊Currently waiting for anaesthetic to take effect.


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

🤗 I'm glad it all worked out in the end. And I totally understand about the worries of being "inconvenient" to others when we make a mistake. I feel the same!
But good that you could let it go more easily, pick it up and make it all work out in the end. 😊
I hope the appointment goes well! 🌸


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

Whoopsie 🤭 well, they did find you before they locked the place up for the night 😉
Hope all goes well from now on! 🍀


Tim_McTuffty , to ActuallyAutistic group
@Tim_McTuffty@beige.party avatar

Diary of an ASD Squirrel. Day 234 , Tuesday 18/06/2024

Geoff was headed off at the pass last night & medicated into submission so I actually got some decent sleep!

Up at 6 to sort breakfast , then elevated Geoff for the rest of the day - read my book & floated around the Fediverse for a while.

There are moves afoot to get my MAJ1 a/c moved to Beige.Party , I like the freedoms of the 11k chrs , it’s very liberating !

I messed up tonight, I made salad for tea - I like to take my time so it usually takes a good 45 minutes .
Geoff does NOT like being stood on for 45 minutes ! He’s really swollen now!
It didn’t help that he got another 20 minutes being stood on after tea because herself cannot be trusted to wash greasy dishes or heavy duty stains like beetroot. There are days when single life is very appealing!

Looks like another round of the dreaded colchicine for me - I may leave it till tomorrow , see if he settles down overnight.

Got a phone appt with the cardiologist tomorrow vis a vis my dizzy spells , I’m not really holding out a lot of hope but hey…

Final Thoughts.

This is supposed to be my ASD diary, it’s turning out to cover a multitude of things !

Thank you to all those who are helping me on this journey, in a myriad different ways. I am thankful to each & every one of you! 🫂 🫶🐿️🖖


PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

@Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic Owww yay for the relaxing and tasty foot... 😊 But booh for Geoff behaving like a bad toe! (some how bad ass has a better ring than bad toe 😂 but gotta stick to the facts!).
Ow I wish I could get my other accounts to beige too but I'd lose all the toots... And that would make me sad... Although I don't use the others as much as this one so I'll just stick around. 😊 If you do move, I'll boost the "moving toots" so everyone can find you again, as often some people get lost in a transfer, or so I've heard. 😊
Have a good night sweets 😘

PixysJourney ,
@PixysJourney@beige.party avatar

@Tim_McTuffty @actuallyautistic Aaah yeah I knew it would need another email due to the login on the server. 😊
Let's hope they'll approve you soon!! 😁

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