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How to make a month go by as fast as possible other than sleeping

I'm having some personal issues causing some severe depression and anxiety. I'd like to get past this time as fast as possible, and my days are dragging on. I can't sleep, which would be a good way to make time go fast. But I also can't just play video games, I don't have the motivation to play more than a few minutes and it...

PhobosAnomaly ,

Unfortunately, this would be gender and/or location dependent. Great advice for daylight hours, but the society we currently live in makes it perhaps less viable for women in certain areas or countries, or even in general if it's a particularly socially deprived area.

Absolutely on board with the exercise thing though. I've taken to trying to waste time on an exercise bike - even an inexpensive one, or a normal bike mounted on a turbo trainer. I'm not expecting anyone to bang in speeds and times like Lance Armstrong on some special supplements, but a slow spin for longer periods of time is great fun... just get a good wide comfortable saddle!

PhobosAnomaly ,

Good effort, that's a decent shape to be in. 10k runs are my "thing" but as my march into middle age progresses, I find I can't do them back-to-back any more, I'm needing more than a day or two to recover.

Maybe go for something a little more varied - I'm training for (but never done) local triathlons. Great way to build physical fitness with only a third of the high impact on the joints. The major limiting factor will be the pool of course, unless you're fortunate to own (or have unrestricted access to) a pool.

Random turn of conversation direction, are you creative at all? Crocheting seems to make the world go by at an alarming rate - it's both a time killer and very rewarding.

PhobosAnomaly ,

Coffee shops are fantastic. My other half doesn't get why I go out to buy a coffee that I could easily make in the house for next to fuck all, but it was never about the coffee - it was about being out of the house and watching the world go by. There's a coffee shop in a hotel that overlooks the thoroughfare between one of my local city's biggest shopping centres and it's rail station, and it's nice just wasting an hour or two watching people go about their lives.

The cost of the coffee is just a warmth and comfort tax really for sitting there.

PhobosAnomaly ,


It's not that we're particularly fucked financially, we're doing enough to keep our heads well clear of the water, but we're not wealthy by any means and either parents have helped us by stumping up an initial outlay on something, and we've paid them back.

PhobosAnomaly ,

Is it me that finds it weird signing off her own tweets with her name, when her username is literally right there?

It's just a shame the (presumably US-based) healthcare system is a clusterfuck, because that bit of expensive paper with a diagnosis on it would likely open up a whole host of avenues for exploration of the condition.

PhobosAnomaly ,

I hate that about disability assessments run by those Capita bastards. The whole "well you got here okay so you can't struggle with mobility".

No you fucking arsewomble, it's just threatening the means to purchase the basics and essentials is worth the physical agony it causes going to your human zoo and jumping through your arbitrary hoops, you daft walking talking fannyflap.

I hate making it personal but I can't see how anyone would voluntarily stick at a job like that.

PhobosAnomaly ,

Shock horror: a fucking idiot who build his persona on a foundation of being loud, obnoxious, and a bit of a twat turns out to be loud, obnoxious, and a bit of a twat.

Oh, and a nonce too.

PhobosAnomaly ,

Fair warning, I'm going to make a metric fucktonne of assumptions here, but that looks like a fairly modern British housing estate there with the associated infrastructure. Most greenery and pathway maintenance are contracted out to a third party as part of a service charge these days, and it's cunts like this leaving tyre marks on the grass, or tracks where they've done an oopsie with their right hoof in 2WD mode or without traction control on that leave everyone's maintenance bill that bit higher.

That, and it's getting to the point where even a Land Rover Disco isn't so much of a "big" car as it used to be, not with these yank tanks becoming more commonplace.

The size, and the location of it right on the edge of the road, might make it seem clever, but in reality it just makes it more of a bastard to cross the road safely for adults, let alone for kids.

It's frustrating as fuck.

PhobosAnomaly ,

That last line made me change to Ray Parker Jr style funk.

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

PhobosAnomaly ,

I can only provide anecdotal experience, but my old girl found her dream house. Old mining cottage type terraced house, immaculate renovation inside, great hillside views, nice enough place overall...

...she instructed her surveyor to have a look and he told her to run like fuck, the shared wall was pretty much the only thing keeping the house upright - his words were clearly a reduction of some larger issues, but that saved a repair and insurance nightmare.

They're pricey, yes - but they can save you an exponentially larger amount of money.

PhobosAnomaly ,

His voice isn't much different!

I watch his videos because it's nice to have an insider view of what was the formative years of Microsoft's assimilation creation of a common office workspace. The anecdotes are deliciously 90's, the openness is refreshing, and the implementation detail is quite interesting.

My other half likes the videos because he has that quite monotone voice, with quite an even canter and the odd lingering pause that can send her to sleep.

Win win.

Should I avoid or engage in current news right now?

During the last 'election summer' things went haywire but ultimately nothing meaningful really happened, and not a whole lot really changed as a result of that unrest. This time things are going haywire again, and it seems like something big will happen but people thought that the last time... Would it just be better to ignore...

PhobosAnomaly ,

Obligatory Wendover video, he's better than that HAI guy.

It's worth the 18mins of your time, even if it's just to identify that nobody's immune to advertising or propaganda, and what the negativity bias is.

PhobosAnomaly ,

Alright, I'm going to be a real pain in the arse here and throw some edge cases at that idea - not because I'm trying to be a cockwaffle (I can manage that all by myself), but trying to straighten out my understanding of these things...

In short, what criteria does the data have to meet to make it immutable, and can that be changed in future?

Birth certificates are brilliant for establishing time dates and places, but what if someone changes their name or gender partway through life? Is there a function to amend the original blockchain entry, or is a new one created that supersedes an old entry in the ledger?

PhobosAnomaly ,

Awesome, thank you for the insight!

PhobosAnomaly ,

That's really cool, thank you for the explanation and example!

PhobosAnomaly ,

"This is the one thing we didn't want to happen."

PhobosAnomaly ,

Intelligence is domain specific.

I need this on a plaque above my desk phone. It's perfect.

PhobosAnomaly ,

Another story from the workplace probably worthy of a "who, me?" segment on el reg:

An old admin grade at one of my last workplaces was... unique, in her approach to her workload. In the times that we haven't had an admin assistant in post, the workload gets shared out amongst the team so the job still gets done, but it's primarily menial and trivial stuff. It's not difficult, but the way the civil service works, sometimes a ten second job takes ten minutes. It wasn't that she was particularly awful - just a bit useless and had all the critical thinking skills of a common housebrick. Anything that needed a decision made became someone else's job.

Someone went in to to see her wanting another AA battery, to replace one in the clock to stop people from losing their minds having done a few hours in the office, but still only seeing half past nine on the clock. There's none left in the store cupboard, so she logs on to the ordering system, and realises that they come in nondescript "units", rather than the SKU style setup you see on most retailer sites. So, she goes for 10 - thinking ten packs would be enough for a while.

A week later, a lorry pulls up at the office, with a pallet for delivery. Nobody's expecting this, and we can't lift it off the lorry for it being too heavy, and we had to get a neighbouring unit's forklift driver to pop it off the lorry for us and leave it at our side door, probably for a pack of fags and a coffee. We opens it up, and hurrah, our batteries are here!

All ten thousand of them.

Turns out, a "unit" in this branch of the civil service is "per thousand", so we literally had nearly a tonne of batteries on a pallet outside. We tried phoning the distribution centre, and they're clearly not giving a fuck about something as low value as this, and certainly aren't sending a truck to get them - this was now an "us" problem.

One of the lads pulls out a stick of batteries, goes back into the office, comes back ashen faced...

"Boys, the clock needs AAA batteries"

We had a slowly dwindling mountain of AA batteries for about three months, literally people taking strips of batteries home at Christmas to put in toys, people bringing in old Game Boys or Game Gears just to try them out with a supply of new batteries, and a Sky Digital remote control with a now perpetually infinite lifespan.

God bless the civil service.

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