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The Garden of Eden was based on The Galápagos Islands.

I’m kidding here, but the similarities are odd. The weather is always between 70F and 85F all year round. The biggest threat to you on the island are apples. You shouldn’t eat the apples that grow on the island; the small green ones are poisonous. Oh, and it isn’t easy to immigrate there. It’s a place where only few...

PhlubbaDubba ,

IIRC there are theories that Eden refers to a location near where the Tigris and Euphrates meet.

Something about a line mentioning three rivers and there being a river that joins the combined river shortly after it merges.

I just think it'd be funny to imagine that the legendary first home of humanity was somewhere in southern Iraq or Kuwait.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Dude probably posted this and then started listening to some pop or rock music without even blinking

PhlubbaDubba ,

Because measuring temperature based on human body reflective saline solution's interaction with temperature change instead of regular water definitely qualifies as "spastic."

Then again it looks like you're one of those euro losers who copes with us making you give up all your colonies post war for rebuilding money by redirecting all those attitudes about "the uncivilized world" onto the developed country that just happens to have a high rate of racial diversity.

BTW Mr. "American culture is racism", how are those Roma folks doing?

PhlubbaDubba ,

How much of the reparations you owe the entire developing world you pay today?

PhlubbaDubba ,

I don't know if I should be making a golf joke or a billiards joke

PhlubbaDubba ,

Achieving significant political change, even as an individual with significant political power

PhlubbaDubba ,

Not necessarily but a bunch of political commentators sure like to act like it is whenever they're complaining about something the current admin isn't doing or that it is doing but under legal obligation.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Imagine if they hit a level five party with an entire goddamned beholder

Probably after you accidentally found out that one of the cutscenes entering the underdark was you flailing about like a limp noodle because you jumped down the gap instead of taking the ladder.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Oh yeah I'll just stop driving my car in this world they manufactured to be unsustainable to travel in without a car.

If you think you can do ethical consumption by eating the avocados that fund latin american cartels to mutilate and rape the children of anyone who doesn't just sit there and take their shit instead of some beef from a cow raised by some kid doing their 4H project, you're the moron here.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Don't ya just love when scumbags try to make ecofascism woke?

Go back to being a terrible dad Ra'as AlGhoul.

PhlubbaDubba ,

Same reason we use electricity despite not being 100% green energy and thus being even worse for the earth?

If you actually wanna guilt this question then the fuck are you doing using your coal and gas powered electricity to do it?

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, because the capitalists have seen to it that you will never be permitted to make an ethical choice that would dare compete with what they expect you to choose.

Being a moralizing prick doesn't send any message, what gets people to change is making that change easy, that's why instead of being terminally online fuckwads, british vegangelists spread the good news by hosting free kitchens, volunteering to take people grocery shopping on their own pound, teaching vegan cooking classes, and all other sorts of actually addressing literally any of the actual concerns people have about going vegan instead of being a condescending snob about it.

PhlubbaDubba ,

We're heading towards some crescendo in our national history, I don't believe it will be a full on civil war, but I do believe that whatever it ends up being will be resounding enough that whoever comes out on top will be in a position to redefine the American system, and I'm actually optimistic about what that redefining will end up looking like.

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  • PhlubbaDubba ,

    Country: United States

    System: Parliamentary Democracy featuring a house empowered with the duties of government and a senate empowered with the duties of state, this could be outlined in vastly more detail but the most important parts are 27 senators per state, 1 representative to a state for every 50k permanent residents, voting districts of no less than five and no more than 9 seats all elected together via Multi-Seat STAR.

    Money: maximum price increase per year tied to the federal interest rate to solidify the only motivation for monetary policy being currency stability and sustainable inflation rates.

    Written Language: Hangul inspired system with single stroke characters for consonant sounds and closed shapes/loops for vowel sounds, written top to bottom then left to right.

    Numerals: Kaktovik but extended to base 36 [0-Z]

    Clock System: [0-Z] base 36 hours, minutes, and seconds

    Calendar: 4 4 5 quarters with New Year's Eve being an intercalary day, and leap day being inserted before it.

    Schooling: Year round schooling, multi-teacher classrooms, IB standard schooling, HEAVY emphasis on keeping students with academic peers, not necessarily age peers (with the caveat of young cohorts, middle cohorts, and mature cohorts, getting their own dedicated campuses so that the teenager who's still only reading at a 2nd grade level doesn't have to feel embarrassed sharing a classroom with 9 year olds), all three meals offered for free to school families (staff and staff families included)

    [Serious] What is project 2025? What kind of risk is involved?

    I'm Canadian and we have our own issues with far right nutjobs but I've heard the phrase "Project 2025" thrown around and the little I've seen about it frightens me. I don't follow the news for the sake my mental health but could someone explain it in depth? What kind of a shit show are we looking at? Unfortunately Canadian...

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Actually, the areas where the millitary are based at will probably be the safest since there's like a zero percent chance that they will be siding in significant numbers with the likely instigators of this hypothetical civil war.

    It'll less be "the trenches have come across the atlantic" and more "The troubles but instead of centuries of religious differences and legacies of imperial oppression and division, it's clem and the boys becoming domestic terrorists because they'd rather die than go back to the world where they knew shame."

    PhlubbaDubba , (edited )

    If 1812 is any indicator, call the brits to take care of it for you and then take credit for it afterwards because someone nailed an American redneck with a plate of poutine when they tried to cross the border thinking they could totally solo cap Calgary.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Someone read The Handmaiden's Tale and thought it was a societal model narrative instead of a warning.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    The problem is that sometimes they choose that, and then they pitch a fit at you when their out of date software becomes the point of entry that's lead to them needing to figure out how to buy and trade crypto.

    Software is made for the lowest common denominator to be able to use, and that means hand holding and railroading for everyone else, or else we get dumbasses who some the fuck how managed to backgrade their OS to the original Windows OS and are now exposed to literally every security risk that has been invented since that was released.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Keeping a list of "fingerprints" of users is hardly invasive, and it's only dangerous without proper database security.

    It can throw up false positives, but the key there is to make it as good at not doing that as possible, and having a reasonable means for users who feel like they were unfairly tagged as evaders to appeal the flag.

    Also, don't do it automatically, use it as a tool to identify possible cases and have a review team check for which ones need the most immediate action, with help from a separate algorithm that prioritizes user reports by how reliably a users' reports have pinged actionable content.

    That's the entire game of security, not being perfect, but being good enough for the adversary to decide you might as well be perfect for all their efforts would be worth, and ban evasion protection and bot prevention are no different.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    TBF Reddit isn't exactly trying all that hard since ban evaders tend to be good for engagement metrics. Like half the measures they do employ they only do because they feel like they have to in order to not look like they just blatantly don't give a shit so long as the investor watched metrics keep going up.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    That's kinda the idea of neural network AI

    The problem is that neurons aren't transistors, they don't operate in base 2 arithmetic, and are basically an example of chaos theory, where a system is narrow enough for outer bounds to be defined, yet complex enough that the amount of "picture resolution" needed to be able to accurately predict how it will behave is currently beyond our scope of understanding to replicate or even theorize on.

    This is basically the realm where you're no longer asking for math to fetch a logical answer to a question and more trying to use it as a way to perfectly calculate the future like an oracle trying to divine one's own fate from the stars. It even comes with its own system of cool runes!

    I fully imagine we will have a precise calculation of Rayo's Number before we have a binary computer capable of being raised as a human with a fully human intelligence and emotional depth.

    More likely I see the "singularity" coming in the form of someone who figures out how to augment human intelligence with an AI neural implant capable of the sorts of complex calculations that are impossible for a human mind to fathom while benefiting from human abilities for pattern recognition to build more accurate models.

    If someone figures out how to do this without accidentally creating a cheap 80's slasher villain, it will immediately become the single most sought after medical device in human history, as these new augmented mind humans will instantly become a major competitive pressure for even most manual labor jobs.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Weed, Molly, and Ketamine

    Honestly, didn't feel anything with any of them.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    I may or may not have just yoinked that banner to make a funny history joke

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Morality police, coming to a republic near you if you don't vote.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Barbarian, stops eating, narrows eyes at cuisine bard, eyes what they're eating, slowly begins eating again

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    So the advertisers are basically admitting now that they peddle direct opposition to an actual useful answer to a Google-able question

    Like 90% sure this is a direct response to the fact that people have begun appending reddit to their searches to get answers to questions that aren't just Wikipedia or more advertisements.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Pretty hilarious how I'm pretty sure more space was dedicated to demanding to not reveal the prompt than all the views the prompt is programming into it XD

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Collecting lists related to a disenfranchised group or the aid of a disenfranchised group is a pretty big red flag of the actor's intentions, especially when that list gets passed around to corners of the internet that are well known to think the problem is not enough disenfranchisement.

    4chan lost the right to complain about anything related to D&I in gaming and be treated as anything but subhuman slime after Gamergate.

    PhlubbaDubba ,
    PhlubbaDubba ,

    It's a pretty extreme example but I can definitely see how an AI would fumble need to know historical context.

    Calling it AI at all was a mistake, it has no thought capability, it just spits out what it was asked for like the world's dumbest genie.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    You could just kill the guard by leaving them in the bag

    I would immediately shift your alignment to chaotic evil for it because you're literally making them suffocate to death over a period of about ten minutes, but it's still RAW.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    Tearing the bag from the inside seems like an easier said than done proposition.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    IIRC the reason the queen is such a powerful piece is because the original piece was called something like "The Commander" or "The Champion", and the idea of that being a separate person from the King didn't make sense once the game reached Europe amid the chivalric code and specific rules about how lords and monarchs are to be handled on the battlefield.

    PhlubbaDubba ,

    That's a lot of words for refusing to just agree that murdering and raping civilians at a concert is indeed bad, even when the oh so oppressed Hamas raider thugs do it.

    They aren't the oppressed indigenous folks, they're the corrupt rez bosses that suction off all the jobs and projects to benefit their clique, brutally disappear anyone who speaks out against them or even just says something they decide they don't like, and then claim any outside judgement is targeted harassment.

    No, a terrorist pillaging, mass raping and murdering of civlians is not "if you create the conditions for war and terrorism..." despite the whinging of Hamasaboos insisting otherwise these monsters actively chose to murder civlians, actively chose to rape civilians, and kept actively choosing to do it when at no point was there any juncture where choosing to do so could be in any way construed as justified or necessary.

    People trying to claim this is retaliatory violence make me fucking sick to my stomach as a Palestinian American. You fucking Bougeyevik fetishizers try to sweep this under some victim blaming rug as if us le oppressed global southis are unjustly oppressed when held to the lofty standards of "don't rape and murder civilians."

    I don't want excuses for their behaviour, I don't want westsplainers telling me that it's fine and dandy for my kin to commit such heinous and vile acts. I don't want le revolutionaries leading global liberation from their $3,500 gaming rig bought by their upper middle class mittelpolitik parents to fetishize my people's struggle to the point where any sin committed painted in that struggle's colors is to be defended and qualified and whataboutismed like a vital supply route that will end the struggle overnight if the mere point is conceded that yes, Hamas raping and Murdering civilians is indeed bad and without excuse, justification, or proportionately causal context.

    I want these thugs rounded up and put to Nuremberg Part II, I want Israel to drop the colonialist pretenses and join with the PLO to found a new democratic state with strict human rights protections, and I want any supremacist or separatist who'd challenge that necessity for any hope of a lasting peace to be dragged to the sea they wanted to push the other side into, and forced to go in and never come out again.

    Because everyone who lives there has a fucking right to keep living there, because freedom of movement is a human right, and the land doesn't belong to anyone, and acting like it can belong to someone is literally the batshit insane nonsense that got us here to begin with!

    dammī falasTēnī, 'annā beitla7mī, wa'anna sayim kitīr la'enton!

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