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Paragone , to World News in Israeli minister vows to quit war cabinet if PM fails to agree new Gaza plan


He'd do greater-good by remaining in-place & continuing insisting on getting things right, then he would be getting out of abuse's way, & facilitating its more-complete highjacking of the country.

Same with all the leftists who vacated-authority-roles "in protest", handing them to MAGA enforcers.

Giving authority to the ones you "claim" you oppose, "in protest", is self-delusion, not means-of-victory.

Fools, ruled by feelings, instead of by objectivity & reason, giving greater leverage to their claimed enemy.

No point in pretending that that "strategy" is going to actually-win, is there?

Just throwing leverage away, for sake of feelings & social-assertion.

And then, later, whining that they're not winning..

Paragone , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in ‘This doesn’t make sense. How much shopping can you really carry on a bicycle?’

Cargo-bikes exist.

With reason.

Just as many not-on-public-transport families, in North America, have both a tiny get-around vehicle and a minivan, for loading everybody-and-everything into,

having a light riding-for-the-joy-of-riding bike & a heavier "truck" bike does make sense, for many.

( do have a pair of locks for the truck-bike, so you can lock both ends of it, though. )

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Paragone , to Autism in How do you experience eye contact?

It's emotional-assault, or brutalization.

It took me decades to desensitize to it.

Others don't like me having eye-contact with them, because I'm too intense.

Lose-lose situation.

Situation Normal, iow.

: P

Paragone , to No Stupid Questions in 4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

There are at-least 2 good books on house-inspecting.

( looking .. dayum, there's zillions of books on it, now.. )

is the one I invested-in, years ago ( not to do house-inspection, just to learn the competence of it )

Please invest in that book, or an equivalent to it,
and make your own inspection of the house, 1st.

Then you'll have much better understanding of the entire subject.

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Paragone , to Ask Lemmy in Name a Superhero you just can't stand

All of them: I want authenticity,

and "superheroes" are fake human-meaning, engineered to push distractine power/ego-fantasy instead of actual-human development.

Read both of John Truby's books, "The Anatomy of Genres", & "The Anatomy of Story", and become much competenter in what story/movie makers should be doing,

and then consider how much is being invested in preventing realism-of-context from being known by mass-media consumers..

..and then understand the long-term consequences of deliberately/systematically diverging mass-awareness from what real meaning, real human context, is, .. through decades..

It's part of a whole-class, or whole-population, suckerpunching, but it seems to be of unconscious, not conspiracy, intent.

Pretence-programmed populations are less realistic & less reality-competent.

Bollywood & Hollywood both produce divorce-from-reality.

That isn't required, for story, or human-meaning, is it?

Paragone , to Biodiversity in Enough With Saving the Honeybees/The Truth About the Bees

Colony-collapse disorder is an actual thing.

I'd read some research-result release that said there is a specific virus-fungus combination that all colony-collapse hives had both of ( & their immune-systems were essentially non-functional: they were infected with EVERYTHING ),

vs colonies which had 0 or 1 of the 2.

I don't remember the names of either the virus or the fungus.

When we keep importing/exporting contaminated bits of wildlife, there are consequences.

Paragone , to Ask Lemmy in Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

Raccoon-medicine is the medicine of helping-friends.

There was a meme going 'round, where somebody had put up a bird-feeder or something, and they had it about 1 yard/metre off the ground, to prevent the raccoons from getting food from it..

.. a whole heap of them formed a living-ladder, so one of 'em could get at the food.

That is the brilliantest demonstration of exactly what some Indigenous religions have said about 'em, that anybody could ever ask for.

Read "Medicine Cards" by Jamie Sams, for a good survey of animal-spirits: it's reasonably accurate.

I'd add to it that upright owl-medicine is the medicine of meditation, but Indigenous religions didn't dig into that kind of thing, only inner-winds peoples did ( Asian region ).

( and anybody who goes & lives among wilderness for awhile will learn animals' natures/spirits specific to that locale, obviously )

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Paragone , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Looking for a 4 wheeled pedal vehicle (quadricycle?)

Look up "Rhodes Car" & see that what you want is already made, or was, anyways ( iirc, they used to advertise in the back of Popular Science? )

I got the name wrong, so here's a wp link:

Paragone , to Canada in Deadly crash highlights risks of police chases. Do policies need to be tougher?

Literally all you have to do, is give each police-cruiser 3 specific drones, that can:

  • target the vehicle being chased, & then EMP-kill that vehicle ( an electromagnetic pulse "bomb", which blows the vehicle's circuitry: it'd need a huge capacitor, & an inductor. The drone would be destroyed if it were near, so it'd need to be a disposable thing, not the chase-drone, which would need AI

  • track fleeing individuals, using biometrics ( gait, limb-geometry, iris-scan in a swoop, etc ), to get as much identifying information on 'em as possible, & keep identifying where they are, until their tracking is lost. This should have the ability to identify wireless/cellphone/BT signals, so as to identify if somebody is the same person as who entered a building a few minutes ago, and having other drones to cover the other exits, sharing information, would be intelligent/wise

  • get to a crash-site, & show the EMT's what need is there, so they can be preparing before they get to the site, for that specific set-of-injuries


Once someone's caught committing a crime, then all pretence of "you have no right to track me" can eat hot lead ( gaslighting needs to die ).

There is a category difference between full-on big-brother piling onto someone caught committing a crime, vs the evil panopticon/universal-molesting/no-privacy-whatsoever world that some big corporations ( some private, some gov't ) are pushing.

Use appropriate leverage, for the context, & prevent exploiters/supremacists from exercising such leverage on entire-populations, for sake of ( what remains of ) civil-rights.

Downvote this to hell, now, obviously..

Paragone , to Technology in Google Kneecaps Loads Of Very Big Websites After SEO Change

When a handful of monopolies decide that no factchecking will be seen by anybody, anymore,

and only profitable-to-their-dictatorship disinformation will be seen,

then humanity will not have any means of countering that:

it will be too late.

We are "the frog dropped into the slowly-heating pot of water".

People pretend that monopoly is "maybe" harmful, economically, but it is an existential-threat to countries, and with globalization, now to civil-rights as a valid-category.

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Paragone , to micromobility - Ebikes, scooters, longboards: Whatever floats your goat, this is micromobility in Looking for a 4 wheeled pedal vehicle (quadricycle?)

Check your local law:

many jurisdictions label more-than-3-wheels as "motorcycles", even with no motor on 'em, because that allows them to abuse the population's potential.

Think how much use a 4-wheel bicycle-car could be, in event of no-available-fuel, to a farmer:

they could get stuff to the local market, instead of throwing it away.

Or, if a dairy farmer, they could get emergency-people to their farm, to help, instead of just killing their entire herd.

Bureaucratic-authority won't tolerate autonomy.

They'll NEVER allow the law to be based on something sane, like whether it's a human-powered-vehicle, instead of the idiotic "number of wheels it has", law.

Integrity in legislation is faaar too much to ask, of legislators.

Ask that state which reinstated an anti-abortion law from the 1800's, if integrity ought be permitted to interfere with their authority..

Paragone , to Ask Lemmy in If Trump wins this year's general election, aside from Project 2025, What would you expect him to do?

He is going to get "even" with every ecological-protection, every science, every minority-rights, every women-protection, every Ukranian, every leftist, .. everybody.

War on ALL who frustrated him, but possibly haphazard, possibly systematic.

I outright expect the Environmental Protection Agency to be either completely dismantled, or a delay ( possibly of 4 years ) before outright having artillery take its buildings out, as the US Civil War Part2 progresses.

I expect US Civil War Part2 to be live-fire, everywhere, within 4y of him gaining rule of the US.

It may take only 2y, but it will be a progression ( I hadn't understood that until recently ), and it will be for keeps.

"Getting even" is going to be his primary "need".

Against EVERYone who isn't worshipping him.

As I say, it'll be a 2-4y build, before the complete scope of his war against all other than his supremacy, unfolds completely.

Paragone , to Autism in Anyone else get chewed out by their boss for just not getting the hint?

I've been screamed-at, in an office-lobby, by my supervisor, for not recognizing people by their faces.

I'm face-blind, and only know that because of that series-of-incidents.

I didn't know, until my mid-30's, that ANYBODY ANYWHERE could ever recognize people just by their faces.

Absolutely stunning.

I recognize people by their being where they're supposed to be, the way they move, their voice, their clothing, all together, and usually I can recognize 'em, if I've seen 'em recently-enough.

That normals can recognize people only by seeing a face??

too weird.

Paragone , to World News in China must stop aiding Russia if it seeks good relations with West, NATO says

China knows the Republicans are going to gut NATO,

China doesn't care,

China is committed to breaking the West's dominion, which is why it's making Russia into its vassal-state, totally-dependent-on-China, but with accountability/responsibility not having any direct-line into China, in the 1st place..

Once Trump's finished destroying the US, then .. then the real action will begin, militarily.

Give that about 1 dozen, or less, years, to occur.

ContinuousHammerfall's when the NATO-allied countries have been gutted, bankrupted, torn-apart through "populist dictatorship", etc, and suddenly the triple-alliance throws EVERYthing they've got against us, to break our capability...

Between now & then should be 2 more stages:

economic-collapse, which Trump uses to gain & secure dictatorship,

& the butchering of NATO & the West, economically, which should last .. roughly 7 or 8 years, or so.

Once those're done, then the WW3 tantrum/pogrom can begin.

Paragone , to Autism in I'm tired of always needing to prove my inteligence

it's just prejudice.

Same as Black people are subjected to automatic devaluation/abuse, so we are, too.

What's sad about it is that evidence doesn't have any validity to Kahneman System-1 mind ( read "Thinking Fast & Slow" to understand prejudice/ideology )..

Richard Feynman's autistic body-language was obvious-as-hell to anyone who knows to look, go see the youtubes of him, & see for yourself...

and that guy was some 400x as quick at physics as a normal physicist ( literally: a normal physicist did a lecture, giving 365/2 days of his work, Feynman wasn't at that lecture, he heard about it, and 1/2 days, ie that night, he not-only recreated the guy's work, but he took it further than the original guy did. He was THAT fast. ).

Autistics are underrepresented in motor-vehicle crash-statistics.

With reason: we're more rational, more predictable.

Prejudice will never allow facts to interfere with imprint/belief, however.

That is law in herdbeasts ( who have System-1 but not the considered-reasoning System-2 ) & in humans ( who, in theory have both systems, but we work to eradicate considered-reasoning, preferring ideology/prejudice, .. rather completely ), both.

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