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Paragone ,

Is his personal-information on the dark-web?

Is he saying that if his personal-information is on the dark-web, then it's perfectly-OK for everybody & their robot to be using it??

XOR is he saying that there are 2 kinds of law:

1 for protecting his entitlement,

the other for disallowing rights from the lives he consumes, through his beloved herd/corporation/pseudo-person?

( obviously, he's already answered the latter )

Paragone ,

I "lobsterize" when in the sun.

I've read that 5 deep sunburns measurably increases a life's risk of skin-cancer.

Be careful with that kind of radiation-burn ( which is exactly what it is: UV radiation )

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Paragone ,

TTBOMK, there are 3 things which change-the-rules, significantly.

  1. Pimsleur. Get the Pimsleur app, get the all-languages subscription, & do 1 session per day.

  2. Flashcards, or Anki, to get the visual imprinted into your automatic-mind, for any language you are trying to learn


  1. Tandem, where you find a speech-learning partner, you help other people learn your languages better, other people help you learn your target-language better.

Begin with Pimsleur & with some yt videos.

( they have no Sanskrit, which is the one I want, unfortunately )

Do well!

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Paragone ,

Please edit your post, to add the important question "Why?", as that makes the discussion much more interesting!

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, eh?

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Paragone ,

Invest in these books, now:

( not affiliate links, which should be obvious from the short uri's )

IF you do not understand all the stuff in there, THEN you're suckerpunching your life, and I don't want that happening, ok?

Salut, Namaste, Kaizen, & Fare as well as you possibly can.

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Paragone ,

Given the measurably-poorer-outcomes for Black patients in any hospital without Black doctors ( some research from sometime in the last few years, can't remember anything else about it ), this is perfectly rational.

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Paragone ,

I think that "alleged" can be dropped, if the emergency-services people had to deal with evidence that was sufficiently-obvious.

Don't push deluded-doubt to help the disinformation empire, please.

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Paragone ,

Computational-Fluid-Dynamics simulations are RAM-limited, iirc.

I'm presuming many AI models are, too, since some of them require stupendous amounts of RAM, which no non-server machine would have.

"diminishing returns" is what Intel's "beloved" Celeron garbage was pushing.

When I ran Memtest86+ ( or the other version, don't remember ), & saw how insanely slow RAM was, compared with L2 or L3 cache, & then discovered how incredible the machine-upgrade going from SATA to NVMe was..

Get the fastest NVMe & RAM you can: it puts your CPU where it should have been, all along, and that difference between a "normal" build vs an effective build is the misframing the whole industry has been establishing, for decades.

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Paragone ,

Confessions should only be between oneself & LivingSpirit.

Confession isn't a social-engaging, unless its some kind of codependency-ritual, which isn't healthy.

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Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? ( )

I was just thinking if you are on your computer anyway would it just use some of the excess electricity that your computer would have wasted or would it be worse than charging your phone from a charger while using your laptop separately.

Paragone ,

IF you've a high-efficiency charger, then I'd say it's probably more-efficient to use that charger.

The warmer you run your computer, the less-efficient it becomes, & the shorter the lifespan of the hottest chips in it ( this effect shouldn't be significant )

e.g. increasing a CPU by 10Celsius should cut its lifespan in half.

by having more heat-generating-stuff going on in your computer, you impair the cooling of your CPU & GPU ( slightly, probably ), & that may affect your computer's time-to-failure.

Fan-bearings may dry-out sooner, too.

hth, eh?

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Paragone ,

Whether true or not, I don't know.

I DO know, however, that humans are not institution-puppets without any internal-motivations.

IF they did do so, THEN that doesn't mean Al Jazeera was in any way complicit.

Apparently there's some problem at The Washington Post, now, with the guy in charge of the news-room having participated in a crime, & now is ejecting people who have journalistic-standards..

Does that mean they all are guilty of what he did?

How could it?

We're in an age where considered-reasoning is being displaced by dogwhistle ideology/prejudice, & it's required for humankind's survival, that we get competent in journalism's methodical & careful discernment.

All of us.

Our kind's life IS at stake, this century.

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Who would win: every human in the world vs. every animal in the world?

I'm thinking the animals would easily defeat us, since trying to get all 8 billion+ humans to agree on a plan of attack would be a near-impossible task. By the time we'd be done trying to coordinate a plan, I figure the lions and cheetahs would have already devoured us, not to mention the larger animals like the elephants....

Paragone ,

We're already IN the 6th great extinction: humans ARE exterminating the marine & terrestrial ecologies.

Paragone ,

some brain damage: malnutrition tends to aggravate or cause brain damage.

I'm a brain damage survivor: it sucks, it takes decades to undo ( neuroplasticity takes time to do rewiring ), and life is never going to be what it could have been.

Don't damage people's brains.

'tis a good rule, eh?

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Paragone ,

There isn't any someone I want to be hugging.

It's a nonsensical concept.


you require sufficiently-related identity/ego underlying you, for that.

People who are too different, one cannot be close with, obviously

( extreme case is when prejudice is between people, but the underlying principle holds much more solidly than just-that-case )

I'm not putting this here for any "pity": I'm putting this here so that if there's any other person who's in the destroy-unconscious-ignorance-no-matter-the-cost kind of life, that they can see what happens, when one keeps going.

Eventually you reach a condition where collaboration with others still is entirely possible, but "belonging" has become gone.

Keep going: they integrity one can earn, the conquering of one's own unconscious-mind, it is worth it.

Some might relate it to being a time-traveler: one'll never fit-in, in the people one lives among, but it is itself, not any fiction thing.

Cracking one's unconscious is sooo far outside what "acceptable people" do, that .. if you go far enough, then you .. are just too different.

Divergeance is fine, though, so long as living is fine.

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Paragone ,

His tactical-plan is that he won't be accepting any of the consequences of his policies.

You don't improve a country's economic-engine by eradicating education's foundation.

But so long as he''s rich, & his privilege is protected, he can't care what damage is done to his inferiors..

Kinda similar to the ones doing likewise north of there, eh?

I asked Justin Trudeau’s Liberals why they broke a promise to ban three controversial police practices. Their answer says a lot ( )

As a general rule, I hate opinion pieces as I feel that they are a major contributor to our slide towards 'facts don't matter' US style political rhetoric. That said, I thought this was an interesting and fact driven piece that if anything was too easy on the RCMP. Sharing a journalist's request for information with the union,...

Paragone ,

The problem is partly that the entire-framing of what a working government requires is wrong..

A political-party with a leader..

that isn't working, never has worked for the best of any first-past-the-post country, & never will.

Just as the Indigenous peoples often had different kinds of Chiefs for different dimensions of their lives..

  • Peace Chief for maintaining proactive/strategic harmony
  • War Chief for dealing with existential threats from others
  • Shaman for dealing with the deep end of reality
  • Grandmothers for dealing with the questions that neither males nor young-people were competent at understanding
    .. etc ..

What the world actually requires is a system whereby the different kinds of leaders required to competently lead a country ALL get put in place.

Jugmeet Singh's a people-person, and he could be there both for, & with, people better than anybody else I know-of in Canadian federal politics..

but he isn't the guy who I'd put in charge of Strategy, or the person whom I'd put in charge of Implimentation, or the person I'd put in charge of Emergency Services & Military..

the right-framing would require a team, not an individual.

There's a book "Rocket Fuel" which is on how nearly-all businesses get 1 thing wrong:

most businesses mistakenly ignore that a visioneer usually isn't an implimenter.

Implimenter's closer to bean-counter.

Visioneer's closer to .. lunatic.

The book Change Intelligence identifies that people-people are 1 of 3 major kinds of leaders required...

the other 2 being thinkers/visioneers, & the implimenters..

You REQUIRE all-3, or you're not having enough traction to accomplish what you're supposed to be doing!

The business-culture's incompetence, however, is that it presumes that the COO of a company ( who is an implimenter ) ought be the next CEO ( which is kinda what happened to Beoing: they ended up with no engineer-visioneer, only bean-counters, & the whole religion of the company became poison.. NASA did the same thing when it compromised engineering for "business" culture, with the Challenger shuttle )

The problem is that you can't put a person whose nature fits only 1 of the required-roles, into a different required-role.

NONE of our countries bothers differentiating between the required-roles & then works to get the right person into each of those roles, none!

That is, at global scale, Darwin Award territory.

We KNOW the more complex the leadership, or management, problem, the better-quality the team required, we KNOW the structural-diversity of the team is key to having it be more-capable in different ways..

we won't do what's required??

( PS: never expect any political-system to tolerate required-evolution.

World-death would be preferable to political-motivation, compared with actual transformation to a different apolitical kind of system,.

Sad but true. )

Paragone ,

Hungary is aligned with Putin against the EU.

IF the EU won't admit that, won't deal-with that, THEN the EU will be more-completely-butchered when Trump guts NATO & backs his buddy Putin.

Natural Selection(tm) in action, people: they need to face actuality & grow the fuck up:

kick Hungary out.


They're actively treachery against the EU, DEAL WITH IT!!

( morons "willingly going to the seconary-crime-scene in the hopes of using social-process to make things go better, there"...


That has been explained by good-cops for many many many years.

Nobody learns.

Natural Selection is going to be unnecessarily pruning extra European lives, as a result of the EU's retardedness, in the coming decade. )

Paragone ,

IF you want to create accountability among such arrogent tech executives,

THEN you need to enforce accountability, and 1 excellent way of doing it, would be to immediately, & permanently, ban the CEO of that company from having any right to any in-country right to purchase anything.

Force THEM to be subject to the abuse they enforce on "their inferiors", and .. oh, suddenly their motivations appear from "nowhere"??

Enforced-accountability against executives & oligarchs needs to be automatic, not "politically impossible, because they're the privileged ones, with real rights", the way our current dogshit for-profit manufactured "culture" insists.

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ASIRT recommended charging Lethbridge officers who spied on MLA, but Crown won't prosecute: letter ( )

Alberta's police watchdog recommended laying charges against three Lethbridge officers who used police databases to improperly access the personal information of two people, including NDP MLA Shannon Phillips, but the Crown's office has declined to prosecute, CBC News has learned....

Paragone ,

IF anybody has the resources to do this...

in Canada, when the state won't prosecute criminality,

THEN individuals can hire lawyers to be the prosecutors.

Some criminals have the ( unofficial, of course ) protection of the authorities.

Unless some independent(s) pay lawyers ( who usually work as defense lawyers ) to be the prosecutors, .. well .. then "justice" can rot, is Canada's actual position.

I found out that if the authorities won't prosecute criminality, & you haven't the resources to hire lawyers to prosecute, then .. the criminality is actually protected by establishment.

( this kind of establishment-centric "establishment itself is the LAW" religion is visible in all political-systems, btw, it isn't created by our system being Canadian, or generally centerist or moneyarchist .. Isaiah railed against this a couple millenia ago, in the Abrahamic-religions bible, & Arjuna, in the Bhagavad Gita had to pit his life against his own family.

Rot/decay is normal.

The impersonality & correct-systems & objectivity-oriented-continuous-corrections required to counter this fundamental animal-instinct are not in-place, anywhere.

Nobody's got the spine to enforce that integrity displace political-muscle-dominion.

So, it'll continue ruling our .. fate.

It may end up being our species' epitaph, late this century.

shrug )

Paragone ,
  1. Say what you actually mean.
  2. Mean what you actually say.

For some reason those 2 rules are the OPPOSITE of how normals' culture wires people to work.

Normals' rules are:

  1. Don't say what you mean.
  2. Say what you don't mean.

It's abuse, & needlessly exhausting.

Gaslighting is just an exponential-amplification of normal-dishonesty.

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Paragone ,

The opposites might be:

  • centered-in-appearances/distractions
  • centered in one's profoundest-fundamentallest-awareness

Framing it that way, then yoga-practice augmented meditation would be as IRL as one could get, for meditators..

and RMind-mode sentience, a sentience where words-communication doesn't even exist as an appendage of one's mind , where ONLY what-is is real, and this is reachable through working-through the exercises in Betty Edwards' "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, the 4th Definitive Edition", but use charcoals, I've no idea why she doesn't understand how much better they work to help facilitate the hemisphere-dominance-shift into right-hemisphere-dominance-mode..

that timeless sentience is .. inexpressible in symbol-streams, which is what the "online" experience holds reality to itself be..

The people who proclaim that RMind is just pop-psychology bunk have never done the experiment , AND won't do the experiment , AND they refuse to differentiate between scrawlings done in LMind & the actually-visible-different-results of RMind

allows you to use the "prev" & "next" buttons to scroll through a gallery showing the sentience-difference, the what-actually-is centrism of RMind.

Those horrid scrawlings that used to populate New Scientist magazine, back when I subscribed, had nothing to do with right-hemisphere-dominance-mode.

Those who "debunk" RMind do so using Scientism's method of substitution-of-the-actual-question:

they test scrawling, measure that it isn't different from normal LMind, then pretend that that "proves" RMind doesn't exist.

See those image-pairs, in that gallery, though: that is EVIDENCE, which is supposed to be the basis of real Science.

Do the experiment, & it'll open an entire dimension of meaning in your life, that "education" had blocked-out from most lives, quite effectively.

( I'm autistic: what her "killer class" can do with a neurotypical in 5 days, took me 3 YEARS to equal, because sentience-mode-shift made me want to scream.

I dropped it.

Now I'm trying to re-learn, and it's grindingly slow.

Better grindingly slow than dead, however, eh? : )

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Paragone ,

Honestly consider which kind of antidote would work best, for that specific kind of poisonous-meaning.

Just a couple of examples, to "prime the pump", as it were..

IF the poison were white-supremacist evil, THEN the antidote might be that guy .. Daryl is his name, perhaps, who deliberately makes friends with KKK people, & gets them to honestly change.

( if there ever was an example of what the ultra-woke socialist felon Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph meant, in his relationships with people, this guy is demonstrating it. : )

IF the poison is the psychopathic machiavellianism of for-profit-corporations, THEN the antidote might be that investigative journalism exists, & deliberately reading "The Elements of Journalism" ( 4th edition, now, I think ), & helping to get other citizens-of-our-world competent in understanding journalism, & how it is the immune-system our world needs, right now.

IF the poison is child-abuse .. THEN .. this one's difficult: it hurts too deep, doesn't it? .. then .. simultaneously protection for children ( like that operation which liberated a whole bunch of girls from a trafficking-ring, the other year, or like help-lines for children, so they've got a lifeline to call, or like organizations/people who systematically make-accountable the perpetrators, reducing the number of them who are out ), those ( individual & institutional ) who force-the-perpetrators into visibility, thus "removing their accommodation", to be .. diplomatic .. about it, or lobbying for better legislation, or making-certain that therapy is both available and successful for survivors of abuse ( some "charities" just purport to do good, & obliterate opportunity while consuming resources padding their administration's ass by design, & torpedoing those scum would improve our world, markedly )

Anyways, you need to discern which antidote you need to be applying, & you need to understand that some lives get caught in stuff sooo horrific that even witnessing it can mangle a life..

That is the actual current condition of our world, our ocean-of-lives.

To alter our world, our world's ocean-of-lives, we need to deliberately turn the tide, and that means forcing the tide to go against the way that DarkHexad, the 6 dimensions of human evil that I've found so-far, wants:

DarkHexad: Narcissism / Machiavellianism / Sociopathy-Psychopathy / Nihilism / Sadism / Systemic-Dishonesty.

Countering ANY of these dimensions from remaining in authority on our world is good, countering the entanglement network of multiple-dimensions, together, is better, but!..

Remember Stephen R. Covey's principle!

IF your Circle of Concern is too big, THEN it is draining you, making you helpless!

IF you deliberately & strategically reduce your Circle of Concern, .. THEN .. your Circle of Influence will, as you recover, grow!

And you have your balance to earn: my balance isn't relevant to your condition, neither is your balance relevant to how I'm managing, etc.

Each is independent of others, & the whole "I'm this-way therefore you ought be, too" herd-bullying has no actual validity.

I hope that you find stable balance, & I hope that someday you become able to directly & significantly counter whatever harm/evil it is you witnessed.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

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Paragone ,

There are now exactly 3 antihistamines I recommend, for different reasons..

  • Cetirizine Hydrochloride
  • Desloratadine

Those 2 are a recent-generation of antihistamines, & both are remarkable compared with the make-you-incompetent-to-fucking-walk-straight antihistmines I grew up with.

  • Benadryl

I've read that immediately chewing your max-dose of Benadryl can help with things like allergic-reaction to bee-stings, snake-bite, etc, & therefore should be in one's 1st-aid kit.

Now they've got liqui-gels?

Maybe I should fix my 1st-aid kit, then..

Oh, from what I've read, the Desloratadine is better than the Loratadine: it has been noted to produce fewer side-effect harms, in studies.

ttbomk, Loratadine requires more biological processing by our bodies, to do its work, so its biochemistry cost is higher, to the one taking it.

I've found the generic brands of Cetirizine & Desloratadine work fine, for me.

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No Starch HumbleBundle includes "How Linux Works", THE SysAdmin fundamentals book, 3rd edition. ( )

Also includes the "DevOps for the Desparate", "Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response with iptables, psad, & fwsnort", "The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition", "Absolute OpenBSD", "The Book of PF" ( I think that's for the BSD's ), "Designing Secure Software", "Practical ulnerability Management", "Eloquent JavaScript 3rd...

Paragone ,

Cargo-bikes exist.

With reason.

Just as many not-on-public-transport families, in North America, have both a tiny get-around vehicle and a minivan, for loading everybody-and-everything into,

having a light riding-for-the-joy-of-riding bike & a heavier "truck" bike does make sense, for many.

( do have a pair of locks for the truck-bike, so you can lock both ends of it, though. )

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Paragone ,

So are people.

DarkHexad intent { Narcissism / Machiavellianism / Sociopathy-Psychopathy / Nihilism / Sadism / Systemic-Dishonesty } is significant a fraction in human-nature, itself,

and the internet does represent that,

as does the last few millenia of human history, tbh.

The only way to have a clean space, is to force break DarkHexad grip on that space.

It's exactly the same with your body's health:

IF you want to break the pathogens from sharing your body's life,

THEN you have to BREAK them from owning any territory in your body's life.

Pretending & "making nice" on them won't break their grasp/control of all they own/control.

Exactly as Western Medicine holds that whole-health isn't a valid condition, but illness, injury, & death are,

therefore one treats illness, injury, & death with drugs or procedures,

there simply isn't ANY method for producing whole-health in a paradigm which axiomatically prohibits that that could be valid.

You want whole-health?

Become a true yogi.

Harness/yoke ( "yoga" means "to yoke", or "to harness" ) your entire life to whole-health, & discover what drugs & procedures cannot make.

The same is true of clean spaces, online ( I mean places where machaivellian evil gets auto-broken from them, there's no requirement that "clean" mean "all spaces are child-friendly" ).

IF you want clean social-site,

THEN you need combined arms ( all dimensions of force, convergion to enforce victory ) making that, against the machiavellians & corrupt-values people.

That requires easy server-setup.

That requires easy administration.

That requires easy moderation.

That requires easy community-management.

That requires easy onboarding for good people,

AND easy step-by-step breaking of the malevolent ones, with proper powerlaw escalations.

That requires accountability ( machiavellians consistently disappear any evidence that would threaten them with accountability, while trying to drown others ) that is both automatic & unbreakable.


Without a cat's skeleton, no matter what musculature you put on your non-cat skeleton, you can't make it be a cat, in how it moves.

You want a cat's liquidity-of-motion?

You require, then, skeleton, musculature, AND nervous-system of cat, for your animal..

You want clean/healthy portion-of-internet?

ALL dimensions, technological, legislative, admin, moderation, users, processes, EVERYthing needs to be "combined arms" breaking the pathogen-intents from possessing it.

And because of the neverending arms-race between corruption/malevolence vs good, that needs to keep continually adapting, agilely.

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Paragone ,


He'd do greater-good by remaining in-place & continuing insisting on getting things right, then he would be getting out of abuse's way, & facilitating its more-complete highjacking of the country.

Same with all the leftists who vacated-authority-roles "in protest", handing them to MAGA enforcers.

Giving authority to the ones you "claim" you oppose, "in protest", is self-delusion, not means-of-victory.

Fools, ruled by feelings, instead of by objectivity & reason, giving greater leverage to their claimed enemy.

No point in pretending that that "strategy" is going to actually-win, is there?

Just throwing leverage away, for sake of feelings & social-assertion.

And then, later, whining that they're not winning..

Paragone ,

Your question is actually a subset of:

"Can short-term-gain actually fatally undermine long-term-viability?"

I don't consider the question incorrect, at all.

Peter F. Drucker, in one of his books, has it that the "Health Care Industry" hired him,

and one of the 1st things he did, was..

told them, bluntly to their face, directly, approximately that

( this gets the gist of it, but this is from-memory, not exact/verbatim )

"You aren't the Health Care Industry, you are the Illness Care Industry, and you aren't fooling anybody, AND you aren't improving your credibility by speaking falsely"

Does taking all kinds of chemicals, so that one can be a "better bodybuilder", and then ending up in a population who dies significantly younger than average, due to heart-failures, be considered "good"??

Obviously, to the corporate-"persons" who make money having as much of the population addicted to that distortion as possible, YES!! PROFITS!!

Unfortunately, it isn't possible, in any political system, to get decisions made by correctness, accuracy, reason, objectivity, maximum-benefit-for-greatest-number-of-dimensions-of-the-population, etc..

The lobbies won't allow that.

Remember Covid?

Remember the people who were insisting that immunization was a scam, & that people should be relying on their body's innate robust immune-system?

These were people who consider yogic-living to be corruption, and heavy-meat-eating to be "good", nitrates in meats, & all.

The lobbies have overrun all discussion, not allowing objectivity to own any territory.

I think you are right, but the right-answer to it includes simultaneously improving the health of individuals, of entire-populations, AND getting people out immersed in nature more, so as to have built-up more-powerful immune-systems, in the 1st place!

Selectively extinguish some infectious-diseases ( I'd target rabies, ebola, HPV because it causes cervical cancer, & a few others, for extinguishment ), while dealing-with as many as we viably can,

in the hopes that "surprises" will not be able to trash/wreck our innate immune-systems, see?

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Paragone ,

It's emotional-assault, or brutalization.

It took me decades to desensitize to it.

Others don't like me having eye-contact with them, because I'm too intense.

Lose-lose situation.

Situation Normal, iow.

: P

4ish years ago when I bought a house I was convinced not to get a house inspection, would it be crazy to get one now just to make sure it's all good?

Was 25 and super nervous, so when the realtor was like "oh yeah they just check for basic stuff, but I looked around and it looks great" I was like "Oh okay, this is so astronomically expensive every penny saved is good..."...

Paragone ,

There are at-least 2 good books on house-inspecting.

( looking .. dayum, there's zillions of books on it, now.. )

is the one I invested-in, years ago ( not to do house-inspection, just to learn the competence of it )

Please invest in that book, or an equivalent to it,
and make your own inspection of the house, 1st.

Then you'll have much better understanding of the entire subject.

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Paragone ,

All of them: I want authenticity,

and "superheroes" are fake human-meaning, engineered to push distractine power/ego-fantasy instead of actual-human development.

Read both of John Truby's books, "The Anatomy of Genres", & "The Anatomy of Story", and become much competenter in what story/movie makers should be doing,

and then consider how much is being invested in preventing realism-of-context from being known by mass-media consumers..

..and then understand the long-term consequences of deliberately/systematically diverging mass-awareness from what real meaning, real human context, is, .. through decades..

It's part of a whole-class, or whole-population, suckerpunching, but it seems to be of unconscious, not conspiracy, intent.

Pretence-programmed populations are less realistic & less reality-competent.

Bollywood & Hollywood both produce divorce-from-reality.

That isn't required, for story, or human-meaning, is it?

Paragone ,

Colony-collapse disorder is an actual thing.

I'd read some research-result release that said there is a specific virus-fungus combination that all colony-collapse hives had both of ( & their immune-systems were essentially non-functional: they were infected with EVERYTHING ),

vs colonies which had 0 or 1 of the 2.

I don't remember the names of either the virus or the fungus.

When we keep importing/exporting contaminated bits of wildlife, there are consequences.

Hey i just wanna know are raccoons evil in some kind of way ?

A lot of things i thought were cute and nice like dolphines, ducks, cats (i saw one cat eat anothers new born), dogs (multiple cases of eating dead owners due to a variety of reasons starting from trying to wake em up to other malicious reasons), hamsters etc turned out to be wrong . Raccoons are the only thing i believe in...

Paragone ,

Raccoon-medicine is the medicine of helping-friends.

There was a meme going 'round, where somebody had put up a bird-feeder or something, and they had it about 1 yard/metre off the ground, to prevent the raccoons from getting food from it..

.. a whole heap of them formed a living-ladder, so one of 'em could get at the food.

That is the brilliantest demonstration of exactly what some Indigenous religions have said about 'em, that anybody could ever ask for.

Read "Medicine Cards" by Jamie Sams, for a good survey of animal-spirits: it's reasonably accurate.

I'd add to it that upright owl-medicine is the medicine of meditation, but Indigenous religions didn't dig into that kind of thing, only inner-winds peoples did ( Asian region ).

( and anybody who goes & lives among wilderness for awhile will learn animals' natures/spirits specific to that locale, obviously )

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Paragone ,

Literally all you have to do, is give each police-cruiser 3 specific drones, that can:

  • target the vehicle being chased, & then EMP-kill that vehicle ( an electromagnetic pulse "bomb", which blows the vehicle's circuitry: it'd need a huge capacitor, & an inductor. The drone would be destroyed if it were near, so it'd need to be a disposable thing, not the chase-drone, which would need AI

  • track fleeing individuals, using biometrics ( gait, limb-geometry, iris-scan in a swoop, etc ), to get as much identifying information on 'em as possible, & keep identifying where they are, until their tracking is lost. This should have the ability to identify wireless/cellphone/BT signals, so as to identify if somebody is the same person as who entered a building a few minutes ago, and having other drones to cover the other exits, sharing information, would be intelligent/wise

  • get to a crash-site, & show the EMT's what need is there, so they can be preparing before they get to the site, for that specific set-of-injuries


Once someone's caught committing a crime, then all pretence of "you have no right to track me" can eat hot lead ( gaslighting needs to die ).

There is a category difference between full-on big-brother piling onto someone caught committing a crime, vs the evil panopticon/universal-molesting/no-privacy-whatsoever world that some big corporations ( some private, some gov't ) are pushing.

Use appropriate leverage, for the context, & prevent exploiters/supremacists from exercising such leverage on entire-populations, for sake of ( what remains of ) civil-rights.

Downvote this to hell, now, obviously..

Paragone ,

When a handful of monopolies decide that no factchecking will be seen by anybody, anymore,

and only profitable-to-their-dictatorship disinformation will be seen,

then humanity will not have any means of countering that:

it will be too late.

We are "the frog dropped into the slowly-heating pot of water".

People pretend that monopoly is "maybe" harmful, economically, but it is an existential-threat to countries, and with globalization, now to civil-rights as a valid-category.

_ /\ _

Paragone ,

Whether it's source is open or not,

has nothing to do with its licensing.

It's on a github repo: it's open-source.

Having an ideological-problem with people making a living off their code is independent of whether their code was honestly, actually, published, & therefore is actual open-source.

Paragone ,

He is going to get "even" with every ecological-protection, every science, every minority-rights, every women-protection, every Ukranian, every leftist, .. everybody.

War on ALL who frustrated him, but possibly haphazard, possibly systematic.

I outright expect the Environmental Protection Agency to be either completely dismantled, or a delay ( possibly of 4 years ) before outright having artillery take its buildings out, as the US Civil War Part2 progresses.

I expect US Civil War Part2 to be live-fire, everywhere, within 4y of him gaining rule of the US.

It may take only 2y, but it will be a progression ( I hadn't understood that until recently ), and it will be for keeps.

"Getting even" is going to be his primary "need".

Against EVERYone who isn't worshipping him.

As I say, it'll be a 2-4y build, before the complete scope of his war against all other than his supremacy, unfolds completely.

Looking for a 4 wheeled pedal vehicle (quadricycle?) ( )

I would like to find a vehicle that is pedal powered (with the possibility of electric assist) that my wife and I can ride and transport our 3 dogs (all are over 70lbs) around town. We live in a small rural town and take our dogs to just outside town every morning and walk with them. One of the dogs has hip dysplasia, and is...

Paragone ,

Check your local law:

many jurisdictions label more-than-3-wheels as "motorcycles", even with no motor on 'em, because that allows them to abuse the population's potential.

Think how much use a 4-wheel bicycle-car could be, in event of no-available-fuel, to a farmer:

they could get stuff to the local market, instead of throwing it away.

Or, if a dairy farmer, they could get emergency-people to their farm, to help, instead of just killing their entire herd.

Bureaucratic-authority won't tolerate autonomy.

They'll NEVER allow the law to be based on something sane, like whether it's a human-powered-vehicle, instead of the idiotic "number of wheels it has", law.

Integrity in legislation is faaar too much to ask, of legislators.

Ask that state which reinstated an anti-abortion law from the 1800's, if integrity ought be permitted to interfere with their authority..

Paragone ,

Look up "Rhodes Car" & see that what you want is already made, or was, anyways ( iirc, they used to advertise in the back of Popular Science? )

I got the name wrong, so here's a wp link:

Paragone ,

China knows the Republicans are going to gut NATO,

China doesn't care,

China is committed to breaking the West's dominion, which is why it's making Russia into its vassal-state, totally-dependent-on-China, but with accountability/responsibility not having any direct-line into China, in the 1st place..

Once Trump's finished destroying the US, then .. then the real action will begin, militarily.

Give that about 1 dozen, or less, years, to occur.

ContinuousHammerfall's when the NATO-allied countries have been gutted, bankrupted, torn-apart through "populist dictatorship", etc, and suddenly the triple-alliance throws EVERYthing they've got against us, to break our capability...

Between now & then should be 2 more stages:

economic-collapse, which Trump uses to gain & secure dictatorship,

& the butchering of NATO & the West, economically, which should last .. roughly 7 or 8 years, or so.

Once those're done, then the WW3 tantrum/pogrom can begin.

Anyone else get chewed out by their boss for just not getting the hint?

Sorry if this topic is stupid, I feel very stupid right now. I got transferred to a new department and I've had 2 or 3 clashes with the new boss about me not getting the hint. He finally gave me a metric, a number to get to. He spelled it out. I can do that, but I'm just freaking out that he's gonna fire me because I couldn't...

Paragone ,

I've been screamed-at, in an office-lobby, by my supervisor, for not recognizing people by their faces.

I'm face-blind, and only know that because of that series-of-incidents.

I didn't know, until my mid-30's, that ANYBODY ANYWHERE could ever recognize people just by their faces.

Absolutely stunning.

I recognize people by their being where they're supposed to be, the way they move, their voice, their clothing, all together, and usually I can recognize 'em, if I've seen 'em recently-enough.

That normals can recognize people only by seeing a face??

too weird.

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