@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar


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OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Yeah, we're going to need to you "be present" for all three days of the next upcoming 3-day holiday, and b/c you didn't fill out your TPS reports we're only going to pay you the regular rate rather than overtime or holiday pay... and while you're at it, we're also going to need you to... HEY ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!?


OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Actually... yes. I started reading and somehow ended up knowing things that now matter to me.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Took me a moment to see it - well done:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Ur mother?

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I was going more off of the "not like that" title - what answers would fit into two words that would engender that response.

That said, Antarctica is actually a brilliant answer, since not only is pretty much nobody from there, it is also merely one word so wrong on that count as well:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Future? Definitely it's the present now, and at this point already in the past a bit too.

Which means it's time for the future to wrap back around to being talking to people once more!? Have your AI assistant call my AI assistant to schedule lunch (b/t our AI assistants ofc, what am I a crazy person to want to do that irl!?:-P).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Eventually our enhanced cyber-brains will decrypt and unpackage messages for us automatically (downloading all dependencies first ofc:-P), and we won't need no stinking AI assistant - we will do it "by ourselves"!:-D

At which point it will ofc become cool for people to talk to one another irl, "ironically".


OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

It's... not good though. Which is REALLY striking b/c with that outstanding cast, it becomes really, REALLY noticeable. There should have been almost no way for this to bomb... but it did.

The whole show is just dedicated to loving conservative values - capitalism, shitting on women (ostensively ironically, but...), not paying or caring at all about your workers, or your customer base either, as in literally giving little children cancer and laughing about it (I am not even kidding, that was an actual part of the movie, from both sides), and they even had a whole scene depicting the White House riots, replete with a guy with no shirt and a horned helmet who took an actual dump on the property, and once again I am not kidding but it was violent, with one person falling to be injured after having climbed the wall, and others were climbing up multiple stories high on the outside of the building.

Oh, but now Seinfeld is blaming the "woke crowd" for not appreciating what he offered. As with any incel, the recipients thoughts don't matter ofc, only his intentions, which he claims to be "pure". A quote from the article:

According to Seinfeld himself, Unfrosted is merely an exercise in warm silliness, born from the bleak early days of the COVID-19 pandemic and a very long-gestating stand-up joke about how much joy the treat brought him as a kid.

Yeah, except it's not though. It's exactly like calling someone "sugar tits" while slapping them on the ass, then blaming them for "not getting the joke" - this was Boomerism at its finest, and the only reason I am glad to have seen it is b/c it helps me realize why there may be an actual, literal Civil War upcoming in the next election: b/c there are a LOT of people like him, who flat-out do not care one tiny bit about anyone but their own side.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Relevant comment from a few days ago: https://lemmy.max-p.me/comment/2612621

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I hope it goes on. And being open source, it definitely will! (e.g. Mbin)

Ernest likewise will be remembered, fondly or otherwise, for his contributions in starting it.

That said, I'm close to personally blocking it due to all the spam hitting other servers from it, and the FBI may come knocking soon as well if people decide to hit it with illegal stuff like CP.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

It has nothing to do with bash specifically - other shells like sh, csh, tcsh, zsh, etc. are the same. Whitespace in UNIX is just that way by design. And it's been a long while since I used a Windows CLI but they were that way too - plus added all that weirdness about ~1 at the ends of filenames, and Mac OSX also. So not even just UNIX, but it's how the CLIs tend to work, where whitespace acts as the "delimiter" between arguments sent to a program.

program_name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4

So if you use whitespace like "cp file 1 file 2", the CLI sends arg1="file", arg2="1", arg3="file", arg4="2", rather than arg1="file 1" and arg2="file 2". These are just the foundational rules of how CLIs work - a computer can't read your mind, and this is how you precisely tell it what you want, within this highly rigid framework to avoid misunderstandings.

The alternative is to use a GUI, so like see file, drag file, and ofc that has its own set of tradeoffs good and bad.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

It's a subset of the standard delimiter problem: if I want to use the delimiter inside of an entry, can I even do that and if so then how?

e.g. in comma-delimited lists you could "escape" the commas individually, or encapsulate each entry inside quotes, or provide each entry by name, etc. - all of which significantly complicates the retrieval process by adding greater complexity to decide on rules determining how it all works (like if by name, then what if the user [stupidly? on purpose?] provides multiple entries with the same name - do subsequent ones overwrite the earlier ones or their contents get appended to the end and if the latter, is any separation provided between them? and on and on it goes):

  • item1,item2,item3
  • "Denver, CO","New York, NY",Miami/, FL
  • "Lastname, Firstname",Lastname/, Firstname
  • item1="Denver, CO", item2="New York, NY"

Common English has issues with this too like is a list with "John, Marsha, Barbie and Ken" 4 entries or just 3 where the latter is a pairing? (leading to Oxford comma discussion:-P it is very important though bc while while individual people may have similar needs like food, pairings may have different constraints like if they drive together then they need less parking space)

So this delimiter issue is not even specific to CLIs, nor even computers in general - it is a universal problem with any communication system.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

That only affects whitespaces within quotes though. Still, fair point, except I just tried a bunch of stuff in both bash and zsh and touching a file works, echoing a string works, then I stopped so I don't know about the asterisk but we have already veered far away from what OP said: "normal foor (sic) loop with whitespace in file names" - whereas what you had seems significantly more advanced than a "normal" foor (sic:-P) loop.

Notably, Mac OSX right out of the box uses zsh. I haven't touched "standard" personal distros for a number of years but a quick search suggests that Mint, Ubuntu, and NixOS all use bash by default - which halfway though not entirely surprises me? Anyway if OP wants to change their default shell to something more advanced, that would be fine for common every-day usage, though asking for bash itself to now be changed after decades of backwards compatibility seems a non-starter to me. There are reasons for why it works as it does, and those reasons have nothing to do with it being "old", but rather b/c it "works".

And the underlying reason for that is b/c we are still using keyboards. The addition of mice as HUDs enabled drag-and-drop, and perhaps some kind of glove or fingertip reader or eyesight-tracker may allow the same, like Minority Report (an old movie) or Iron Man style pinching an "object", grabbing it and letting it go, is basically just another style of "mouse". Afaik, there hasn't been even a hint of anything truly revolutionary for all this time. Although I can envision one such idea: combining keyboard+"mouse" in a more intelligent way, like if you start typing a command, then fix your eyes on the screen to a particular file and perhaps flick your eyes in a particular direction to indicate acceptance and it could fill it in for you, without having to move your hands away from the keyboard. With glasses and ubiquitous cameras everywhere now, we might see something like that in a few decades? Though it would put further pressure onto privacy concerns over having a camera watching every move you make.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Admittedly, I too am not certain why "noone inprove bash such that you can write a normal foor loop with whitespace in file names?" :-P I just noticed that not only was "foor" loop misspelled, and "noone" is likewise improper (should be "no one" or "nobody"), but "inprove" is also a "performance improvement company that helps clients implement their internal continuous improvement programs more effectively, and achieve better, more consistent and sustained results", according to Google's (SEO) search feature:-P

Therefore, I have little trouble believing that they wanted all of bash to be changed - for free ofc - so that they could do something like:

touch "Iron Man"; mv Iron Man The Greatest Movie of All Time!?

And the computer would auto-magically figure out that since mv is a command involving files, and "Iron Man" is a file that exists, that it should be the first argument and the rest of the text is the second argument. i.e., why learn how bash works, when you can make a post to !Linux and put hundreds of programmers to work for you to change the entire world, at your beck and call, while also working in how ashamed they should be that they haven't done that effort preemptively?

Which ngl, might be a good idea. Or, you know, OP could learn to use tab-complete that already does that. I should have mentioned that I suppose... but it seems too late now b/c I doubt the mods will let this post remain for too much longer. Even if you were correct and they meant variables: they never actually said that, which makes this communication really difficult to both guess what OP might have meant and also solve their problem for them, on top of them being willing to learn on their own. But we can do better on our end too: perhaps we could create a community specialized in providing help to newcomers who want to learn linux - like what resources can they read/watch/play with, to help them get started? To be clear, *I'm* not offering to start that!!

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Hehe thank you for the fun extra story:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

And even then, it's profitable for the "right" sort of people... :-P

old.reddit.com login redirects to www.reddit.com/login

I use old.reddit.com, and had trouble logging in from there today. "Too many redirects". I also use the Redirect to old.reddit.com extension. When I disabled that, the login link it now takes you to is https://www.reddit.com/login/. That, of course, takes you to www.reddit.com....

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I clicked your first link and it worked for me. It seemed to remember my having logged into Reddit at some point in the past. Although now that I've visited Reddit today, I feel dirty:-P.

OpenStars OP ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Thank you for the feedback. Frankly I wasn't certain what all would be auto-populated from the video and did not want everything to be duplicated - this is my first post from this account and while the second for Lemmy overall, the first again for a video link, and to this community.

I edited the post from the old body of "This Video Will Make You Angry, by CGP Grey" to now:

A video titled "This Video Will Make You Angry", by CGP Grey, about how memes evolve in the same manner as living organisms, though in this case those most successful tend to be the ones that engender anger in their target audience.

Anyway, it's a 9-year-old video, and yet one that I had not seen from him before somehow, though certainly the concept has made the rounds. Even so I found it interesting, and in light of the upcoming election season (in the USA and world-wide) thought it might be worth sharing:-).

How "meta" then that CGP Grey chose to use a click-baity title to talk about why people use click-bait content:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Tell that to Google...

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Not technically no, though neither does it fully embrace the spirit of FOSS either. Anyway I was explaining the appearance of those two being at odds with one another in the meme. Anyone who does not enjoy meme content can simply block this community and move on with the serious side of life.:-)

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Ian Danskin is a fucking national world treasure!

Please consider supporting him if you can, to make even more videos like this one.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

There is a bunch of odd things on that page that make me distrust, if not its journalistic integrity, then at least its fact-checking ability overall - e.g. nowhere does it ever describe what "NPD" means (an extremely basic rule in all professional writing: always define abbreviations upon first use, even if only via a link to something like a dictionary page), and this next one is more just odd but on a mobile site they have disabled zooming in on the pictures to read them more easily. i.e. despite its tone it reads like it exists more for the sake of the author wanting to vent their emotional state rather than trying to actually convey information.

In any case, I imagine that Ian is the type of person who would receive criticism well and, if warranted, even remove that video from his site in the worst case, or else adjust it if need be. But rather than take that idea further, I will preemptively concede that nothing is ever fully perfect, and even if that singular video were to be found to have problems with it, it would barely budge my opinion of the overall series of videos, which have quite a bit of weight behind them given their number and overall high quality of content. i.e., one video is not nothing, but neither is it everything. Also, on general principles, since when did one data point ever define a "trend"?

If discussion of politics is not to your liking, there are many other topics on his YouTube page, even if the Playlists page does not make that immediately apparent. e.g., feminism, art critiques, especially about video games and some older ones about movies, and more. One I HIGHLY recommend is this: https://youtu.be/R943_eAvnWw?si=dqjL7WtKZAM-W3iS about the nature of "protagony", consent regarding artificial entities and what that may imply for us all (warning: while not technically NSFW, still caution may be advisable). Also, a metric shitton of videos about games, games, and more games.

Here is perhaps long past where I should have added that I do not always agree with what he says. But that literally does not matter to me in the slightest - I still enjoy hearing what he has to say, and especially the manner in which he dissects it.:-)

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I donate my (honorary) award 🏆 to the real winners who made it happen: the people who upvote and post new content daily across this whole wonderful community:-).

And to Samsung I dedicate a different type of award 💩 for making a good fraction of the functionality on their phones so heavily dependent upon their privacy-intrusive tracking measures... except who am I kidding it is mostly my own fault for purchasing one of their devices in the first place! 🫠

Now we can all go read 👓 about that Fairphone, bc ngl it sounds kinda awesome!? 😎

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