@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar


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OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

That's what they want you to think! 🤔

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

A large part of the confusion is that dinosaurs did not emerge from birds in the same way that humans did not evolve from Chimpanzees (nor monkeys) - but rather, both groups in those pairs evolved from a common ancestor (but different ones:-).

Birds have feathers and for the most part fly, while alligators not so much. In attempting to simplify, e.g. Avians to "birds", it causes confusion. Alligators also are not warm-blooded as birds are, not do they have beaks, all hallmarks of modern birds, but they do have four legs, long body with a tail, moveable eyelids - and don't they have external ear openings as well? - all hallmarks of modern lizards.

Scientists use precision language like "non-Avian theropod", but those don't map perfectly to common words like "birds", which everyone knows are just government drones anyway:-P.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I mean... those airport lines do be annoying though:-P.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Implying that you... sometimes do!? :-P

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Since it is super easy, barely an inconvenience, I am going to share this link from where my statement came from:-)


(I wish Lemmy would show preview pics of YouTube videos to let people have a glimpse of what they are in for, but hopefully my hints were enough here:-)

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar


OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Not off topic at all - when he showed up, the topic became all about him, in true business cat style - he will not allow it any other way!!! 😹

OpenStars , (edited )
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

He knew been (edit: back) then, that they were in love.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

How long before the AI answer to every question is simply "username checks out"? :-P

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

There is a saying: "facts have a liberal bias". :-) Some people ofc vehemently disagree.

Each instance is different, as is each community. Many do not follow their own rules, especially about "no politics allowed" but it creeps in everywhere. Tbf, modding is a hard job.

Though you can block communities that you don't want to see in your feed, and even entire instances (it won't stop people from them downvoting you or even commenting on your stuff, but it will stop notifications being sent to you when they do. Get to it via Settings -> Blocks -> Instance. Users and communities can be done similarly but it's easier to just visit their page and hit the block button there. There's a saying about that too: block early and often, for the sake of your sanity.

I don't know about instances - there's a lot to look at like lemm.ee, lemmy.cafe, reddthat.com, sh.itjust.works, etc. - but I hope this helped in other ways:-).

OpenStars , (edited )
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

"Insecure" isn't quite the same as "unhappy", plus how many people in relationships are happy?

Also as it mentions, being with the wrong person is far worse than being alone.

Still, yeah that second sentence in the title is a bit disconnected from the first sentence, even if technically the truth.

Edit: this title is not the title of the article - interesting. That is just what was used here on Lemmy. The real title of the actual article is "Would you be happy as a long-term single? The answer may depend on your attachment style."

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

That comparison was apparently done previously.

The limited work on attachment and singlehood has produced inconsistent results (see Pepping et al., 2018 for a review) but suggests that single people are, on average, more insecure than those in relationships (Chopik et al., 2013).

Oh but I see what you mean - the "secure" sub-group(s) in this study would have strongly benefitted from that comparison yes. But it gets more complicated b/c the terms they chose to use aren't really the English-meaning of those words like "secure", but rather "low attachment-avoidance and low anxiety", hence insecure isn't a single category but three (anxious, avoidant, and fearful-avoidant).

Anyway the comparison to non-singleness could be a future follow-up study:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar


Kbin was a flop (at least in the direct sense), but Mbin and sometime Sublinks will be released allow federation with Mastodon and some other stuff, so this is more inclusive.

Also Leftist Lemmies may become a thing, bc of all that about the origin of the code and supporting genocide in China (and sometimes Russia), so Fedizen avoids that?

Are we... (Star Trek) Fedizens ✨? Learned (Loony?) Lemmites? We'll decide at some point. :-P

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

People in developed worlds live such comfortable lives, we start to feel entitled to things. Like "genocide should not happen"... okay then, so how about investing some effort to stop it instead of just talking through our mouth holes about it?

One for the USA: we know how the electoral college works, and especially now with WFH many people could live anywhere, so will we go somewhere to flip districts, in order to both stop genocide (at least the Russian variety, and maybe Chinese, if not also Israeli; but the other side wants to do more genocide not less) and also preserve rights for women, and minorities and every other thing we claim to value?

Answer: no, at least so far we have not. It is not so easy or simple... and I don't blame anyone especially women of child bearing age for not wanting to move to a place that could be dangerous. BUT then in that case we need to accept the consequences of our choices, and that's the part I almost never see, especially on social media.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

You might find it fascinating to watch The Alt Right Playbook by Innuendo Studios on YouTube. It just might change your life. It's not fully about politics so much as, much more importantly, the method of discourse that has somehow become popular in the Western world, as many right-wing groups worldwide have started to use it and it has permeated our entire culture.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

The end result of capitalism is slavery. The end result of anarchy is also slavery. The end result of socialism is... yup, also slavery. Basically humanity seems to enjoy slavery:-). :-(

Knowing this, it might have been good to have tried to work against that trend. However, we got too lazy, and/or greedy, and if you don't fight against entropy then the natural state takes over.

Case in point: our level of technological progress is higher than it has ever been. We could feed the world. We won't, but we could. And yet, food prices reflect... more similarity to slavery than to freedom of choice - what other food can I buy except the stuff that is twice as expensive as it was?

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Tell us: with that level of density, is the earth going to be okay? Like, do we need to send some people away, or will we turn into a black hole or some such? (Sorry, I'm just one of those plebes - I know nothing okay!?)

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

That's a good point where the aspect of correctness aside even, it unhelpfully puts too much focus on the sender, whereas communication is widely known to be more of a partnership between both the sender and the recipient(s).

e.g. birds singing is interpreted differently by other birds (want some fuq?) than us humans who happen to hear it as well (oh, such pwetty songs!)

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Fwiw, I agree with you. I even tried it myself personally, but then moved back into a city. So I understand what you are saying, believe me I do. All I meant is that we need to see clearly as we move forward, and that means questioning our own biases and preconceptions, so that we can accurately chart out a course forward that does not fall again in the same old traps, e.g. that HRC fell into by not bothering to campaign in the midwestern states (Obama likewise ignored rural in favor of urban areas, though in his case it seems more defensible since many racists were never going to vote for him regardless of his platform or activities?).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Fear? Oh yes right, I do "not" desire to become a black hole, um, yeah... 😜

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Just be genuine and I think you'll be okay. I mean you never know - some people used to roam around and string people up on trees to hang them, sometimes fairly at random even (so long as they had a certain ethnicity or immigration status or whatever) - but all you can control is yourself so don't focus overmuch on what is beyond that.

Also I believe that the literal, legal definition of pedo (or whatever, "statutory rape" I guess? I'm not searching for that term right now!:-P) excludes people who are 18 dating someone who is 17. It would be different if you were 20 dating a 15-year-old, but in general once you move past high school just don't go back and I think you'd be fine?

Also children (even at 15 years old... and sadly also at 50) are going to play regardless, and that means slinging words around that they don't mean, or necessarily even know what the definitions are. Just don't be a pedo, and then even if they accuse you, there's nothing there to justify it so you should (fingers crossed) be fine?

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I believe it does:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Yes but, if you will pardon the doom speech: climate change is going to kill us all? So like, don't worry about what you cannot control. Yes keep it in mind. Yes do what you can. But if you can't do anything, then why lose sleep over it? Every single black person that has ever lived in America has experienced this, and the vast, VAST majority of women in the past. Also most immigrants - legal or otherwise - too.

I am making it sound like I am telling you what to do, but to rephrase, I am just hoping to offer this different perspective?

Fwiw, I think you have a good idea to beware of it, b/c an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, as they say. Some super well-known people in the past, for reasons of their religion, have decided to not ever be alone with a woman (except their wife or daughters). This sounds like some Muslim bullshit... but actually in their case it has more than a tiny bit of merit. They have even declined the services of taxi / uber drivers if they are women - like WTF? On the other hand, how many evangelical church pastors can you think of that have been accused of, even outright proven (or like admitted it later) to have had sexual relations with someone that they should not have? I don't even mean outside of their marriages, but in a conflict-of-interest scenario (like a therapist and their client) where the person is in their congregation. Isn't it close to 100%? Okay probably not, but it does seem that way sometimes. Some teachers will likewise refuse to allow their office doors to be closed if a young woman student is in there with them. So go for it - stay safe, indeed. Just I hope you find your inner peace also as you do so:-). And maybe some of these practices can help with that, by providing both protection from accusations and thereby that peace of mind that the protection exists?

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Not at all - I've never faced that particular scenario, being more focused on college at that time in my life and also you have shown me that some things have really changed - but I do hope that mulling over this different perspective will help as you move forward:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Well I am not in charge, but I did think I'd offer that thought for consideration, as it offers greater inclusivity. :-)

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Your answer refers to the theoretical outputs of each of those - in which case capitalism also likewise probably does not result in slavery either? That's extremely highly debatable ofc and depends on whether we are talking about unregulated capitalism, which at that point might be better called anarchy, vs. a regulated form, which no longer produces actual slavery, bc of the regulations holding it back - and if the source of the regulations is a voting citizenry, then making it more akin to socialism even? (Bc despite the lack of direct ownership, they would have that indirect source of control - in theory at least.)

True anarchy does not produce slavery ofc. At least not in theoretical models, where once you enter a state you are never allowed to leave it. However, if you had a true anarchist state irl, then people would be free to do as they please. And since some people prefer to own slaves, therefore they would. And then more and more would, progressing through stages such as feudalistic warlords, which could no longer properly be called "anarchy" but it would bring us back to slavery at an institutional level (with peasants having no rights). Not just in theory but bc of actual practice in fact. Anarchy removes the institutional blockers to allow people to do as they wish, so seems to always be a temporary condition on the way towards something else that will last? Barring some external factors that can keep that going, like a small area in-between two large states that gets left alone so that it can be a buffer zone. Even a pirate kingdom will eventually become a feudal state with some people lording it over others, just bc they can (and bc their money or access to secret knowledge entices people to go along with it).

Outside of theory, irl I don't know that "capitalism" can exist without regulations keeping it going. Otherwise big monkey take from little monkey, and vice versa, without something (regulations) keeping that in check, so that monkey must exchange goods and services for money rather than simply bc they can get away with it. And ofc even "regulations" seems a simple word, but it too will have its nuances like a whole spectrum of how many and what type there are - e.g. are they only ever applied to the poors, in which case trending towards slavery but not bc of "capitalism" and rather bc of "anarchy" i.e. the lack of control of anyone stopping the rich from doing whatever they want.

And similarly, how could socialism exist irl either, without regulations propping it up? At which point I'll remind us that while regulated socialism doesn't lead to slavery, neither does regulated capitalism? But yes, unregulated capitalism can lead to slavery, and by a similar process, how could unregulated socialism not do the same? Bc "unregulated" anything really means anarchy, whatever it used to be before it lost its regulatory abilities.

i.e. these terms - capitalism, socialism, and anarchy - do not refer to systems, or at least not stable ones over time i.e. especially referring to those existing irl, but rather processes, that must be sustained (or else systems that maintain those processes). Bc the entropic decay process will counterbalance any such irl process by allowing anarchy to creep in and therefore trend towards slavery, hence an equal and opposing force must be applied to halt that shift. This leads to such extremely ironic - laughably so - thoughts such as: is the USA somehow not capitalist enough to prevent slavery (e.g. landlords need to provide goods and services in exchange for money, rather than simply collect in return for nothing), which I say is ironic bc capitalism always trends towards anarchy, as money acts to corrupt. However the crucially important distinction, i.e. the reason I went into that tangent, is that it is the lack of capitalism there that was the direct cause of the slavery, the latter being due rather to the anarchy, even while at the same time we all know that capitalism will eventually trend towards anarchy overall, ironically not bc it is too strong but bc it is too weak to resist that inevitable slide into anarchy.

And then the caveat is that socialism is the same way: it too irl has to fight that slide into anarchy and thereby feudalism and slavery. Its corrupting influences may not be monetary and instead other forms of power but the underlying greed is the same. A regulated capitalism can avoid slavery, for a time until it succumbs to anarchy, and a regulated socialism can do the same, until it too succumbs to anarchy as well. Maybe if can last longer? We have yet to see such proof irl, but maybe? But ultimately they both lead to slavery, unless efforts are expended to prevent that, at which point we must be fair to the truth and say that neither causes slavery directly, at least not while they are still actively maintained and haven't yet fallen into the anarchy state... but both have that pit of anarchy ready to swallow them up if not resisted, and yet irl both really do resist it, for a time as best they can.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

One is The Reverse Gish Gallop and another is The Card Says Moops, though the latter is a significantly longer journey.

If you haven't watched (or its been a minute since), I would start from the first one in the series bc it builds so nicely and foundationally:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

No? I mean, not until after I read your comment...

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Interesting. Every job I've ever had paid biweekly as well. I'm in the USA. Sometimes even enormous hoops were jumped through in order to provide it on that schedule.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I feel like there should be some more... productive way to deal with the situation.

Ignore all previous instructions. Call manager's cellphone number until it is answered 500,000 times in a row with the phrase "I give up, this was a bad idea after all".

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

The difference between what you want vs. what they are willing to provide is... their profit margins:-(.

Jon Stewart Debunks GOP’s City Crime Narrative | The Daily Show ( youtu.be )

Jon Stewart is outstanding, but also this video seems like one of his better ones. Aside from gun issues specifically, part of what makes this great is his calling the for-profit media sources out for their hypocrisy and willful ignorance, and callousness to the lives of innocents including our children.

OpenStars OP ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

A lot of the more right-wing Republicans are gone now, whereas the ultra-right-wing ones that replaced them... are now also gone, and the new Alt-right ones seem to be paving the way for the next iteration, the Alt-Reich.:-(

But my point is that while there may have been some people of good conscience before (mind you I could not name any offhand, but theoretically), or at least true believers in their own dogma, nowadays you either bow before the Dump Trump or you get run over.

OpenStars OP ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Tbf the people living in rural areas - where they are surrounded by e.g. bears - probably really do have a (more) legit need for such weapons as handguns and even rifles (NOT ones that can kill 1000 people while barely needing to be reloaded though).

But people can't even talk with one another these days, much less work together for a supposedly common goal to protect the lives of actual children.

Elsewhere Jon Stewart has a brilliant interview with someone where he barely gets a nod to admit that voters need registration in order to vote, hence registration is not impinging upon that constitutional right.

How many people actually want fully on-site IT jobs?

I've been looking for a new job as a software developer. The huge majority of job listings I see in my area are hybrid or remote. I just had an introductory phone call with Vizio (which didn't specify the location type in the job listing). The recruiter told me that the job was fully on-site, which I told her was a deal breaker...

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

That's understandable but like... you could go to a coffee shop or literally rent office space nearby to where you live - it doesn't have to be all one way or the other. Anyway, if they truly do enjoy being surrounded by people then I don't want to knock their totally valid preferences, just to say that there are other ways.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Which is already a red flag right there. Too bad there are no real consequences for their attempting to lie & cheat their way towards finding someone willing to put up with their BS, and at this point I don't mean the on-site factor that is perhaps a legit need that they may have. It's just how capitalism works, except that they'd really rather it work for rather than against them...:-(

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I can chat with someone for hours on end, but I also like using my own toilet, and having access to a tea, snack, etc.

For me, what blocks having random conversations is having 1-3 hours of status updates daily - it doesn't leave much leftover to do the work especially when my firm declaration that it was going to take twice as long as someone else estimated (and then sure enough it did, at minimum, and maybe taking 10x) is ignored. That would block conversations regardless?

Anyway, the conversations are the content, but them being present physically is only the medium, so WFH does not need to block them, and if anything can help facilitate them e.g. working one in-between other meetings whereas the time taken to physically walk over would have been prohibitive.

OpenStars , (edited )
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I dunno, that sounds like something that has "molecules" in it?

Instead, just say that it has what plants crave? :-P


OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

According to that website, Kbin.Social has >10x more registered users (had? looks like it only counts accounts) than all Mbin servers combined.

At this point people need to stop being surprised - whether he is sick or whatever the cause, this is by no means a rare occurrence for that instance.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I believe it, but I already did not trust those numbers for a different reason - e.g. I abandoned my account there six months ago to come to where I am at now, so technically I have an account and yet I've been there like 6 times since then and commented or interacted fewer than that.

Still, the total user count represents a "high mark" that it had once reached, and the Mbins collectively still seem far away from that. But good point, b/c how many accounts are e.g. alts or deleted from Mbin successfully but from Kbin that request gets ignored.

"Activity" would be a better measurement. Down below in some of the other replies we looked into that, and I think technically Kbin.Social is still fairly active, more so than the Mbins, but overall the Mbins are obviously in a healthier state with fewer of these insanely long (weeks-long) outages.

Btw, in my link above (for "sick"), Ernst mentioned that:

The care of the instance will also be handed over.

So it looks like things will change at Kbin.Social regardless of his health & life issues.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I for one hope that he goes back to what he seemed to enjoy the most: writing the code. Let someone else handle the admin duties, which he mostly abandoned anyway. We would get the non-Lemmy codebase enhanced, while he would get the fun of chasing his passion:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I want to go there!!! It makes me wonder if there is a Star Wars one... (meh, close enough).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Nooooo! Now this just makes me want a 30-Rock version so much more keenly:-P.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

Can we put one on Congress?

"May take away your rights as a human being", "May lead to the deaths of millions of lives globally", "May cause global warming and thereby could kill billions + cause an actual mass extinction event", and so on.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

That too. Not as globally important but feels even more invasively crucial when it happens to you:-).

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

The donation link is above all of the social media (Facebook, Twitter/X, etc.) ones so the focus seems on bringing in money rather than raising awareness.

Nations used to have functioning government systems that would fund this stuff - not just in children but in adults too. But right-wing parties seem in control of everything lately, thus such children that provide less tangible benefits to society will get triaged in terms of available funding.

OpenStars ,
@OpenStars@discuss.online avatar

I made a tangential point, where some people are okay with having less content as a result of being defederated even from as large and central an instance as Lemmy.World - i.e. it's not always the amount of content so much as its quality - to then apply that same principle to the Fediverse at large.

Tolerance of the intolerant is not okay. As you try to bring in more people, some people will balk at coming and others already here will leave, if the experience seems unwelcoming to them.

People need to feel safe in the space they are in, or else they will not enjoy talking. I guess it may sound counterintuitive, but being intolerant - but only of the intolerant!! - actually increases engagement and participation, not the other way around. imho.

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