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Nibodhika ,

While I agree it's infuriating the use of -punk for non-rebellious things, there were several other -punks before 2000s. The main one that comes to mind is Gothic-punk, which has been used in Vampire the masquerade since 91 to express the game's gothic and rebellious influences.

Nibodhika ,

Do you have an alternative to cloudflare tunnels? I'd love to hear it, because I'm also not really happy about relying on them either, but tailscale only works up to an extent because not all devices can connect to it and it's a pain in the ass to get random family members to connect to it as well.

Nibodhika ,

That would be awesome, currently it's 500GB for their cheaper option which starts at 23/year. I didn't find an option to increase the bandwidth before completing the order. Also it needs to be deployed in NY (which would be possibly slow for me in Europe). Finally their isos are somewhat old, the latest Ubuntu they have is 20.04 (which has an EoL next year).

All that being said, 23/year is very cheap for a VPS, and for people in the US that use less than 500GB/month that's the best deal I've ever seen.

Nibodhika ,

Thanks, I'm checking that out, but can't find any "add services" button. Alsp someone mentioned IONOS, which is local to me and doesn't seem to have bandwidth limits... I was trying to find the poop and they require lots of personal info just to get the account setup, still a bit torn there.

Nibodhika ,

Linux at work and Linux for gaming are two very different beasts. For example, you didn't mention which drivers and DE (or WM) you're using which are the most crucial part to how games run, and both of which need to be manually configured on Arch but come pre-configured or are a couple clicks away in other distros.

Nibodhika ,

That's exactly the reason you shouldn't recommend Arch for new users. New users, even those who like to tinker, don't want to read pages upon pages of wikis to get basic shit working. They want something that works that they can tinker with.

90% sure OP installed the wrong drivers, probably because he missed some note on which to install or a configuration to switch them. Also very likely the mouse issue is related to some random udev rule or package he installed trying to solve something, Logitech mouses just work out of the box.

Don't get me wrong, I love Arch, have been using it as my main distro for over 15 years, but it's definitely NOT for new users, even those who like to tinker with their system, Ubuntu is just as tinkerable, but Arch you need to build up. Imagine someone saying they are interested in decorating their home and you recommend them to build their house from scratch while having nowhere to live. This is why it's important that new users have a comfortable place they can go back if things don't work, and if you don't give it to them they'll obviously return to Windows.

Nibodhika ,

First of all nothing to apologize, no one should be forcing anyone to use any OS.

Secondly, you shouldn't start with Arch, it's a very manual process that has several small things that can be done wrong. I recommend you try Mint, Pop or any other beginner friendly distro, you can still tinker and customize them as much as you want, but you will be starting from something that works instead of having to build a working system from the ground up without knowing what that looks like.

Nibodhika ,

The mouse is Logitech, which afaik doesn't have any issues (at least all of my Logitech mice have always just worked).

The drivers can impact performance worse on some games and cause glitches in others. I remember a while back getting some texture issues on Nvidia but not on nouveau (even though the performance was worse).

Nibodhika ,

There are a few misconceptions in your logic.

  1. Force is required to rape
  2. Erections are controllable

Both of them are easy to disprove, but not obvious at first sight.

For 1 consider any case where a woman might have power (not physical) over a man, e.g. blackmail, teacher, parole officer, boss, etc. Another possibility to remember are weapons or physical threats to a third party. Also you should remember that humans have a fight/flight/freeze response, so a third of humans would just freeze regardless of being able to overpower their attacker. Finally there's also the possibility of even without any threat, even being able to think properly, and knowing that he could physically overpower a female attacker, a man might not do it for fear of legal or moral repercussions, e.g. being thought not to hit girls or believing that no one would believe that he was defending himself. In fact lots of women who get raped don't try to fight back or escape, believing (sometimes accurately) that their attacker would worsen the offense if they did that, e.g. by killing them (even if no threat was made), it's not uncommon for rape victims to feel ashamed and guilt about not having fought back, and by saying that men can't get raped because they could theoretically overpower their attacker you're indirectly saying that any woman who doesn't fight back with all her might is not being raped either, because they could have overpowered their attacker of they tried.

For 2, erections (and even ejaculation) are physical responses, in fact you can make a corpse get a hard on and cum (some wives do it to preserve their husbands sperm). This is no different from women getting wet or having orgasms while being raped (both of which are common), it means nothing, it's just a physical reaction to a physical stimulus. In fact lots of victims (both men and women), especially those in abusive relationships think they deserve that because of those physiological reactions. To put it in simpler terms, saying a men can't be raped because if they got an erection it means they wanted it is like saying that people can't be stabbed because if they bled is because they wanted the knife.

Nibodhika ,

I bet you also refused to use masks because you couldn't breathe.

Nibodhika ,

So you only trust science sometimes? There are contradictions on whether air dryers are more or less hygienic than paper towels. But there's no contradictions on whether you should wash your hands.

Nibodhika ,

There are two important quotes I would like to point out from that paper:

It is certainly clear that hand washing can reduce the risk of infections (39). However, the deposition of potentially pathogenic bacteria on the hands after hand washing to remove transient floras reduces the effectiveness of hand washing

Note the wording: "reduces effectiveness" means you should still do it, it is still effective, just less so.

These results did not differ significantly from those for bacterial colonies deposited by hand dryers from the same bathrooms when calculations of the colonies deposited by hand dryers and small fans were corrected for the times for air exposure and rates of airflow from these two sources

In other words: moving the air around is the cause, so a bathroom with paper towels that also has an air conditioner or fan will produce similar results. You know what else moves air around similar to a small fan? You when walking around, your hands are moving air and contacting lots of it.

I could reply with a study that finds air dryers to be safer and filter more bacteria, and we could go back and forth until one of us grows tired. Instead I'll leave you with a review of several papers published on the matter where you can see that it's not so clear cut, there is discussion around it and it doesn't help that the vast majority of papers out there are financed by either paper companies or air drying companies (btw, kudos for citing one of the independently financed studies)

If you don't want to read this, the long story short is that we don't have enough evidence to conclude whether they are more or less hygienic:

The second question we sought to answer is ‘Are PT safer than hand dryers relative to human infection risks?’ We found no data to support any human health claims relative to hand dryers vs PT use.

And finally I leave you with another quote from this paper:

Of notable importance is the need to evaluate risks from hand‐drying activities in consideration of handwashing scenarios, given that the greatest uncertainty in hand contamination is associated with the handwashing method, and not the drying method.

In short: not washing your hands is worse than any drying method.

Nibodhika ,

That's exactly what I thought of while reading that answer.

Nibodhika ,

I used to always want this wish until I adopted a dog under very specific circumstances (We were coming back from the mall and the car in front of us ran over him and kept going, we stopped, grabbed him and took him to the vet). Since then I always think that if I ever get to ask this wish it needs to be back to a moment where I had already rescued him, otherwise those very specific conditions might never happen. So I can completely understand someone with kids thinking the same way, that is a LOT more impossible to match the conditions.

Nibodhika ,

Major Tom's a junkie

Nibodhika ,

For me self-hosted refers to #2. Many of us also have jobs that are either fully or partially related to #1, but I wouldn't expect a #1 answer here. Questions here are usually directed to, and answered with, the #2 mentality.

Nibodhika ,

I know the point of your answer was not to dwell on these things, but:

And what would a chair look like if our knees bent the other way?

Is actually very interesting, would've we designed it as a normal chair but we would rest our chests instead of backs? Or would they have a place to rest the legs instead of on the floor?

Nibodhika ,

Let me preface this by saying that I'm a man and I too would choose the bear.

That being said the statistics you shared are not an apples to apples comparison because humans are more often in touch with humans than with bears, so the fact that we get attacked way less by bears than by other humans is to be expected even if bears were the most violent aggressors out there. To kind of put it in perspective think about the opposite, how many times have you been close to a human and the human hasn't attacked you, then compare that to encounters with bears and it quickly becomes obvious that an encounter with a bear is statistically a lot more dangerous than an encounter with a human, because people meet with hundred if not thousands of humans on a daily basis, and only get attacked by one of them periodically, whereas if humans were encountering hundreds or thousands of bears daily the number of attacks would be way higher.

Which is not to say that you shouldn't choose the bear, like I said before I would choose the bear, but the reason for me is that bears are likely to be more predictable, if a bear decides to attack me I'm fucked, if a human decides to attack me I have a chance of survival, but the likelihood that the bear would attack me is easy to calculate, as long as I'm not threatening him and he has some food, we should be good. on the other hand the likelihood that the human will attack me is completely random, some people will have a 0% chance, while others will have a 100%. So it's like asking would you prefer to play Russian roulette with the normal rules (1 bullet) or with a random 0-6 bullets? I personally would go for the 1 bullet, because while I can get 0 bullets on the other way I might also get 6 bullets.

Nibodhika ,

Deck uses AMD

Nibodhika ,

An Nvidia 3070 costs 420 and benchmarks at 22,403 (benchmark point per dollar 53.34)
An AMD 6800 costs 360 and benchmarks at 22,309 (benchmark point per dollar 61.97)

So you get a 0.4% drop in performance for a 14.3% drop in price. That is significantly more performance per dollar.

Or if you go with a 3070ti ($500 23,661 -> 47.32) vs a 7800 XT ($500 23,998 -> 47.97) you get a 1.4% performance increase for free (not really that significant I know, but still it's free performance)

All of the numbers were taken from

Nibodhika ,

AMD no doubt. Back in 2017 AMD had recently open sourced their drivers I was in the market for a GPU, but you know the saying "fool me once shame on you", AMD used to SUCK on Linux, people always seem to forget about it, so I chose an Nvidia. I don't regret my choice, but over the years AMD proved that it had really changed, so my new GPU now is an AMD, and the experience is just so much better.

Today it might be a turning point, maybe Nvidia will change, maybe they'll change their mind and fuck It up, they've done it in the past, so I wouldn't buy an Nvidia just in case they do the right thing for once, AMD is already doing the right thing for years. Also if you go with Nvidia forget about Wayland, and every day more and more distros are going Wayland only, so if you go Nvidia you might find yourself holding a very expensive paperweight in a few years.

Nibodhika ,

Would you mind sharing mark and model?

Nibodhika ,

Congrats man, my deck was one of the best purchases I did in a long while

Nibodhika ,

Yes, first quoting Sir Terry Pratchett:

J.R.R. Tolkien has become a sort of mountain, appearing in all subsequent fantasy in the way that Mt. Fuji appears so often in Japanese prints. Sometimes it’s big and up close. Sometimes it’s a shape on the horizon. Sometimes it’s not there at all, which means that the artist either has made a deliberate decision against the mountain, which is interesting in itself, or is in fact standing on Mt. Fuji.

As such let's look at the Granddaddy of all modern Medieval Fantasy, in Tolkien's work there are several human/elf couples of renown, from Beren and Luthien which are not in the movies so people don't usually know to Aaragorn and Arwen (who are a central point of the movies). Not only that, but we know that they can produce offspring, because Elrond is a half-elf, not only is he a half-elf, but both his parents were half-elves.

In short, yes, they do.

Nibodhika ,

Yes, but that's boring, they even mentioned it in the article right before they talk about the Ethernet port, here's the link if you want to do it yourself

Nibodhika ,

The problem is that people don't seem to realize the difference between causes of deaths and population declination. Even if for some reason humans everywhere agree on The Purge like laws except for every day, that wouldn't represent a risk for humanity (as long as governments still withhold their nuclear arsenal), some cities might be all but wiped out, but the chances are humans will survive. Anarchy was the status quo for the vast majority of human existence, and we're still here.

However other seemingly innocuous things are much worse for humanity as a whole, e.g. electing politicians who disregard climate change or that intend on using military power to take others territories can have much larger consequences on humanity as a whole. Your example is also great, because it's counter intuitive that higher education leads to population declination, that being said I believe that also wouldn't become an extinction event, surely the world would become a place where highly educated people want to have children before that.

Nibodhika ,

There are already lots of great answers, I would like to point out that Natural Selection doesn't care about the individual at all, it cares about the population, e.g. internal gestation, do you think any individual enjoys carrying a baby inside them? Preventing them from doing anything during the gestation period, being an easier prey to predators, etc... Unfortunately for the individual, creatures that carry their unborn babies inside them are less likely to abandon them even temporarily while seeking food, they're also more easily kept warm, so for the species as a whole it's better that there be internal gestation.

In short more individuals = better, imagine you have two populations, one with only 10 strong individuals, and one with 100 individuals of which only 10 are strong, which do you think is more likely to survive? And that is even assuming a strong/weak deterministic position, which is not the case for anything.

Nibodhika ,

Yes, because machine code for the legacy machine is how the game was made, you can't be 100% sure that recompiling it for other platforms won't introduce bugs because of the difference in platforms. For example, the original Space Invaders used the CPU to it's maximum to render all of the invaders, they weren't normalizing by the dt between one frame and the next like we do today for most games, so this results in the game running as fast as possible, which in turns translates to the less enemies on screen, the faster they move. If you recompile that binary for a modern system it's game over in less than 1 second, because current hardware can handle all of those spaceships as if it were nothing.

Nibodhika ,

I'm not the person who wrote the original comment, but again go back to my example of Space Invaders, if it had been archived that way it would now be essentially lost, because running a copy that was archived that way would cause the issue I described on my other comment. So I don't understand your point, this is objectively worse in terms of preserving games, it might cause unwanted behavior that you're not predicting, an emulator is not perfect, but can compensate for these things by emulating the hardware.

Nibodhika ,

First of all this is a chain of replies to someone who said that this would be the way to maintain games for the future. So that's the argument that's being attacked here.

Secondly with an emulator you can emulate hardware, so recompiling space invaders would cause the issue I mentioned and you wouldn't be able to fix it because it's a "bug" in the original code (not really a bug, but rather using hardware limitation as a feature), and my point is that you don't know what sort of similar issues you might find here, therefore this is the worst format for preserving old media, ROMs and emulators are better for preserving (which again is the discussion here)

Nibodhika ,

I've been a multi monitor guy for a LONG time, mostly because I use a WM that benefits from it. But I recently moved and the company offered me a pick of monitors under a certain budget, so I decided to pick an ultra wide (34" 21:9) and a regular one (32" 16:9, I wanted smaller because I plan on using it vertically, but ended up preferring having two monitors with the same refresh rate), and sincerely, just the 34 is more than enough, since it arrived first I had to make due with it for a week so I built up some scripts to make it be seen as two monitors by the OS so I could use it as if it were two side by side and that was working great, and when I wanted to game just run my other script and it's one monitor again so it's the best of both worlds.

Given the chance in the future I would definitely go for a single 32:9, since I could even make it be 3 (or more) monitors with specific areas designed for slack and others for code, etc. That being said I'm not sure the same is possible on Windows.

Nibodhika ,

Sure, it's quite simple:

xrandr --setmonitor LEFT 1720/1x1440/1+0+0 DP-0
xrandr --setmonitor RIGHT 1720/1x1440/1+1720+0 none
i3-msg reload

Essentially the first like tells it to only use a 1720x1440 starting at 0,0 area from the DP-0 screen. The second line creates a virtual monitor also with 1720x1440 but starting on 1720,0. The third line just reloads my WM so that it shows the bar at the top nicely.

Edit: obviously this only works if you're running X11, but I'm sure that Wayland has something similar

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

Nibodhika ,

The worse is that you didn't even had to be that well studied to know he was full of bullshit from the start, I remember even before he was Space Karen when he tried to be Train Karen, and their fanboys wouldn't understand that vacuum tubes Km long for transporting people were a BAD idea for several reasons.

Nibodhika ,

Excuse me, but that's always been the case. The first ever appearance of Thor is in Journey into Mistery , that's before he had his own comic, in that comic a guy called Don Blake finds a cane, and when he grabs it this happens

So Thor has always been the title of the person in possession of the Hammer, he converts himself into Thor by grabbing the hammer, the movies then changed that because in the Marvel Ultimate universe it's different, but Jane Foster is from the original comics, where holding the hammer made you Thor, and she did exactly that in the 70s, just a couple of decades after Don Blake.

Nibodhika ,

To be fair the comics do him much worse, he kills his first girlfriend trying to save her, he kills his wife with his radioactive sperm, he's the ultimate tragic hero.

However I don't think that's what OP is talking about, I think he's talking about how it keeps getting rebooted so Peter Parker never grows old, he's forever a teenager. In the comics it took time, but he did eventually become an adult, during the Civil War he's an adult for example.

Nibodhika ,

Congratulations you essentially described what Stellaris devs did.

Nibodhika ,

My grandpa used to do this way before smartphones, I remember his 30.000 days birthday when I was a kid.

Self-hosted website for posting web novel/fiction

Hey hello, self-hosting noob here. I just want to know if anyone would know a good way to host my writing. Something akin to those webcomic sites, except for writing. Multiple stories with their own "sections" (?) and a chapter selection for each. Maybe a home page or profile page to just briefly detail myself or whatever, I...

Nibodhika ,

Others have suggested Markdown formats, if you're willing to do that you might want to look at Silverbullet.

Nibodhika ,

Not the user you've asked but I'm using Silverbullet and have been loving it, it ticks every box of what I was looking for:

  • Self hosted
  • Stores files in plain markdown text format
  • You can edit those files externally and Silverbullet picks up the changes
  • Allows customization and expansion easily
  • Provides queries that allow you to extend markdown to pull data from other files
  • These use an SQLite db to get these things to work fast, but if you delete them they get regenerated
  • Can be easily synchronized with multiple nodes by using synching to sync the markdown files

Will I ever be seen as truly British?

My family immigrated to the UK from Poland when I was six. I'm 20 now, speak much better English than Polish and feel like this is my land/culture. However I have a Polish first and last name, Polish passport and "unique" accent everyone picks up on, so despite this I'm usually perceived as an outsider. It makes me really sad...

Nibodhika ,

It's curious, I have a similar story but with different countries, and the reactions are VERY different. I was born in Argentina, but my family emigrated to Brazil when I was 13 years old. I speak fluent Portuguese but obviously have an accent that people can't quite place, but once it's pointed out they notice it. Yet the vast majority of my interactions about it are something similar to:

  • Where are you from?
  • I was born in Argentina, but lived in Brazil over 16 years
  • Ah, so you're mostly Brazilian then

And I think that that says a lot about Brazilians and how they're very welcoming and friendly. Unfortunately the British don't seem to be the same way, at least from your experience, maybe people in larger cities are more used to immigrants so they would see you as mostly British or something.

As for the voting, for me at least the only way was to become a citizen, most countries allow you to ask for citizenship if you've been living legally long enough so you probably qualify. Just bear in mind that some countries ask you to abandon your other citizenships when you do so, so not sure if that's your case and if it's worth it just to be able to vote.

Nibodhika ,

I would argue the low cost option is already serviced by the Steam deck.

I don't know anything about Linux and the idea of installing it frightens me. Where do I start?

I bought a laptop yesterday, it came pre-installed with Windows 11. I hate win 11 so I switched it down to Windows 10, but then started considering using Linux for total control over the laptop, but here's the thing: I keep seeing memes about how complicated or fucky wucky Linux is to install and run. I love the idea of open...

Nibodhika ,

I will keep this as easy as possible, but if you installed Windows 10 that's much harder than installing most Linux distros. If you want a lengthier tutorial but with pictures go to

  1. Go to click any of the links there, the nearest to you they are the faster they will be.
  2. Find a USB drive you can use (probably like you did with Windows, and just like then everything inside it will be lost, so make a backup on another drive) and plug it on the PC.
  3. Download select the image you just downloaded, the USB drive you just plugged, and click flash.
  4. Reboot and boot using the USB drive like you did for Windows 10.
  5. You're now on Linux, feel free to just poke around, you can connect to your wireless, browse the internet and do whatever, just notice that anything you install or save will be lost since its not really installed but running from the USB drive. When you're ready click the install button.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions like you did with Windows 10 (or )
  7. Reboot and unplug the USB drive and you should now be in Linux.

As you can see it's 99% of the same you did with Windows, the hardest part of it (boot via USB drive) you already know how to do.

Now, that being said I do have one small recommendation, while installing you'll see this screen I personally recommend you select the "Something Else" option there and manually partition your drive to have:

  • 512MB vfat (or fat32 not sure how the Mint installer calls it) partition to be mounted on /boot (this might not be needed, but if you're in UEFI mode, which is very likely because the machine originally had Windows 11, it is needed)
  • 60GB ext4 partition to be mounted on / (this is your system, 60GB should be enough, but if your disk is large enough you can give it 100 or whatever you like, just bear in mind that every program you install will be here)
  • <Amount of RAM> swap partition (e.g. if you have 16GB of RAM then 16GB swap partition) (Swap is a place in the disk that can be used as RAM, you want it at least the same size as your RAM so you can hibernate the computer since RAM gets wiped when the computer powers off)
  • Remaining as an ext4 partition to be mounted on /home (This is where your data, games, photos, etc will be, having this in a different partition is the reason I recommended to go with the custom partitioning. Unlike Windows on Linux partitions are just folders, so if your data is in a different partition than your system you can wipe your system, reinstall it or even install a completely different distro, without touching your data. In short this means that even if you screw up and end up with a non working system, you can follow the installation again, ensure that this partition is not marked for formatting, and you should be back in a new system but without losing any data or configurations)

That's just a recommendation for future-proofing, but if you just want to try it and are okay with wiping everything later if needed then feel free to choose the default.

Nibodhika ,

Yes, I use a swap file, but I don't think the installer gives that option, so I'm trying to play it safe. Also a file will always write to the same part of the disk too because you allocated it first, but it's easier to create another file and migrate to it.

Nibodhika ,

Which GPU do you have? Which drivers are you using? are you sure you're using those drivers and they're not just installed but unused? My first guess is that you have an Nvidia and are using open source drivers (nouveau).

Some performance difference is expected, after all most games are being run through a compatibility layer, and many others were ported as a second thought so they're not optimized on the same level. Also note that lots of us don't use Windows, so we're not comparing experiences, if it runs at an acceptable frame rate with an acceptable graphics settings for what I would expect the GPU to be capable of, then I don't bother benchmarking it.

Nibodhika ,

True, but I don't think it's the case for OP since he reported less performance than on Windows, so I assume he meant on the same hardware.

Nibodhika ,

just making a docker compose and maybe having ansible deploy that?

that's what I do, why ansible? Because it makes it easier to deploy the same service in different servers with slightly different configurations, for example when migrating from one server to another. Also it helps with having something I can easily backup (e.g. git repo) that can redo my server(s) if needed.

That being said I'm still setting everything up with ansible.

Nibodhika ,
  • Spanish (native)
  • Portuguese (fluent)
  • English (fluent)
  • Italian (understand 99% but speak very badly)
  • Russian (very basic and haven't trained in years, but enough that I was able to tourist around Russia a decade ago)

I've also studied some German but I don't think it's at any level worth mentioning. I can also say the phrase "Sorry I don't speak X, do you speak English?" In:

  • German
  • Dutch
  • French
  • Finnish (I can also say the weather is bad/good and obviously Perkele hahah)

Essentially every country that I've visited I can at least ask the person if they speak English, I consider it rude to ask that question in English.

Nibodhika ,

Human brains are excellent at computing certain things that are almost impossible for a regular computer. Having worked for years on computer vision I can tell you how hard it is to make computers realize simple stuff, heck, you need massive server farms just to do a basic object recognition that any 3 years old can already do. Sure, you can train a simple AI to recognize some objects, but it will never (currently) be as many objects or as precise as a person can instantly recognize.

The truth is human brains are excellent at what they evolved to do, i.e. pattern recognition. So much so that when trying to figure out data it's usually easier to plot the data in many different ways to see if something shows up. In fact usually when you try to do cluster analysis the first machine result is, let's say not great, but you can see that things are wrong and adjust the parameters.

As for your other point your brain does this automatically, they can just put a billboard with the thing they want analyzed and your brain (and millions of others) will give them the answer. Or they could use our dreams, even during sleep our brains are still active, and they could run any scenarios then. There are many other ideas, e.g. people playing videogames inside the matrix are actually controlling robots, or people working in forklifts are actually piloting construction robots in the real world, etc.

The original CPU idea was excellent, but computers weren't so ubiquitous back then, and the producers thought that the audience wouldn't understand it.

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