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Neon ,

been there, done that. Now I'm basically addicted lol

Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might've been the one. I made two accounts, one on and another on, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....

Neon ,

No it isnt. It's become exactly as toxic as Reddit! If that isn't a succes, I don't know what is!

Neon ,

you really shouldn't be shocked. We are one of the few countries that actually doesn't fuck around.

Idk if it's because our neutrality makes us feel morally superior, because our Neutrality makes us feel invincible, because we are so rich we can afford to be moral or just because, and that's my favourite theory, the germanic honor-culture has survived here and we value doing the right/honorable thing more than anything else.

Either way: If you wanna commit crimes, please don't commit them here. Prison Accommodations are expensive and paid by our taxes.

Neon ,

can you also go after the rich Arabs who have Filipino slaves in their mansions in Europe

maybe. If the Filipinos are in Switzerland. If there is a assumption of breach of basic human rights we can also go after them if the Filipinos are not in switzerland.

But we would first need proof or at least reasonable suspicion that something is happening so we can start a investigation and get a search warrant.

Neon ,

pretty sure that would be a massive breach of the Rechtsstaat(law state? rule-based state? constitutional state?) and even basic human rights.

So no. Selective application of Rights is a really bad idea. That's how you get fascism.

Neon ,

They can be criticized for their actions during and after the war in helping the Nazi leaders squirrel away the wealth they stole from the Jews, something that was not necessary for a neutral nation to do.

It actually was kinda necessary.
We were strategically very important as the Gotthardtunnel was the main Link between the Germans and the Italians, the two main Allies. So we had to offer them something that was even more valuable than conquering the Gotthardtunnel. We concluded that the opportunity to turn their "spoils of war" into Money was the one thing that was more valuable to them.

I would also like to break a lance for my Swedish compatriots. The Nazis conquered Norway and Denmark in a few weeks because they were positioned strategically along the trade routes. If Sweden stopped exporting the Iron, it was very obvious, that the Nazis would invade Sweden for the Iron if they ever stopped exporting it.

And: Sweden did cooperate with allied intelligence during the war. So there's that.
And before someone comes in: While Switzerland didn't directly cooperate with allied intelligence, we did willfully turn a blind eye to them. Tacit cooperation if you want so.

Neon ,

Maybe that dismissive Attitude is the reason? Because you don't take our worries and opinions serious?

Because you attack us the moment we don't hold the exact same opinion as you?

No, I'm sure that's not the reason!

Neon ,

No. Probably why they came here.

But seriously, why do rich Criminals always come here and think they can get away with it just because they're rich? We arrested the child of Gaddafi. The son of a literal fucking dictator in charge of Libya, a country that is fairly important in European politics.

If not even he got away with it, what makes you think you will?

Neon ,

Seriously, why do rich Criminals always come here and think they can get away with it just because they’re rich? We arrested the child of Gaddafi. The son of a literal fucking dictator in charge of Libya, a country that is fairly important in European politics.

If not even he got away with it, what makes you think you will?

Neon ,

well, no. They wouldn't be against them because they're Semitic. So by definition not antisemitic.

Besides, that's not what antisemitism means. If we take anything by its literal definition, there is no racism, because biologically seen there isn't enough difference between humans to classify them into different races.

Neon ,

than can actually be a transition Error.


In my language (german) ukraine is feminine. Die ukraine. And as such, you always have to use the pronoun (die).

You can't for example say "USA haben gewählt" since the US too is feminine. It's always "Die USA haben gewählt" (The USA have voted)

So in german you say "Die ukraine ist nur eine Sideshow" which will then become "the Ukraine is just a sideshow"

Which is a very Cynical take btw but i fear that it could be somewhat true.

You can however say just the countries name if it is Neutral (das). "Deutschland hat gewählt" "germany has voted". Here it would actually be weird to use "das Deutschland". Only Exception is the United Kindom (Das vereinigte Königreich). It's constituents (england, scottland, wales) however will then again be without the pronoun. "Schottland hat heute gewählt"

Neon ,

Nemo won May 12th, The Article came May 13th and was posted here May 14th

pretty save to say everyone already learned from faster news sources

Neon ,

If it was because of political favours it would have either been Ukraine, Israel, Italy or Greece. (Maybe also the Netherlands if they were allowed to participate because their song (Europapa) would have gotten a lot of votes from european federalists)

We swiss are more neutral in europes perception. They don't hate us, but they also don't really love us. At least not as much as they love other Countries that are less.... "complicated"

Neon ,

Why the Fuck would i get butthurt?

I am Swiss, Nemo won this Contest for us.
And i am Liberal. If it doesn't hurt me, everyone is allowed to feel exactly the way they're allowed to.

I am annoyed by this filling my feeds for 2 days and now someone feels the need to post it yet another time

Neon ,

Ah yes.

No, Nemos performance was absolutely amazing. It wasn't any "wokeness" if that's what you're afraid of.

I mean, look at them balancing on the dish. That was just fucking amazing. Also the climbing. Truly amazing performance on their part.

Neon ,

That's why we use GOG and download the Installers!

Seven out of 10 Europeans believe their country takes in too many immigrants ( )

Europeans view immigration with increasing suspicion. Seven out of 10 Europeans believe that their country takes in too many migrants, according to a survey carried out by BVA Xsight for ARTE Europe Weekly, a project led by the French-German TV channel ARTE GEIE and which EL PAÍS has participated in, as part of the countdown to...

Neon ,

look. you can't write out one number and then not write out the other. you have to decide yourself. either "seven out of ten" or "7 out of 10"

Neon ,

Fuck off, Terrorist

Neon ,

Women choosing bear over any man is okay, but man choosing bear over women is not according to the Downvotes.

kinda Telling tbh

Neon ,

Israel is pretty closely tied to the EU. Their Universities are all part of the Horizon-Program and they are part of the ESC (as is Austraila)

So angering the EU could be a pretty bad move.

The EU has so far stayed pretty silent because

  1. the free-gaza movement has been largely hijacked by radicalist hamas-supporters and terrorists
  2. The EU also has a history with Islamist Terror-Attacks so we pretty much understand the Situation Israel is in

But it sees that the rather careless approach of Nettanyahus Government in regards to Civilians has now pushed the EU over the Edge.

Neon ,

The same White House that halted Ammo Shipments to Israel?

The same one that sanctioned a Israeli unit linked to atrocities?

Admit it, you're just contrarian, you can never be satisfied

Neon ,

I'm not sure that can ever happen.
the student protests:

  1. a lot of people don't really have an idea what's going on. Maybe they just wanna feel part of it after years of isolation during Covid, but they're not interested in the Protest and the Topic itself. Endorsing such a "fake" protest would discredit the Israeli protest
  2. there are people on these student protests who are hardline radicalized and want the entirety of Israel removed and also deny the Hamas attrocities as "zionist propaganda". They aren't interested in a Solution invoving Israel. only if they are removed from the Protests can the two groups work together.

I think it'd work better if the Student Protests endorsed the Israeli Protest. This way it would show the World that they're interested not in a destruction of Israel but in a peaceful end to this War.
This way they would also force all the radical People out of the Student Protests and thus give them more credibility and even pave the way for the Israeli Protests to endorse the Student ones.

Neon ,

If you are new i recommend "Caddy V2"

It is by far the easiest.

Wait with Nginx until you're better. (and even then, use linuxserverio/swag instead of nginx)

Neon ,

i actually think NPM is more confusing.
1: there are practically always already finished Files for Caddy V2. Most of the times directly in the Repo of the Project. A lot of Devs use Caddy themselves.
2: NPM exposes a lot of Options additionally. This can confuse newcomers. With Caddy, all these extra options are invisible. you just write and see "reverse_proxy jellyfin" and that's it.

Neon ,

that wouldn't do anything except give you an error that / is a directory

This Electric AT Trike Promises To Be the Smoothest and Fastest Way To Get Around Town ( )

This electric trike features a wild frame with Ackerman steering and a rear crankarm and sporting fat tires; it's currently selling for around $6,200

Neon ,

why would anyone outside the Military want an anti-Tank Trike?


Neon ,

What do we call Tankies that defend Anti-Israeli Nations?

Neon ,

depending on where you're from you can hang up a sign saying "trespassing Children will be converted to Islam"

Neon ,

Dang. Mine are named after ancient Gods, so my first Server was named Neptune too.

Welcome to the Club.

Neon ,

It's actually really logical.

Your Balls constantly store and generate new DNA, which can easily be destroyed by X-Rays. Your Brain doesn't really.

So your Balls are really vulnerable to X-Ray, while your brain isn't

Neon ,

This Article is about Iran bombing Israel, not anything else.

Any Comment on here going "But what about Israel bombing the Embassy" is derailing the Conversation and defending Iran.

You are allowed to be against indiscriminate Attacks without supporting the bombing of Embassies.

Neon ,

There are strict rules about legitimate military targets. Those are to be followed. Period.

If you demand Israel follow these rules, but don't hold Iran to the same standard I don't wish to continue this conversation.

Neon ,

I do in fact condemn the warcrimes in Gaza.

And no: you're using the same tactics currently you always decry the "Zionists" using. You're seeing a article about Party A and immediately cry "but what about party B, you Antimesites Zionists"

You're not a lick better than them, you just root for the other team.

Neon ,

This is a deeply flawed analogy. We are not talking about the actions of Israel but the Response of Iran being illegal: targeting civilian targets, forbidden by the rules of war.

A better analogy would be: The law says a criminal should be punished with a maximum of 5 years in prison, but the judge hands out 20 years.

What the judge did was still wrong and illegal, no matter what the criminal did.

If you want to live in a world where everyone can bomb everyone, just remember why we introduced those rules and how many nations have nukes today.

Neon ,

That is just absolute bullshit and lies.

  1. detainees are treated very well in germany
  2. there is no threat to free speech in germany whatsoever. Even russian Propaganda is allowed to continue.

I have no idea why People are still posting aljazeera as a reliable and unbiased source.
They're framing at best and straight up misinforming at worst.

Neon ,

faces accusations from muslim countries

Yeah, I'm sure those beacons of free-speech are not biased in any way

Btw i take your lack of other sources of violence against detainees as proof that thaz's just BS made up by aljazeera

Neon ,

alright then: Explain to me how a country that hates Israel so much that it doesn't have diplomatic relations with it or even recognizes it can be unbiased. Go ahead.

explain to me why we should even remotely take them serious

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