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Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising ( )

Windows 11 is getting out of hand with its push for advertisments, frankly - remember the recent full-screen pop-up to persuade users to install Edge or other Microsoft services? Then another advertisment was placed in the Start menu, and now Microsoft has finally worn my temper thin - with a new Game Pass ad coming to the...

NeoNachtwaechter ,

they've created the least adopted version of Windows in the history

could be tough to beat "Windows ME"... ;-)

NeoNachtwaechter ,

need hydrogen powered vehicles just to spite this guy

No need. Tesla is history. All the big carmakers can offer better electric models, either now or very soon.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

Hydrogen is definitely interesting for the future

Hardly, since Methanol does most things better.

Forgot name of medication I was given while living in France

I was hospitalized for schizoaffective disorder and given a high dose of liquid medication every night to knock me out. I can’t remember the name of it but I think it originated in Spain. Google isn’t helping me and probably now thinks I am trying to smuggle drugs into the US. Lol.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

I can’t remember the name

No problem. Here at Lemmy, we are quite good at guessing.

I start: "Aaa"

Next one, please.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

Cloned even?

Maybe they were open source projects?

NeoNachtwaechter ,

own and operate our own local open source LLMs away from the corpos

LLM's LOL but you do understand that you can have only that little wooden cart while they are driving all the Ferraris and Porsches, don't you?

NeoNachtwaechter ,

inept and childish

I can't help the impression that it is just part of the show. Like a fine-tuned act of weaponized incompetence.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

defence of companies


"Let us defend our parasites who suck our blood, because they are ours!"

NeoNachtwaechter ,

what other groups pay for those skills, which is not what I want.

Why not, and what would be your 'just' criteria instead?

A totally different kind of 'just' approach would be to find out what your workers need for living, and pay them that.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

I didn't mean money that they spend for fun. Not at all.

I meant real needs. This means a different (very unusual) point of view regarding salary.

For example, businesses are already required to spend extra money if there is a worker with special needs = disabilities. The company must provide a special chair in the office, extra tools, whatever. Such a person might also have more extra needs with his normal expenses for living.

iOS keyboards that don't censor "bad words"

Does anyone have any recommendations for alternate keyboard apps on iOS that don’t censor my less-than-polite speech? Having to type certain words out letter by letter is annoying enough since swipe texting won’t spell them out. And lately it seems like even after I type that stuff out, autocorrect will still go back and...

NeoNachtwaechter ,

my phone trying to play Puritan Nanny.

Apple gets more and more unbearable 🤮

NeoNachtwaechter ,

harm to their reputation

Do you mean, people using keyboards do harm a keyboard vendor's reputation?

Can I ask you a math question?

What is hypocrisy to the power of hypocrisy?

NeoNachtwaechter ,

After you have cleaned it all (as the other comments explained already) and put a new battery in there, it is possible that the electric contacts are still not clean enough (especially the left one with that deep rust) and it doesn't work with the new battery.

Then you have to go at the contacts with a small file or a small piece of sanding paper and scratch them very good, so that they get really very shiny right there in the middle, where it counts. Then it will work again.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

party with sufficient power to stop any country's bullshit

No. That would not be a solution for anything! That would just be an even bigger threat to humanity.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

I don't think they know what they want

What would YOU want if you were a military leader of Israel there? (NOT a political one, just a soldier)

I think that they want exactly that. A military goal, not a political one.

For example "kill everybody there who takes a weapon and aims it at Israel, and then take this weapon away from his corpse."

NeoNachtwaechter ,

I don't think anyone can expect they can achieve

I wasn't talking about achieving, but only about wanting.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

A nice dream, but only a dream.

Unfortunately man is not perfect enough for it to work. Therefore the outcome can be nothing else than a huge threat for mankind.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

That doesn't mean nothing can work however

But yes, it does.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

Just a few ideas for very easy math:

Start with the sunrise and sunset times. You can have them automatically for your location.

Calculate the middle between these: this is your best "noon" time (free of DST etc).

Calculate the duration between these: the longer it is, the warmer.

NeoNachtwaechter , (edited )

Where is this happening? Which country, which laws?

NAS on WiFi works, but it is less fun than NAS on a cable.

Powerline works only with solid copper wire installed in the walls, connecting these rooms with as few interruptions as possible. Never with flexible lines.

P.S. corrected PoE to powerline

NeoNachtwaechter ,

I guess you should simply talk to the landlord about your needs, and try to find an agreeable solution together.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

(Besides being right in some aspects) the author needs to get his head around the fact that if you have bought a thing, then you (and not the vendor!) can do with it whatever you want.

NeoNachtwaechter ,

Not much hope there. England as well, and some of their other colonies.

[Thread, post or comment was deleted by the moderator]

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  • NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Your intro is boring af, so my question is: why would I ask you anyhthing?

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Not safe at all. I look for robustness. I prefer thinking about things that do not break easily (like ZFS and RAIDZ) instead of "what could possibly go wrong"

    And I have never quite figured out how to do restores, so I neglect backups as well.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    a collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces

    It's going to be even worse when all these Mars colonists leave from here, and later we need to replenish their losses.


    Hire Experienced Web Development Company in Florida ( )

    Embark on a digital journey with cutting-edge website development in Florida. Our proficient web developers will provide affordable and scalable solutions customized to your business needs. With over a decade experience and an impressive portfolio, you can be assured of getting excellent web development service and maximum value...

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    It is so obvious: I am the smartest person on earth.

    But they are all too dense to realize it. 🤐

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Tell everybody about me.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    that level of density, is the earth going to be okay?

    Of course, yes. Don't fear. That level hasn't changed for several thousand years.

    Like, do we need to send some people away

    There's only a handful who deserve that. One of them wants to leave for Mars anyway.

    Going through a lot of things, curious about rights and options

    I work full time as a designer/builder of fixtures for a very large corporation (500+ employees). My work directly affects production. I also work in sales for a large corporation (500+ employees). At the part time job, company B (sales) I and other women were harassed. I have proof, witnesses, all of that. I am being sparing...

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Any advice would be great.

    Greatest advice: please specify your country, region etc. because the laws are different in every corner.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    You saying "right now" kinda ruins it :)

    I'd rather take two more hours to collect some data from the stock markets, and how they went up and down after our beloved lunatic CEO's bigmouth accidents.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    There you can see how bad they are treating their customers, declaring end of support against their wishes and demands.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Are you just trying to tell me that FOSS projects usually do what their customers need?

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    I so wish I could hear the other side of this story.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Laughable, how they put it.

    data protection agencies in 11 European countries – and those agencies, led by Ireland, telling the Facebook giant to scrap the slurp.

    They are making such a pathetic show about their own decision to observe the law.

    And this is a law that is clearly and openly readable. You don't need legal experts to understand the basics, and you don't need any agencies telling you that you must observe it.

    They are constantly giving the impression as if they were a gang of professional outlaws and only if somebody catches them redhanded, then they are able make a decision - one decision for one case, exceptipnally - to behave properly.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    warned that liability for mass casualties caused by AI will destroy the industry

    Get real, man!

    If liability really can destroy an industry, then this industry should never have existed in the first place.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    tech should be free from liability.

    I call that a childish idea.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Turing test? LMAO.

    I asked it simply to recommend me a supermarket in our next bigger city here.

    It came up with a name and it told a few of it's qualities. Easy, I thought. Then I found out that the name does not exist. It was all made up.

    You could argue that humans lie, too. But only when they have a reason to lie.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    turing test is designed to see if an AI can pass for human in a conversation.

    I'm pretty sure that I could ask a human that question in a normal conversation.

    The idea of the Turing test was to have a way of telling humans and computers apart. It is NOT meant for putting some kind of 'certified' badge on that computer, and ...

    That's not what LLMs are for.

    ...and you can't cry 'foul' if I decide to use a question for which your computer was not programmed :-)

    NeoNachtwaechter , (edited )

    It is about the act of giving that physical thing to someone, like a present.

    It helps with building a connection to people. It cannot be replaced by anything 'digital'.

    (Even if everybody scans them or photographs them later, in order to bring the data into the digital address book LOL)

    Is it more energy efficient to charge a phone/tablet using a desktop/laptop while your computer is being used vs using the charger? ( )

    I was just thinking if you are on your computer anyway would it just use some of the excess electricity that your computer would have wasted or would it be worse than charging your phone from a charger while using your laptop separately.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    There is no such thing as 'excess electricity' in a modern (switching) power supply unit. They use as much power as is needed. There is a few percent of loss in the device, no big deal.

    Some desktop computers are less efficient because they have too strong psu's (lots of reserve for your future "gaming" graphics card) built in.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    are there any proven negative effects?

    • The risk of becoming a dopamine addict.

    • Your dick gets more and more insensitive. Some day you cannot get off inside a woman anymore, because you need such a strong level of friction that only a hand can create.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    endurance cheat code


    But you may want to think twice:

    Endurance by reduced sensory input could also mean reduced pleasure.

    Endurance by enhanced self control is what you really want, because then you can get more pleasure overall. It comes with age and practising (the real one).

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Obvious lack of many vitamines and some minerals. And obvious lack of energy / calories (depending on your need).

    The impact after 1 month depends very much on your state before. For a healthy person I guess it is not dangerous at all, but you would feel weak.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    Flood water is a terrible material.

    It is full of sand, dirt, plants, animals (dead and alive), chemicals, germs of all kinds, body parts, dangerous pieces of junk...

    Definitely not worth the effort. You want nothing else but to get away from it.

    NeoNachtwaechter ,

    How do I know? I worked in that industry building that kind of tech

    Thank you for pleading guilty :)

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