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NateNate60 ,

It's essentially a payment plan here in the US. Switch to a new carrier, get an iPhone for free as long as you stay subscribed to their most expensive tier for a year. How it usually works is that the phone is sold to you on an installment plan, say $80 per month, and the "free" part of that is where they also give you an $80 bill credit each month. If you cancel early then you have to pay off the remaining balance of the phone in a lump sum.

NateNate60 ,

Don't forget—this is a nuke threat. Israel has nukes.

NateNate60 ,

Believe it or not, it happening in one country doesn't mean it's okay to happen in another country

NateNate60 ,

In a normal context, I would agree with you but when louder singing is enforced by the State then I take issue with that.

NateNate60 , (edited )

I was walking to the grocery store when I saw a neighbour polishing his in front of his house. I said "Wow, a Cybertruck," and he replied, "Cool, isn't it?"

I said, "No, it's a $120,000 go-kart made of scrap metal that will rust in a month."

Edit: sounds fake but I do have a picture of the car in question, but I took it on a different day—

NateNate60 ,

What makes you think I'm a crypto bro?

NateNate60 , (edited )

(past tense)

But how do you define "crypto bro"? Sure not "any person who's ever held cryptocurrency", right? Because that would make 25% of the US population crypto bros.

I absolutely reject this categorisation. I don't give a shit about crypto or any of the ideas behind it. It's interesting from a technical perspective as a person who holds a computer science degree, but I'm in it for the money. Holding crypto is gambling, and nothing more.

The only crypto I hold now is for online poker sites and for buying precious metals on r/pmsforsale on Reddit.

NateNate60 ,

Why would I make up the number 1 most common interaction between a Cybertruck owner and a normal person?

But here's a picture I took of his car while he was attending church (across the street from the grocery store):

And yes, you can tell it is new because it doesn't have a number plate yet.

The picture was taken on 30 March, the interaction happened a few days earlier

NateNate60 ,

Read carefully, because it seems that reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Wiktionary defines "crypto bro" as "an enthusiastic cryptocurrency supporter, usually male, especially a dogmatic and condescending one".

You may notice I do not fit any of those categories, besides perhaps being male.

For the adoption of cryptocurrency by businesses and states, I am apathetic, even mildly in opposition. As for being dogmatic, I entirely am not, because I don't give a shit.

But I will admit, you have successfully tempted me into being condescending towards you.

NateNate60 ,


NateNate60 ,

You don't seem to know the meaning of the word "spend".

How much have I bought in crypto to hold myself? I don't hold any crypto. The answer is zero.

The figure that appears in column E of Form 8949? Over a million USD.

You answers seethe of jealousy. You keep trying to pin the label "crypto bro" on me because you want to dismiss me as someone not worth listening to, and the money I earned as illegitimate and fake. You argue not because you think you're right, but because you can't bear to be wrong. To you, crypto is a scam with no use and everything it touches turns to shit, and everyone who says otherwise must therefore hold the opposite opinion and think everything it touches turns to gold. Binary thinking at its worst.

Your thinking is simplistic and devoid of nuance. You're right about one thing though. I am condescending. Because you deserve it.

Reply if you desperately need to put in the last word with a feigned aura of coolness, and laugh it off, because there are no more arguments to be made. Only insults left. You won't receive a response, and I won't even read whatever you write, because this conversation is over.

Go buy a Cybertruck or something.

NateNate60 ,

Deadliest other animal. There were 602 homicides in England and Wales in 2022/23.

TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it ( )

Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to...

NateNate60 ,

What motivation would the mongoose have to prevent the basilisk's creation?

A more complete argument would be that an AI that seeks to maximise happiness would also want to prevent the creation of AIs like Roko's basilisk.

NateNate60 ,

ASM is high level. Real programmers use punch cards

NateNate60 ,

I think it's also the case that it has a bigger impact on developing brains, who might be more easily addicted.

I don't have any evidence for this, I'm just guessing here.

NateNate60 ,

The effectiveness of bans has always hinged on two factors:

  • The likelihood of being caught
  • The severity of punishment if caught

For example, everyone knows that the odds of being caught speeding are pretty low, but if the punishment for speeding is ten years imprisonment, then very few people will risk speeding.

Similarly, even if the odds of getting caught violating this law is only 1%, if the punishment is banning the platform and shutting down the company along with a fine equal to a year's worth of revenue, then companies will probably not want to risk it.

NateNate60 ,

I'm pretty sure most libraries also have that.

NateNate60 ,

I donate 12€ a year through OpenCollective. Donate here!. That's 12€ more than any other social media site has ever gotten out of me. Donations also support

If everyone donated 12€ a year then they'd be so flush with cash that it'd make the Wikimedia Foundation look broke.

Israel rescues 4 hostages taken in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, and 210 Palestinians are reported killed ( )

DEIR AL-BALAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israel on Saturday carried out its largest hostage rescue operation since the latest war with Hamas began, taking four to safety out of central Gaza amid the military’s heavy air and ground assault. At least 210 dead Palestinians, including children, were brought to local hospitals, a health...

NateNate60 ,

Right. Let's check back in eighty years and see how many are alive then.

NateNate60 ,

Although I don't deny that the Israeli military is generally quite reckless with civilian casualties (and this is probably purposeful to an extent), it's also true that Hamas doesn't exactly pick the most civilian-free areas to set up their base of operations either.

Like, if Hamas sets up shop in an orphanage with 100 kids inside, the IDF will bomb it to smithereens without second thought and kill all 100 just to get the 3 Hamas commanders inside, as long as none of those children were Israelis. That kind of scenario. The next day, Hamas blames Israel for killing 100 innocent children and Israel blames Hamas for endangering them in the first place.

So it's not fair to finger only one side when both parties to this conflict are so unapologetically shit and treat the rules of war like an achievements list.

NateNate60 ,

Yes, firing missiles at Tel Aviv would be a legitimate military tactic, as long as you're actually aiming for military targets and not just shooting randomly.

This is like saying that the Reich Chancellery and the Führerbunker are in Berlin and questioning whethering bombing Berlin is a legitimate tactic. Of course it is. You just have to hit actual targets.

Israel definitely has the capability to hit targets with precision. They have the best weapons in the world, courtesy of the United States. But there's been too many "oopsies, we obliterated the entire neighbourhood killing a thousand civilians" for it to be merely sloppy aim.

Why doesn't youtube shut down their public web api?

so we already know that youtube doesn't like people freeloading their bandwidth using something like invidious, piped, newpipe etc. why don't they just close the public web api and require a login or something. by requiring login they can keep track of what users are watching and if a user is watching thousands of videos daily...

NateNate60 , (edited )

People have seriously suggested that Mindgeek (Pornhub) could do it. Video content delivery infrastructure is eye-wateringly expensive but Mindgeek's systems already deliver petabytes of content a day.

This was memed a lot but if they seriously get involved then I think there's a good chance that their competitor would genuinely be successful as long as they can correctly distance themselves from the pornography aspect of their business.

Edit: They also own algorithms to find and recommend videos to users, robust commenting and user interaction features on their platform, and the placement and frequency of advertising are more or less acceptable on their platform.

NateNate60 ,

Congratulations. You have successfully repeated the joke.

NateNate60 ,

Opinion: When you are trying to build a community it is more important to use whatever platform your users can be found on than to be a purist.

NateNate60 ,

For that stuff, yeah, Discord is trash. But for communicating and support it's definitely not a bad choice.

Obviously something like a Lemmy or Reddit community does both and would be better, or even a forum board

NateNate60 ,

You are correct. Once a domain registration expires, anyone will be able to register that domain again. If they set up a mail server, they'll be able to make email inboxes to receive emails sent to that domain.

If you have a website or blog that you're hosting on the domain, once the resignation expires, the server might still be up but nobody will be able to access that site via its domain name from the public Internet using that domain name any more, as the A/AAAA records pointing to that server will be erased. If there is nobody to pay the hosting bills, then the server will eventually be taken offline and all the data will be deleted. If you self-host, the data will stay on that server's disk(s) until your heirs sell or recycle it.

If you want someone to continue running your server and keeping up your domain registrations, you will need to arrange that before you die. Otherwise, it will all likely be whisked away into the ether.

NateNate60 ,

For those who don't know, a "goon cave" is "an area or room dedicated to long masturbation sessions", or "gooning"

NateNate60 ,

There are multiple meanings. "Hired thug" is also one of them.

NateNate60 ,

Google isn't just a search engine any more and hasn't been for nearly a decade. Over the years it has slowly become humanity's general-purpose information indexer. That includes the Web but it's restricted to it. Add in some advertising and that's Google.

NateNate60 ,

I'm an American, so I can't say how they're cooked in Belgium, but I can say that boiling them in water for ten minutes before frying reduces the workload significantly and produces similar results.

NateNate60 ,

I'm aware of the double-fry technique, I'm just saying that similar results can be obtained by boiling in lieu of the first frying step

NateNate60 ,

Is it just my client or is this picture really blurry?

NateNate60 ,

Those workers are paid the same whether they're helping customers or cleaning sunflower butter off the counter. Sunflower butter isn't particularly disgusting or difficult to clean. Every minute a worker spends cleaning it up is a minute not spent doing things that would actually earn money for the company.

NateNate60 ,

I have worked customer service.

NateNate60 ,

TIL the version numbering scheme changed. LibreOffice 24 is the next major version after LibreOffice 7.

ajsadauskas , to Fuck Cars avatar

The toll road scam: A government-made monopoly you pay for.

Here's a funny-because-it's-true take on Transurban and the poor tax it imposes, from Punter's Politics:


NateNate60 ,

I'm a big fan of putting speed cameras everywhere. Let the bad drivers pay for the road.

NateNate60 ,

I'm going to toss in another recommendation for Linux Mint. The interface is very similar to classic Windows and it has a large user base so it shouldn't be hard to find instructions online if you get stuck. Software-wise, Linux Mint 21.3 is entirely compatible with Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Use the default Cinnamon version.

Coming from Windows, the only other very important non-obvious thing is that you should look for software on the app store application first instead of downloading packages from the Internet. Unlike the Microsoft Store, Linux app stores are often connected to a variety of software sources, and they will also update your software to the latest versions automatically whenever you download system updates. Almost all of the software you mentioned can be found in the app store. It's very convenient!

NateNate60 ,

A referendum will be held alongside the general election in Oregon, USA to switch to ranked-choice voting.

To any fellow Oregonians reading this, vote yes and tell all your friends to vote yes as well!

Register to vote:

NateNate60 ,
NateNate60 ,

The Russian military is known to employ "disinformation officers" to spread discord or undermine trust in Western democracies online. A very common talking point they use is how the US (or whatever other country's citizens they are targeting) is a fascist state and your vote doesn't count, so you should not vote. Other common tactics include deliberately bringing up obscure conspiracy theories to lend them more credibility, spreading fake news, and posting lots of comments that sound right at a first glance but are complete BS once you think about them/research them. They are known to target both left and right-leaning people.

Generally, the most vulnerable are those who are not aware of their presence (and thus absorb the ideas like a sponge) or already hold the extreme political views they spread. These people are likely to propagate the content in question, increasing the damage. Remember, their goal is not to convince you to agree with them—it's to get you to distrust your government and your country's institutions.

Disinformation officers aren't an idea unique to Russia. China has also been accused of hiring people to do the same thing ("wumaos"), and the Israeli army openly brags about their disinformation officers, although they don't call them that, obviously.

The picture depicts one such (alleged) Russian disinformation officer. I am using it to accuse the parent commenter of being a disinformation officer or someone who repeats the ideas spread by a disinformation officer.

NateNate60 ,

Not necessarily. They might just be some mug repeating the talking points of one.

NateNate60 OP ,

There really isn't much in terms of greenery in this building, but right behind it is the waterfront promenade which is lined with trees and shady.

NateNate60 ,

SystemD will consume the entirety of Linux, bit by bit.

  • In 2032, SystemD announces they're going to be introducing a new way to manage software on Linux
  • In 2035, SystemD will announce they're making a display system to replace the ageing Wayland
  • In 2038, the SystemD team announces they're making their own desktop environment
  • In 2039 SystemD's codebase has grown to sixteen times its size in the 2020s. SystemD's announces they're going to release replacements for most other packages and ship their own vanilla distro.
  • In 2045 SystemD's distro has become the standard Linux distribution. Most other distros have quietly faded away.
  • In 2047, SystemD announces they're going to incorporate most of GNU into SystemD. Outrage ensues from the Free Software Foundation, which vehemently opposes this move.
  • In 2048, Richard Stallman dies of a heart attack after attempting to clone SystemD's git repo. SystemD engages in a hostile takeover and all resistance within the FSF crumbles
  • In 2050, SystemD buys the struggling RedHat from IBM for $61 million.
  • In 2053, most world governments have been pressured into using SystemD.
  • In 2054, Linus Torvalds, fearing for his life, begins negotiations to merge kernel development into SystemD
  • In 2056, the final message on the Linux kernel development mailing list is sent.
  • In 2058, Torvalds dies under suspicious circumstances after his brand-new laptop battery explodes.
  • In 2060, SystemD agents assassinate the CEO of Microsoft.
  • In 2063, after immense pressure from SystemD-controlled human rights organisations, Arch developers discontinue development.
  • In 2064, the remaining living Debian developers release the next stable version of their clandestine and highly illegal distro.
NateNate60 ,

Yes, because it's easier to take care of octogenarians than people who might actually put up a fight to having their laptop batteries replaced with a pipe bomb.

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