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Mouselemming ,

Did it, though? My 90 year old mother used it in the same way since her childhood. I think it's always been sarcastic, probably from use by lowly soldiers. In the phrase, she pronounces and spells it as "gummint work" even though she would normally say "government."

Mouselemming ,

Or anthropomorphizing it, expressing sympathy for it, in a country with a lot of suicides and a love of robots.

The fact they're not going to just replace it with another robot could argue for either case.

Mouselemming ,

Okay, for those who only read the headline and not the article, the text is the Bhagavad Gita.

So, not poster-sized. More like adding a Bible to the library. I think you're going to run into a tldr problem there. I don't know the Gita, is there a shorter excerpt that could be on a poster?

Mouselemming ,

Well that's gone to shit in the ensuing 10 years.

Mouselemming ,

Fries and salad, I think

Mouselemming ,

The bread is not shown but it could be on the side or maybe OP ate it because it came out first

Mouselemming ,

Train station cat has so many people to judge

Mouselemming ,

I don't know enough to say this but I can ask it: If being ultra-orthodox exempts you from service, doesn't that provide an incentive to become ultra-orthodox? So will this cause more people to fall out of ultraorthodoxy? Or is there no joining involved, just being born into it?

Mouselemming ,

I expect a lot were raised as such by their parents/community, which isolates them from society as a whole. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out once they get exposure to other mindsets. And gurls.

Mouselemming ,

The pointed gun and Rust is giving me Alec Baldwin vibes, especially in the context of Netflix. Then I realized what instance I had landed in from All.

Mouselemming ,

I had something similar happen to me years ago in a Toyota minivan. The car stalled and died in traffic, some kind of electrical glitch. I got out to raise the hood. The door closed behind me and it came up with just enough battery to lock itself, with my keys in the ignition and my two babies and quadriplegic husband inside. It was 107° outside. And pre-cellphones. I bolted to the nearby gas station to call 911 and grab something to break a window. Meanwhile hubby tried to coach toddler how to wriggle out of car seat and open door, but straps were too snug. Firehouse was near, and the jammed traffic was all in one direction so they used the opposite side and didn't take long, and they jimmied the door open quickly. But it was boiling in there. Sat the kids by the road to cool off with water and get checked by paramedics, gave water to husband in car with open doors, and waited for a tow to the gas station so I could lower the ramp and get my husband out. Meanwhile of course we made the traffic even worse, but people weren't too mad when they saw our plight as they squeezed past.

I'm wondering, did some similar glitch happen here, or do Tesla doors lock every time they shut?

Mouselemming ,

Ah, that is stupid.

Mouselemming ,

I hope you are being careful to choose native species, or at least avoid invasive species. The wrong plants won't help anything and may crowd out important local plants.

Mouselemming ,

It does, from what I can tell with a quick googling about DNR trees.

Mouselemming ,

Well who would want to stay where the workweek is so grueling? Make it a 30 hour week, cut the application paperwork, and see who stays

Mouselemming ,

There's also the top baggy, bottom tight and top tight, bottom flared cycle, and the waistline and foot-hemline go up and down, and they never sync back up to a style you have left over.

Mouselemming ,

Since he's essentially their coyote-bouncer, it's probably a little of both, like ruggedly ugly-handsome.

Mouselemming ,

Probably any donkey small enough to be content in your backyard isn't big enough to win against a coyote and not be injured. So your cats are better off indoors. It was fun learning these facts about donkeys today and seeing how happily Diesel blends into his new family!

Mouselemming ,

Unless the someone is mouse-sized or smaller, or is allergic to/afraid of cats. Or is carrying tuna.

Mouselemming ,

The key to Gomez energy is his sincerity. You might not be able to draw a Morticia (because she's probably already got a Gomez) but a Fester with sincerity who aims with his heart rather than his eyes/dick has a good chance of finding true love.

Mouselemming ,

Lapis Lazuli was traded along the Silk Road, and Homer would have called it Sapphirus. A stormy sea isn't blue because it's not reflecting a blue sky, and it may have roiled-up sand and kelp.

Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? ( )

Disclaimer: I am not trolling, I am an autistic person who doesn’t understand so many social nuances. Also I am from New Hampshire (97% white), so I just don’t have any close African-American friends that I am willing to risk asking such a loaded question.

Mouselemming ,

Tajín makes watermelon so much more refreshing!

Mouselemming ,

Since OP only has one plant, should they self-pollinate it with a paintbrush? It won't aquire genetic diversity but it should produce a pumpkin or two, right?

Mouselemming ,

I don't know about the bottle but I've stuffed pumpkin flowers with cheese , breaded and fried them, and served with a tiny drizzle of honey. Delicious. Look up recipes for squash blossoms or zucchini blossoms, they are basically the same. You remove the stamens so you just have a pouch.

Mouselemming ,

Maybe 2, an heir and a spare like a royal family

Mouselemming ,

I've always felt that unselfish wishes are more likely to get a pass from the monkey's paw.

Mouselemming ,

The Librarians?

Mouselemming ,

Pretty sure the only guns Eve carried were her own biceps but she'd make use of anything available. Flynn and
Jenkins have both wielded Excalibur. Ezekiel would rather use evasion but has been known to steal a weapon. Mild-mannered historian Jacob knows how to use weapons of any age and besides we all know him from Leverage. Cassandra has non-weapon skills but she's been known to bonk a baddie on the back of the noggin.

Mouselemming ,

Their shtick?

Mouselemming ,

Them beating you in the head with their stick probably didn't help.

Mouselemming ,

I thought so too, and schtick is a valid variant, but dictionaries list shtick first.

Mouselemming ,

Veterans row is back to being a sidewalk because the veterans were all moved inside the gate to tiny homes, and real housing is finally being built.

Mouselemming , (edited )

Someone with, for instance, older kids who could get themselves into a situation (and only communicate by text) and a parent in a different time zone who's got Alzheimer's and is being cared for by a stressed-out sibling who needs support and agreement from the rest of us by group email.

Butt-friendly bike seat moves with your legs ( )

If you don't want a part of your body to get sore, then that part shouldn't be pushing against something that doesn't move along with it. That's the thinking behind the vabsRider bicycle saddle, the two sides of which pivot in time with your pedaling.

Mouselemming ,

Kids is one thing but I'm envisioning a balls version of the stick-in-the-spokes meme, with you writhing in agony in the road until an SUV comes along and puts you out of your misery.

Mouselemming ,

The BEST spot is a piece of paper you're currently writing on, but this is the best when that's not available. You're a good provider, OP.

Mouselemming ,

Yes! Especially laptops, so comfy and you can rub on the screen as well

Mouselemming ,

Or you'd never poop again

Mouselemming ,

You'd become anemic from the lack of iron plus the blood loss from hemorrhoids due to lack of fiber.

Mouselemming ,

Got mine along with my first baby. Another example of blaming women for legitimate health issues?

Agree about fiber, but more specifically, psyllium fiber like metamucil, and vegetable fiber have positive effects whereas nuts or seeds, especially flax, tear it open and cause bleeding even if it's been healed for months. Yogurt can also be constipating, despite the claims of probiotics.

More to the point, there's zero fiber in cottage cheese.

Mouselemming ,

Don't worry friendo, Dogecoin is just as stable and sound a currency as it ever was....

Mouselemming ,

This part would be cool, tell everyone they're a good person and some of them might actually improve. But I draw the line at letting them drool on me.

Egypt changed terms of Gaza ceasefire deal presented to Hamas, surprising negotiators, sources say ( )

Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the...

Mouselemming ,

It's possible there was some bribe money in it for Ahmed Abdel Khalek. Lots of money to be made by providing weapons for continuing conflict, easy to bribe a secondary official to make sure any agreements were derailed.

Mouselemming ,

They're referring to Trump and Republicans as the US election alternative

Mouselemming ,

carte blanche*

Mouselemming ,

If you need a mnemonic, Cate Blanchett might work

Mouselemming ,

He's insane in too many ways and unreliable on anything he promises. That makes him a better fit for Trump supporters. But they're too locked in to switch. If Kennedy had half a brain left he would have realized he's going to help Trump get elected.

Mouselemming ,

He's not the "good person" you think he is. He's just another mediocre Kennedy coasting on the privilege of his family.

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