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MotoAsh ,

Their "constituents" are the corporations paying their bills. When was the last time you bought a politician?

MotoAsh ,

You can not believe them all you want. It doesn't magically make everyone competent.

Businesses value MONEY first, not security, not happy customers, not competent staff. MONEY.

Which is cheaper? Get a product working enough to sell. Get a product properly developed, secured, and audited.

Pick one. Hint: corporations choose MONEY. Every time.

Your data is not safe, because rich pieces of shit like MONEY more than they like YOU.

MotoAsh , (edited )

Hacker's Keyboard can. Because it's just a condensed full keyboard, ctrl, alt, arrow keys, function keys, and most of the rest included.

MotoAsh ,

WRONG!! Velomobiles and other man-powered (or nature powered) land vehicles absolutely exist.

I'd argue if you're making the human more efficient than walking, you're reducing CO2 output compared to simply walking there.

If a reduction in human CO2 compared to distance traveled isn't good for the environment, then nothing is good for the environment.

MotoAsh ,

Does it have to be usual when the qualifier on the negative is "none"?

MotoAsh ,

They are saying there are zero cars that fit the bill. Why is an "unusual" car not part of "all cars"? It's a basic question of what set is being considered.

Of course if you limit "cars" to be anything that is over 1000lbs with an engine, THAT set of "cars" is going to be far less economical than some other vehicles that many would still call a "car".

MotoAsh ,

Well, in that vein, there are many light weight solar powered "cars". Some formula of solar panels don't use much of rare/bad materials, and salt batteries are already a thing, so certain constructions wouldn't need to climb much of a hill to become a net-positive.

MotoAsh ,

Maaaan, I'm so sad I never watched that series long enough to even get the normal baddies, let alone all the fan characters they pulled in by the end.

... though maybe I spared myself the embarassment of becoming a brony, so...

MotoAsh ,

But I'll taddle on myself, I know it!

MotoAsh ,

To experience the anthropogenic global warming.

MotoAsh ,

I mean, I really do NOT defend religion, because over all, it really is a crock of BS twisted history and Baby's First Philosophy rolled in to garbage cults.

... Though there ARE multiple reasons an "all-knowing" god would test their creations, even if they "knew the results". This happens all the time in the real world. Some engineers just enjoy seeing their creations do something, even if it's doomed to be a prototype. Software engineers test their stuff all the time when they "know" what it will do.

Hell, 99.9% of science itself is getting a solid idea before you run the experiment. Remember: scientists test hypotheses, not hair-brained ADHD shower thoughts.

So while religion is overall total BS for dummies, individual components DO make sense, in their own way. It wouldn't be so popular if the pieces didn't make more sense than the whole.

MotoAsh ,

No. No that is literally not how software engineers operate. At all. Ever. Most engineers think the tests will pass with flying colors. The tests are ran anyways.

So much BS is just people making assumptions about a being much, much smarter than themselves... Maybe God just wants to turn the wheel on the grinder, even though it would take an Act of God to ruin the result...

There is quite literally NO valid reason for God to NOT turn the wheel on the grinder... Saying so does not back up any specific religion, just pokes holes in any fallacious assertion that God has no reason to turn the wheel. He doesn't need one that makes sense to you. Period.

All God needs to do for free will and "all knowing" to be true is for God to decide NOT to intervene in personal decisions. Yes, that blows Christians and other morons who pray to God out of the water, but it does not invalidate the concept of God at face value to not line up with idiots' cliff notes of who God is.

MotoAsh ,

God doesn't make sense as described in the Bible either, so no it is not wrong to describe him in a way that "isn't how he works"

You don't know either. He doesn't work. At all. The Christian God is not real, and the fact you think you know better how "He" works instead of engaging with the idea I'm attempting to present is frankly pathetic. You're defending your own emotions, not making any logical defense of a God that LITERALLY CANNOT exist.

MotoAsh ,

Do you not write unit tests? Do you only test in production? I'm not referencing the obvious manual tests, but the fact that things are tested constantly even when they are working. Unless you're doing something very wrong.

MotoAsh ,

Yes, and I am pointing out how you're not debating anything, because God's not real, dumbass. There are dozens of reasons God as described in the bible doesn't ACTUALLY make sense.

That's the main point I was working from, yet your dumb ass comes in here thinking, "but that still doesn't make sense tho" is making ANY point.

I STARTED by saying God doesn't mzke sense but the PIECES can in SPECIFIC ways.

You pointing out that God is nonsensical still is literally a non-point.

MotoAsh ,

I don't use autocorrect because it's worse than normal typos. The fact you keep trying to bring it back to some personal failing of mine instead of trying to understand the point is fucking pathetic. Do better. "Ohh, you're being mean, that means you didn't make a point!" ... and you have the gall to call me the child. Fucking. Pathetic. Adults can take an insult without falling apart.

MotoAsh ,

What ever helps you sleep at night. Must suck having such paper thin skin you cannot even hold context...

MotoAsh ,

Exactly, and religion says we have free will, which supposedly removes us by choice from the control of "God". How can you fail to see how that's pretty damn close to a software engineer going, "fuck it, let's see what these little shits can actually do."? You could look at the variables going in to every separate character and know what they'd do 100% of the time. You'd almost certainly have an idea what the whole thing would lead to.

... and here's the kicker: you're not God! Any religious person readily dismisses problems with technically disproving allegory with what ultimately comes down to, "God is smarter than you". Since allegory is the only way to compare things that don't actually exist, you have to observe how each separate piece has a nugget of truth in it, and believers latch on to it, even if it's the mere appearance of truth.

"God works in mysterious ways" is very, very much an actual thought-terminating cliche for the religious. You and me see how the allegory doesn't hold up. They choose not to or sometimes literally cannot suss through all of the fluff.

MotoAsh ,

Maybe less caffeine if you're so essily stimulated metabolically.

MotoAsh , (edited )

It's not our fault reality scares conservatives. It's their fault for refusing to make friends with what they cannot change. If the unknown scares them so much, what they should do is get familiar, not hostile.

People who make bad and wrong decisions deserve nothing positive. They deserve to learn why they are bad and wrong.

MotoAsh ,

Teaching them that lying is totally cool, even about seemingly important things (to the child, anyways) will only teach them wrong lessons about lying.

MotoAsh ,

Naw, religion and conservatism are just the easy answers people arrive at when they fail to resolve all of the dissonance on their own with a child's brain.

The reason people hold those views in to adulthood is quite simply because they are still mentally children. They are underdeveloped losers that society has not yet decided are a problem quite literally on the same level as other developmental issues.

MotoAsh ,

If you're not going to boycott them, your lack of good will is literally meaningless.

MotoAsh ,

Naw, not only manipulation. It's also poor man's philosophy. Humans like to have an answer for the big questions wether they know wtf they're saying or not. I think something like religion is inevitable with the absence of explanations.

MotoAsh ,

Yea, the Prosperity Gospel is definitely richboi propaganda.

MotoAsh ,

Hank Hill has such a small mind... He could do both, and still refer to both as "grass" if he wanted!

First case of highly pathogenic avian influenza transmitted from cow to human confirmed ( )

In March a farm worker who reported no contact with sick or dead birds, but who was in contact with dairy cattle, began showing symptoms in the eye and samples were collected by the regional health department to test for potential influenza A. Experts have now confirmed the first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza...

MotoAsh ,

I fully agree, but I also grew up around religion, so... humans gonna get their face eaten.

MotoAsh ,

They're targeting infrastructure, not people. If you want to yell at someone targeting people, yell at Russia.

MotoAsh ,

If some random user is able to configure themselves as DHCP, NOONE should be connected to that insecure trash.

MotoAsh , (edited )

Seems like quite an amateur move to run a public network without filtering everyrhing, including dhcp. Again; insecure trash.

Yes, I know there is a lot of insecure trash out there. The commonality doesn't magically make it not insecure trash.

MotoAsh ,

It is, in fact, not BS to be mad at a megacorp for cutting valuable and functioning assets, and the fact you do not understand that is hilariously pathetic.

If you're aware of people and games that do fit, then whining about it and talking about how they get crapped on instead of how cool their sfuff is doesn't help, either!

You seem to be more willing to paint things negatively than help improve, so why should we listen?

MotoAsh ,

The same thing wrong with all capitalists.

MotoAsh ,

Stop having such high expectations. They're capitalists, not video game makers. The money is the ONLY point.

MotoAsh ,

I mean, yeah, if you're expecting intelligent long term decisions, those expectations are still too high.

Remember: This is the group of people STILL actively trying to cover up anthropogenic climate change. Something that not only threatens their long term profitability, but literally threatens the planet with extinction.

How does harddrive failure work when there's multiple partitions?

My laptop's HDD is failing, it shows a bunch of signs such as slow file manipulation and clicking sounds. The Linux btrfs partition keeps going into read-only mode to prevent further damage, makes sense, but the windows partition is working fine (for now)....

MotoAsh ,

BTRFS is smart enough to check for file errors in some situations under normal operations (I forget which, it's been a while). When it finds issues, it puts it in read only to try and prevent things from going off of potentially corrupt data.

NTFS, which is what Windows usually uses, is a very "dumb" file system. It is merely a record of what files exist where, so if data corrupts, it will only throw NTFS off if it's in the file index it stores itself. If it's in the middle of your file, NTFS doesn't know and doesn't care and will just give you the wonky data.

Windows seemingly continuing to work is just a consequence of the "dumb" file system. It will take some critical file getting corrupted before Windows or some program will just crash. At least BTRFS is trying to tell you things are looking amiss and you should definitely back up anything important.

MotoAsh ,

I forget the exact differences from NTFS, but it's similarly "dumb", as in it's just a ledger of files and locations, and doesn't do any checksum/validating. Only BTRFS and ZFS do on a file system level as far as I remember, but there are plenty of oddballs, especially counting networked storage stuff.

MotoAsh , (edited )

Oh don't worry, you won't have to try to break the wifi.

MotoAsh ,

It's not a statement on reality, but a statement on perception. One I agree with as a guy. I don't really know how to deal with a bear, but if the hypothetical involves any indication of oddness, I think I'd rather risk walking away from a bear than finding out if there's a crazy looking for their next victim.

Sure, the person has more positive possible outcomes, but if my intention is to stay alone, why go through the risk? Hell, my antisocial ass would probably start acting weirder to try and scare them!

MotoAsh , (edited )

You and I don't have to imagine that, dummy. We've already done it.

MotoAsh ,

I'm not accusing you. I'm stating a fact that I included myself in... You are indeed a dim bulb in the pack.

MotoAsh ,

Ahh yes, a classic "both sides" argument.

Please, explain how the left has gone crazy with their ideology, because leftists don't have much political power to actually mess anything up with, unlike conservatives.

MotoAsh , (edited )

When reaching out to politicians, a MUCH better angle might be devices that get the same treatment, and then just make sure video games and other software get included.

Example: Fitbit and other purpose-built devices. A TON of functionality goes down when they shutter their servers. To the point where some devices immediately become e-waste.

These companies are literally producing toxic garbage.

First We Take Columbia: Lessons from the April 1968 occupations movement ( )

I. Occupations are effective because they are disruptive. The April 1968 occupations shut down the entire university for over a week. This forced the administration to concede to their demands, even after the movement faced repression....

MotoAsh ,

1 and 2 make sense, but 3 is just commie propaganda (and I'm OK with striving for the idealistic version). Normies do NOT like magically suddenly not having personal posessions. You will never, ever, EVER convince a normie communism is good by taking their stuff.

MotoAsh ,

If applied at a country level maybe they'd "gain" posessions, but think about how 3 would apply at a campus protest. There isn't a means of production to own so long as the current state exists (what, the campus itself? yea cops aren't going to be OK with that), and that's not happening soon.

MotoAsh ,

I found Terrifier and its sequel to be pretty good for what it is. A violent modern take on the classic slasher movies. It's schlocky, but that's because slasher movies are a bit schlocky.

The actor does a great job hamming it up and making it all a bit more than a classic slasher, too, entertainment wise. If he tried to play it more serious scary clown style, it'd probably have faceplanted for me.

MotoAsh ,

Aren't there several subreddits for exactly that? I haven't been in ages so I forgot the name(s), but either wholesome or disturbing, few inbetween. lol point is to gamble with the clicks.

MotoAsh ,

Not all of the internet. Just the weird places you might end up when looking for weird content.

It was better then, with more places to go to.

MotoAsh ,

There are a million other reasons besides the gas pedal as to why it cannot be sold over there. Most importantly, TERRIBLE crash safety.

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