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Moneo ,

Fucking tailgaters. No idea why so few people seem to be aware of how dangerous and stupid it is to tailgate.

How long would it take to create a Pyramid today?

Just a shower thought. Seeing how these structures took decades to build in their times, and that too entirely with manual labour, I was wondering how long these architectural marvels would take to be built in this post modern era with the help of our technological advancements....

Moneo ,

I both anticipate and fear the expansion.

Moneo ,

Do you have any comments/suggestions on picking one of those distros? I can do my own research so no pressure.

Moneo ,

Nobody would need/want to work. Societal collapse ensues as supply chains break down. Prices skyrocket, wages skyrocket.

That would be my guess.

Moneo ,

Terrence sent his "paper" to NDT. Idk whether or not he was requesting a peer review but he spouts this stuff publicly constantly, he can't be upset that people are refuting him publicly.

Moneo ,

People are being harassed and doxed by a group of people that have turned one of their most popular games into a fucking cesspool. They need to either throw in the towel and drop support for TF2 or wage war on these losers.

Hire a dedicated team, involve the police, I don't fucking know. The current state of TF2 is an absolute disgrace, it's fucking pathetic.

Moneo ,

Works surprisingly well even after all this time. I often forget its been removed.

Moneo ,

I'm well aware of how it works.

Moneo ,

If you're talking about stock picking, hard disagree. Emotion has nothing to do with it whether or not it's gambling.

If picking stocks was anything but a gamble portfolio managers wouldn't have such a god awful track record.

Moneo ,

You can dress it up in whatever language you want but when nobody is able to consistently beat the market it looks a hell of a lot like gambling.

Moneo ,

Ah yes, feminism, an ideology that consists solely of extremist views. I'm not even well versed in feminism and I know that Andrea Dworkin is quite extreme and is a polarizing figure.

If you have reduced feminism to the views of a single extremist than you really need to get your shit together.

Moneo ,

Interestingly the COVID lockdowns might be what launched the 15min city conspiracy into the mainstream. Climate deniers saw articles about how the covid lockdowns reduced emissions and warped that into the theory that 15 min cities are a plot to restrict personal movement.

Source: climate deniers playbook podcast aka the climate town peeps

Moneo ,

Yes we are morons too, but we are superior morons. Smart morons you might say.

Moneo ,

but you do you

That's what they're fighting for lol

Moneo ,

The fact that "family values" are politicized and cast as the best, most important way to live is honestly fucked up when you think about it.

Why did we decide being het and having kids makes you a fucking hero?

Moneo ,

Are you missing the part about trans people fighting for equal rights? It's not about being liked it's about being allowed to exist.

Moneo ,

Me feel small. Me worry about masculinity. Big truck make me feel big. Big truck make me feel good.

Moneo ,

Ok, fuck trucks and everything but this makes no sense. You can't see past them? Why do you need to see past them? Are you tailgaiting?

Moneo ,

No offense but your arguments are not rational. You don't need to "get in front of visual obstructions" if you're following at a safe distance. Speed is not limited simply because "faster means more damage", it's limited because faster speeds means you have less time to react.

Moneo , (edited )

Dismissing youtubers for being youtubers reminds me of people who dismiss all animation because "cartoons are for kids" or whatever. When I think of "influencer" I think of an instagram model who pushes products on their followers. "Youtuber" includes many content creators who devote hours into researching, writing, filming, and editing high quality, entertaining, and educational content.

Jenny is on the low end of the spectrum in terms of basically all of those categories (I love her though), but channels like CaptainD, Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube and Folding Ideas create extremely high quality content that (in my opinion) surpasses educational content coming out of any studio.

tl;dr: Dismissing youtube channels as "influencers" is narrow minded and may prevent you from enjoying content you would otherwise find to be of extremely high quality.

Moneo ,

There’s absolutely no reason this video should be 4 hours long.

Jenny had 4 hours of stuff she wanted to say and her fans want to listen to it because they find it entertaining. Get a life nerd.

Moneo ,

I’ve read comprehensive scientific papers about years if proving hypothesis that could be finished in an hour



Moneo ,


Moneo ,

Is this true though? Don't many liberals support Israel? Are there actual polls that show Biden would benefit from taking a stance against Israel? Genuinely asking.

Moneo ,

“Useless red circle” is there to accommodate both the shitty eyesight and impatience of older generations who have been accustomed to everything being handed to them on a silver platter.

Generalizing generations is fucking stupid.

They’re fast. Pedestrians are furious: ‘fat’ ebikes divide Australian beach suburbs ( )

Popular among teenagers, the large electric bikes have triggered ‘numerous complaints’ to councils as fears grow for the safety of riders and pedestrians

Moneo ,

These bikes make me feel unsafe! They should ride on the road where they will feel unsafe.

Moneo ,

I mean, car centric design is less safe than human centric design. You're safer when there's more people around.

Moneo ,

Damn this was super informative and really well written.

Moneo ,

Any conservatives seeing this thread are having all of their conspiracy theories validated.

Moneo ,

Damn good for you. I fucking hate being wrong, hurts me to my gut. I blame my childhood.

Moneo ,

OK. I hate to "defend" a terf but I don't think that's her point. JK doesn't want to be black. She doesn't think she should be allowed to change her race and she knows that most people agree with that. She thinks it's an uno reverse card to go "ha! so how come you're allowed to change your gender then?" as if race and gender are the exact same thing.

Anyways, congrats on your transition Queen.

E-Bikes Should Not Require Pedaling, Proposes U.K. Government, Diverging From E.U. ( )

E-bikes could get faster, more powerful and not require pedaling, in a move announced today by UKGOV. Cycling organizations are opposed to the plans.

Moneo ,

Yes but speed limited to and in bike form. I guess yeah you can argue it's not a bike anymore but who cares? To me the important thing is that it should be allowed in bike lanes if it conforms to existing ebike standards. People with disabilities might not be able to pedal and I don't see why they should be prohibited from using a bike lane just because their bike is powered entirely by electricity instead of just mostly.

Moneo ,

Spending all that time and money setting up my homeserver is looking better and better every day...

Moneo ,

It's all ones and zeroes factorio once you get to the bottom.

Moneo ,

Conversely: Stop overthinking Star Wars. I get that people love the universe but the movies are straight up just not deep at all.

They are stealthy enough that an ordinary hunting party can sneak up on an elite Rebel strike force (including a Jedi).

Are we really pretending George was thinking about this while making Jedi? Like in a script review some young guy pipes up: Hey George, how do the Ewoks sneak up on Luke when he has force powers? And George calmly explains, "Well son, Ewoks may look cute but they are actually deadly hunters with expert tracking and stealth skills"

The Ewoks win against the empire because the script says they do. It looks stupid because they are children/(dwarves?) in costumes who can probably barely see what's going on.

I know I'm being a major grump but reading these comments make my eyes roll out of my sockets. It's like watching art critics fawn over an 8 year old's painting because they've been told it's a picasso.

I say all this as someone who enjoys the OT but finds it increasingly embarrassing to admit to having any interest in the property.

Moneo ,

I was anticipating this response and you're entirely correct. I'm happy you enjoy thinking about Star Wars lore and I shouldn't be shaming anyone for having fun. I shouldn't feel embarrassed and I understand that that is a character flaw and something I should work on.

Aside from that, there is this feeling of confusion and frustration that I think has some validity, but which doesn't necessarily justify me being a dick online about it. I think my frustration is that Star Wars has a specific meaning to me which is very different from what it has become today, and it's frustrating watching the "original meaning" get washed away in a sea of merch and fan theories. I know it's stupid to hold a specific interpretation as the correct one and try to force that on others, but I hope you can at least empathize with the feeling of watching something you like morph into something completely unrecognizable.

To me, Star Wars is trilogy of corny action adventure movies with a cast of quirky characters set in a fantastical but ultimately very shallow universe. A trilogy that revolutionized the VFX industry and brought fantasy into the mainstream. I feel alone in viewing the ip this way, I feel alone in thinking Rogue One was a boring lifeless husk of a movie that no epic battle scenes could redeem.

I assume take pleasure in sharing your love of Star Wars fan with other fans and that's more or less what I'm after I think. I'm sorry for being a dick about it.

Moneo ,

That subreddit was simultaneously the funniest and creepiest subreddit I've ever visited. It's hilarious how sure they are that they will all be billionaires but I always got the creeps when thinking about how I was reading the comments from a bunch of people just throwing their life savings down the toilet.

Why are Denis Villeneuve's Dune movies loved by audience and critics?

When watching movies, I always try to differentiate between my personal enjoyment and the inherent merits of the movies. There are a lot of bad movies, which I totally and thoroughly enjoy watching, and some really great movies, which I don't enjoy that much, but still can respect/appreciate....

Moneo ,

TL;DR: Dune is a novel packed full of culture, intrigue, and philosophy, and Denis tosses basically all of that out the window in favour of style and atmosphere.

As a massive Dune fan who has also only seen part 1, I'm very conflicted. It's obviously the most faithful adaptation but that's a pretty low bar to set. There are so many little changes from the novel that it's hard for me not to feel Denis doesn't really get Dune. I also have tons of small complaints with the script just in a general sense, weird moments that are distracting and pointless even ignoring their relation to the novel.

My biggest issue with the script is that it feels like Denis is focused on creating this super epic atmosphere. We have many beautiful shots of space ships or terrain accompanied by booming music. It's cool, but it feels like a massive waste when the movie also has rushed scenes that could have been so easily adapted to film.

For example Stilgar meeting Leto. In the movie, Stilgar walks in, Leto says something along the lines of "I respect you" and Stilgar immediately spits on the ground to indicate his respect for Leto.

In the novel that scene has Duncan explaining how he tried to save a dying fremen but wasn't able to and that the fremen gave him his crysknife before he died. Stilgar then dramatically interrupts saying something like "Do not unsheath that knife!". What follows is an interaction between Stilgar and Leto where Leto deftly shows his respect to Fremen and their culture without capitulating or showing weakness. Only then does Stilgar spit on the ground giving us the dramatic scene where Duncan has to quickly intervene to prevent violence.

I don't think I'm doing a great job of making my case but the difference to me is stark. The book uses this one scene to feed the reader knowledge about Leto, Stilgar, Duncan, and the fremen. But the movie rushes the scene and we learn next to nothing.

I could go on but I'm just ranting at this point. Dune is a novel packed full of culture, intrigue, and philosophy, and Denis tosses basically all of that out the window in favour of style and atmosphere.

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