@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


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ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

With everything that’s going on in the world, I feel like “freedom of speech” doesn’t exist. It’s just a “buzz”.

Just to name a few things;

  • You want to criticize Israel? Antisemitism!
  • You want to criticize US-related Israel things? Antisemitism!
  • You want to provide evidence of crimes? That’s a ‘crime’!
  • You are against killing innocent people? Antisemitism!
  • You want to protest? You disrupt the order and therefore a crime!

Perhaps it is just me being pessimistic.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The Israeli official made further comments blaming Hamas for the impasses, echoing the language of Israeli and US officials that “the ball is Hamas’s court” and that stopping the war is in their hands.

Did Hamas not accept a deal before while Israel (I assume their PM) rejected it?
Found the article: Hamas accepts UN ceasefire resolution, ready to negotiate over details, official says

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stating clearly that Israel does not support a permanent ceasefire.

Israel blaming Hamas for not having a ceasefire or any deal and then this written in the article.

Israel’s demand appears to be for Hamas to release all the hostages right now in exchange for a temporary ceasefire

I mean any sane person would understand Hamas won’t accept this. This means they lose all negotiation ‘material’ (could not find a better word, apologies). The deal should be something along lines of; release of all hostages and a permanent ceasefire.

Hamas has said it will only support a deal that includes a permanent ceasefire

Exactly this. They are willing to accept a deal, it is Israel who does not want to accept anything.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Israel did not start this bullshit no top finish the removal. Get real, that's what we are getting.

I don’t really understand what you’re saying/ writing honestly. If you mean that Israel didn’t start this entire thing, I’d say, I disagree. Due to the history of how Israel become an actual state (1948, 750 000 displaced, lots of Palestinian murdered and many other atrocities). Not to mention the ongoing apartheid system, illegal settlers and such. 

Real question is where are these people going or we just gonna let Israel massacre them at the Egyptian border?

That’s one of the main problems. If other countries let the Palestinian people in their country it’s a free-ticket for far-right extremist Israel to steal everything from the Palestinian land. Which is a no-no. 

But if nothing is done, Israel will just keep bombing Gaza which results in innocent Palestinians being murdered by Israel. 

So here we are; majority of the countries doing nothing, Palestinians being murdered and lots of protests around the world.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

And certain countries and people will still shout the utter nonsense “right to defend themselves”.

Majority of the countries have failed humanity.
They’re doing nothing after so many atrocities and the UN only have words but zero actual actions.

This pretty much shows and proves that one small state is the ‘leader’ of every country, even the US.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Currently as intern at a municipality as financial advisor. Hoping to get a job from within the municipality.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’d rather argue they are willing to do so - in the hope for permanent ceasefire and peace.
Anything to stop the bombing, dying, starvation and everything else.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Let’s be honest though: if Israel stopped bombing immediately, do you think Hamas would stop randomly bombing and mortaring Israel? Sure, Israel is fucked up, but there’s a certain point where Palestine needs to realize they’ll never have peace with Hamas always looking to fight someone. It’s like complaining about the crime in your neighbor but you refuse to tell the cops where the local drug house is even with all the anonymity that technology offers.

do you think Hamas would stop randomly bombing and mortaring Israel?

No, of course they would not. They're fighting to get their land, homes and human rights back and Israel is preventing all of it.

It’s like complaining about the crime in your neighbor but you refuse to tell the cops where the local drug house is even with all the anonymity that technology offers.

This argument is absurd. Because Israel started the entire conflict in 1948 (together with Britian if I remember correctly by ''giving'' the land).

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

If Israel never done any of this, Hamas would not even exist. They merely became an actual group to get normal human condition. Israel went hard into that and thus Hamas become more and more aggresive. Do I agree with their methods? Definitely not but it is understandable. If peaceful revolution is not possible, violence revolution is inevitable. Push a person or a group enough and this will happen.

Since almost all countries are turning a blind eye, what do you want Hamas to do (Wait, get humiliated and die)?

Also peace without Hamas? What peace are you talking about? Do you mean this kind of “peace”;

  1. Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center.
  2. Death toll in Israeli attack on displaced Palestinians in Rafah rises to 45.
  3. Israeli forces’ systemic denial of fair trial rights to Palestinian child prisoners amounts to arbitrary detention.
  4. Israel prevents hundreds of worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa on first night of Ramadan.
  5. Israel's PM Netanyahu 'proud' of preventing establishment of a Palestinian state.
  6. Far-right minister says nuking Gaza an option, PM suspends him from cabinet meetings.
  7. Israel Defense Minister Calls Palestinians ‘Human Animals’ Amid Israeli Aggression.
  8. Video shows Israeli settler trying to take over Palestinian house.

Hamas even said they would lay down their weapons if an independent Palestinian state is established.

  1. Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established

EDIT: instead of downvoting, I’d love to hear a counter argument (from people, I haven’t blocked. Saw someone commented but must’ve been someone I blocked. Because, I can’t see/ open the comment). And if you do, give reliable sources otherwise it is just an opinion.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Love the art but this so reminds me of “Deadman wonderland”. Spoiler tag just in case someone might not have seen the anime kr read the manga, when

Tap for spoiler

The main character goes “huh?! He’s floating?? But we are on the second floor!” And then everything gets bloody.

Still sad, never had a second season.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You seem to be an Israel-supporter that is okay with the genocide.

Wanting to stop the genocide and want Israel to stop killing innocent civilians (men, women and children) is not supporting Hamas in anyway.

It is however, standing for human rights. Rights to live, rights to have a normal human condition (a home, a land, a place to be, having education and everything that’s available for humanity). 

If you really want to go that way;

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

So the only one to blame for Hamas existing is Israel themselves.

EDIT: Checking upon your comment history, yeah. You’re definitely a Israel-supporter and probably a Zionist. I recommend anyone to check his comment history.

Here’s the comment, I meant; Him saying that Palestinians devalue their own lives.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't support the indiscriminate bombing of the Gaza territory by the IDF. The IDF should practice restraint and act in a way to minimize civil casualties.

Your comments contradict one another. You say this here but your other comments give a whole different mindset. 

But, consider that the Hamas militants deliberately use civilian buildings (hospitals, schools, mosques, etc.) as their military bases, and try their best to blend in with the civilians, when international law dictates all combatants in a war should be wearing uniforms so as to avoid mixing civilians in the skirmishes.

This doesn’t matter much. Because Israel have bombed refugee camps where Hamas didn’t even went to. Israel is bombing anyone who’s a Palestinian, heck even journalists. The argument of “Hamas is using humans as shields” is an old excuse. 

Would Israel bomb their own hospitals, schools, refugee camps and all that if Hamas was within Israel? (bet not). 

Under those circumstances, and knowing that until the Hamas is anhilated there won't be true peace for Israeli civilians (risk of new missile attacks), it's only natural that Israel will keep pressuring for the destruction on Hamas.

You see the old argument of “Hamas being destroyed” does not work at all. Israel killing innocent civilians creates more hatred against Israel as a whole. It means that anyone who’s a Palestinian and lost their entire land, home, friends, acquaintances and family will high likely join Hamas to get vengeance. Now, guess whose fault is for children joining Hamas after losing everything they ever cared for? Israel. 

Will there be collateral damage? Sure, like all wars there will be. Especially when Hamas is doing its best to maximize civilian casualties so the useful idiots in the west take pity on them.

36 000 innocent civilians is not collateral damage. Its purposefully murdering innocent Palestinian people, its genocide and all the evidence backs it up. 

It is not Hamas who’s bombing refugee camps, hospitals, schools, homes and any place that a Palestinian is. It is Israel. You’re good on pointing fingers but there’s zero factual evidence. 

Should Israel be scrutinized for their effectiveness in minimizing civilian casualties? Sure. But I don't think that we, living comfortably in countries in which there's no neighbouring nation trying to send missiles at us, should be in a position to demand they cease the war just because we want them to, or pressure them to accept any ceasefire deal that's not good for them. It's primarily up to Israel to decide what's best for the security of their citizens. And also for the security of their soldiers, which have families awaiting for their safe return home when this war's over.

You do realize from the moment Israel become a state, Israel has never lived in actual peace? They stole the land, displaced 750 000, murdered thousands of people. Set fires to homes, good and everything else. Placed mines so Palestinians cannot return. 

This “war” didn’t start on 7 October 2023 neither somewhere in 2020. It started the moment Israel decided to murder and steal everything the Palestinian people owned. 

The ceasefire deal is a joke to begin with. 6 weeks ceasefire and then they’ll continue bombing the entirety of Gaza again. Its needs to be permanent. Israel has to be held accountable for their actions (genocide). 

Israel want 100% safety? Well, should not have stolen the land, displaced thousands of Palestinian people, murdering, Apartheid system, discrimination. And for everything I say here; I can link sources if you want. It’ll be tomorrow though, not on PC. But I will if you ask me to. 

In this scenario, I'd not blame the IDF if they're a little more trigger-happy than we would feel it's reasonable. It's easy for us to judge when we're safe and sound in our countries. But the soldiers are human too and they'll do what's best to preserve their lives. If a neighbouring country launched missiles against my country, I'm sorry for sounding cold, but I'd rather they die them my people die. Of course, I'd prefer if the military acted in a way to minimize casualties so as to preserve the innocent, but if being too careful in this quest endangers the soldiers of my country, I'd prefer my soldiers enhance their survival rate a little more than grant this benefit to the nation that attacked me first.

It has nothing to do with “easy to judge”.

There’s lots and lots of evidence. Documents, videos, articles and even actual ex-IDF soldiers speaking out. 

IDF soldiers are always “happy to trigger their gun” since day one. Not just now. 

Certainly soldiers are humans to but these soldiers are killing innocent civilians. They’re smiling, joking, stealing everything from the Palestinians. They’re recording themselves. The videos are all over Instagram. 

They let children and other people signature their bombs with cruel words like “kill them all” which I can give a source for as well. 

There’s in no way defending their atrocities. No matter how bad you want to. 

Like I said, you’re an Israel-supporter and by your other comments in others thread, a possible Zionist. 

I already told you; Israel is the core reason as to why Hamas even exist.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

When they chant "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free", what do you think they want? Israel is located between said river and sea, so they want to exterminate all Israeli so the land is all theirs. The extermination of all Jews is codified in written form in the Hamas Constitution.

You just love to spread immense misinformation.

You should actually educate yourself in this particular matter if you want to write and speak on the slogan. Don’t just blabber your personal opinion, give sources. Your personal opinion doesn’t matter, actual evidence does. 

Not only that, do you know that Israel has made a slogan exactly like that too. So by your definition; Israel wants to exterminate all Palestinian people (and they’re currently doing so with the genocide) 

If there are people there who only want to advocate for the Two State Solution for Israel/Palestine, that's a fair point to make. But when these people, knowingly or unknowingly, mix themselves with people that carry Hamas flags and chant "from the river to the sea", then they're either useful idiots, or they're pro-Hamas while using the pro-Palestine cause as a cop out.

Israel flat out said they do NOT want a two state solution.

Also explain to us; what is a Hamas flag? I have never heard about it nor seen one. I have only seen the Palestine flag. So tell us, show us and give us actual evidence with reliable sources

You lie, spread misinformation and give ZERO reliable sources/ evidence.

  1. Netanyahu again rejects Palestinian sovereignty amid fresh US push for two-state solution.
  2. Nimer Sultany, a lecturer in law at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London, said the adjective expresses “the need for equality for all inhabitants of historic Palestine”..

EDIT: made some corrections to the spelling of words.

EDIT 2: it seems you cannot since you’re apparently ignoring me but responding to other people with lies and zero evidence to back it up once again.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

According to Wikipedia article for "From the river to the sea": "Many Palestinian activists have called it "a call for peace and equality" after decades of Israeli military rule over Palestinians while for Jews it is seen as a call for the "destruction" of Israel. Islamist militant faction Hamas used the phrase in its 2017 charter. Usage of the phrase by such Palestinian militant groups has led critics to claim that it advocates for the dismantling of Israel, and the removal or extermination of its Jewish population." So it's not as clear-cut as you suggested. It says some Palestinians define is as a call for peace, but even if it was taken as such in the past, nowadays I have the impression it's mosly used as a defense of the destruction of Isreal. If it was just for the peace of Palestine, they'd use a more specific sentence because the way it's pharsed it includes the Isreal territory in their intentions of "freedom". But they want to be free from what? Free from the Israeli people presence? The article you linked kind of confirm what the Wikipedia article said: each side has an interpretation of what this sentece entails, but I'm more interested in the practical usage of the sentence today, and in my opinion it's mostly anti-Isreal.

So first of all Wikipedia is not reliable at all. Anyone can edit Wikipedia pages. Here’s a link to Wikipedia’s  own page about it. That said; where’s the article? You quote it but don’t give the actual link to it. That’s just air basically. 

Wikipedia is a wiki, meaning anyone can edit nearly any page and improve articles immediately

Once again your impression and opinions do not matter. Actual evidence does. What you think or get the impression out of it doesn’t mean anything. What the phrase stands directly, how was meant from the beginning does. 

You’re not qualified for political discussions if, you cannot write without your personal opinions mixed in. Because that basically means, your entire discussion is biased. 

But they want to be free from what? Free from the Israeli people presence?

This sentence right here just proved that you clearly have no idea what you’re writing about. They want to be free from Israel’s oppression. Be freed from the Apartheid system, be freed from purposefully murdering of their families, be able to anywhere they like. Have human rights, have an own land, a place to be. I have said this in my previous comment, I’m just repeating it since you apparently didn’t read it. 

Israel stole the entire land that the Palestinian people owned, murdered thousands of Palestinian people, build an open-air prison for Palestinians people and you’re asking “be freed from what?”

Half of that wall, of text of yours can be dismissed because it’s only your personal opinion and nothing factual based. So again, your personal opinion doesn’t mean anything but factual evidence does. 

Not only that, Israel has been refusing two-state solution even before the 7 October attack. Stop trying to blame this on Hamas. 

It is also worth to think about the fact that Israel stole everything of the Palestinian people, murdered entire Palestinian families and then expect the Palestinian people to be “peaceful”.
That’s just not do able. If peaceful revolution is not possible, violent revolution is inevitable.

Now about the “Hamas Flag”;

It’s not necessarily a Hamas flag. I don’t think you are able to read Arabic (do you? Genuine question).

The written text on the flag says “la ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah” which translates to “There’s no god but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger”. 

It’s the Shahada of the Islamic religion (IE: Religious flag) and not a ”Hamas” flag. Yeah they’re using  the Shahada, doesn’t mean they “own” the Shahada.

In every comment you give to people, you purposefully mix things up to confuse other people, throw your own personal opinions in, you don’t give reliable sources, you write about things you clearly have no idea about and you flat-out lie. 

There’s nothing you can write to justify killing 36 000 people, the things that was said by Israeli officials and the lying of the Israeli government. 

Note: use paragraphs next time, it’s not really easy to read a wall of text.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The main idea I’m trying to express is that the IDF should practice restraint where possible. If the restraint is at the cost of raising the risk of their opperations, I’d not blame them if they don’t restrain themselves as much as we, people that are safe and sound possibly in another continent, would think is reasonable.

You do realize that the IDF are a lot safer than the normal Palestinian civilians and even Hamas themselves? The IDF has billions of tanks, weapons and armory which are provided by US dollars. You are trying to justify murdering innocent civilians which is just not possible.
You cannot justify killing over 36 000 normal civillians.

I’m not aware of all the movements of the IDF. When Isreal bombs any civilian building, they always claim it was being used as a Hamas hideout or a missile launching base. If there’s civilians casualities, it’s possible the Hamas forced them to remain there to act as human shield deterrent. If not, I see no reason for Isreal to waste their bombs on buildings where there’s no terrorists hiding. For now there’s no way to confirm things one way or another. If journalists died, we can’t confirm at the moment the IDF targeted them specifically or if it’s mere casuality of war (doing journlistic work in a war zone is risky, after all).

You are not aware of the movements that have been broadcasted on almost ever news-outlet? I call that nonsense. Then again if you are not aware if it, how are even able to write and speak about the particular matter? By this sentence you are basically saying; ‘’I do not know and, I’m ignorant. But I have opinions’’.

If you see no reason for Israel to bomb buildings and innocent civillians, you are either a very ignorant person or Zionist. Mayhap both. Because Israel wants the everything that the Palestinian people once owned. That’s widely known. There’s full of evidence all over the internet.

Once again; you really need to educate yourself in the history before even writing about it.

In this case, I think it would e much easier to identify the Hamas terrorists when they’re surrounded by people of another ethinicity, and when those people would gladly point out where’s the terrorist instead of being coerced to cooperate with Hamas. So I think Israel would not bomb the hospital.

This a load of nonsense and I will tell you why; Israel shot and killed the hostages themselves.
Not only that, it’s not always easy to distinguish by ethnicity. Besides, you keep pretending as if normal civilians are cooperating with Hamas which gives you the excuse to claim that all Palestinians are Hamas.

So first; normal civilians are not Hamas. Secondly they are not cooperating with Hamas, they’re literally running away from the danger that Israel is creating. For example; Israel told the normal Palestinian refugees to seek safety in Rafah and guess? Israel bombed Rafah.

Even before the October 7th, Hamas was already fostering hatred for Israel in its population. The children were being indoctrinated from their school ages to hate Israel. Most humanitarian donations the Gazan government received from the UN and other countries they diverted for the construction of their tunnel system and missile launchers whenever possible. Contruction materials for building houses and schools were all used to build the tunnels they’re using now to hide from the IDF. The pipes for pumbling were used for missile launchers. Instead of using the international aid to develop their community, they used it for terrorist purposes. At this point, capitulating for the Hamas’ demands will not stop the hatred, because they were hateful long before October 7th. Israel saw that the only way to stop the future attacks is in a pragmatic way: destroying Hamas and its military e political capabilities, and making sure no future Gazan government shall have the military capability to attack Israel. How the’re gonna do it? I don’t know, but they’re adamant in doing it.

Yeah and why would Hamas have an immense hatred towards Israel? Let me repeat my previous comment which explains the hatred for Israel (gee, I have to once again repeat myself!);

‘’Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.’’

The children were being indoctrinated from their school ages to hate Israel

Huge claim, NO reliable source to provide. Which means, it can dismissed.
The hatred for Israel is made by Israel themselves because of what I said here above.

Contruction materials for building houses and schools were all used to build the tunnels they’re using now to hide from the IDF. The pipes for pumbling were used for missile launchers. Instead of using the international aid to develop their community, they used it for terrorist purposes

Gee, giving money to a group that wants vengeance for what Israel has done since 1948 is being used for a preparation to strike back. How surprising! (sarcasm).
You blame Hamas for everything and justify everything that Israel has been doing since 1948.
You have double standards and its shining bright for everything to read.

You want Hamas to stop existing? Give the Palestinian people their right to live, their land and normal human conditions. It’s pretty simple.

These numbers were provided by the Hamas, which have an incentive to inflate it so as to exert pressure on Israel’s allies. I’m certain there’s no way for anyone to provide an accurate body count of casualities in this war, as it is ongoing, and there’s many bodies that might be under rubble. And as I said: it’s a Hamas tactic to use their citizens as human shields whenever possible. When they brag about the number of casualities, deep down they like when there’s more dead citizens, because for them it only represent necessary sacrifices for achieving one goal: pressure Israel allie’s to make Isreal stop their military advancement, so the Hamas can regroup and resume their missile strikes against Isreal territory at full force. For them this is a holy war: they just hate Isreal and want it gone. If they make Isreal back down and agree to a indefinite ceasefire, it’ll signal to the other enemies of Isreal (Hezbolah, Iran…) that they’re soft, and will encourage them to attack Isreal as well. Isreal is a country that’s surrounded by enemies that hate it, so they were forced to invest heavily in millitary defense systems, and make millitary conscription mandatory to both genders. Israel is the only democracy in a area brimming with autocracies and teocracies

Yet when Israel gives these numbers you immediately trust them, right? While its widely known throughout the entire world that Israel has been lying over, over and over again.

These numbers are not only said by Hamas but also by other official instances.

And as I said: it’s a Hamas tactic to use their citizens as human shields whenever possible.

‘’Hamas tactic’’ when there are videos of IDF actually using Palestinian people as shields.

For them this is a holy war: they just hate Isreal and want it gone

Another blatant LIE. Hamas was literally created because they wanted to have better living conditions. They want their land, homes and human rights back.

Isreal is a country that’s surrounded by enemies that hate it

Gee, stealing land gives you enemies! Who would have thought about that?!
They decided to steal the land of the Palestinian people in 1948 which is in the Middle East. Gee, who would know that would get you surrounded by enemies?

I’m not extremelly familiar to the history of Isreal, but I don’t think it’s fair the Isrealli citizens of today pay for supposed mistakes of their ancestors from 70+ years ago. A ceasefire now would only benefit the Hamas and let them regroup with more weapons and ammo, and build new milittary outposts. I defend a indefinite ceasefire, but after Hamas is destroyed, of course. This war would already be over if Hamas surrendered already, but it seems they prefer to extend the suffering of their people. It just proves they don’t care for their people, they care for power. And if by apartheid system you mean border controls, so every country has such system because no serious country allows indiscriminate entry of foreigners in its borders without aplying some criteria first. And in Isreal, 20% of the population is of Arab descent and they enjoy full citizen status. Go ask them if they’re unhappy with the “Israelli regime” and if they’d rather go move to the Gaza strip.

I’m not extremelly familiar to the history of Isreal

This right here proved once again; You are writing ignorantly and only out of personal opinion. Anything you say can be dismissed immediately.

the Isrealli citizens of today pay for supposed mistakes of their ancestors from 70+ years ago

Happens when you stay in a land that was stolen 76 years ago and keep pretending as if it yours.

A ceasefire now would only benefit the Hamas and let them regroup with more weapons and ammo, and build new milittary outposts

It would actually benefit everyone. Israel citizens, Hamas, Palestinian people and even the entire world. But you seem to be unable to dig deeper than your personal opinion.

This war would already be over if Hamas surrendered already, but it seems they prefer to extend the suffering of their people

I will comment to this in my second comment since apparently, I cant write anymore in this one (seems I got to its limit)

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

This war would already be over if Hamas surrendered already, but it seems they prefer to extend the suffering of their people

This ‘’war’’ (genocide) will never be over. That’s the main issue. As long as Far-right extremsist have the power within Israel, they will continue; Apartheid system, discrimination, illegal settlements, unfair prison for Palestinians, murdering of Palestinians and everything else that has been going on for decades upon decades.

And if by apartheid system you mean border controls

Learn the history. You know, open a book instead of throwing uneducated biased personal opinions. I’m not going to educate you on 76 years of history. You got to do that yourself.

If there’s any misconduct among the IDF, of couse they should be called out and disciplined. I’m not saying it is a good thing to abuse vulnerable people during a war. But, let’s be honest, in all wars this kind of stuff happen. A bunch of guys are there in the open, with no law enforcement to contain them, under a high stress situation for it is a war and they might die at any moment. Of course they might regress to erratic behaviors. Maybe it’s fueled by rage for their people being attacked by Hamas? Maybe they’re taking out it on the citizens? I don’t know. I’ve never been a soldier to know.

Certainly and unfortunately things like these happens in every war/ genocide but that does not mean it should be allowed. It should not. Your argument here is; ‘’it happens in every war, so whatever’’. That’s such a lame and invalid excuse to justify their actions.

Maybe it’s fueled by rage for their people being attacked by Hamas

Mayhap indoctrination? Mayhap they just think ‘’we can do whatever we want because the world won’t do anything anyway’’. If they want Hamas to stop existing, attacking and all that.
Give the land back, give the Palestinian people their rights and everything else that humans normally have.

Not only that, the leader of Hamas even said they would lay down their weapons if a independent Palestinian state is established:

  1. Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established.
  2. Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center.

I will NOT comment to you anymore because its a fact and obvious; you only write with uneducated biased personal opinions.
You said this yourself;

I’m not extremelly familiar to the history of Isreal,

Therefore you're not worth the energy, time and effort anymore,

ModernRisk , (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Probably the fact that they started a war on Oct. 7th that they can’t win, as a starting point for escalation of conflict specifically.

So you are going to just ignore 76 years of history about this situation?
Also Palestinians did not attack on 7 October 2023, it was Hamas. Normal Palestinian civilians are innocent. I will once again copy-past what, I said to another Lemmy user because it seems some particular people can’t (or won’t) do research themselves:

‘’Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.’’

If you want to go on the route ‘’who started this war’’; it’d be Israel and Britian who ‘’gave’’ the land to them.

that they can’t win, as a starting point for escalation of conflict specifically.

Obvious they cannot ‘win’ because it’s Israel state and the US country (US giving billions to Israel) versus a group of people. Hamas want their land, homes and humans right back.

The normal Palestinian civilians do not even want to fight at all. All they want is have human rights, be able to be free from occupation, torture. They don’t want to their entire families to be murdered out just because they’re Palestinians.
It’s immensely bad what Hamas done on 7 October but it’s also immensely bad what Israel has been doing since 1948 up until 2024 (ongoing). If you push people far enough, they will fight back in the worst way possible and that’s happened.

Also imagine this; you are in your house with five family members. Suddenly group of 10 strangers force their way into your home, kill all your family members and force you in the bathroom for 10 years. For 10 years they have been living now, you manage to escape, fight back and kill several of these people. Now suddenly you are the aggressor, committed a crime and they (who took your home and killed your family) are the victims. That do be insane if it really happens right?

Well newsflash, that is truly happening to the Palestinian people.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s pretty much sarcasm. Everyone knows that Israel PM does not give a single shit about what happened.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Murder? I saw the persons comment and it was clearly sarcasm. But I did not expect anything else from you. You delete everything that’s not to your liking, I remember you deleting my own comment for absolutely zero good reason.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m confused. I thought people need PSN link for multiplayer and can play the single player without it.

Though still a shit move and I’d say sail the high seas 🏴‍☠️

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I know this is supposed to be a sarcastic joke. However, nothing surprises me anymore. I won’t be surprised if such a thing would happen.

ModernRisk , (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Because a lot of Wikipedia pages can be edited by anyone, sure some are annotated at the end but lots are not as well. Therefore the trust of Wikipedia is in question.

  1. Wikipedia is a wiki, meaning anyone can edit nearly any page and improve articles immediately. You do not need to register to do this, and anyone who has edited is known as a Wikipedian or editor.

EDIT: you can downvoted all you want but even Wikipedia itself says that everyone can edit the page.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I disagree, it’s a starting point but it is not trustable source at all. We differ in opinions and that’s alright.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Israel government is the new Nazi government.
It is immensely insane that they’re doing nearly exact the same thing as what Nazi-Germany did to the Jewish people in WW2. Stripping away humanity.

But the presidents of all countries are turning a blind eye. There are just no words for this. This is horrifying, should not be happening.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t really pay attention to down nor upvotes.
Don’t even really understand what it does, I currently see it as: x amount of people agree or disagree with OP.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You made your account a day ago and starts making comments like this. An ignorant comment that refuses to acknowledge 75 years of horrible history.

Can’t help but think you are either a troll or a random Israeli supporter. Well, I suppose, I’ll just block you immediately.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Not emotional, just exhausted of trolls and Israel supporters that cannot back anything of their claims up.

Suppose, I’ll block you too. You got nothing good to write, comment or an argument.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If you really don’t have much time to game, I’d still say try to wait. It’ll be more fleshed out later on and perhaps out of EA(?).

Netanyahu hoped Hamas would reject Israel's offer. When it didn't, he turned to sabotage ( www.haaretz.com )

Israel's criminal defendant prime minister, more focused on saving his incompetent far-right government than saving the hostages who have spent seven months trapped in Gaza, is doing everything he can to torpedo Israel's last and best chance at bringing the hostages home...

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Netanyahu never intended to stop the genocide/ war on Gaza, he made that clear:

  1. Netanyahu tells Blinken he will not end war on Hamas in Gaza as part of hostage deal.
  2. Netanyahu vows to invade Rafah ‘with or without a deal’ as cease-fire talks with Hamas continue.

Why would Hamas even accept the ''deal'' if Israel anyway will invade Rafah that has all the innocent Palestinian civillians?

They also shut down AlJezeera news and Israel claims they are the ''only democracy in the Middle East'':
Israel orders Al Jazeera to shut down as Netanyahu rejects peace talks.

ModernRisk , (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Last part as in ''Israel claims they are the ‘‘only democracy in the Middle East''?

I refer to this not only because they shutdown Al Jazeera but also their entire regime. They call themselves an democratic country in the Middle East but we all know:

  • They have an Apartheid regime (Two different laws. One for Israeli and one for Palestinian).
  • They sent Palestinian people unfair to prison.
  • Palestinian people have unfair judgement.
  • They shutdown Al Jazeera (I'm not even sure if they gave an actual reason but if they did; can we trust it? They have been known for lying to the world).
  • Netanyahu has been Prime Minister for so long while majority do not even want him as a Prime Minister.
  • People who humiliate Palestinian often do not get punished by law.

How can you call such an state ''democratic''?

EDIT 1: If you want, I can get news-sources for each claim.

EDIT 2: Checking upon your comment history, you’ve been spamming that particular sentence. So I’m curious why you are defending an state that is on paper “democratic” but in reality is not.

ModernRisk , (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

In Israel proper the laws are equal, plenty of Arabs live in Israel with the same rights as anyone else. In territories they occupy the laws are unfair, but I don’t know of any democracy that gives people in occupied territories equal rights

Do you have any proof of your particular claim? Like give a link with an example of it.
Sorry to say but I’m immensely skeptical. I could claim lots of things and it could not be true.

  1. Israeli forces’ systemic denial of fair trial rights to Palestinian child prisoners amounts to arbitrary detention June 1 2023

They shutdown a foreign media outlet specifically for the duration of a war. Undemocratic, but not beyond the scope of democracy.

You said it, yourself. Undemocratic. Plus the two separate laws does not really define ''democratic'', does it?
A Apartheid regime cannot be democratic. Not only that if they are so democratic, why shut it down? Freedom of speech is a part of being democratic which means allowing real news and evidence to be spread into to the world, to let others know what is going on.

  1. Democracy or Apartheid: You Can't Have Both
  2. Freedom of expression is one of the essential foundations of a democratic society
  3. Israel prevents hundreds of worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa on first night of Ramadan

This is discrimination not by law but by the people that enforce it, unfortunately democracy can’t effectively fix the biases of its citizens.

Two different laws makes it by itself already discriminating against the Palestinian people.
Makes it more worse when people do not even ‘obey the law’.

The reason they are a democracy is because they have elections that determine the ruling party in the legislature. In 2022 a right wing party got the most votes and successfully created a coalition government. If the government does unpopular things then they will lose votes in the next election and be removed, ideally this limits unpopular government policy.

Not sure if I said it in this thread or somewhere else but Israel is on paper ‘’democratic’’ but in reality they are not. In January there was a poll done whether the Israeli want their Prime Minister to stay or be gone and the majority of the Israeli do not want their current prime minister and he keeps being in power.

  1. Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds
ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don’t have time to give a complete argument back (yet) but where are your sources for your claims?

I’ll respond in a day or two entirely.

ModernRisk , (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

they have the same laws for all citizens. jews, muslims, druze, etc.
palestinians living in the west bank are citizens of the pa (or jordan), not of israel.
the situation in area c of the west bank is a result of the failed oslo accords and bibi’s policy of “status quo”.

So first of all, Wikipedia is not a trustable source at all and therefore dismissed.
This is because everyone can edit the Wikipedia page. For example, I can edit a page and then claim it is true. There's no one really who keeps tabs on how trustable it is. Not only that, Wikipedia even says that one of the pages you gave is not really trustable ''This page does not provide license information'' and the page can be deleted. Thus not trustable.

Wikipedia is a good starting point but not a (trustable) source to back up claims.

My point stays the same; Israel is on paper ''democratic'' but in reality they are not. You cannot be democratice while having:

  • Apartheid system.
  • Unfair judgement to Palestinian people.
  • Unfair sending Palestinians to prison (many whom are children).

And everything else they do to the Palestinian people.

There are whistleblowers on how Israel litteraly tortures Palestinian people, article of this is the 3rd one. Do you consider this an actual ''democratic'' state?

  1. Wikipedia is a wiki, meaning anyone can edit nearly any page and improve articles immediately. You do not need to register to do this, and anyone who has edited is known as a Wikipedian or editor.
  2. Declaration of Independence (Israel) & This page does not provide license information.
  3. Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center

shutting down a state backed media group that has ties to the muslim brotherhood (hamas is a branch of theirs), from a hostile state that hosts the billionaire leaders of hamas, is similar to the shutting down of rt in europe - which is a state backed media group of a hostile state.

Huge claim but no link to a trustable source. I'm honestly not sure whether this is true however then here's my question:
Why shutting it down now and not decades ago? If it is true, it means they knew it already and never done anything about it until Israel decided to commit another ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and worse, genocide.

posting something twice and then replying to someone with a similar link isn’t “spamming”.
pointing out the reality of this specific action / situation isn’t “defending” anything. that’s a very black and white view of things.
same as when i criticize a state it doesn’t instantly mean i’m against it or hate it.

I do not understand what you mean here nor to what you are referring to.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

In January there was a poll done in Israel:
Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds.

I don’t know how the poling is now though. However with how the world currently sees Israel, I doubt it would be in a favor for the prime minister (as in not in favor for him).

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Claims without actual trustable sources are just rumors and gossips.

ModernRisk , (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So first; your comment sounds passive aggressive. You can argue/ discuss without it. If not, I’ll just block you. 

I appreciate the sources, never knew it was thanks to his father - that Biden is a pro-Israel/ Zionist. However this does not particularly show that defending Israel is a “promise to his father”

Like the other comment state:

Biden's primary stated reason for defending Israel is a promise to his dying father

In none of your articles does this come up. Only that his father is the reason of him being pro-Israel.

I know very well Biden is a pro-Zionist/ pro-Israel. You can check my comment history.

EDIT: so your sources and your comment doesn’t “answer” my question at all. It just shows he became a pro Israel because of his father. Not about him promising his father, he will defend Israel.

We all know already that he’s a pro-Israel because there’s a video of Biden saying “if there was no Israel, we will invent one”.
Joe Biden says if Israel didn't exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests

ModernRisk , (edited )
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

How trustable is this source? Just curious because never knew about the site.

EDIT: you can downvote, that’s okay. But I would appreciate an actual answer as well.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Thanks did not know that exist.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Biden does not care at all for the people of Gaza, that’s very clear with the money/ weapons he sends to Israel.

EDIT: you can keep downvoting since it doesn’t mean much on Lemmy. However, it is true. If he actually cared about the lives of the Palestinian people, he wouldn’t send so much to Israel due to the very fact, he knows that it will be used for the genocide on Palestinian people.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

No, he does not care at all. Biden said lots of times, he fully supports Israel. When someone says that while the particular state is committing genocide - the person truly does not care about the lives of the people who are being brutally murdered.

At some point the geopolitics and internal US politics needs to setback and you need to take a hard look and think about the more than 33 000 lives that have been taken away. 

This is not about “doing anything he wants just because, he’s president”. Despite the fact Biden cannot do ‘everything he wants’ - he certainly has a great influence of what happens (he’s president after all). The US refused to agree to a ceasefire multiple times. 

He could for example put pressure on not giving the money to Israel until ceasefire happens and pressure to not give any weapons and such if they (Israel) decide to continue.

Also this is just me probably nitpicking but why can’t you write without rude words?

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Israel is a good international neighbor. Iran funds terrorist groups all over the world.

From all your comments, we can conclude you’re an heavy Israel supporter (perhaps Zionist?).

You keep writing things like “terrorist groups’’, '’7th October’’, and the most ironic one ‘’ Israel is a good international neighbor. Iran funds terrorist groups all over the world’’. Do you even realize; Israel funded Hamas.

You seem to purposefully dismiss/ not mention how Israel even became an actual state. Not only that, Israel being a good neighbor? Such a joke - They refuse to listen to anything what Biden asks and/ or says. They use the WW2, holocaust and the star as if that allows them to commit all the atrocities (genocide) they are currently doing.

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the horrifying things Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

The entire 7th October and ‘’self-defense’’ is such a lame excuse at this point. More than 33 000 normal Palestinians have been brutally murdered by Israel. Iran only attacked Israel because Israel attacked their consulate/ embassy (and killed someone).

Israel is currently doing:

  • Stealing land (illegal settlements, driving Palestinian people away from their homes)
  • Ethnic cleansing (removing Palestinians from their homeland)
  • Genocide (murdering Palestinians because, they’re Palestinian people)
  • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things
  • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race (Israel officials said this themselves)
  • Lying to the world (decapitated babies & calendar story)
  • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people
  • They think and say that Palestinian people are, the “inferior” race
  • Apartheid
  • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)
  • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

Who’s the actual terrorist here?

Sources of my claims

  1. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2024/4/7/6-months-of-devastation-in-gaza-war-with-no-sign-of-an-end
  2. https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2023/10/358170/israel-defense-minister-calls-palestinians-human-animals-amid-israeli-aggression
  3. https://www.timesofisrael.com/far-right-minister-says-nuking-gaza-an-option-pm-suspends-him-from-cabinet-meetings/
  4. https://www.reuters.com/world/israels-un-delegates-criticised-wearing-yellow-stars-symbol-pride-2023-10-31/
  5. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
  6. https://www.timesofisrael.com/only-15-of-israelis-want-netanyahu-to-keep-job-after-gaza-war-poll-finds/

EDIT: Also majority of the normal civilians in Israel does not even want their current prime minister anymore. Only 15% of the Israeli's want him, the rest (85%) want him gone.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Honestly, just avoid Reddit like the plague. If you really still want to see stuff from there, use an RSS feed (only for the subreddits you want to see).

To be blunt Reddit is full of garbage, especially since the take downs of 3rd-party-apps and the IPO.

Most of the things you’ll see on there are:

  • Drama
  • Uneducated opinions
  • Circlejerk (for karma farming)
  • Bots
  • People ragebaiting each other
  • Mods using their power to be some kind of dictator
ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

May I ask what you’re using to replace Discord?

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I think you need a lesson of history, so I will mix two of my older comments here:

Israel became an actual state in 1948 by displacing 750 000 Palestinian people and murdering many (men, women and children). Laying sieges, bombarding villages and population centers, setting fires to homes, properties and goods. Planting mines among the rubble to prevent any of the expelled people from returning (source: The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by ilan Pappé).

Now Hamas did not exist until 1987, they became an actual group only in 1987 because of all the actions Israel had done from 1948 up until 1987. Which is approximately 39-40 years after what Israel had done to the Palestinian people.

From this we can conclude that Hamas did not start this but Israel did and that Hamas is fighting back.

Israel is currently doing:

  • Stealing land

  • Ethnic cleansing 

  • Genocide 

  • Calling Palestinians rats, animals and more cruel things 

  • Wanting to erase the entire Palestinian race

  • Lying to the world 

  • They think they are “superior” than Palestinian people

  • They think and say that Palestinian people are, the “inferior” race

  • Apartheid 

  • Sent Palestinian people jail/ prison for no reason (even kids)

  • Beat Palestinian people for no reason or provoke to “get a reason”

Does these things ring a bell? I’m sure it does because the Nazis were doing the same thing. 

There's an image which shows the very similarities between Nazis and Israel government.

EDIT: correcting words & adding more info.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So we could also talk about

  • Israel stealing land since 1948.
  • Israel displacing 750 000 Palestinians since 1948.
  • Israel purposefully starving Palestinians.
  • Israel having Apartheid for decades upon decades.
  • The fact Hamas only exists due to Israel’s actions (1948 and Hamas made in 1987).
  • Israel Ethnic Cleansing.
  • Israel murdering more than 20 000 Palestinian people in the name of “self defense”.
  • Israel continuously lying about important things (example the calendar picture, claiming it was something important about Hamas but it was just an Arabic calendar and the 40 babies claim).

I do not agree with what Hamas did but it is very understandable that people who lost everything because of Israel actions (losing land, homes, family members) - People will lose their sanity at some point. What will a person do who has nothing left to live for and only has hatred in their heart?

EDIT: Correction of specific date.

Netanyahu dismisses Hamas ceasefire proposal, insists on total victory ( www.reuters.com )

DOHA, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday total victory in Gaza was within reach, rejecting the latest offer from Hamas for a ceasefire to ensure the return of hostages still held in the besieged enclave....

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The thing is, it will never happen.

Sure, they might “win” in terms of military and/or stealing land. But as long as they keep oppressing, stealing and murdering - there will be people fighting against it.

Even if there’s no Palestinian left on Palestinian ground. There will be people from different countries fighting back. One way or another.

“If peaceful revolution is not possible, violent revolution is inevitable”.

This whole thing seems to be a never-ending cycle which makes me immensely sad. For both, the Palestinian people and the normal civilians of Israel.

From what I have read and heard, Israel haven’t seen any actual peace ever since they made the state. I think, they’ve been on ‘high alert for attacks’ ever since being made. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

People are so quick with conclusions without actual information.

If you read the article, it is about whether the person gave consent or not for the kiss.

We as just observers on the internet, have no idea about that. So why drawing conclusions?

EDIT you can downvote all you want, since it doesn’t mean anything on here. However let me ask:

Were you next to both of them when it happened? I’m assuming not, so how do you know the facts?
Conclusions without facts are just random opinions.

ModernRisk ,
@ModernRisk@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

My point is, people here pretend as if they know everything what has truly happened. While we are just observers, we do not know actually has been said at that right moment (or do we?). I do not justify anything, never claimed I was justifying anything.

Certainly he can he an ''POS'' but I don't know. I don't know him that much, do not follow him and do not know him personally.

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