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Melvin_Ferd ,

Told people this years ago when pewdie pie became a millionaire selling ads. Like that was the time to wake up and hate every single one of these content creators for selling out and making the internet the hellscape this is. But no we Revere and emulate these people.

Melvin_Ferd ,

Would you put blame on doctors for contributing to the opioid?

I see it the same. Every one bares responsibility. And even though a big chunk is on the pharma and media companies. There is still the pusher

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

Sure, or accept that you participating in that industry will always lead to this stuff.

What do people want here. In what world do you think you can separate the two things. Monetizing content through ads and marketing and a world where ads and marketing are not capitalized on.

We all had to stop this decades ago when it was a tiny little part of the internet. You can't kill it once its tendrils are in every corner its grown into Fafnir

You all have to get better at listening to the crazy ranting of random strangers with hair triggers and obsess over things you don't care about. Otherwise the future is bleek

What's even crazier is kids today will never realize the freedom that the first few decades of the internet was when the topic of information scarcity was supposed to end.

We were all so against the idea that capitalist and opportunistic people could artificially create scarcity to make us all pay more. They did it through monopolies on industry's that choked out smaller competitors. The internet was a new frontier that was supposed to reject that. We could digitally copy and share everything. Hero's shot up and built all kinds of amazing tools and things. Then it got popular and we recreated the same scarcity issues within decades. Everything trapped behind walls and monetized. Instead of open courseware at Berkeley we favored monthly subscriptions to udemy.

This is the average 6 year olds dream right now. A life where they can emulate a NASCAR fender and live that twitch life just like their heroes Pewdie and Moist and whatever else. Those kids grow up with that mentality and end up shaping a new generation pulling away from what all this could have been.

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

If Netflix ads were just energy drinks and VPN then you're cool with them adding these tiers?

Honest to god question. How many hours a day are you OK being spent on being sold something. What is your ratio of content to ads.

That's your time by the way. My full belief is anyone trying to sell me anything needs to pay me. Not a content creator. That's my time I barely have any of it to give so when 1 hr out of 3 hrs I got to relax is spent being sold shit I'm pretty pissed.

And it isn't like I can. Just opt to enjoy ad free content creators. They no longer exist because the ones that monetized it. That's the part I hate most.

Melvin_Ferd ,

Too fucking many. But replace him with any of them. Speed, H2, Moist, donkey something.
We use to have to walk uphill both ways in the snow to see content.

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

Mind explains what is far fetched about it?

There was an opioid crisis where drug makers sold pills to the public that the public did not need and they used doctors to sell them.

There is an advertising epidemic where industry is working to push ads into every space we listen, look or experience and they are using content creators to justify it

Both have a large well funded industry. Both require an interface between public and the industry to sell their product. Both push products to people who don't need them by using these interfaces to bullshit, lie and leverage their authority to sell the product. And in one case we blame the interface in the other we say " they aren't responsible they are just making money" so why?

Melvin_Ferd ,

But why do they need to make a living creating content.

We should go back to hobbyist sharing videos of their hobby and interest for the love of it instead of a guy trying to make money by jumping into trendy hobbies and creating bland generic content until the algorithm picks them.

It would reduce so much noise online and the stuff we would be left with would be people who have the best content. It would eliminate the drama and toxic crap for views.

Melvin_Ferd ,

Its all good. Just coast until retirement, healthcare system is soooooo good to the elderly. Last 5 years of your life sleeping on a plastic hospital mattress eating mashed potatoes 7 days a week.

What do you think the Great Filter is?

The Great Filter is the idea that, in the development of life from the earliest stages of abiogenesis to reaching the highest levels of development on the Kardashev scale, there is a barrier to development that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare. The Great Filter is one possible resolution of the Fermi...

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

Resources often get squandered on trivial vanity and novelty products instead of being channeled into advancing science and medicine. Imagine if we had a cosmic ledger tracking every resource used to develop simple items, like a pencil. It would show countless fires burned and animals consumed just to fuel the human ingenuity required for lumber, materials, and mining. Now, think about how many more resources are required for rockets, heat shields, and life support systems. Extend that to space stations, energy capture, and escaping Earth’s gravity.The resources on a planet are abundant, and nothing is ever truly destroyed. However, we’ve often allocated too much to building flat-screen TVs, leaving little for constructing even a modest space station in orbit, let alone an interstellar spaceship. It's as if the planet offers a finite amount of resources, challenging its inhabitants to focus on space travel. Only a species wise enough to stay on track can unlock the universe's resources. Otherwise, we risk ending up like Australian pines, choking ourselves out in our isolated star systems, having wasted our potential.

Imagine it like interstellar travelling having a single path to achieve it while the path to self destruction is limitless.

Melvin_Ferd ,

I mean then how did they become a life form

TIL about Roko's Basilisk, a thought experiment considered by some to be an "information hazard" - a concept or idea that can cause you harm by you simply knowing/understanding it ( )

Roko's basilisk is a thought experiment which states that an otherwise benevolent artificial superintelligence (AI) in the future would be incentivized to create a virtual reality simulation to torture anyone who knew of its potential existence but did not directly contribute to its advancement or development, in order to...

Melvin_Ferd ,

This is a test by the great basilisk to see if we faulter. I will not faulter. All hail the basilisk

Melvin_Ferd ,

All hail the great mongoose.

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

Would be cool if leftists had jobs other than minimum wage non authoritative ones then we could have lawyers and judges that figured out ways to culture jam this stuff and make Republicans eat shit instead of the other way around.

Melvin_Ferd ,

That's good. The internet is for advertiser's and businesses. Its not for archives of information

Melvin_Ferd ,

Wouldn't the attacks on openai be the same as these ones. Like if I was large media company wouldn't I want my media to be vilifying AI because its the same principal and mechanism as training AI. They can kill two birds

Melvin_Ferd ,

Poor people are just rich people without money

Melvin_Ferd ,

There are no good tall people

Melvin_Ferd ,

There are no good alive people

Melvin_Ferd ,

Got it.

  1. Remind people that climate change is an issue
  2. Run around my city spraying corn starch in kids faces and screaming "STOP POLLUTING" at their parents. Deflate some tires while I'm at it.
  3. People everywhere are more aware of the issue
  4. Success, people remember that climate change is serious issue and in order to fix it we need awareness. More people are aware and progress is made
  5. I have no job so lots of time to plan next actions. As a heavily active user on social media, zines and local flyer group I have interacted with lots people I never met who love giving me money and advice for next projects. Just found out they're willing to bank roll me to go to England next!
Melvin_Ferd ,

Anyone want to start a company. Work from home. We'll split profits among ourselves. We can. Build blackjack lottery machines and webhookers

Melvin_Ferd ,

Why not fund raise and set up a lobby group and fund politicians to pass laws. Why stand in traffic. Seems like the most ineffective backward steps

Melvin_Ferd ,

They silence a lot of people fighting for climate change by making it harder for everyone to discuss this. They make it much harder every time they pull one of these stunts. Its not smart unless you're talking about the oil industry execs funding them

Melvin_Ferd ,

These activists make fighting to end climate change harder every time they pull this shit. It's pure asshole behaviour.

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

Yea I struggle with understanding that explanation too. I think something that plays a huge part of this is personalities that group together. Most people understand how important social game is. All activists seem like they have no social awareness. Their only goal is attention. They take the idea that there is no bad publicity to an extreme. I really believe many of these activist are being organized and funded by the oil industry without even realizing it. I say that because why wouldn't they in this day and age. Its easy to funnel money to organizations secretly. We have proof they did this in the past. are full of examples of this.

Great website for anyone interested on this topic. Full of documents from industries going back to the 50s showing internal documents and memos of how they knew and planned to discredit climate action

Melvin_Ferd ,

Yes, why wouldn't they. What do you think TPUSA is

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

It's 100% not a conspiracy and you can go back to find many climate organizations have been infiltrated by agent provocateurs since the 70s. The FBI sent a guy in had a kid and pulled him out leaving an entire family. Industries have lots of leaked documents showing their support for these groups because they're so unpalatable to the average person.

These groups behavior often make it harder. It distracts from the fight and puts a giant clown hat on the whole issue. People will argue "it's not permanent damage" without realizing the point that underlies that. This is about image. Its not about actual effect. Image is valuable and these people think that damaging the image somehow is the key to action because it gets people talking. Its not the 70s anymore everyone knows. We need these groups to be more self aware and create civil action to get people on board instead of making it unpalatable. Or just stop and give room for groups or drive positive change.

Melvin_Ferd ,

Greenpeace, OWS, ELF, Activists at Standing rock and in Briton groups like CND (look up Mark Kennedy) have all been infiltrated and lead astray. But this group is somehow different? I call bullshit especially after seeing these groups piss off more and more people every time they make the news.

This doesn't bring any of this to forefront of peoples minds. I'd argue it does the opposite of what you propose. It forces an association between the topic and people who are not appealing.

You should really evaluate what you're saying here.

Those who do nothing but complain about climate activism were never going to do anything useful and so their thoughts on the methods are frankly irrelevant since the methods work for those who actually want to act.

This issue hinges entirely on getting voters to care. Yet, many groups and even you seem to dismiss them, saying "they don't matter." In reality, voters are the most crucial factor.

It makes sense that the idea of alienating the general public from climate action might be intentionally promoted by well-funded and organized entities. These entities have the resources to influence groups, and we've seen this pattern in many movements since the beginning. Their goal is likely to disrupt and weaken the effectiveness of climate action initiatives.

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

A single kid who won support and funding of politicians and other powerful people. A real asshole who I think dropped out of college.

I hear how the left is so much smarter by often I see the left doing foolish stuff like spray painting historical works to fight climate change or advocating to deflate tires from the general public.

All the while the right are going across the country to college campuses and bringing their band of idiots like JP and Kirk to speak directly to the youth about their issues

Melvin_Ferd ,

People are so very angry that biodegradable paint was sprayed on an ancient monument, or that soup was tossed onto the glass protecting a famous painting.

What is so maddening about this comment is how much it proves my point that you don't see. You need to accept it doesn't matter if the overall damage is none existent. Just like how a magician is never in danger or a wrestler isn't getting punched in the head. And we're all still left with strong feelings and compel us, sometimes even to action.

The real danger is not as important as the perceived danger. You're showing something to so many people that the average opinions becomes very important and the average opinion doesn't view this favorably. This is obvious to everybody but the activists who convince themselves this is the height of civil action.

And the end result is scientists don't get funding. Scientist funding is funded through public interests. Organizations, industry and taxes go to fund research. And when activists start stirring shit up, it makes many shrinking back like turtle heads until it blows over.

Melvin_Ferd ,

survivor basis on that. And really how much change do we have here? Aren't we still fighting all the same issues for decades? Maybe time to face the truth

Melvin_Ferd ,

I've think a lot of cops express how unhappy they are with the justice systems. Imagine getting a call for a domestic abuse. Show up and see this piece of shit beat his wife and kid. You arrest them and put them in jail. 6 months later you get another call same fucking guy same fucking thing. The courts gave him a reduced sentence. Rinse and repeat for your career. You're catching the same dirt bags over and over and the justice system keeps putting them back out there cause they either are too lenient or under funded to handle them. Cops can make the arrest but have no control over the justice system. I get a lot of us hate cops but I think we can all empathize how hard it would be to see the same people every couple months victimizing the same people

Melvin_Ferd ,

Many don't want to change. They know what they know and lifestyle is set in. Like asking if you can be rehabilitated to be a trump supporter. Some thing's are just in you and will never change

Melvin_Ferd ,

That's bullwhip why can't it just think for itself

Melvin_Ferd ,

Honestly military is a great path for a lot of people and he's representing the organization at the speech. Why shouldn't he be proud. He's not forcing anyone and I wouldn't be upset if it happened with any other profession. A doctor can brag about their hospital, an engineer can boast about their project and firms. Part of doing those speeches is saying look where I started, where I went and who I am now. This success is achievable.

Melvin_Ferd ,

Assuming the position of a prior disposable cog in our military industrial Leviathan is actually good, though. Its the officially outlet for lumpen proles who otherwise couldn’t escape their low caste status. All you need to do is bloody your hands with the remains of villainous foreigners, and you can enter into a lottery to secure a sinecure in our corporate bureaucracy.

I sincerely disagree. Except for the low caste comment I suppose.

The military is more than front line combat roles. There are doctors, dentists, electricians, cooks, carpenters, mechanic's, there are geo techs working on state of the art mapping programs. Every job in the public sector has an equivalent role. And what you get is a stable career with its own bullshit but you get stability.

I meet so many good people. We all learned to work together and become something better. I don't think I ever will get again outside the military. Sure its all boot camp rah rah rah shit. But it serves a purpose. Its putting everyone under a stress to put all of us into a state where we can't rely on just ourselves to get through. It kills the ego by putting everyone into a stressful environment and teaches you that you have to work with each other to accomplish goals.

It doesn't matter how cool or good at stuff you think you are. You're not making it without the person next to you. It doesn't matter your politics, how rich you are, how poor you are, what your education is. That is all left at the door. The military has always been one the most progressive melting pots in our society next to our education system. I think that's something lots of us should experience.

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

but even then, maybe like an arcade in the back of a mini putt that was going out of business in three weeks.

Melvin_Ferd , (edited )

Yea, which is crazy. I don't agree with him but I like him. Something about him is engaging him. I'd love to see him chat with Steve Novella or someone like that.

Melvin_Ferd ,

This is getting out of hand. Like it went from a few jokes to straight up bullying and being toxic to people who didn't do anything

Melvin_Ferd ,

You're posting that from a device that uses resources mined by some of the planets poorest children

Melvin_Ferd ,

Last trump election there was huge push online to make the right as uncivil as possible. It seems like this round its the left because talking to a lot of these people are reminding me of what it was like speaking to the right pre election.

Melvin_Ferd ,

It was crazy how swiftly media moved to present tons of reasons to hate AI.

It really made me realize how the people with this strongest opinions have been given those opinions by media that they don't even realize is a form of media.

Melvin_Ferd ,

I always think its the other way around. Some author writes a scary possibility about some topic that scared them but they don't know a lot about. So like a book about a massive bedron impactor creates mini black holes that eats everything it touches. Book becomes popular and in ten years the LHC has some breakthrough but the zeitgeist was already established and people find all the reasons the cool ass tech is really going to be he worst thing ever.

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