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Biden is dramatically out of touch with voters on Gaza. He may lose because of it ( )

On the issue of Gaza, Biden is dramatically out of touch with the voters he needs to win re-election. If he will not be moved by morality to stop his support of this war, he should be moved by vulgar self-interest. Gaza is not a distant foreign conflict: it is an urgent moral emergency for large swaths of voters. Biden will lose...

Melkath ,

I'll be amazed if the debate happens, but not because of the Trump camp.

Flash back to Trump v Hilary. In a sane world, that would have been a smack down, but it wasn't.

The issue the Dems have is they keep going "Look at him! He's Trump!" and everyone goes "uh huh..." and they're like "Oh shit... I really thought that would have cinched it."

Biden can't make it through a 3 minute address without flubbling/slurring 12 times and then shuffling away looking at the floor like his pampers are full. There is no possible reality that Biden will be able to perform well for a full debate.

Again, I fucking hate Trump, but the DNC has already sunk the ship for this election, and I think they did it on purpose.

Melkath ,

I think you meant than.

Melkath ,

And who won?

Melkath ,

What the 2 party system delivers?

I agree.

But cute sidestep on the question.

I endorse invalidating the 2 party system by not participating in the 2 party system and forcing reform.

You aparently want round 2, Genocidal Joe vs Always was that Trump, but expect a new result. Electric boogaloo.

I also won't vote for militarized police and genocide.

So there's that too.

Melkath ,

I dont. Shits already bad.

Not ignoring it. Awarely and consciously abstaining.

Melkath ,


Acronyms are generally proceeded by "an", not a.

Melkath ,

Fair enough and spot on.

a USB stick, while correct, challenges how I would have described it before you referenced it to me.

Melkath ,


Farve ended up being a steaming pile of shit.

Let Rodgers be an ok dude.

This claim keeps him an ok dude.

Please keep it there.

Melkath ,

I left behind sportsball well over 8 years ago...

I won't look it up, but I'm guessing not good things have surfaced since.

Edit: also, referencing this guy as a QB suggests its not the guy who the QB sneak G.O.A.T. when I stopped paying attention to sportsball and the Packers where decidedly the best team in the institution.

Melkath ,

But think of all of the valuable experience you will get to put on your resume!

Melkath ,

Hearing you hate olives makes me think you probably only like Mountain Dew and Chicken Nuggies.

Melkath ,

I mean, whenever I hear picky eating, especially pickiness about a savory food, I imagine a person who lives on hostess, mountain dew (any kind), fried foods, and formed meat pastes (Hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken nuggies).

In general, the food that I was raised on, before I learned how to cook and eat a variety of foods.

I absolutely die for Kalamata olives lightly dressed in olive oil and Italian spices.

Melkath , (edited )

Are you just talking about the cheap green pomento olives in jars suspended in brine?

Or does your aversion go through all of the greek/italian versions too?

I slot those green olives in the same "I love!" place as pickles.

Also, cant beat black olives on a pizza or Italian style (Italian sausage, meatball, cold cut) sub.

Kalamata have such a hearty umami, when I crave a Greek Salad, 90% of that is craving the Kalamatas. Castelvetrano are so buttery yet refreshing. Picholine (especially with Pomento) are such a satisfying tart salty savory fix.

I mean, if you don't like em, you don't like em and you can have that, but every flavor that I have ever disliked (Bananas, Brussels Sprouts, and Sushi are the big ones I remember for me) was just an invitation to "acquire the taste" and has become a flavor I savor.

I still struggle with caviar, but even still, every once in a while I just get hit with the craving.

Only food thing that I can think of that I haven't tried in ages and I might still hate is black licorice.

I should get some black licorice and acquire that taste...

Melkath , (edited )

God damn it Chuck.

Edit: I made a better call saul reference. Jimmy would have never done this, but he would be working to undercut chuck.

Melkath ,

Which was so much more complex than mapping the GI track, but people were robbing graves for centuries trying to work that one out.

Melkath , (edited )

It is already showing really great potential.

Then the news drops that all of the progress we made on global warming has been undone by the energy usage caused by AI.

So sure, AI will live up the hype, and we will still die a slow and agonizing death of heat and suffocation.

But at least we will have AI friend chat bots to comfort us through the end.

Melkath ,

I'd say the masses dying of starvation and exposure would reduce global warming, but the millions of cars will be replaced by hundreds of private jets that net greater emissions.

The poor factory workers will be more destitute, and the rich will always find a way fill that void. Fuck, they will force their pilot to fly the empty jet around the world just to make sure that conditions on earth dont improve and they eventually get to utilize their vault 3 miles underground before they die.

Melkath , (edited )

CO2 doesn't only come from fossil fuels. It comes from combustion in general.

We can go nuclear, but look at how Russia has ruined its entire country trying to do that (if you are not aware of how severe the radiation problem in all of Russia, not just Chernobyl, has become, there are tons of youtubers that do documentary style content, Plainly Difficult is one of my favorites).

Solar, wind, hydro can do it, but the amount of CO2 produced by manufacturing the generators is still massive. Its just producing the CO2 upstream in the process instead of during the actual power generation. It would take so many solar panels and windmills to replace burning coal that producing them would still release an amount of greenhouse gasses that rivals just burning the coal.

I don't disagree that we can make try moves to mitigate the damage, but giant red flags went out about Crypto mining. The power draw from AI is far surpassing that, and AI has hardly even started to spin up yet.

I hope for the day we figure out how to produce unlimited energy without destroying the atmosphere in the process, but its Newton's Third Law. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Each "solution" comes with its drawbacks, but our thirst for electricity only ever grows.

The answer would be to make AI draw less power, not to create more power in different ways.

There is no way we are going to get CEOs to scale back their AI power draw when it gives them the ability to scan everyone's face and spy on them in a comprehensive, existential way. They are already using it on Anti-Zionist protesters. They are never going to give that kind of power up, but that kind of power requires an insane amount of... power.

Melkath ,

Where do you think rebar comes from?

Melkath ,

My company ordered back to office, and as I was told, I was the only one to say no.

I generate too much value and have tolerated being underpayed enough that they can't justify firing me.

I'm also not some MIT AI machine learning savant. I come from a business analyst/ QA background, and I have made a SQL/Java/VBA system for virtually free that does the work of a team of 10 every day, but it's just my underpaid ass running it.

When I lose this job, honestly, I'm fucked and it will be a nightmare because I'll probably need to go into an office, and I'm in no shape for that.

But for today, I said no and I keep doing my job.

Melkath ,

That's been the tactic.

Baby steps.

Melkath ,


I dont share my anecdote for the first time.

I have heard in equal parts that I have a rare privilege and also that privilege will not last forever.

I challenge both takes a little, but mostly accept both as true.

Melkath ,

Because he is rich and loudly Zionist. Duh.

Melkath ,

Yes, the modern mindset. Murder the product, preserve the manager's paygap.

Melkath ,

Smacks of "I am placing sanctions on Israel" Places sanctions on 3 men

Do you need a dentist visit every 6 months? That filling? The data is weak ( )

A 2020 Cochrane review that assessed the two clinical trials concluded that "whether adults see their dentist for a check‐up every six months or at personalized intervals based on their dentist's assessment of their risk of dental disease does not affect tooth decay, gum disease, or quality of life. Longer intervals (up to 24...

Melkath ,

Time before last I had a dental checkup, they said I needed 12 fillings. Didn't schedule the fillings.

Last time I went in for a dental checkup, they said I needed 5 fillings. Didn't schedule the fillings.

It's been 15 years since that, and none of my teeth have gone rotten. None of them have gotten painful.

Melkath ,

I dont deny it.

Shame on me for just existing with okay teeth.

What happens to those who are severely disabled while in prison?

For some reason began going down a rabbit hole thinking about this. Let's say you are blind, and reliant on a guide dog, but end up in prison for a non-violent crime like possession of illegal drugs. Are you allowed to keep the dog? No, right? But if you are entirely reliant on the guide dog to perform daily tasks, how do you...

Melkath ,

Ummm, from what ive seen, the general vibe is, you know how your boss would like to chain you to a desk in an office and ignore all your human wants and just make you a mindless drone that does their bidding, and as long as you are chained at that desk, you know that every couple days/weeks/months they will suddenly cater to your needs for a 45min to 4hr task, and based on how they like your performance, you stay chained to that desk or you get your needs catered to just enough to make you want to do WHATEVER you just did again?

That's what jail/prison is.

Human rights removed. Behavioral programming at maximum.

If I lost my leg right now, I would be destitute.

2 years in a prison and I'd probably be one-leg-hopping all over the place. Or buried out back. And we are learning that American police stations and prisons have a problem with literal shallow graveyards behind their buildings.

One of the major explainers about why badges hate 1st Amendment Auditors.

Melkath ,

Correct, younglings use training sabers that don't cut.

Padawans, knights, and masters spar with their whole ass sabers.

Melkath ,

A) People still get paid to do dedicated QA?

B) If you really think that, you must be a noob.

Melkath ,

Yes grasshopper.

I was a QA for over 15 years.

Then the "Agile" fad ripped through the industry and QA died.

Melkath ,

Still working.

I stopped being able to find QA work in the early 2010s or so. Converted to BI Developer. Have not encountered a dedicated QA at any of the small assortment of jobs I have had since.

Edit: And fair, despite it being a waste of time cult mentality engineered to make developers suffer and enshitify software quality, Agile got enough Kool aid drinkers to qualify it as more than a fad.

Melkath ,

Which, when put to practice, means QAs become BAs, no comprehensive QA occurs, and when the code is shit because they have no actual QA support and the scope changes constantly with no firm documented requirements, the dev gets fired.

Great model for people who like to sit in meetings and complain.

Horrible model for the people who actually work.

Melkath ,

A devout Kool aid drinker I see.

Did you buy that Kool aid with your story points?

I hear they have a competitive exchange rate to Stanley nickels.

Melkath ,

I guess I'm just being a snob here.

I worked for an actual QA department that produced actual documentation and ran actual full scale QA cycles.

In the past 15 years, I have seen that practice all but fully disappear and be replaced by people who click at things until they find 1 thing, have a verbal meeting vaguely describing it, and repeat 2 to 3 times a day.

IMO, that isn't QA. It's being lazy, illiterate, and whiny while making the dev do ALL of the actual work.

Melkath ,

That's a fair point.

When I departed QA myself, it was in the onset of automation.

In return, when the QA jobs disappeared, I learned basic scripting and started automating BI processes.

So, I would say:

  1. I should hope modern QA departments (as I am told they exist) are automated and share both their tests and their results with devs in an efficient manner.
  2. I don't think QA departments really exist today in a substantive way, and if they do, it isnt in as cooperative of a fashion as described in 1.

I still have observed a world where QA went bye bye. Planning? Drafting a Scope of Work? Doing a proper analysis of the solution you are seeking, fleshing it out, and setting a comprehensive list of firm requirements that define delivery of said solution? Offering the resources to test the deliverable against the well documented and established requirements to give the all clear before the solution is delivered?

Doesn't exist anymore, and modern "QA" is being the lemming who sits in meetings as listens to the management, then schedules meetings to sit and complain at the Dev about how they aren't "hitting the mark" (Because it was about 4 feet directly in front of them when they published, and is now at 5 erratically placed spaces behind them).

Melkath , (edited )

Thank you for your TED talk defining enshitification.

Middle management bloat.

Edit: Bonus points for

Developers knowing how to write secure code helps, so they should theoretically also be capable of QA themselves to a degree.

Which is straight up just saying "why don't the devs just do it themselves? I'm busy with meetings to whine back and forth with other middle management."

Melkath ,

Right around the time America turned fascist?

Melkath ,


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

Did Bernie doff his Democrat affiliation?

Melkath ,

In short, he kissed the party ring, and Hilary made him pay for it.

Why do we still entertain the 2 party dystopia?

Melkath ,

So an independent who could actually represent the masses kissed the 2 party ring and America went to hell, do not pass go, noone got their full 200 dollars.

Sounds about right.

Melkath ,

If over 40% of Americans registering third party didnt do it, I wonder what you think signifies the change,

Melkath ,

That said, Hilary corrupted him out.

As an independent, he was poised to win over 40 percent of the nation.

As a ring kisser, he could have won, but they got him where they wanted him and silenced him.

Torrenting exposes your public IP. In a country where government doesn't care, does that pose a risk?

I honestly don't believe I will have any legal trouble because I don't do anything like cp or worse, I just pirate media I like, not even porn. But across users of communities, or on public trackers, is IP exposure something to be concerned about?

Melkath ,

The general philosophy: they can't prosecute the entire populous.

If everyone is pirating, they focus on the ones who pirate the worst shit or the ones who pirate the most shit for profit.

In a sea of pirates, you don't get tagged.

If people stop pirating, the bar for too extreme or too much lowers.

They do pirate the most extreme and the most prolific pirates, however.

A story as old as time.

Melkath ,

Pretty much.

Melkath ,


Running your bike on E15 may cause your engine to run hot and could possibly damage your bike's catalytic convertor as well as cause crud buildup on your valves and pistons.

Melkath ,

Isn't gravity based the thing where the mechanism is, crudely, a rock tied to a rope gets lifted, then the mechanism locks it, and when energy is needed the lock releases, dropping the rock and spinning the turbine?

Takes more energy to lift the rock, but the lock costs almost no energy, and when energy depletes, the lock releases, drops the rock, and offers reserve energy.

Basically all electricity generation, but a rock and a rope.

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