Just some Internet guy

He/him/them 🏳️‍🌈

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Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

That's the smart way to do math. I mean not with such small numbers but you'd do the same thing adding up large numbers, you break down the numbers and rearrange them in a way that's easier to compute.

Algebra probably feels intuitive to you.

They're also trying to teach that in math classes (it gets called "new" math) but the boomers are freaking out because "why can't they just do normal additions like we used to, this is so complicated". And the answer to that is, 99% of the time you'll be doing algebra because we literally all carry a calculator in our pockets and sometimes on our wrists at all times and we never need to just do a long division. And that kind of thinking really makes it easy to break down formulas because your brain thinks in terms of moving stuff around in an equation.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

No, why would I? I'm a grown up, I don't need mommy's money.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

And since when have you known any computer to be problem-free?

Software that's not made from overworked engineers working 80 hours a week pressured to work even faster to complete this week's sprint.

I'm so tired of "computers are buggy and everyone accepts that". No! Computers don't have to be buggy, you just have to not shove trash software on it made by morons doing the bare minimum.

I have software that's been running on servers for literal years, not a single bug. The hardware's been sized appropriately and I wrote good, sustainable and maintainable code. My computers all can easily do weeks and months of uptime. I pick up my laptop and open the lid and 100% of the time it wakes up from sleep and it's ready to go.

The overwhelming majority of "production" and "enterprise quality" code I work with is total garbage that should never have been written and its author never hired in the tech space. We repeatedly get reports on how X car manufacturer was pwned for not following best practices that are a decade or two old.

Corporate greed makes EVs suck because it's developed for as cheap as possible and the target is "good enough customers tolerate it". Shit barely works properly when going through the happy path and the error path just... usually crashes your car.

I've had to reboot my car at red lights way too fucking often and it's not even an EV. 2020 model and the infotainment reliably crashes if I have a Slack or Zoom call going because it tries to read the phone number off my phone over Bluetooth and doesn't know how to handle a null phone number = the radio crashes.

It's not fucking rocket science.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Indicates to me the decision to do ActivityPub was bolted on very late in the project's lifecycle, probably rushed to try to take the users flocking away from Twitter.

Because a lot of those limitations makes zero sense.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Can't you just... Install the Epic Store separately from Google Play, like we already do with F-Droid?

Installing a store through Google Play sounds pretty stupid when you can easily just install any store's APK independently via the web browser.

They just need a way to let users grant that store the necessary permissions to install and manage apps, which currently requires root but is already doable. They just need to make a UI for it with plenty of warnings about the power this grants. F-Droid happily does its duties and updates my apps in the background and everything like it should, after flashing the privileged extension.

This seems intentionally done by Google to make it look more ridiculous than it needs to be. It doesn't need Google's involvement past adding a permission screen to Android, which is completely independent of Google Play. The ROM communities would get that done under a week most likely.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

It doesn't need it, but it does allow it to be more like the Play Store. No need to download then tap install which pops an Android prompt to allow install/update nor any need to allow from unknown sources in settings.

With the privileged extension it's exactly like the Play Store: you tap install and it downloads, installs and updates the apps in the background for you without any prompts. It's technically possible unrooted with some adb hacks, but the privileged extension is the technically proper way to be a store. Without it, it needs that user interaction with the app install popup window to let it through. That's not F-Droid being nice and confirming, that's enforced by Android.

In the context of the article, allowing the user to allow this for any store app, puts every other store on exactly the same ground as Google. The Play Store is not special in any way other than that it has that special store app permission that can only be granted via an XML file on the system partition.

US Record Labels Sue AI Music Generators Suno and Udio for Copyright Infringement ( www.wired.com )

The music industry has officially declared war on Suno and Udio, two of the most prominent AI music generators. A group of music labels including Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, and Sony Music Group has filed lawsuits in US federal court on Monday morning alleging copyright infringement on a “massive scale.”...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Because humans don't also take inspiration from other's work they've heard and unconsciously repeat part of other songs they've heard before, possibly decades ago. Never happens. Never. Humans don't profit from books they've read and apply to their career. Humans don't profit from watching other humans do the thing and then learn to do it themselves.

All AI does is do the same thing but at ridiculous scale and ridiculous speeds. We shouldn't hold progress because capitalism dictates that we shouldn't put people out of jobs. We need to prepare for the future where there is no jobs and AI replaced all of them.

Are offline updates going to be the future?

I use PCLinuxOS as my primary Linux OS. They are a bit conservative to adapt new updates until they are sure of stability because of rolling nature. KDE is still at 5 there. Heard about Neon and wanted to try KDE 6. I find that they have adopted Windows style approach to updates where we need to reboot to apply the updates and...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

And also with the atomic/immutable distros, the switch is practically instant, so it's not even like it forces you to watch a spinning circle for 20 minutes when you turn off your computer. You reboot and the apps all start clean with the right library versions.

It's rare but I've seen software trash itself because the newly spawned process talks a different protocol and it can lead to either crashes or off behavior that leads to a crash eventually. Or it tries to read a file mid update. Kernel updates can make it so when you plug in a USB stick, nothing happens because the driver's gone. Firefox as you mentionned. Chromium will tolerate it mostly but it can get very weird over time.

The risk is non-zero, so when you target end users that don't want to have to troubleshoot, it's safer to just do offline updates. Especially with Flatpaks now, you get those updated online and really it's only system components you don't care to delay updates taking effect

If you're new to Linux and everyone told you you can just update and no reboot, and you run into weird Firefox glitches, it just looks bad.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Stritcly speaking if you buy it and it comes with sources under the GPL then that is perfectly okay. The principle of freedom software isn't that everything is free of charge, but rather that when you obtain software you should be free to access its source and customize it for your needs and share those modifications with other people.

That does make it hard for people to really have to pay for it, but it's not like people don't pirate proprietary software anyway. The presumption is if you're honest and a good person you will pay the other for the software that you like and want to keep using.

It's also not violating the GPL by having proprietary apps alongside GPL ones bundled together. SteamOS for example, comes with Steam and other proprietary Valve stuff.

But I would definitely expect it to not be popular and for most of the open-source and Linux communities to want nothing of it (paying for a programming language, what is this, 1995 when we pay for Delphi?).

Lemmy is a failed Reddit alternative

I first joined Lemmy back during the big Reddit exodus of last year. I like many others wanted an alternative to Reddit, and I thought that this might've been the one. I made two accounts, one on lemmy.world and another on sh.itjust.works, in the June of last year that I used on and off for about 4 months....

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Lemmy wasn't ready and still mostly not ready for a mass Reddit exodus. The Reddit API fiasco wasn't anticipated by anybody and the large influx of users exposed a ton of bugs and federation issues.

But it's not a failure, yet. I'm sure Reddit had growing pains after the Digg exodus too. Some platforms take years to become popular. Reddit was small for quite a while before it became more mainstream.

In a way to me Lemmy feels a bit like Reddit must have been a few years before I joined it 12 years ago.

The problem is the expectation that Lemmy could replace Reddit overnight, and would immediately be a 1:1 replacement.

Although personally I like it more here, and I get more interactions than Reddit. But I am a tech nerd, so.

MSI click bios has been downgraded after RMA?

Hey y'all, i recently had to rma my gs76 stealth after a hardware thing but when i got it back, my VR wouldnt work, i traced that to probably being a bios setting that got reset when the battery was removed, however, when i went into the MSI clickbios, it looked way different and i don't even have the setting im looking for...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

They most likely sent you a new board which happens to have an older BIOS on it. I don't think they try to upgrade them at all, they pick a boxed new board from the warehouse and ship it to you. You can probably just upgrade it again, there's no way this one's newer. Also I guess double-check you got the same model of board back, that could also explain the old BIOS.

RMA'd an MSI board for which they released a BIOS update specifically for the bug I encountered which can get the system completely unbootable even with a CMOS reset, and it didn't even come with the updated BIOS either. I imagine they expect it'll eventually get updated through Windows.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Ah it's a laptop, I thought it was a desktop motherboard. That is strange, on a laptop I wouldn't expect people to have to mess with the BIOS at all to make VR work, that's usually a desktop thing to make sure rebar is enabled and stuff.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

The stability of a distro usually has more to do with API and ABI stability than stability in terms of reliability. And a "stable" system can be unreliable.

That's why RHEL forks are said to be compatible bug for bug. Because you don't know if fixing the bug could have a cascading side effect for somebody's very critical system.

Arch has been nothing but reliable for me. Does it doesn't need fixing sometimes because the config format of some daemon changed, or Python or nodejs got updated and now my project doesn't build? Absolutely not. But for me usually newer versions are better even if it needs some fixing, and I like doing it piecemeal rather than all at once every couple years.

Stable distributions are well loved for servers because you don't want to update 2000 servers and now you're losing millions because your app isn't compatible with the latest Ruby version. You need to be able to reliably install and reinstall the same distro version and the same packages at the same versions over and over. I can't deal with needing a new server up urgently and then get stuck having to fix a bunch of stuff because I got a newer version of something.

I use multiple distros regularly, for different purposes. Although lately Docker has significantly reduced my need for stable distros and lean more on rolling distros as the host.

Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?

I am considering replacing my old 50" 1080p TV which I use with (external) Chromecast and Roku. I would like a 4K display 60" or greater but I really, really don't want any smart features. I am aware that I could purchase a commercial display to achieve this and that's my fallback option. Can anyone here make any useful...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

For me the reason I want a non-smart TV is the software is complete shit and even a Raspberry Pi runs smoother, and I can replace or upgrade the Pi when it becomes too old to be useful instead of the whole TV.

Those will all become dumb TVs over time, and then you're stuck using the crappy software to get to your HDMI input through all the lag even though the software is literally useless.

At least old TVs had ugly as hell but snappy and responsive menus. No waiting 5+ seconds between button presses because the home screen is lagging loading all those ads.

I caved in and got one anyway and I regret it. Manufactured e-waste. The amount of times I have to reboot the damn thing because even my HDMI input starts glitching out is plainly ridiculous.

alvaro , to Ask Lemmy
@alvaro@social.graves.cl avatar

Now that Mozilla will start selling ads what is the best Firefox alternative?

cc @asklemmy

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

It's open-source, people will strip it right out if it happens.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

If it's client side then pedos will just strip it out and keep on going. It's a giant waste of time.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

There's a bug with explicit sync? I'm running patched KWin 6.0.5 and no issues whatsoever with Firefox.

what's your current linux distro?

wanting to hop into the world of linux on a dual boot method (one of my favorite games unfortunately cannot be run on linux at all, and it's a gacha. I don't want to gamble with my account being banned, so I'm keeping windows for it specifically.) this'll be my second go at it, I used Pop!_OS briefly but had some issues with...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

What distro I'm using isn't that helpful of a question because it's largely a matter of taste and technical needs. I use Arch in large part because I do some rather exotic things that would be harder to set up on most mainstream distros whereas Arch just gives me a completely blank slate to work with and configure my system the exact way I want it to work. My desktop also has some server duties, it runs VMs, it has multiple GPUs and also drives my TV room independently of my main workstation area.

I usually recommend whichever distro gets you the closest to having everything the way you like out of the box as a starting point just because it's less frustrating when most things works out of the box. The Arch experience is nothing works out of the box because it doesn't even come with a box. Arch isn't necessarily a bad choice even for beginners, but the learning curve is much steeper as a result and some people do like to just learn everything whereas some others prefer to start with the shallow part of the pool rather than diving it headfirst. It's not like you have to commit to any distribution forever, you can start with something simple to use, learn your way around Linux and then you can upgrade to another distribution as your needs and wants evolves.

Landlords in Alberta are using government-funded climate retrofits as an excuse to hike rents ( ricochet.media )

On May 29, the National Housing Council’s review panel on the financialization of purpose-built rental presented a report that highlights the urgent need not only to build more non-market housing specifically, but also to protect Canada’s existing affordable rental housing from financialized landlords through an acquisition...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

"The free upgrades I made thanks to the government increases the property value therefore your rent goes up"

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

What makes you think it's not really closed?

Just because it shows the Force Stop button doesn't mean it's running, merely that at least one of its components is loaded. That can be just about anything. I have apps I know for a fact cannot run in the background that shows the force stop button.

Mainly, it boils down to battery management and the Android architecture. Android apps are very modular, so the Java class for handling push notifications might be loaded but none of its screens or other services would be loaded and it uses negligible amounts of memory. It's way more battery efficient than reloading it from storage, and if the system needs memory it'll clear some caches.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Because Google doesn't have its own AI, and other Android manufacturers aren't also embedding OpenAI wherever they can in modern phones like Samsung.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

There's a bunch of browser extensions as well to add a "show on my instance" link whenever it detects a Lemmy instance page which basically does the same thing automatically for you, pretty useful.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I've been using a GreaseMonkey script to do that, I can't find the exact one I used but there's a bunch that do posts too, and extensions.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

That looks to be it, I recognize the long long list of instances in the code.

Is it the best? Don't know but it works well enough.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

To be fair, Lemmy is super alpha software. It'll take months and years before the platform is mature and more user friendly and has an ecosystem of really good apps.

We're like, emails just got invented era of fediverse. It's having to explain that yes, if you have a Yahoo address you can still email Hotmail users 2 decades ago all over again.

Now that the big ones like Threads and Bluesky are joining, users will be more familiar with the concepts and it'll get less... confusing.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

And the emulators aren't even particularly good compared to what the community has been cooking, especially the new N64 recompiler that runs the games with interpolation at 240Hz 4K HDR graphics with raytracing in proper 16:9. Meanwhile Nintendo didn't even get the fog right on launch.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

It does away with the emulation entirely, that's the crazy part. It's basically a PC port but most of it is generated. Those features have been injected directly into the game itself. It renders at that resolution, no upscaling. It's still low res textures but the anti aliasing and overall sharpness of it all works out well. The animations are interpolated in-game, no fancy frame predictions or anything.

It would play absolutely fantastic at 720p on the Switch.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

You know it's bad when far right extremism is on the rise again in Germany...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

That's super nice for rooted and custom ROM users where RCS doesn't work.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

And PP's campaign is half about undoing everything that's been done so gas guzzling F350 drivers in Alberta are happy and vote for him.

There's no winning this without economic impact and mass anger from the population.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Is it true that he can still run for the office even if he's in jail?

The presumption is normally the people wouldn't vote for a criminal let alone one that's in jail.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

They're designed to tire you out so the mask falls off and the symptoms show up better.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yeah there's gonna be quite a few here on Lemmy, and they're usually nice people.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

People here seem to use logic and common sense, instead of baseless feelings.

Fair enough

it's basically blue haired vegan feminist

You realize the intersection between the two is basically a circle, right?

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

A good ELI5 is to imagine a couple of Excel sheets. Each sheet is a "table" and each row is a record. So you're gonna have a column for the first name, a column for the last name, a column for the email address and so on. That'd be your users table/sheet.

Then you would have another Excel sheets that contains posts. Each post record references the row number of the users sheet so you can cross-reference the user record of the author of the post record.

And so on. It's a way to store, lookup and retrieve records, usually cross-referencing other records until you have all the information you need to serve a particular request. There's an index like the table of content of a book that lets you quickly find on which page the record you're looking for is.

We use databases because they're engines designed to ensure data consistency, and fast access to the data in a structured manner. Usually that runs on some server that other servers connect to to access the database, so all servers can have the same view of the data. That can be a VM in the cloud, that can be a cluster of VMs in a cloud, it can be Docker containers. It's just software that manages data so we don't have to reinvent the wheel everytime we need to store stuff. Then you just ask questions to the database, like, "what's all the last 50 posts made by this user number" (SELECT user.username, post.title FROM posts LEFT JOIN users USING (user_id) WHERE posts.user_id = 42 ORDER BY posts.date_inserted ASC LIMIT 50).

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Prometheus/VictoriaMetrics/Grafana are pretty good, had no issues with it and there's an exporter for damn near anything. They're pretty easy to custom write too.

Max_P , (edited )
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Yes, block means block. What else would you expect?

Apparently that's only true for the admin version, I stand corrected.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Huh, guess I mixed it up with the admin version of it.

That seems dubiously useful to me, if a user blocks lemmygrad they probably want none of it, not just hide the posts.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I get that you can't stop people from commenting on your posts but you can still filter it out from the results.

Mastodon is arguably easier to deal with since you're replying directly to someone, so the user's server can reject it and be done with it. On Lemmy it really should behave as if you blocked the user: just hide it from view. Simply because if you're on instance A, blocked instance is B and the community is on C, B has no problem posting to C as it doesn't know you've blocked it on A. But even defederation doesn't address that either: you can reply to defederated users and they'll never know for the same reason.

I think on this type of social media, not seeing it is the best you can do regardless.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

I have none of that on my phone, just plain old keyboard.

But the reason it's everywhere is it's the new hot thing and every company in the world feels like they have to get on board now or they'll be potentially left behind, can't let anyone have a headstart. It's incredibly dumb and shortsighted but since actually innovating in features is hard and AI is cheap to implement, that's what every company goes for.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

My experience with AI is it sucks and never gives the right answer, so no, good ol' regular web search for me.

When half your searches only gives you like 2-3 pages of result on Google, AI doesn't have nearly enough training material to be any good.

Why Danielle Smith Is Wrong on Research Funding in Alberta ( thetyee.ca )

Last month Alberta Premier Danielle Smith tabled Bill 18, the Provincial Priorities Act, in the provincial legislature. If passed into law, the bill will give the Alberta government power to vet any agreements between the federal government and post-secondary institutions, and other “provincial entities.”...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Totally not setting up a loophole to dictate what gets researched and making sure no inconvenient things gets discovered that would contradict the province's agenda and local industries negatively.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

If you want FRP, why not just install FRP? It even has a LuCI app to control it from what it looks like.

OpenWRT page showing the availability of FRP as an app

NGINX is also available at a mere 1kb in size for the slim version, full version also available as well as HAproxy. Those will have you more than covered, and support SSL.

Looks like there's also acme.sh support, with a matching LuCI app that can handle your SSL certificate situation as well.

How much does it matter what type of harddisk i buy for my server?

Hello, I'm relatively new to self-hosting and recently started using Unraid, which I find fantastic! I'm now considering upgrading my storage capacity by purchasing either an 8TB or 10TB hard drive. I'm exploring both new and used options to find the best deal. However, I've noticed that prices vary based on the specific...

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

The concern for the specific disk technology is usually around the use case. For example, surveillance drives you expect to be able to continuously write to 24/7 but not at crazy high speeds, maybe you can expect slow seek times or whatever. Gaming drives I would assume are disposable and just good value for storage size as you can just redownload your steam games. A NAS drive will be a little bit more expensive because it's assumed to be for backups and data storage.

That said in all cases if you use them with proper redundancy like RAIDZ or RAID1 (bleh) it's kind of whatever, you just replace them as they die. They'll all do the same, just not with quite the same performance profile.

Things you can check are seek times / latency, throughput both on sequential and random access, and estimated lifespan.

I keep hearing good things about decomissioned HGST enterprise drives on eBay, they're really cheap.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

It would be nice if they'd make "web" search the good old keyword search we used to have that made Google good, now that normies will just use the AI search and it doesn't have to care about natural language anymore.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar

Kbin is an example. But just due to the nature of the protocol, it has to be stored somewhere but Lemmy also just lets admins view all the individual votes directly in the UI.

Max_P ,
@Max_P@lemmy.max-p.me avatar
25G     pictrs
13G     postgres
38G     total

Seems fairly reasonable to me

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