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MagicShel ,

My parents have never helped me. They've never been able to. On the other hand, we've given them a fucking car to make it easier for them to help us out with watching kids and running them around. Then my dad bought a Jaguar. And he has a boat. And a truck. But they didn't have air conditioning for about a decade because they couldn't afford it.

I love them, but they are selfish and stupid when it comes to money. As long as they leave my sister (who is disabled and unable to work) some extra money when they pass so I don't have to pay a bunch for her, too, I'll be happy.

MagicShel ,

I don't understand the Jaguar at all. He keeps it in a storage facility and I've never even seen it. Whatever. I never counted on any kind of inheritance from them, so I guess they can spend it up however they want, but I've been out of work for three months now, chewing up the meager retirement I've managed to save just keeping bills paid, and it's just frustrating.

MagicShel ,

Some people are going to be offended unless you participate in their games. In the army I had someone tell me he was going to punch me if I didn't drink at a get together. So I drank. I probably would've anyway, but he was super weird about it.

Redirect conversation, be noncommittal, let yourself get pulled away by duties, etc. Eventually if you're lucky you just won't be in the clique any more. But they're never going to understand what you're telling them without offense because they just don't want to. There is no polite, easy way to do this that isn't going to upset them. They will feel like you think you're better than them.

MagicShel ,

I didn't say he did. I agree. Just trying to set expectations.

MagicShel ,

Punk indicates rebellion against the status quo as part of the theme. If that isn't part of it, then IMO it has no place in the name.

MagicShel ,

The Star Wars audio cassette. No idea what it would do for me today, but I miss that tape.

Now I just listen to rain or ocean waves on Alexa.

MagicShel ,

It's not the soundtrack. It's like, the radio play or something. I can still hear the narration.

Vader grips the rebels throat

"We intercepted no transmissions. This is a consular ship. We're on a... diplomatic mission."

MagicShel ,

I had Episode 4 and maybe 6?

MagicShel , (edited )

Other than the narrator it was all original audio from the movies I think. No idea who the narrator was.

It's incomplete, but it's here:

MagicShel ,
MagicShel ,

I think there might be a lot of value in describing it to an AI, though. It takes a fair bit of clarity of thought to get something resembling what you actually want. You could use a junior or rubber duck instead, but the rubber duck doesn't make stupid assumptions to demonstrate gaps in your thought process, and a junior takes too long and gets demoralized when you have to constantly revise their instructions and iterate over their work.

Like the output might be garbage, but it might really help you write those stories.

MagicShel ,

AI coding in a nutshell. It makes the easy stuff easier and the hard stuff harder by leading you down thirty incorrect paths before you toss it and figure it out yourself.

Is it practically impossible for a newcomer selfhost without using centralised services, and get DDOSed or hacked?

I understand that people enter the world of self hosting for various reasons. I am trying to dip my toes in this ocean to try and get away from privacy-offending centralised services such as Google, Cloudflare, AWS, etc....

MagicShel ,

DDoS and hacking are like taxes: you should be so lucky as to have to worry about them, because that means you're wildly successful. Worry about getting there first because that's the hard part.

MagicShel ,

Well he specified static website, which rules out WP, but yes. If your host accepts posts (in the generic sense, not necessarily specifically the http verb POST) that raises tons of other questions, that frankly were already well addressed when I made my post.

MagicShel ,

New study: my shock and surprise measured by a single slow blink.

MagicShel ,

The way I've dealt with this before is reference the ticket number in the commit message. Now the only tickets you ever need to review are the ones relevant to the element in question, and only those creating or modifying that particular property, which should be evident in your commit log.

You don't specify a language but I'd assume that is the footer definition/html and any scripts or styles invoked by it.

But once you have an answer, it would be wise to document it in confluence somewhere, even if it's something like "Footer green per request from Director, Mr. Smith" or "Footer color: arbitrary, green to differentiate profile pages. Verify changes with Director."

How to organize the documentation so that it isn't difficult to navigate is another difficult question that is more art than science - one which has never been satisfactorily solved anywhere I've worked once complexity reaches a certain point, but I leave that exercise to the reader.

MagicShel ,

The Bible is a bunch of self-contradictory folk-tales. Which makes it useless in knowing any real Jesus. So, while one cannot say historical Jesus absolutely didn't exist, one cannot cite the Bible as a credible source of any knowledge about him. One might as well contemplate historical Hercules.

MagicShel ,

Using reasoning like this to remove the supernatural from the Bible rather defeats the entire point, doesn't it? If Jesus just made Gatorade like anyone else would, that's a rather unremarkable thing to describe. Hardly worth committing to writing.

MagicShel ,

That's what I'm saying. There's no record of him wiping his ass or playing cards. If it's in the book it must be intended to present something exceptional. Explain his actions as something mundane and there isn't really any reason to write it down.

But equally, the fantastic supernatural elements make the whole thing into a fairy tale to be completely disregarded as a dubious source of folk wisdom at best by any thinking person.

MagicShel ,

Turns out we were almost there 40 years ago with CBS, NBC, PBS, and ABC.

MagicShel ,

I don't come here for the far left. I come here for the lack of the far right. The far left are some crazy nutters, too, but I think for the most part they are well meaning and that's a damn sight better than the far right who just wear hatred on their fucking sleeves.

It means I get some shit for not wanting to live in a big city or being happy driving a car, but I take solace in the fact that I'll be long dead before far left ideals take hold in any significant way. Meanwhile... fascism is a far more immediate threat, and that's the one group of fuckers I give myself leave to unabashedly hate.

MagicShel ,

If you think hating on fascists is just more of the same (and to be clear, there is a lot of ambiguity in what you said) then I'm going to have to disagree. There is no nobility in loving your enemy until they exterminate you.

As for the rest, you come at me a bit argumentative, but I don't really disagree. But does it make it an echo chamber if I don't fight everyone I disagree with? I've been arguing on the internet since before the WWW existed and nothing has changed, least of all anyone's minds. I get upvotes when I manage a particularly eloquent turn of phrase that captures the zeitgeist, but as gratifying as that is I enjoy the back and fourth a lot more. I'd rather have someone thoughtfully and respectfully disagree with me.

MagicShel ,

I thought it was just an ad aggregator.

MagicShel ,

I spent all my time in utero working on binary division.

The coordination network toolkit: a framework for detecting and analysing coordinated behaviour on social media ( )

The authors introduce and evaluate an open-source software package and methodological framework for detecting and analysing coordinated behaviour on social media, namely the Coordination Network Toolkit, utilising weighted, directed multigraphs to capture intricate coordination dynamics....

MagicShel ,

I've always wanted to do this sort of thing, but lack the math and research background to do a good job of it. Glad someone is working on it.

MagicShel ,

I don't think Elon Musk has demonstrated the good judgement

Understatement of the century right here.

MagicShel ,

60-70% seems nuts to me. 10%-20% feels about right to me. That's a day every week or two. Builds cohesion and lets you do some effective brainstorming sessions, and then the rest of the time you do actual work far more efficiently. I mean you do you, but I thought I was suffering from lack of office time, but that's way too far in the other direction for me.

It's been 5 years and 3 jobs since I've been to an office. My last job I honestly don't even know what state my job was based out of. That's a little too disconnected. But just a little.

MagicShel ,

Well that's the carrot part of the carrot and stick, but since they've invaded I'm not sure what they are going to hold it out for.

MagicShel ,

I'm a very private person. I barely use any social media where I'm not anonymous, and I wouldn't want my wife to be famous either. So take this with a grain of salt, but I think it's about winning the trophy. A million people like this person well enough to watch their content all the time, but they are with you? I can imagine that would be flattering to a certain kind of personality.

Being popular sounds wretched to me, but people chase it all the time.

MagicShel ,

I had to pull aside a developer to inform him that he "would be" violating our national security by pasting code online to an AI and that there were potentially repercussions far beyond his job.

He's a lot slower now, but the code is better.

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