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Maggoty ,

On the other hand, Israel is not Russia. Netanyahu's vacation options effectively just dwindled to Israel and the US, with no layovers. The Hamas guys are already living as fugitives so not much changes there.

Maggoty ,

That is Genocide, the UN tries not to use the general term whenever possible, and instead use the specific method of genocide. That way it's a lot harder to No True Scotsman the issue. but If I remember correctly they also charged Extinction and Murder. Then in the supporting documents they talk about systematic bombing and creation of a famine.

Maggoty ,

International law gets weird. Tradition is absolutely a legitimate way for something to get recognized. That works because of Sovereignty and the intense political nature of anything between countries. So basically, if someone got an Israeli to the Hague, then the Netherlands could point at the decades of precedent for the moral high ground in refusing to release them. Whether that works depends on politics and what people think. So just because we didn't sign the paper does not mean we can resist it forever. If the world wants to head in that direction, the best we can do is dig our feet in and make it take longer.

And no sane US president would use the Hague Invasion Act. It's an open question if the military would even follow the order. that would require invading a NATO ally with strong defense systems tied into their neighbors. It would be a great way to obliterate our world standing in one fell swoop.

Maggoty ,

Same kind of reaction as when a grenade gets thrown into a room. We just have video footage of it now. It's a fucked way to go, but they could have avoided it...

Maggoty ,

Oh no. That was Kentucky. Notably they don't have the ten commandments in their classrooms for some weird reason. I guess we're going to find out if that SCOTUS ruling still applies.

Maggoty ,

I've been running a kind of long experiment over the years. I search the same word every now and then. Watching the top results change has been fascinating. It's gone from definitions to ads, and now it automatically tries to link into Google maps too. The original top results aren't even visible without scrolling anymore.

Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

Maggoty ,


When I talk about how combat really is some people can't let go of what Hollywood has taught them in movies. Or they have some preconceived notion to do with a political position. Usually that happens when a police officer panic shoots someone and I point out the problems with the officer's story.

Maggoty ,

That's a good problem to have though.

Maggoty ,

It's not the acorn you need to watch out for, it's the squirrel with the chainsaw trying to drop the branch on your head. ;)

Maggoty ,

That's not just Detroit though. There's areas all over the world like that. Including some other places in the US.

Maggoty ,

People forget brooms exist. Just like using a shovel during the winter.

Maggoty ,

Well I don't know what to say anymore. We now have a major newspaper reporting that we cannot stop illegal weapons shipments that are not supported by the majority of country because... Democratic donors are unhappy he's even holding the 2,000 pound bombs back.

There is one thing, but you guys won't like it. You never do. We already live in an Oligarchy, not a Democracy. Your vote is an illusion. The parties aren't the same but they are united in backing the Oligarchy over you.

Also Israel knew this would happen once the only routes for aid required driving from the Egyptian border to the north tip of Gaza. To a border crossing that's fucking tiny and across the entire combat zone from all the previous aid infrastructure. This is both the intended result and them laughing at the world while they claim they tried to let aid in.

Maggoty ,

Oh I can find a way to kill off a character in 2 minutes.

Maggoty ,

Nobody is bound to remain neutral in the face of enemy action.

Maggoty ,

I want American heavy industry to be good enough to continue to exist. Otherwise we're just a house of cards waiting for a stiff wind.

Maggoty ,

It's not a whataboutism when that's the other choice. This isn't out of left field. I can buy Chinese data scraping, Japanese data scraping, Korean data scraping, German data scraping, or American data scraping.

Right now Germany actually wins that contest because GDPR just might have an impact.

A whataboutism would be me talking about American labor practices in farming. Not great, but also not relevant.

Maggoty ,

And Semi Conductors. But that's besides the point. This is corroborated all across major media. You're just gaslighting at this point, hoping someone reads your comment and just never checks.

Maggoty ,

Biden is not the left.

Maggoty ,

How it started, how it's going.

Maggoty ,

Lmao. No. That's a nice straw-man though.

Maggoty ,

That's literally in the textbooks as the kind of thing you're not supposed to do. If you keep protecting US companies they will never get better. Prices will never come down.

Maggoty ,

Yeah I know. By popular demand. They didn't plan to bring it back until people complained about one of the only affordable EVs being removed from the market. But it's coming back on their ultium platform that's been plagued with problems.

Maggoty ,

It doesn't make sense to bar an entire sector of EVs over it either though. Caring about it only when that country does it is the peak of bigotry and simping for the executives who would happily grind you down for profit.

Maggoty ,

I wasn't going to go there because projection is, unfortunately, very effective at making the other party look immature when they correctly call you on it. But yes the entire discussion of data harvesting is a whataboutism. It's not relevant unless someone stops doing it.

Maggoty ,

And how is the CCP going to put you in a camp in the US? You sound like conservatives who are afraid the UN will declare a peace keeping mission here.

Maggoty ,

The data they can just scrape from Google maps? Hell they can see where soldiers are deployed because of their fitness apps sharing running routes on social media.

This is black helicopter level conspiracy shit.

Maggoty ,

Europe isn't banning Chinese cars. They stopped following our lead after the UK joined us in Iraq. Our paths go together many times but they come to that conclusion on their own.

Obviously I don't know what country you're in but the US has 10 trillion dollars more than the Chinese to throw at the problem and we've long held the position that China doesn't get to invade anyone.

Maggoty ,

They aren't banned for the surrounding areas. They don't want them on military bases or used by government/military officials.

That's kind of funny though, we have satellites. We know what their bases look like. Unless they drive their cars into the facilities we can't get anything extra from their car.

Maggoty ,

Ah but you see, that was when they were testing the Worker Attitude Modulation software. (Researchers called it WAM for short and vehemently denied any connection to the word Wham.)

Maggoty ,

And what do you think the EV rebates in the US are?

Fuck the rich. I need a cheap, safe, and reliable vehicle to get to work.

Maggoty ,

This isn't a mom and pop shop. This is the Big 3 in the country with a GDP 10 trillion dollars higher.

Stop spreading red panic, it's not the 1950's.

Maggoty ,

It's exactly the same thing.

Maggoty ,

They've been getting ready to ship to the US for a while. The EX30 arrived this year and is getting pretty good reception. It's 35,000 and the best rated EV SUV at it's price point. It's 7 overall behind vehicles 20,000 more expensive.

Maggoty ,

The government will make sure they survive. They're to big to be allowed to fail.

Maggoty ,

MGs were already a joke though. And if they're so bad then why do they need to be blocked?

Maggoty ,

Bullshit. The EX30 is here and selling for 35,000. The tech is mature, they just don't want to serve the average consumer.

Maggoty ,

How moral of you to object to the US government doing the same thing.

Can I have a means of transportation I can fucking afford now?

Maggoty ,

You do understand they have to comply with our safety and environmental standards to sell here right?

Maggoty ,

The Bolts were 25,000 before GM discontinued them.

Maggoty ,

China is hardly going to be able to under cut the Big 3. Unless they just refuse to come down on their prices. More competition stops monopolistic forces, not the other way around. This narrative has been going around like our auto industry is some mom and pop shop that needs protection from Walmart. In reality they're the monopolistic force in our market and you can see that by the insane prices they are charging.

Maggoty ,

Do you understand that free money on domestic purchases can be used however the corporation pleases? There's not some magical divide.

Maggoty ,

They weren't meant to come back. It was one of those cases of customers complaining enough.

Maggoty ,

They aren't a small business. They're multi-national corporations.

Maggoty ,

So the company doesn't get the sale price? Why does the customer need the rebate if they haven't given the company that money in the first place?

Do you not understand how a purchase works?

Take your bad faith bullshit somewhere else.

Maggoty ,

Trucks make more money. They were changing the factory to truck production.

Maggoty ,

Yeah I tend to be a jerk when someone starts trying to sound smart by making distinctions without a difference as a way to cast doubt.

Maggoty ,

The car tech. But also, using Mexico's power infrastructure as a guide to American tariffs on Chinese EVs doesn't make sense.

Maggoty ,

I think they want the UAW gone. But GM and Ford give them too much money for them to get rid of the companies.

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