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Lumisal ,

Apparently he thinks data is like the ducks you find in the park

Lumisal ,

No one ever tells you this, but you can just take the ducks. Just like with the city pigeons. Just make sure you don't take a government drone by accident.

Lumisal ,

You can take the ducks you know

Lumisal ,

To ask of you have any grapes

Lumisal ,

What country are you in and which one are you moving to? I ask this because computer part prices can vary a lot based on country.

Lumisal ,

We get Windows 11 N

Lumisal ,

My bad, you're right. I thought it also excluded the software that made automatic onedrive support possible but apparently not.

Lumisal ,

Recently I've found Fedora based distros better than debian (like Ubuntu) based ones, especially on "newer" hardware (

For gaming Bazzite literally installs everything you need for you except Proton GE, although Steam's regular Proton isn't bad either for most games.

Lumisal ,

Didn't know these customized windows os's were still a thing. I thought they did out in the windows 7 age

But like back then, how do we know these are safe and don't have some kind of password stealing malware? Excluding Defender specifically makes it a bit sus

Lumisal ,

I think reputation is better than the virus total scan, since it wouldn't catch malware broken up in different parts that are integrated into the OS.

I will definitely keep this in mind. Have you had any issues with the OS not having Edge? I thought it wasn't easily possible without causing some issues.

Lumisal ,

Last I checked they didn't have the majority though?

Lumisal ,

Ok but the AfD is literally just modern Nazis.

Calling people who voted for them stupidity is the extremely charitable label, because malicious and vile would be more accurate in that case.

Comparing Italy and Germany here just isn't equivalent.

No right wing wave in Finland as Left Alliance take record result in EU elections ( )

Finland's results in the European election bucked a continent-wide trend of rising support for parties on the outer fringe of right-wing politics, with the Left Alliance and the National Coalition winning big at the expense of the nationalist Finns Party....

Lumisal ,

You're kind, since you didn't ask him to pronounce something like yö

Lumisal ,

I was a pessimist, therefore the results have actually come out pretty good to me. Far right didn't win Belgium, and Left party gained a lot of seats in Finland while right wing parties lost seats. Yeah Germany (eyes them suspiciously) and France turned out very right, but a lot of the other countries stayed about ideologically the same or gained left leaning seats.

Overall it seems it's balanced enough to keep going with the corporate accountability / public convenience stuff we've been seeing here in the EU, especially related to tech.

Lumisal ,

This. Way too many people these days are confusing burnout or addiction with ADHD. Literally seeing YouTubers state they are burned out and then declare it's ADHD, and how Adderall helped them be productive magically.

No shit the METH analogue is making you productive, it's fucking meth. It'll perk up anyone no matter how burned out you are. There's a reason it was commonly used by students who hadn't slept and could only afford ramen while finishing their thesis back in the day.

It sucks how that's being over diagnosed and causing a shortage in people who actually need it. Psychologists in the USA have way too much power - how can you basically prescribe meth to someone without even a blood test or further testing to rule out other non-focus causes, but a nurse can't even get you some heart medication over there?

Edit: very late, but let the record show Adderall was indeed being over prescribed in the USA:

Lumisal ,

Meth analogue. It's not straight up meth but works on the same receptors, much how synthetic opioids do. It'll still perk up and focus a normal burnt out person too.

I do think their prescriptions are over dosing, but to say that over prescribing is preventing those that need it is the wrong conclusion. If there is that much need, then there should be increased production

Two things can be true. If it's being over prescribed, then technically production meets need, but need has also been artificially raised. That said, there at least was a shortage due to over prescription, and in some places still are.

Like most drugs to treat mental illnesses, it's a lot of "try this and report" to determine the effectiveness and the dosage.

Except a lot doesn't try basic things first when unsure to rule out other possible causes. Not even blood tests in many cases to see if it's not some other illness or deficiency. Or just overwork. I know correlation isn't causation but that Americans especially seem to be diagnosed much higher than Europeans with ADHD despite the healthcare not being socialized seems to correlate with the extreme work culture Americans have. There's basically no vacations, a consumerist culture that encourages debt, and high work schedules. When you work that much, it's not unreasonable your brain starts to complain about not having fun and refuses to easily concentrate anymore and instead prefers seeking dopamine. Combine that with dopamine hitters that require a short attention span like TikTok or much of social media in general and that's a recipe for a burnout very similar to ADHD. But giving Adderall to someone burnt out is the same as giving coffee to someone sleep deprived - it's only getting you through the symptoms but not actually fixing the problem. And the American mental health system seems to extremely easily give drugs rather than figure out if you actually need them first, or if there's another way to actually fix the problem.

Actually, that's the American health system in general. Mild hypertension? Don't bother encouraging the patient to just go for an evening walk every other day for some mild exercise first to see if that helps, just take some calcium ion channel inhibitors! A bit overweight with some slightly elevated blood glucose levels? Let's not get them to consult a nutritionist first, just go straight for the ozempic.

To me the current over diagnosis of ADHD and over prescription of medication in general is more a sign of the private healthcare system and runaway capitalism in general in the USA, rather than extremely significant prior under-diagnostics.

Lumisal ,

That combined with what you mentioned about cannabis triggering your headache sounds like the issue might be your trigeminal nerve (my guess mylohyoid) or similar nerve branch in the neck area. Sleeping likely causes it because there's constant pressure on it at night as you sleep.

An orthopedic pillow might help, something such as this for example:

Alternative hypothesis would be it's blood pressure related, perhaps orthostatic hypotension or fluctuating hypertension - you can test this by getting a good blood pressure machine and checking in the morning before you get up from bed without moving much, immediately after sitting up, immediately after standing, and then stay standing still for 1 minute and take again.

Probably don't need the coffee by the way considering the medicine you take (Ritalin)

Lumisal ,

Trigeminal nerve pain can be triggered/worsened by an enlarged vein pushing against the nerve at just the right spot. Cannabis causes hypotension via vasodilation, hence the potential trigger.

The thing is, veins don't grow perfectly parallel, which means hypertension can also cause pain via vasoconstriction, if the vein slightly spirals around the nerve and also constricts; think like a snake wrapped around an arm and squeezing. So it's possible both localized vasodilation and vasoconstriction are causing these headaches, considering the times the headache is worst ("cannabis use or after waking up) and mild but constant (after stimulants like caffeine).

If your pressure is a bit high during the day, a very small dose of a vasodilator drug taken after your medication would normalize it and that would, hopefully, stop the pain overall. You could still have orthostatic blood pressure issues too, but certain mild exercises can help with those too (assuming there's no other underlying blood flow issues).

But there's not enough data to say conclusively, hence taking your blood pressure as directed, as well as throughout the day sitting (after sitting at least 3 minutes without moving much) to see if there's any abnormalities with it, as well as the orthopedic pillow. If the pillow helps it also narrows down the cause.

That said, if it's the trigeminal nerve and you can't control the veins there well through medication... Good luck I suppose. Most surgeons won't want to cauterize because of mild (yet constant) pain. Acupuncture could achieve the same result, but that would be a scary gamble, because there's also potential they hit the nerve wrong with the micro needle and instead worsen the pain. That would be a last result solution, assuming it's the trigeminal nerve causing you issues.

Lumisal ,

Forgot to mention, don't know where you live, but Omron makes good enough yet affordable blood pressure machines. Just don't ever get anything for the wrist.

Lumisal ,

I sympathized with your statement immediately, but then after thinking about it for a bit, most people basically have controlled pressure bombs (gas-water boilers) and buildings filled with gas pipes that can (and have) wiped out whole city blocks.

It's still not a good idea, obviously, but localized fossil fuels are also ridiculous when you think about it.

Lumisal ,

Try BazziteOS

It's meant for gaming, but I find it's so feature complete that's it's great for non-gaming purposes.

Somehow it even works better on my monitor than Windows, since I can actually control my brightness from an applet rather than having to use my monitor buttons.

Lumisal ,

No one here mentioning this will be a gold mine for Malware makers and hackers.

Lumisal ,

You can make a persistent install on a thumb drive actually. Has been possible for about a decade I think. There's even a program now called Ventoy that lets you make multiple persistent installs of different Linux distros on a single thumb drive even.

Lumisal ,

Normally when your PC is initially starting up, F8 will bring up the boot menu and you'd select the USB drive. Otherwise, where it says boot order, clicking around there should let you change the boot order and have the drive boot first every time. Actually, if you're using it as a persistent then this is probably the better option.

I'm not the biggest computer buff compared to some here, so if I'm wrong in any way let me know or comment again - someone will likely come give the right answer lol.

Plus I haven't used Ventoy much, I only used to do it the old fashioned way of partitioning it many years ago until I found what I liked best.

For beginners, I recommend Fedora or Ubuntu based distros because they're definitely the most user friendly, like windows or the days, possibly more now? At least BazziteOS has had more feature compatibility than Windows, which I was shocked by. Still testing all my games, but so far that works well too.

Lumisal ,

I mean, you can do it quietly too. Spying and sabotage are also really useful.

Lumisal ,

Why wait? Did the math, and depending where you go and what state you currently live in, you might even pay less in taxes (or even about the same if you go somewhere high tax like Finland and are coming from a lower tax state like Wisconsin - only 2.3% difference) while also not having to pay in healthcare. Public transportation is so excellent here a car is literally just a luxury, so if you can even consider transportation savings.

Really the only hurdle is language, but practice everyday really hard and you can get the gist of it. Most international companies here use English as primary working language anyhow.

Lumisal ,

If anyone needs help moving to the EU (and in particular Finland) let me know. I moved to Finland after 2016 (I saw the writing on the wall for awhile, before Trump - it's just that's when I finally had the best opportunity and Trump accelerated the need to move).

It takes less money to move than you might think to move. If you have a specialty (especially in STEM) it's really easy, and most jobs will even provide language classes for free.

If you don't, it's still possible, but it'll be much harder work I'll admit. You may end up as a janitor or laborer, but know this - you'll still be able to live comfortably. Wages can be much fairer here, public transportation is excellent to the point where you don't need a car at all, and you won't be bankrupted by healthcare. Even a low skilled SINGLE job will afford you financial security - something I remember was not the case in the USA.

And on the bright side, if you want to go to higher education here, university is a lot cheaper or, if you live long enough in a place to become a permanent resident or citizen, free.

If you get yourself at least 8k and 3 months of intensive Duolingo and maybe Mondly, you have a chance to move.

Lumisal ,

It is in the Nordics and some western Europe countries if you get some kind of green certification, as eco friendly and energy efficient architecture is in high demand to meet climate goals but there's a lack of architects specializing in that. Though from the news here it seems there's a lack of architects in general as it was seen by many as not the most profitable field for so many years, so ironically you kinda lucked out lol

Lumisal ,

Could you go into more details? I have friends from the Philippines (like, directly from there, never were US citizens) and they still even visit family every year.

I'm not denying there's racism here - there is, especially against Muslims (possibly more their religion and culture than the race itself, since it's viewed very misogynistic and against Finnish values) and Somalians (this one is just racism based off ignorance). Recently against Russians too for, well, obvious reasons.

But none of my Philippine friends have experienced racism, especially the ones with Hispanic names (there's Hispanic favoritism here).

Of course, racism isn't why I recommend moving out of the USA to anywhere in the EU - it's the civil unrest, unjust work practices, broken healthcare, rolling back of women's and LGBTQ rights, corruption in government, etc.

Are you sure it wasn't missing paperwork or errors? I'm assuming your wife doesn't have a US passport for example since you said all paperwork was from the Philippines, and my high school friend's grandmother mentioned Philippine record keeping, much like Salvadorian one, leaves much to be desired. Especially after Duterte's reign making things worse and not complying with other global governments, if this was 2016-2022.

Lumisal , (edited )

I fully understand. But just do consider that once it begins a threat to your existence, it might be too late, based off past history in other places at least. Consider that EU countries are preparing for a potential Trump presidency too, and Finland and others will no longer accept entry with just a passport, even for vacation, starting next year. That's why I'm determined to help as many as I can move now while there's still time.

If you do want to look into jobs here in Finland at least I'd be glad to help.

Lumisal ,

Wait, I'm confused. You went to a Greek consulate that wasn't assigned to your location, and never interacted with Finnish or German ones but lumped them in? And why didn't you apply for the Schengen visa using your wife's US paperwork? She's a permanent resident of the USA after all, and should have a social security number no?

But also, none of that has to do with the approval process of moving to a EU country

Lumisal ,

From my understanding what you said and texting my friends, sounds like a paperwork issue. They never had trouble, but yeah, they lived in the Philippines. The issue in your case is that she doesn't live in the Philippines, so yes, she has to go there for the process because that's the only country she's a citizen of currently, although it would probably be possible to also do through a Phillipine embassy.

So they do accept Phillipine paperwork, but only official documents from the country itself.

Did you not have any official paperwork from there first notorized by the US? That's what's usually done in cases like yours, like my Highschool's friend's grandmother had to do when she got her US citizenship as well (so it's something you might want to look into anyway just in case).

That's probably your confusion on them "refusing" to accept the paperwork (although of course it also sounds like you had to deal with a racist cunt).

That said, it's weird for you to judge entire countries as super racist when you live in Alabama based off a few racists. I mean, even my black friends from when I lived in Texas didn't like stopping in Alabama. Just, something to consider for the future. I know racism can be extremely infuriating having experienced it both myself and seeing it done to my family, but you always have to remember that the asshole doesn't make the nation. Otherwise you end up also becoming what you hate.

Lumisal ,

According to USA friends he fucked with records of ex-pats and it was a nightmare for a bit when their family members were getting citizenship. That's why I also brought him up.

Lumisal ,

Yeah, I'm pretty certain that racist asshole used bureaucracy to be an asshole.

But you should get them notarized in the USA when you can in the future just in case. Harder for smaller countries to not accept diverging when a country line the USA already legally okays it.

Lumisal , (edited )

Hawaii is nicer than Greece. My brother lives in Waikiki. If they exterminate the mosquitoes then it truly would be pretty close to a mythical tropical paradise.

Lumisal ,

Well, according to Dr. Stone, you probably can

Lumisal ,

Sounds like y'all should form a country wide DNS guild, and instead of looking for jobs, just ask band together, and then when the DNS eventually fails, they have no choice but to hire from the guild and pay 5 years salary at once to have it fixed. Then understand if getting hired and fired constantly, you just do a job every now and then and get a huge pay check. So contractor work, but you get to see the companies constantly burn themselves and give y'all with instead.

Lumisal ,
  1. How long does it take to be a DNS engineer?

  2. How likely is it to be replaced in 10 years by AI?

I was gonna go for chemistry but you have a convincing argument with the job offers coming to you rather than the other way around

Lumisal ,

Depends on you country, but the right wing one are usually not the ones that are so pro-regulation.

Lumisal ,

Statistically and unfortunately however, they have been very bad at not being taken over by non-anarchy eventually. And it'll likely get worse for a while with robotics.

Source: Look at world map.

Lumisal ,

I should clarify: advanced autonomous robotics.

Lumisal ,

That's not a single technological advancement though, it's multiple.

But either way, I think it'll make a difference because it eliminates a big factor that's always been present:


Autonomous robots would never tire, would be able to maintain themselves to a degree, and the controlling force never has to worry about their loyalty. Also eases stress on the empire's citizens because they're not the ones being sent to fight anymore, either. Easier to do the bread and circuses.

Hopefully I'll be wrong about it.

Lumisal ,

Yes, based on facts.

Unfortunately nothing you say has had any.

Lumisal ,


Seriously I'm old enough to remember when words other than "terrorist" were used.

Hamas doesn't just want to cause terror, and isn't a random group. It's an organized group with an objective goal to destroy the nation of Israel that's part of a governing body.

Nowadays anyone that's "the bad guy" is just called "terrorist". That's not by accident either - makes it hard to talk nuance when you make things black and white, and gives oligarchs and autocrats a nice loaded word to use against "revolutionaries".

Lumisal ,

It's easier to hold a higher standard when you have all your needs met.

Less so when you're poked with giant needles 3 times a week while also having to be careful to not drown because you drank a tad too much water.

Lumisal , (edited )

What I'm describing is Kidney failure and dialysis - well, part of it, it's even worse than that - the things the doctors and researchers that were involved in doing this transplant are trying to cure.

The thing you say we should allow humans to go through in the name of holding ourselves to a "higher standard".

Lumisal ,

Funnily enough with this explanation I finally get what Pocket is, because I thought modern Pocket was something different and not the same thing from back then.

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