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LordKitsuna , (edited )


It's not fucking hidden, it's right on the fucking door. Right there, in plain view. Fuck elon but equally fuck idiots who never read their manual or bother to learn fucking anything about a product then claim bullshit like that. Nothing about this is fucking hidden.

The rear doors also have one, that's the only one you could argue is "hidden" as it's in the little storage pocket area

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna , (edited )


Nothing about it is hidden, obfuscated, or even in a weird spot. It's literally right on the fucking door handle. There's a lot of reasons to hate elon, and there's a lot of reasons to hate tesla. Let's stick to the legitimate ones instead of making shit up, it just weakens the arguments for the actual issues

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna , (edited )


True, a toddler wouldn't think to look directly on the door handle. Not really the type of place you'd expect to find a door release you know /s

There is a lot of reasons to hate elon, and there is a lot of reasons to hate tesla. But it really pisses me off when people just make these circle jerk hate threads based on something they didn't even spend half a second Googling. It just makes all the legitimate issues easier for people to blow off

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna , (edited )


Only takes about a half second Google search to find out, it's literally a handle right on the door. Just above the window switches. It's not hidden, obfuscated, covered, or even in a weird spot

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna , (edited )


She died of stupid, the release is literally right on the door. It's not hidden, obfuscated, covered, or in any way shape or form difficult to use. Just another idiot that didn't bother learning what all the controls on their new card did.

That being said, even with a manual release they most likely would have died anyway. As once your car is in the water unless you're able to open the door basically instantaneously upon hitting the water you're going to find that the door is impossible to open as the weight of the water will prevent it until such time as the car has filled with water to equalize the pressure. Generally speaking people that survive cars falling into water were able to get the window open, or just break it entirely. The door is almost never the Escape Route as it will not allow itself to be opened due to the difference in pressure

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna , (edited )


It is, people are just stupid, can't be bothered to read, or even wonder what that lever literally right on the door handle is for.

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna , (edited )


Easy enough to get out, if you have a couple braincells to rub together. The manual release is not hidden, covered, obfuscated, or even in a weird location. It's literally right on the door handle

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna , (edited )


It is not hidden, covered, obfuscated, or even in a weird location. It's literally sitting right on the door handle. Also even with a standard 1990 car with fully manual doors you are not going to be escaping out the doors if your car falls into water. The pressure differential of the water pushing against your door prevents you from opening it until the entire inside of the car has filled with water, MythBusters did a whole episode on this back in the day if you want to go find that for the full story. But the tldr is that once your car is in the water you're only Escape options are to break the window, get the window rolled down, or wait until the entire car has filled with water and the pressure equalizes

Edit: turns out this is only in the M3, the Y, X, And CT are all designed by absolute idiots, and i joined them by not looking into all models

LordKitsuna ,

If the toddler is locked into their seat they likely aren't opening any door regardless. This Is Us ignoring the fact that most rear doors have a child lock button that is usually activated at least most parents I've seen with toddlers generally activate that button.

There are so many legitimate things to complain about here I'm just annoyed by people basically saying wow how does it not have a manual release, or why is it hidden. When it's not.

The real problem here is the lack of any external manual release. Obviously it would still need to somehow be locked with a key that is not electronic, but there should still be some type of manual release even if it's on the bottom trim of the door for the sake of your Aesthetics or whatever. The complete and utter lack of any external manual release is the problem here but nobody is talking about that and is instead just making shit up about how there is no manual release for the inside, or it's hidden, or difficult to use, I'm just tired of people making shit up.

LordKitsuna ,

The rear is under a cover, I will agree that that is dumb it should be in the same place as the front. Or if the goal was to avoid children randomly pulling it while going down the road at the very least it shouldn't be covered and just in the little pocket cubby thing. That's a valid complaint, although at the end of the day even with a normal car a toddler who was in their seat would likely be screwed as the child lock would most likely be activated.

The real issue here is a lack of any external manual release, wouldn't be that difficult to put one along the bottom side trim of the door. This would allow you to both give it a keyhole and have it out of the way aesthetically. I'd say just put a manual handle on myself, but if you absolutely must have completely smooth the hidden handle door at the very least make sure there's an external one somewhere for manual release

LordKitsuna ,

Yes i agree the lack of external manual release is a problem. Wouldn't be hard to put one on the underside of the door frame if it truly must be hidden. Their external door solution appears to be the jumping port in the frunk to get the 12v system alive again. Which is obviously a shit solution.

LordKitsuna ,

You know what that's entirely fair, looks like the M3 is the only not braindead design one then. I wouldn't touch anything other than an M3 then personally (if i was going to use a tesla at all)

LordKitsuna ,

Yes, but it's hidden behind the speaker Grill rather than just right on the door handle all the other models also have some type of covering or otherwise have hidden it it seems only the model 3 decided to put it in a very obvious spot

LordKitsuna ,

Owners manual says it's behind some kinda grill on the x, at least that's what's coming up when I search for it

LordKitsuna ,

There is libretube for using piped as an app on Android

LordKitsuna ,

If you use the default piped instance then it's usually overloaded. You can either try finding an alternative or just host your own, personally I do the ladder I rented a VPS for 20 bucks a month and I host my own pipe there

LordKitsuna ,

The problem here is that you think the only viable method to charge an electric vehicle is a level 2 or above charger. The average person, even in more rural areas, generally drives less than 60 miles in a day. Which is something that can be recouped overnight with a standard 15 amp outlet. And that's assuming it's only plugged in for 8 hours. Most people's cars sit idle at home much longer than that. You don't even need to go Fancy with a dryer Outlet much less a level2 charger.

Unless you're somewhat remote area is over 200 mi from the nearest charger the majority of electric vehicles will get you there without you having to drive like a grandma. As many of them have somewhere on the order of 250 to 280 miles of range on a full charge now.

LordKitsuna ,

It's because everyone is trying to use generic models for every task which is obviously terrible. If you create a custom, naroscope model, you can do some surprising things. But that takes knowledgeable employees, time, and money, none of which companies want to do. Train ann llm exclusively on recordings of drive-thru interactions and it would probably end up being quite good at it.

I mean it wouldn't hurt to also use some microphones that don't sound worse than Dollar Store Windows 98 white beige desktop microphone but that's a different conversation

LordKitsuna ,

I mean, a countertop plug-in model is only a few hundred bucks for the good ones with actual true variable power. And thanks to their insanely higher efficiency because they're literally making the pot the heating element thus very little heat not going directly into the food those countertop models generally can boil water much faster than a gas range can even if it has the hyper burner or whatever your particular range marketing team decides to call it.

So you both use less power than a range, have better temperature control (as long as you get a unit with true variable power and not Duty Cycles) and faster heating speeds!

Related Technology connections time!


LordKitsuna ,

Just a warning for people that see this, generally you're going to want to spend more like $150 because you want to make sure you get a unit that has true variable power and not duty cycles. If you get one with Duty Cycles you're likely going to hate it because temperature control is going to be almost impossible unless what you want is full blast or almost nothing.

If the only thing you do is basically turn the stove on to high and that's it then you won't care but if you ever do anything that needs to hold a very specific temperature you are going to definitely want a unit that has a true variable power inverter so that it can actually change the power output instead of attempting to approximate that through Duty Cycles (turning on full blast then off in cycles)

LordKitsuna ,

Just make sure it has true variable power, for whatever reason a lot of the full range tops only have Duty Cycles. I was originally looking for a range top but after tons of searching and only finding duty cycle models unless i spent like 3kI gave up and got the countertop ones instead

LordKitsuna ,

Just use it for applications that need heat directly instead of electricity. Heating your home, your hot water, preheating your oven. And tbh even at 30% and that is better than the 0% we have when there's nowhere for renewable energy to go and it has to just be shut off. If the sand battery can be made very quickly and easily and cheaply the inefficiency doesn't matter so much at the moment because we just need fucking somewhere to put it

LordKitsuna , (edited )

People are wildly impatient about the dumbest things. I've been trying to push heat pump dryers because they use like a fourth of the electricity of a standard electric dryer but people don't want to because it takes slightly longer to dry heavy things like towels. But they have the added benefit of using very little heat because they're abusing the fact that they are condensers and are making the air very very dry so they don't need as much heat so they are far gentler on clothing

But they just hard refuse Despite the fact i know for an absolute fact all these people wait fucking hours after dryer is done to collect it or move it around. So it's a worthless argument

LordKitsuna ,

Given the amount of distance between that car and the crosswalk, and the fact that it's a crosswalk meaning the car is not going to be traveling at freeway speeds. I would hazard a third option and say maybe just kind of lightly press on the brakes? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

LordKitsuna ,

Then the car could just turn to the closest side and grind on the barrier to stop itself ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

LordKitsuna ,

I feel like not buying a Honda would be a pretty good way to opt out. In fact since the majority of car manufacturers are doing this bullshit I feel like simply not purchasing a new car is a great way to opt out of this.

Plenty of older not smart cars that are perfectly usable or fairly easily restored no reason to go dropping the money on a brand new one that's not only a privacy disaster but a repairability disaster on top of it.

I think my favorite is how almost all new cars now come with a sealed transmission with absolutely no way to replace the fluid in it with the claims of it being a "lifetime fluid" there is no such thing as a transmission fluid that can last and do its job forever, what they mean by LifeTime fluid is that it will last long enough to satisfy the warranty. And what they have deemed should be the usable life of the car.

LordKitsuna ,

It's been happening for a long time, even some cars is far back as 2012 have a supposed lifetime fluid. Although they at least still have the drain bolt so that you can say yeah that's cute and do it anyway. But lately the drain bolt has gone away and they are completely sealed meaning you can't change it even if you want to

LordKitsuna ,

For those of you who can't afford to have a professionally installed there is a brand called Mr DIY that sells complete kits with pre-charged quick connect lines for around $5,000 (can be both more or less depending on how many rooms you want heated/cooled) . They are very very easy to install, the worst you might need professionally is an electrician to set up a new circuit for you to power it if you're not comfortable doing that yourself

LordKitsuna ,

If you're willing to do it yourself you can go with the brand Mr DIY, they have precharged lines with quick connects and you can get the entire kit for around $5,000 which is much easier to stomach. Technically it would be less because it would still be eligible for any tax credits your power company or state may have and I believe there's a federal tax credit for heat pumps now?

LordKitsuna ,

I genuinely don't understand how anyone can believe this, I keep trying it over and over and over and it fails on the absolute most basic of business searches. And some of the directions it gives are just completely nonsensical, and it's voice guidance is absolutely terrible making it fairly easy to miss a Direction if you're not able to be looking at the screen

I hate giving my location to Google but at the end of the day they are still the only GPS navigation that doesn't suck at basic navigation

LordKitsuna ,

I don't just mean the voice, even just HOW it gives directions. Google maps gives you multiple warnings for a turn , one way before, one approaching, one right at. It also will often tell you which lane to take a turn in if multiple exist (use the second from the left lane to turn left) if your next turn is right after with little warning.

It's been a hot minute so i can try again to see if it's changed but directions were terrible with little extra warning and no taking the next direction into account.

The map was also just... Messy, little outlines for buildings everywhere a bunch of random green squares all over the map that I couldn't figure out how to turn off and wasn't even sure what they were meant to represent other than they seemed to roughly correspond with grassy or treed areas but for using it as a navigation app that is extremely annoying because it just makes the whole map of cluttered mess and makes it difficult to really tell what I'm looking at when I'm trying to drive and need to see my next Direction quickly and easily at a glance

LordKitsuna ,

I mean bisexual and lesbian women would still exist so I don't see why the concept of being slutty wouldn't.

I'll admit I don't really understand the concept of wanting to dress a certain way but also not wanting anyone to look at you for it? Like, I give a very little fucks about what people think I have gone to the store in my robe (sweats and basic tshirt under) in the winter before. I know damn well people are looking at me and thinking I'm just some trashy bum for it but I don't really give a fuck I'm doing it for me because it's comfortable it doesn't bother me in the slightest that they judge me for it, if anything they're probably just jealous.

And I feel like the same should extend to women that want to dress in revealing clothing, yeah some people are going to look at you for it. But why does that have to bother you? You're doing it for you not them

LordKitsuna ,

Desalination of water is basically an endless supply of salt, we can't just push it back into the ocean because that increases the salt concentration in the ocean which is actually not great and when done at scale. But we didn't really have anywhere else to put the salt because there's already an abundance of it for use elsewhere but if we start using salt for Batteries it would be a great place for salt from desalination to go

LordKitsuna ,

As usual there is absolutely no mention whatsoever anywhere in any of the articles I can find or from the company themselves about what the fucking price is

LordKitsuna ,

Then why bother putting the article here? Who out of us is going to actually care. I'm looking to expand the storage on my off-grid property and I would absolutely love something other than lithium especially if it can get cheaper per kilowatt hour. I got five acres to work with so I really don't care about the density just needs a decent cycle life and price

LordKitsuna ,

roughly the same speed as taking a car

Yeaaaaah no, not even remotely true. And i say that as a bus driver (king county metro so Seattle and surrounding areas.) Even on my express routes that shoot down main roads or highways with minimal stops, taking your car directly will get you from one end of the line to the other in less than half the time.

You literally just can't make public transit the same speed, direct A >B with no stops will always be faster, especially when people REFUSE to be fucking ready to go when i pull up. Most people are but all it takes is ONE person who waits till after I've pulled up, they waited to step in, and ONLY THEN do they bring out their bag and start digging for their money/orca now making the whole route 3min behind. Before long the route is 10min+ behind

LordKitsuna ,

It would not solve much because it's never going to be enforced by traffic police. There are several sections in Bellevue and in certain parts of Seattle where the lane is already dedicated 100% bus only but that doesn't stop people from blocking the lane traveling in it and just otherwise making the lane worthless.

I think my absolute favorite is on Aurora where people will start accelerating to get up in front of me, only to cut me off so that they can pull into a parking lot. It's not like they didn't know that the bus was just traveling forward and wasn't going to stop or turn into a parking lot, but they felt the need to accelerate and pass the bus so that they could get in front of it and then practically come to a stop to make a turn

Is it worth the solar panels I'm getting? ( lemmy.world )

I'm sorry for posting this here. There isn't a solar panel instance, nor did I see anything for electricians. I know there's been a lot of gripe with certain solar companies (solgen being in litigation, and others) but I didn't hear much about freedom forever, since they're new to Seattle area where I'm doing this. Reddit seems...

LordKitsuna ,

So long as you understand that you're paying out the ass for a company to do it. It's actually very simple to do yourself, and if you're willing to do it yourself for $20,000 you can get 20 KW of solar panels, 12 KW of inverter output and 32 KWh of battery storage from signature solar.

It's not difficult to do, it's not difficult to do properly and to code and safely. The amount that these people charge for the labor is fucking asinine and wildly out of line with the difficulty of the work done.

I have at this point installed three solar systems two for myself and one for a friend all of them have been inspected by Master electricians and passed and the only information I used was solar DIY Forum posts and YouTube videos

LordKitsuna ,

Yeah it's WAY WAY WAY easier if you DON'T grid tie. Off grid inverters with battery are the way to go. they are basically just a UPS on steroids they can take the grid as an input but they will never feed back into it. Meaning your power company need not be involved at all thankfully.

Honestly you really don't need to be all that familiar with the DC Systems either. There's so many amazing resources out there that will literally hold your hand through the whole process. What kind of cut-offs you need to have, what type of Breakers and where. Pass that just don't swap positive with negative and you're basically good to go it's a shockingly simple system which is why it's so disgusting how much they charge to install it

LordKitsuna ,

Lots of states are turning hostile towards metered solar, I have no doubt Washington will eventually join them so it might not be long-term a good idea. As for resources https://diysolarforum.com/ has a ton as does https://www.youtube.com/@WillProwse

As for equipment i can't recommend signature solar enough. I've had plenty of problems with the FedEx freight shipping but they've always been good about making sure everything is taken care of if there's any damage without much fuss (always take pictures of even the smallest box damage on delivery)

For example with a goal of about 20k spent This bundle gets you 12Kw of inverter output and 30Kwh of batteries for 11k. Then just grab two Of these solar panel pallets for 28Kw of panels.

Now ofc in summer you will never use that much BUT you should be sizing your array to account for the winter months rather than solar. If you indeed want to go grid tie you could get one of their bundles with the larger 12k single unit as I'm pretty it can backfeed

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