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Liz ,

The Florida reprocessing plant was an absolute mess. So many people were getting ridiculous exposure levels from that place and dying young.

Liz ,

Everything alive today is the pinnacle of evolution.

Liz ,

I've heard theories that key people probably had hallucinations of Jesus a few days after he was killed, which was the big thing that helped launch him from yet-another-apocalyptic-preacher to (eventually) God himself. I don't know how well these are accepted, though.

Liz ,

The explanation I heard was that it was likely Mary and Peter hallucinated Jesus only a few days after he died. That's a very common timeframe for when people hallucinate seeing dead loved ones, and the early descriptions in Bible match the flavor of dead loved-one hallucinations people typically have, with the figure assuring the person everything will be all right and whatnot. Other descriptions (like Jesus appearing to all twelve disciples or crowds of people) seem to have been written later more as persuasive arguments, with doubting Tomas acting as the stand-in for the skeptical listener. This is all from "How Jesus Became God" and I have no idea how mainstream or fringe the author's views are.

OP: "This is my most advance moon photograph EVER it consist of 81000 images and over 708GB of data." (see comments.)

From the other place:

Extremely high res moon photo, with enhanced colours. The surface is pockmarked and traces of different elements are apparent across the surface.
Liz ,

The Samsung moon actually just makes up a plausible looking moon, which is hilarious given that the moon essentially doesn't change, so they could have just overlayed reference images. Instead, you get features on the moon that don't exist.

Liz ,

Not even Huble can see them. The moon is HUGE and the remains on the moon are tiny.

Liz ,

Yeah when you get into "proper" photography you quickly realize a "real" image is somewhat subjective. This moon is cracked to 1000%, though.

Liz ,

See here's where this analogy is perfect. Sometimes a bicycle is the best solution, just like how sometimes a microcontroller is the best solution. You use the tool you need for the job, and American product design is creating way too many "smart" products just like how American town planning demands too many cars. Bring back the microcontroller! Bring back the bike!

Liz ,

The fact that "big titty goth girlfriend" is a phrase means that having big titties is not a requirement to be a goth girlfriend. No one says "athletic Olympic champion wrestler."

Liz ,

Did Disenchantment get better after the first season, because that first season was rough.

Liz ,

Ignoring the confusion between caliber and platform, .556 out of an AR-15 is still a great choice for anything roughly cat-to-human sized. Prairie Dogs, antelope, goats, sheep, foxes, coyotes, that sort of thing.

Liz ,

He fucked himself over with some of the auction houses by trying to set up backroom deal to buy a gun outside of the auction. Understandingly they don't appreciate that sort of thing. Ian has a history of not being a great person, but he's good at hiding it from the public eye.

Liz ,

It limits the accessibility of the information, meaning that both terrorists and freedom fighters will be less likely to find it. YouTube suppresses age restricted material, whether they claim to or not.

Liz ,

A gimp is any of the following:

  1. A cripple
  2. A particular kind of BDSM role
  3. Twisted silk, worsted, or cotton with cord or wire running through it, used chiefly as upholstery trimming.
  4. (in lacemaking) coarser thread which forms the outline of the design in some techniques.
  5. fishing line made of silk bound with wire.

The last three I got from the internet.

Liz ,

It's kinda a slur in the US in the sense that people claim it's a slur, but I've never heard anyone actually use it that way.

Liz ,

I believe it. I also love that phrase and now consider it the official Texas version.

Liz ,

I have come across a stranger online who looks exactly like me. We even share the same first name. We even live in the same area. I'm so excited for this wonderful new technology...


Liz ,

Linux Mint is the "I can't believe it's not windows" in the Linux world.

Liz ,

It's not a loophole, it's a private sale exception. A loophole would be an unintended result, but private sales have were intentionally exempted from background checks.

Anyway, the problem isn't that private sales don't require background checks, it's that some people are running businesses pretending to be private sellers. Those are the people the Biden administration is trying to target, not random people selling off a few old guns from their private collection.

Liz ,

It's so weird how AI content can have this "look" to it.

Liz ,

So what you're saying is, we all gotta just wank it like mad to get it out of our system?

Liz ,

Yeah I whitelist as much as I can, but the default is to block because there will be sites that I visit once that would be unusable otherwise. If I find myself visiting more than once, I turn off the ad blocker to see if the site is still usable. If it's not, sorry, no ad revenue for you, shitty site.

Liz ,

Question: what fraction of bits do you need to randomly flip to ensure the data is unrecoverable?

Liz ,

Eh I mean alphabet and Google do have legitimate reasons for antitrust lawsuits, but that's independent of how shit Google search has become.

Anyway, for those who are fed up with the terrible results, use Ecosia. I've basically never needed to use anything else and the advertising money goes towards planting trees responsibly to rebuild ecosystems.

Liz ,

I hate how the anatomy is wrong. The shoulder and forearm don't agree with each other.

Liz ,

Oh and the neck, and the hand, and the feet.....

I just want sexy gollum to be free from anatomical horrors.

Liz , (edited )

They're designed for impacts in mostly one direction. Your knees can run just fine, but a kick to the side and you can easily destroy them.

Liz ,

They fucking should have. I'm not gonna give China a pass just because Walmart got one.

Liz ,

They've also got much better lifespans, being able to cycle many more times with less capacity loss. As they currently stand, they're much better choices for stationary storage applications. However, I have seen them implemented in power tools and cars for their discharge rates, but it doesn't hurt that they will stay healthy for longer.

Liz ,

I mean, that game does not actually properly stimulate transportation. The solution is:

  1. multi use zoning to reduce commute distances
  2. Make every mode of travel equally safe, convenient, and pleasant.
Liz ,

The units are passengers per hour. If they didn't account for speed, pedestrians would theoretically be one of the highest, since you can pack people together fairly tightly and still have them walk.

Liz ,

Nah, very little of congestion is trucks. You can even see that in this picture. Plus, you're not trying to make driving easier, that will just cause more people to drive (one more lane bro). You make everything else easier and people choose to walk/bike/bus and the roads clear up because there's fewer people choosing to drive.

Liz ,

I have said it before, I will say it again: these protesters need to start peacefully carrying rifles en masse. When they do, we will start to find they won't get attacked by the police or counter protesters anymore.

Liz ,

By accident, which is just straight-up embarrassing. They voted the wrong way by accident and then never fixed it.

Liz ,

Sometime after the 30 minute mark NDT bitches about it.

Liz ,

Both tankies and liberals would object to being conflated with each other.

Liz ,

COVID extremely didn't end. It's still here and still fucking people up long term. We all just decided that either 1) we didn't care or 2) the reduced risk associated with being vaccinated was good enough.

Liz ,

They have been un-deleting after they ban.

Liz ,

I mean, sure but in the context of individual websites I don't see it being a big deal. There will be replacements, and relatively quickly. Accelerationism applied to major societal structures is a terrible idea though.

Liz ,

Pretty much. The question is built to cause arguments.

Liz ,

One time I found this old home movie my grandma made of their visit to the Grand Canyon back in the 50s. She’s filming the scenery and a couple times you can barely see my dad and uncles run by. We’re watching this in the mid ’00s – 50 years later, near the end of her life. She goes “Why didn’t I point the camera at them? I don’t care about the Grand Canyon."

That's when I quit taking pictures without people in them.

Liz ,

Love me some approval voting!

Liz ,

This is the fun part about arguing with Russian agents and people who drank the kool-aid, they shove words into your mouth. Either they're deliberately trying to make you look bad, or they're so stuck in their own world view they can't hear anything other than what they already believe.

Liz ,

Gotta change the voting system if you want to make it safe to vote for your favorite. Anything that satisfies no favorite betrayal would work. My favorite is Approval Voting but any of them would work.

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