@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar


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LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

You need to post again with higher resolution.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Well the resolution you posted is about the size of a postage stamp, so somehow there is a problem between your fancy camera and us. It’s not (only) a focus issue. The image is so low quality I can’t even assess the focus or lack thereof.

This image is just over 100 pixels by 100 pixels. For comparison, my phone takes pictures that are at least 3000 pixels on each axis.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Well cropping it shouldn’t change the actual resolution, so if that’s all you did then you might be out of luck. My assumption was the image was resized or compressed somehow. If it’s just a bad picture to start with then it’s probably not possible to identify.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Ah I understand what you were saying now. Yeah unless it’s a macro lens most cameras have difficulty with very small, close objects. Maybe some insect expert can make out enough detail from this image but I think it’s probably not possible.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Agreed. If you’ve lived somewhere ten years why should you be denied a vote? Frankly I would allow all residents to vote even when they first arrive but I’m sure this would be even more controversial.

Seems like a strange thing to riot over—is this being perceived in a lens of colonialism?

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Seemed like a decent article. What is the nature of your criticism?

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I feel like metro has more of a concrete definition and greater is more colloquial. I also feel like greater might sometimes include some further flung nearby communities.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

So what kind of speeds is a normal, non-elite athlete going to cruise at in these? And where can you ride them? I don’t fancy sharing the roads with monster trucks in something so low to the ground.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I did some reading and it seems like 30mph is a reasonable speed on flats. So similar to class 3 e-bikes.

Is it legal to ride them on bike trails generally?

How do people actually dumpster dive to get free food? Are there any other cheap/free ways like this to get food?

My local food bank can only provide 8 packages with referrals every time before you run out, and I have, but my situation hasn't improved financially due to various set backs and I'm struggling to feed myself. I've heard that supermarkets throw out massive amounts, but have never been in a position where dumpster diving seemed...

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I’ve rarely done it myself but my roommate did often and she got lots of things. Fancier grocery stores are usually the best. Depending on the neighborhood they can be locked though. Wealthier areas will have fewer people scrounging so more likely to be unlocked.

If you are a novice, start with non-perishable goods. Perishable goods can sometimes be fine too but requires more judgement.

That said, I have to believe that there must be more services available to you somewhere. Is there some office in your local government that can provide advice?

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

No, stay away unless you subscribe to Marxist-Leninist ideology. Alternative viewpoints (so the vast majority of people) will be strongly criticized at best and banned at worst.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Instant economic and infrastructure collapse as 50% of human labor is now missing.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah most people would survive but the electricity grid would probably go down, roads and airports would be shut down due to a instantaneous huge number of crashes, fires started might not be able to be put out due to lack of firefighters and no way to transport their equipment, etc. So not quite apocalyptic but probably comparable to a natural disaster or war across the entire earth.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

If you’re looking for credible conservatives who actually confront the shortcomings of capitalism, I can’t think of any. But these early writings were pretty well-thought out and are foundational to later ideas, so I think they’re worth reading.

First-time home buyers: how did you feel about getting a mortgage?

An option for me to buy a house has come up very suddenly and it seemed like a good idea at first - but I look at a mortgage and think "that's 15 years I'll spend paying back, at absolute minimum. Probably more like 25 years" - how can I possibly plan that far in advance?...

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I was a bit nervous at the time but looking back it was absolutely the right decision. If you’ve always been a renter, you can’t know the sense of peace that comes with knowing your home belongs to you and you can’t be evicted by someone else’s whim. I wasn’t aware of how it was weighing on me until I was free of it. Yes, I have to pay a mortgage but only a few years later it is much cheaper than local rents that I’d otherwise be paying. Overall it’s a much better way to live as long as it lines up financially for you.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Not just in Bengladesh… I was speaking to an elderly colleague last week who is losing his vision and he was sharing how afraid he is they will take his license. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that if he can’t see, it’s not safe to drive because knowing where he lives, he will otherwise be a prisoner in his own home. There is no alternative way to get around in his neighborhood.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

While I understand that not everyone is educated on these issues, I grew up in the suburbs and I always knew it was fucked, even if I didn’t know what a better system looked like. I really don’t understand how people can see that and think it’s somehow good.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

This concept of free association is interesting to me as I’m not very familiar with it. How does it not devolve into warring gangs of people seeking to undo each other’s work?

For example, a group of builders perceives a need for more housing, so they want to build an apartment building at the edge of town. Another group who gardens there is opposed. Clearly there is a need for some process that mediates between these groups. But if not through consensus or democracy, how is this done? Free association seems great for things that are not controversial, but almost any large project is going to be controversial, and there will be a nearly constant need to resolve such disputes. How to do so efficiently and without hierarchical relations is one of the biggest challenges to anarchy, and I don’t see how free association solves this issue.

LibertyLizard , (edited )
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Yeah I mean there are lots of possible mediation strategies but my experience is that having a formal process of who should be consulted and how disputes get settled does avoid a lot of conflicts and bad feelings. Of course, this does add complexity, places where hierarchies can creep in, and inefficiencies in solving community problems. So there is probably no one perfect system but we may need to experiment with lots of structures to see which has the best balance of features for each specific circumstance.

Maybe I misunderstood but Andrew seems to be indicating that there isn’t a need for formal groups to manage shared resources, and that such groups will naturally arise and disappear based on common interests. But I think there will naturally be factions with different priorities in terms of how common resources should be utilized, just as there are today. Perhaps as you say with a more developed sense of solidarity these problems will lessen but I have a hard time thinking they will disappear.

I am not sure I can envision how this free association concept would work in practice for these controversial issues, but I certainly am interested to see this principle in action on a small scale to find out.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I think you have a point and a decentralized system will only stay decentralized if it has practices and norms that actively combat the natural development of hierarchies. This is generally what we see in non-hierarchical forager societies which are generally the most successful examples we know of at putting these principles into practice. But at least historically, these societies have not been as successful at combatting hierarchical violence by outsiders. For this reason I think a larger real world anarchistic society cannot necessarily pursue maximum human freedom without considering economic efficiency, organized self-defense, etc. How to develop such institutions and practices without hierarchy is a largely unsolved question, and it may be necessary to learn by trial and error.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Would love to see resources on conflict resolution from anarchic societies if anyone has them.

My MIL is a community mediator using nonviolent communication which I highly recommend people read up on if they are interested. It’s interesting and useful stuff.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Don’t need to worry about elections if all your opponents are dead. Only revolution could save us from such a regime, and not a sure thing even then.

That said, I do have hope that most people would refuse to carry out such orders. Even in the Trump administration this was a problem for him. But this is an obstacle that can be overcome with enough attrition and yes-men.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I would like to do more research on alternative non-profit governance structures. In my experience, non-profit boards seem to be just another mechanism by which the wealthy control decision-making in society. However, I don’t know what kind of structure would be better.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I think workers coops are definitely better than private ownership but it seems like there should also be some involvement of the broader community being served (or negatively impacted in some cases) in the case of non-profits.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar


LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

So you don’t have one then? I’ve seen plenty of research on worker coops, and I’ve never seen any that supports this idea. Without any evidence I’m left to conclude that this is just capitalist apologia.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

So anecdotal? Have you worked in a worker’s coop? It’s hard to see how some workers taking advantage of others would be worse than the owner taking advantage of them but if you have seen it maybe you can explain how.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Ok, this doesn’t seem to be the overall picture in the economic literature but thanks for sharing your experience. Given that, I can see why you hold those views.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

Leftists need to unify to protect institutionalized capitalism. It’s the only way!

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I think the screams would be muffled but still audible. Until the bag is closed, the extradimensional space inside is connected to the outside world. However, since sound can only escape from the opening and not the sides of the bag, I would rule that it is much quieter, granting disadvantage on checks to hear the scream.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

I like to let people roll. The result may determine the consequences of failure.

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

A cell doesn’t have evidence of anything and is incapable of pondering such a thing. So the very idea of a cell having evidence is absurd.

The idea of a person having evidence is not absurd. And I would argue that there is evidence that there is not a higher consciousness in our bodies. There is no bodily system that behaves in a conscious way other than the brain.

r/dndmemes mod u/Dalimey100 is a fucking legend ( slrpnk.net )

u/Dalimey (who appropriately identifies as "LAWFUL STUPID" shared a warning from reddit admins issuing their final warning against making the sub NSFW (despite the fact that the users of the sub are in full support). They promised to reply to it with "roll for persuasion or intimidation" if they got 10k upvotes, and here is the...

LibertyLizard ,
@LibertyLizard@slrpnk.net avatar

How many legendary resistances does he get?

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