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Leviathan ,

I Always thought he just wanted to flush xitter, it never occurred to me that he was actually trying to succeed.

Leviathan ,

I really don't see why not if it tastes good. Sounds like a win all around if you want to eat meat.

Leviathan ,

People will probably study this phenomenon for a long time to come, but people become wildly fanatical when a person in power shares their bigoted views and people in power can't seem to resist turning it up to 11 because those types of fans make you feel like an absolute god.

Maybe from her POV being famous for writing the books became mundane, but all these people suddenly treating her like she's a sociopolitical genius probably hits that reward button so well she just can't stop taking another hit.

Leviathan ,

You bastard son of a dog-fucking whore. I won't click your link you nazi piece of shit.

Leviathan ,

I'm perfectly fine with hating and even blaming developers. These are people who have decided that making money is a good enough excuse to cause suffering.

Leviathan ,

None of that is luxury, it's overpriced garbage for morons who destroy every neighborhood they move into.

Leviathan ,

Wow, you were wrong as fuck there. You gonna be an adult and own up to it?

Leviathan ,

I don't trust the government, but if I look something up and come to the same conclusions, so be it. I don't listen to the internet, or Joe Rogan style propagandists. I'm not gonna knee-jerk oppose something just because the government agrees. This is your, and people like you's, problem. You're so afraid your peers will perceive you as "trusting the (wrong) government" or going against your favorite propagandists that you will actively oppose your own best interest.

Leviathan ,

If only kissing and grooming teens was enough for this to happen on its own.

Leviathan ,

The fact that there's a video of him kissing a girl, then asking her age, then finding out she's a teenager, then talking about liking feeling her breasts, then kissing her again, probably helps people come to that conclusion.

I'm still not sure how so many people have come to the conclusion that this isn't an actual thing that he did. Probably hero worship.

[Serious] Why do so many people seem to hate veganism?

Seen a lot of posts on Lemmy with vegan-adjacent sentiments but the comments are typically very critical of vegan ideas, even when they don't come from vegans themselves. Why is this topic in particular so polarising on the internet? Especially since unlike politics for example, it seems like people don't really get upset by it...

Leviathan ,

I've never once in the last decade seen a single vegan post other than recipes. What I do see is constant posts about how "vegans are always throwing it my face/holier than thou", "I'm gonna eat extra meat because vegans make me feel bad". I really don't think vegans are the problem, I think these fools fall for every single piece of beef industry propaganda that comes across their screens.

Leviathan ,

Dumb fucks who fall for propaganda on every platform.

Leviathan ,

What does what your ancestors did have to do with what we now know about modern factory farming? The question was about still eating beef despite what we know today, what does that have to do with your ancestors? Is your comment not the very definition of a strawman?

Leviathan ,

Today half of these people would have been convinced by dudes on social media that real men don't support this cause. Or Joe Rogan would've convinced them that it's a communist plot. Or Alex Jones would've had them thinking it's a globalist conspiracy to try and get us to eat bugs. They're all just different feathers on the conservative propaganda wing. These people are a direct threat to our society's progress.

Leviathan ,

Public services shouldn't be profitable.

Leviathan ,

You know, if it's literally 8 guys, what are the chances that they're not all sat in a room and one goes "hey, there's a lot of evidence that switching to a four day workweek would be better in every way and would not affect our productivity or profits in any way. Do you think we should all adopt it in all our companies and change the world and people's lives for the better?" and they all take a moment and look at each other and as they all burst out laughing one says "fuck those losers, let them suffer" and they all high five and go back to drinking champagne out of panda skulls or whatever it is they do.

How should I change my polite behavior to be more accommodating?

My parents raised me to always say "yes sir" and "no ma'am", and I automatically say it to service workers and just about anyone with whom I'm not close that I interact with. I noticed recently that I had misgendered a cashier when saying something like "no thank you, ma'am" based on their appearing AFAB, but on a future visit...

Leviathan ,

I always look "mate" to be totally gender neutral.

Leviathan ,

Nah a lot of people thought her name was Heather Brooke because Heather and a girl named Brooke were in a video and some early internet user named the bootleg video Heather Brooke. Many people, including this reporter, were under the mistaken impression that that was her name. Her actual name is Heather Harmon.

Leviathan ,

I don't know. I can't remember what I had for dinner yesterday but I can remember the mousetrap jingle word for word.

Life's funny that way.

Leviathan ,

I don't know if it's different now, but when I studies cabinetmaking we were told that that shit outgasses urea formaldehyde for years. I wouldn't want that in my home.

Senior Democrat calls for arrests of ‘leftwing fascists’ urging Gaza ceasefire ( www.theguardian.com )

Protesters calling for Israel to cease fire in its war with Hamas who have disrupted US public events and infrastructure are practicing “leftwing fascism” or “leftwing totalitarianism”, a senior US House Democrat said, adding that such protesters are “challenging representative democracy” and should be arrested....

Leviathan ,

MLK definitely supported rioting as a legitimate form of protest.

Leviathan ,

I had this on a t-shirt for years! It's great.

Leviathan ,

I don't think they're misguided, I just think that even if we solved the capitalist exploitation driving the meat industry they would still care about animal suffering on a micro scale. I also feel like you're making a lot of assumptions about them based on that singular focus. Your view of the issue as a whole is just as myopic as his.

Leviathan ,

I've seen a lot more hate coming from non vegans, both unprompted (like this post) and in reaction to casual posts about a recipe or something on social media.

Leviathan ,

I spent the last couple of years selling and eating fancy cheeses and I'd say that isn't true. Some are better melted, some I let come to room temperature long before eating and some (almost none, though) I prefer cold.

Trust me, some cheeses will turn into an oily puddle when melted.

My guess is your experience is with young, semisoft, and American cheeses?

Leviathan ,

Are you talking about those antivax pieces of garbage who harassed homeless people and local businesses because another country wouldn't let them across their border?

choosing a lemmy instance ( lemmy.blahaj.zone )

Alt: "Choose your own radical identity" followed by an anarchist flag with half of it being blank. Next to it are crayons in different colors, referencing different anarchist orientations using different colours to fill the space. At the bottom it says: "A DIY activity book for ages 9-12"

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